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Trash Horror Collection

Big Update!Jul 13, 2023 - Community Announcements. The "Bonus" tab was removed and the games were all placed in the "Choose game" tab... . Added a new game: Hill Maniac, Totaling 13 games in this collection. . All games have been reviewed and optimized. Hill Maniac - Trailer Added two more gamesJun 22, 2022 - Community Announcements I added 2 new games as a bonus, update your game on the Steam Client. Games have been added in a separate collection games section. What games have been added? - Thursday the 12 th "TRUTH LOOP" is a short game with a scary story and bizarre moments... It has a "LOOP" style of gameplay, you keep repeating an action while the game and the story progress. - TRUTH LOOP "Thursday the 12 th" is a clear reference and inspiration from the movie "Friday the 13th", the golden age of VHS tapes. A short game with some tense moments and being inspired by the cult horror of the 80s. Hope you like it, Thank you all. att Rafael Braza - 616 GAMES STUDIO.