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War of Conquest

Bug Fix ReleaseAug 3, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsFirst new client release in nearly four years! Fixes a problem that could cause the landscape not to draw correctly (ocean would appear where land should be, and no orbs or resources would show up).Game Update: A Brave New WorldOct 5, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsToday's update adds a second game server aimed at new, solo, and casual players, gives players on the first server a lot more manpower, allows nations to go incognito, and more. ChangesAdded a second game world server: Algaroth. This new server will be targeted at new, solo, and casual players, while the original server, Terra Bellum, will be aimed more at hardcore players. The two game worlds will therefore have slightly different rules and limitations. Algaroth will be the default server for new players. Players are welcome to have nations in both worlds -- login usernames and passwords that work on one server will work on the other as well.Players on Algaroth will be limited to using no more than one account (username) in a seven day period. Nations on Algaroth are limited to purchasing (or receiving by transfer) no more than 2500 credits per calendar month. Manpower generation and capacity on Algaroth will be the same as it has been on Terra Bellum up to this point.On Terra Bellum, mainland manpower generation rate and capacity are now 3X what they were previously. This will allow much longer play time, or much larger teams, without running low on manpower. The cost of buying manpower has been lowered by 50%, and no longer increases the more a nation purchases. However, nations are now limited to buying no more than 100% of their manpower capacity per day, down from over 200% previously.Introduced the ability for nations to go "incognito". This hides the nation's identity so they can strike anonymously, at the cost of 40% of the energy generated by the nation. A nation must develop Mass Illusion to enable the incognito ability, and once a nation goes incognito it must remain that way for at least 2 hours. For more information see the player guide.The Total Defense ability now comes with the advances Brainwave Disruption and Cybanthropic Merge (rather than Electronics). There is now a minimum required level for researching these advances: 30 for Cybanthropic Merge, 25 for Brainwave Disruption. Fealty for the three level tiers now lasts 6, 12, and 24 hours (up from 0.5, 8 and 24 hours). A nation now receives a reward of 10 credits for each level gained.The credit payout of the Orb of Fire has been reduced from 16 to 10 per hours, and the Orb of Destiny from 8 to 6 per hour.A nation's starting maximum manpower capacity has increased from 7200 to 10,000 (and now 3X that on Terra Bellum).A nation's starting Hit Points per Square has been reduced from 8 to 6.The chat window now defaults to a mode that displays the chat tabs.Entries on the Quests panel now allow more room for displaying a quest's XP reward. This is necessary because the XP reward of many 2nd and 3rd tier quests have been increased substantially.If a device is used by a veteran player, then a Steam account on that device will now also be considered a veteran account.