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TRF - The Race Factory

TRF will become free soon.Feb 22, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsHello everyone, As a quick update, I just wanted to say that TRF will become Free to Play soon. I enjoyed working on this game, but other things have taken priority in my life, and I can no longer support this project I began as a hobby. Because of TRF reaching end of support, I decided to switch the game to Free To Play on all platforms, Steam, Xbox and Android. This will occur over the coming days. Thanks to everyone who bought and enjoyed the game over the past few years, it's been fun! Kind Regards, OliverHotfix Released for Collision IssuesAug 31, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsThere were a lot of collision issues that crept in somehow. I'm not sure how, likely an internal change to the game engine I use. Either way, these should mostly be fixed with this hotfix.TRF is out now and Free-To-Play on Android devices!Jun 13, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsHey everyone, Just a quick post to let you know that TRF is now available for Android over on the Google Play Store. The game is fairly similar to the PC release, however has a few omissions, due to the nature of mobile devices. The game is singleplayer There is currently no track creator, although a simplified version may be added. There is no ability to share tracks. There is no Elimination mode. Other than that, the core gameplay is intact. And there is time trial mode with leaderboards. You can download it over at: I hope you all enjoy!Version 2022-004 Released! Demo Updated to Latest Version!Jun 5, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsHey Everyone, This version has a few bug fixes. I also updated the Demo, as it was based on a May 2021 release, and didn't contain the latest fixes etc. Here's the full changelog for 2022-004: 2022-004 (05-06-2022): FIX: Fixed an issue causing cars to be slower than they were before. FIX: Potentially fixed an issue with AI cars being very slow in Battle Arena's after some time. FIX: Fixed several issues with the Elimination mode. FIX: Fixed an issue with Kill Trail mode split-screen cameras. Thanks for the support everyone! - OliverVersion 2022-003 Released!May 22, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsJust a quick fix for a crash that could happen in Return the Flag and Hold the Gold modes when playing at lower screen resolutions.Versions 2022-002 Released! Fixes for Leaderboards, AI Pitting, Tyre Wear & MoreMay 18, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsHey everyone, It's been a while since the last update, but I had a couple of bug reports to run-through, as well as a couple of things I had noticed myself, so I thought I'd do a quick update to fix these bugs ready for the summer. Here are the patch notes for 2022-002: 2022-002 (18-05-2022): CHANGE: Internal changes related to Steamworks SDK and Steam Support. CHANGE: Internal engine updated for stability. CHANGE: Made the AI pathing on battle maps slightly more fine. FIX: Fixed an issue where parts of the Cops & Racers mode were not working correctly. FIX: Fixed the issue where the total time would go off-screen when a race exceeded 10 minutes in length. FIX: Improved AI behaviour around pit stops, making them more reliable. FIX: Cars no longer gain as huge a speed boost when tyre wear is poor. FIX: Time Trial leaderboards should now work again. Thanks everyone for your support! - OliverVersion 2022-001 Released!Feb 3, 2022 - Community Announcements2022-001 (03-02-2022): ADD: Added a SimpleFlips logo for cars, with permission from SimpleFlips. ADD: Zoom levels 0.5 and 0.75 added for high resolutions. CHANGE: Culling distance adjusted slightly to reduce pop-in when travelling at high speeds. CHANGE: You can now right click or press X on gamepad(Xbox) to go back on the car logo roulette. CHANGE: You can use your gamepads D-Pad on some menus to snap the cursor to buttons now. The D-Pad no longer just moves the cursor slowly. FIX: You no longer have to click twice when scrolling through car logos to loop back to the first logo. FIX: Fixed some text belonging to the Xbox version of the game showing in the Steam release.The Race Factory is out now on Xbox!Jan 6, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsHello everyone! I'm happy to announce that TRF is now available for purchase on the Xbox Store for the same price as it is here on Steam. Feature-wise the game is almost identical, with the exception of no ability to share tracks online on the Xbox release, as there is no Steam Workshop. Leaderboards for Time Trials are still functioning however, as they use a separate system from Steam. You can purchase the game on Xbox here: Thanks for all the support!Version 2021-025 Released!Dec 30, 2021 - Community Announcements2021-025 (30-12-2021): CHANGE: Tracks should load a bit faster in the level select screen on slower systems. FIX: If a track that has been loaded in memory is unavailable when entering the lobby, the game will now try and revert back to Grass Raceway 1 to prevent a softlock. FIX: Fixed water detection over tracks when High Track Quality is unticked. FIX: Weapon pads will actually have, y'know, weapons in them now. This was an unfortunate side effect of the new culling method. FIX: Fixed a crash that happens at the end of events.Version 2021-024 Released!Dec 30, 2021 - Community Announcements2021-024 (30-12-2021): FIX: Fixed a crash where tracks were not deleted correctly, meaning tracks stay visible in the track select even after they've been deleted. FIX: Fixed a crash when loading the base battle