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Keybord And Controller ImprovementsApr 28, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsHi people, I finished the control improvements update. Here are the changes. 1 - Fixed joystick move acceleration. 2 - Added aiming with mouse. Finally you can aim with mouse. Its similiar to aiming with joystick. You move little dot using mouse. 3 - Added rebind keys(key assignment) page. You can replace almost any assignment with any key you want. 4 - Also you can navigate and select menu items with mouse. Not Control Related - Fixed getting stuck in slow motion when returning to the main menu while dyingRebind keys and aiming with mouse for keyboard playersApr 25, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsI am aware of some problems for keyboard players. 1- Rebind keys: Honestly I trust the steam rebind settings. But I missed its just for controller. Keyboard players are suffer too much. So I want to add a rebind keys settings. 2- Aiming with mouse: I was thinking keyboard + mouse option may be more easy than controller for leaderboard. But just keyboard option became more harder than controller version. I want to balance the difficulty of the two sides. So i want to add aim with mouse without touching the original mechanics. Sorry for the bad experience. I will make the game playable with the keyboard as soon as possible. But this updates will take a few days. Best, GokyolcuRespawn Speed UpdateApr 25, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsI heard slow motion effect more annoying than the game. So i decided increase die speed. -You can die x2 faster