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Will Fight for Food Super Actual Sellout Game of the Hour

Now with achievements!Jul 16, 2015 - Community AnnouncementsIs the allure of putting on a Luchador mask and solving an entire city's problems via conversation or brawling not quite enough for you? If you are that specific type of person, you now have the extrinsic motivation of 33 achievements to motivate you! Go get 'em, tiger!Now with achievements!Jul 16, 2015 - Community AnnouncementsIs the allure of putting on a Luchador mask and solving an entire city's problems via conversation or brawling not quite enough for you? If you are that specific type of person, you now have the extrinsic motivation of 33 achievements to motivate you! Go get 'em, tiger!UpdateMay 31, 2015 - Community AnnouncementsDear luchadores from all corners of the Earth, We've updated WFFF: SAS: GOTH to fix a few scripting and quest errors in the game. Enjoy both (a) beating people up, and/or (b) talking to people to fix their life problems!UpdateMay 31, 2015 - Community AnnouncementsDear luchadores from all corners of the Earth, We've updated WFFF: SAS: GOTH to fix a few scripting and quest errors in the game. Enjoy both (a) beating people up, and/or (b) talking to people to fix their life problems!