arenas. FIX: Fixed a crash when painting Player 5-8's cars.Version 2021-023 Released!Dec 29, 2021 - Community Announcements2021-023 (29-12-2021): CHANGE: Optimized GPU usage of the terrain. CHANGE: Further CPU optimizations for the AI. CHANGE: Optimized CPU & GPU usage for tracks with large amounts of placeables. FIX: Terrain is now correctly changed again when selecting environment in the track editor.Version 2021-022 Released!Dec 26, 2021 - Community Announcements2021-022 (26-12-2021): FIX: Fixed a crash when selecting object placing in the editor. FIX: Bushes, Cacti and Rocks can now be placed again in the editor.Version 2021-021 Released!Dec 24, 2021 - Community Announcements2021-021 (24-12-2021): CHANGE: Optimized AI CPU usage slightly. FIX: Fixed an issue where the track sometimes would render incorrectly when "High Track Quality" isn't ticked. FIX: Fixed a crash when pressing the boost button on gamepad. FIX: Event settings should no longer affect championship races. FIX: Event settings should no longer affect Time Trials.Version 2021-020 Released!Dec 22, 2021 - Community Announcements2021-020 (22-12-2021): CHANGE: Significantly optimized CPU usage. CHANGE: Slightly optimized GPU usage. CHANGE: Changed how the Pulse weapon works slightly. CHANGE: Changed how shadows work, some trees will place shadows on others, and shadows can be darker/lighter depending on how much shade is present. CHANGE: Improved the gamepad controls in the track editor. FIX: Fixed an issue where changing the weaponset would sometimes leave leftovers of the previous selected weaponset. FIX: Fixed seamines not being visually destroyed when they explode. FIX: Fixed some AI issues with busses. FIX: Fixed some issues with gamepad in the editor. FIX: Fixed an issue where the previous tracks terrain would remain present when switching between race and battle tracks. FIX: Fixed a crash that could occur when Steam doesn't respond with the time trial rankings at the end of a time trial. FIX: Fixed a crash that could occur when you finish a time trial at a similar time to the ghost replay. REMOVE: Removed some debug text that was accidentally left in.Release Notes for 2021-019Dec 10, 2021 - Community Announcements2021-019 (10-12-2021): ADD: Added small text at the bottom telling player they need to slow down to pit the car. CHANGE: You can no longer use ALT+ENTER to change between Windowed/Fullscreen as this causes issues, please use the options menu for this in future. CHANGE: You can no longer resize the window manually, the Resolution option can be used to change window size. CHANGE: Internal engine updated for more stability. FIX: Game no longer reverts back to Windowed when returning to the main menu when you have selected Fullscreen previously. FIX: Fixed some issues where dirt particles would be kicked up on a road track. FIX: Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred at the end of a time trial event. FIX: Possibly fixed a crash that could occur when a ghost replay reaches the finish. Some other issues may have been fixed, as some tracks had incorrect formatting which may have caused odd issues on the original 20 tracks included in the game.TRF is 50% off, all profits going to charity!Dec 1, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsHey everyone, TRF is 50% off until the 13th of December. During this time, any profits made from sales of the game will be donated to charities through the Yogscast Jingle Jam. More info on that here: I've watched the Jingle Jam event for the past few years, and wasn't able to participate in anyway. And although I can't officially participate in it this year, I at least have something that could maybe contribute to it in some way. So I hope anyone who has this game on their wishlist will choose this time to buy it! Thanks for your support everyone! - OliverVersion 2021-018 Released! Fuel/Tyre Wear, 2 new tracks based on Real Locations!Nov 30, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsHey everyone, This update has been a little while in the works, and in preparation for the Career mode that I'm working on for TRF, I've added Tyre Wear and Fuel to the game. These are both somewhat experimental features, to use them you need to enable "Fuel/Tyre Wear" as a mutator for your event. It only works in the 'Race' game mode, and it only works on tracks which have at least 8 pit buildings placed in them. If you are making tracks, make sure the pit stops are close to the track, and easily accessible, as the AI basically need to be near a pit and have a straight line to the pit in order to use them. 2 new tracks have also been added to the game, which have support for pit stops, they are based in Britain and Australia, specifically on Silverstone and Albert Park. There is also a bunch of bug fixes which has fixed some new as well as longstanding issues, here's the full patch notes: 2021-018 (30-11-2021): ADD: Added Real World Location Track: Australia ADD: Added Real World Location Track: Britain ADD: Added Fuel usage to cars. (Activated by a Mutator) ADD: Added Tyre wear to cars. (Activated by a Mutator) ADD: Pit stop buildings can now be used to refuel and replace tyres. 