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Way of the Red

Big Update + 50% Off!Nov 16, 2017 - Community AnnouncementsI've released a new update to Way of the Red which improves many things that had been rushed or sloppily implemented upon release. This update includes: A new boss at the end of the Arid Wastes zone Boss life bars A minigame located in the Arid Wastes town Improvements to the glitchy movement of wolf enemies Improved boss AI and tweaking of their stats to prevent weird reactions with walls and/or strange behavior in general Fixed minor bugs brought to my attention by the players, this includes some out-of-bounds collision issues I've also posted a no-commentary walkthrough of the game here: Along with this patch, the price of the game has been reduced by half. Thanks for playing Way of the Red!Big Update + 50% Off!Nov 16, 2017 - Community AnnouncementsI've released a new update to Way of the Red which improves many things that had been rushed or sloppily implemented upon release. This update includes: A new boss at the end of the Arid Wastes zone Boss life bars A minigame located in the Arid Wastes town Improvements to the glitchy movement of wolf enemies Improved boss AI and tweaking of their stats to prevent weird reactions with walls and/or strange behavior in general Fixed minor bugs brought to my attention by the players, this includes some out-of-bounds collision issues I've also posted a no-commentary walkthrough of the game here: Along with this patch, the price of the game has been reduced by half. Thanks for playing Way of the Red!Update Notes: 11 19 2016Nov 19, 2016 - Community AnnouncementsHello everyone. Due to all the excellent feedback, I've released a substantial update to WotR. Here is a breakdown of what has changed: Added more save points to the game overall. Now, on average, there is one save point per room, whereas before there were many difficult areas with save points 2-4 rooms apart. You can now move with the dpad as well as the analog stick if you so desire. Thanks to user pook99 for suggesting this. Don't know why I didn't think of it! Gave more obvious hints about where you're supposed to go in the first zone. Many people were confused about this area and ended up running around for a very long time trying to figure out where to go/what to do. Climbing is now slightly faster. There will probably be more updates to come in the future. If you've already beaten the game, I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope these little flaws didn't get in the way too much before I was able to fix them. Thanks for your reviews, kind words, and patience.Update Notes: 11 19 2016Nov 19, 2016 - Community AnnouncementsHello everyone. Due to all the excellent feedback, I've released a substantial update to WotR. Here is a breakdown of what has changed: Added more save points to the game overall. Now, on average, there is one save point per room, whereas before there were many difficult areas with save points 2-4 rooms apart. You can now move with the dpad as well as the analog stick if you so desire. Thanks to user pook99 for suggesting this. Don't know why I didn't think of it! Gave more obvious hints about where you're supposed to go in the first zone. Many people were confused about this area and ended up running around for a very long time trying to figure out where to go/what to do. Climbing is now slightly faster. There will probably be more updates to come in the future. If you've already beaten the game, I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope these little flaws didn't get in the way too much before I was able to fix them. Thanks for your reviews, kind words, and patience.