8 Pit stops must be on the track to work. NOTE: Pit Stops must be placed on/near the track to work, as the AI need a clear path to drive to them from the racing line. FIX: Fix an issue where terrain was incorrectly placed when loading up a track in the editor. FIX: Finally fixed the pit-stop building collision issues. FIX: Fixed no maps being available for Kill Trail mode. FIX: Fixed some terrain detection issues where terrain was misplaced by 2000 pixels to the North West. FIX: Fixed AI not being slowed down by being on a poor terrain type. FIX: Terrain is now visible again on the main menu. FIX: Gamepads will no longer vibrate for no reason when the car is stationary. FIX: Fixed the wrong part of the track being visually "underwater" in both the game and track previews. FIX: Fixed some terrain decals being incorrectly placed on water. Thanks for your support! - OliverVersion 2021-017 Released, Fixes Time Trial Mode, Changed Terrain EditorNov 28, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsHey everyone, This patch fixes a few issues with the game, mainly with the time trial mode, I noticed World Record ghosts were not being uploaded to the server, and also sometimes ghost files never got through either. This patch should fix most of the issues with this, alongside some other things. Full Patch Notes: 2021-017 (28-11-2021): CHANGE: Altered the way terrain editing works in the editor, you now select what terrain you want and click to make it that, rather than hold left click to gradually raise/lower land. Brush Strength values closer to 1 are higher terrain, 0.2 is deep water. CHANGE: Optimized the AI to use less CPU resources. CHANGE: Changed how AI sounds are processed, reduces their CPU usage by about 30%. CHANGE: Internal game engine updated, for more stability. CHANGE: Map sizes are now adjusted when entering a level to try and prevent the camera not being able to center each players car at the edge of tracks. FIX: Fixed an issue in certain weather conditions where a rectangle would appear around Player 1. FIX: Fixed an issue where Players 2-4 would not see rain on their screens in the "Rain" weather condition. FIX: Prevented leaving a time trial when you have gotten the WR time but the ghost has not yet uploaded. FIX: Fixed an issue where sometimes your time wouldn't be saved when finishing a time trial. FIX: Fixed a potential crash when editing terrain outside the world map in the track editor. FIX: Fixed an issue where your ghost data would not be uploaded to the server when getting World Record. REMOVE: Removed some additional debug text shown during a Kill Trail game. Thanks for your support! - OliverRevenue for December 1st-13th will be going to Charity!Nov 22, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsHey everyone, Every year, the Yogscast host a charity stream during December where they host a bundle of games and give the proceeds of the bundle to charity. TRF isn't in this bundle sadly, but I'd still like to participate in some way, so I'm happy to announce that net revenue from the 1st of December to the 13th of December (the length of the Yogscast charity streams) will be going towards the charities selected by them. Because of this, TRF will not be participating in any discounts/sales until early December, when the game will be discounted to encourage sales that will go towards charity. I hope you understand. If you'd like more information on the Yogscast event, then please head on over to: I hope you all have a great day! - OliverVersion 2021-016 Released, TRF's 1st anniversary! New Game Mode, Dynamic WeatherOct 27, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsHey everyone, It's now been 1 year since TRF launched on Steam, thank you all for your support! To celebrate, a new update is being released, this update adds a new game mode that is playable by up to 4 players. It is based on the TRON/Snake, where each car leaves a trail behind it, and has to try and make the other drivers hit their trail, whilst not slowing down themselves, or hitting another trail, including their own! Alongside this, dynamic rain and dynamic snow are appearing as new weather types, when the weather is set to these, the intensity of rain/snow will vary throughout the race, causing changing driving conditions and visibility. I hope you all enjoy this update, here's the full changelog: 2021-016 (27-10-2021): ADD: Added a new game mode: Kill Trail, for up to 4 players. ADD: New Weather Type: Dynamic Rain ADD: New Weather Type: Dynamic Snow ADD: Added some new AI names for the AI drivers to choose from. CHANGE: Updated to a newer engine version, improving stability. CHANGE: Re-balanced some weapon presets. CHANGE: Adjusted and optimized the particles system. CHANGE: Optimized the culling system for objects out of view, should have increased performance on large, busy tracks. CHANGE: Some default settings changed, zoom level changed from 1.25 to 1.5, and the track map is now on by default. FIX: Fixed the collision box for Pit buildings. FIX: Fixed multiple errors related to event results and tournament standings when there are less than 8 cars in an event. FIX: Fixed a crash that could occur when there were less than 8 cars in an event. FIX: Fixed an issue where the rev counter wasn't visible even when on manual transmission. FIX: The Championship name no longer overlaps other text in the championship map screen. FIX: Basic terrain is now drawn in the championship map screen. FIX: Fixed a crash that could occur when getting World Record while offline, and then getting a slower World Record online. FIX: Fixed an issue where Cops & Racers events wouldn't end after all racers have been eliminated when there's less than 8 cars. FIX: Fixed an issue where your time wouldn't be uploaded to the Steam leaderboards if the first attempt to upload the time failed. FIX: Fixed an issue where drivers would not be properly introduced to the game if you lowered the car limit below 4 and changed game modes. FIX: Fixed an issue where the "joined players" panels at the bottom would incorrectly light up if there was less than 4 cars in an event. FIX: Fixed an issue where sometimes log fences would not be destroyed correctly.