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Thousand Threads

Thousand Threads is now in German!Nov 7, 2021 - Community Announcements- German localization, by Thomas Faust! - Fixed Autosave bug where it would try to autosave when turned off - Fixed a couple of MacOS UI bugsUpdate 1.1.2Jan 16, 2021 - Community Announcements- Controllers are now customizableUpdate 1.1.1Jan 5, 2021 - Community Announcements- Minor optimizations - Reduced sizeNominate Thousand Threads for Outstanding Visual Style!Nov 27, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsHi everybody, Steam awards are happening and I'd love your nomination for Outstanding Visual Style! And while you're here, pick it up on sale if you haven't already. I really appreciate all your support over the years. Means a lot. — BrettPeace Mode and Fast Travel!Sep 16, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsNew in version 1.1: Peace Mode To make for an even more relaxing experience, now when starting a new game, you get the option to play in Peace Mode. You can have peaceful animals (wolves and bears will run away), peaceful people (no one will attack you or offer violent jobs), or both. And this can be changed at anytime while playing in Settings, even on existing game saves. Fast Travel You'll now find signposts in several regions which act as fast travel points. Walk up to one, select another previously discovered signpost, and you'll be whisked away. Thanks! Thanks for all your support, reviews, and suggestions! Let me know if you have ideas for future updates. And please share with your buds! — BrettUpdate 1.0.9 - Better mail interactionAug 20, 2020 - Community Announcements- people now talk more about the mail when you hand-deliver, and can be asked about it after delivery - reduced amount of metal and stone requested in jobs to closer match availability - fixed bug where some NPCs weren't showing up in certain menus - fixed minor job creation bug - fixed chairRelease notes - 1.0.0-1.0.8Aug 11, 2020 - Community Announcements1.0.8 - fixed typo in fossil description - end credits letter is now in mailbag - lowered requirements for jobs lv3 achievement - collectibles stay in inventory even when you have 0, so you can see how many you've collected - postmaster and collector now close when danger is nearby to prevent possible problems - NPCs talk less when they hate you - adjusted jobs pacing and set some limits on number of current jobs 1.0.7 - fixed witness betrayal dialogue bug - fixed a bug with shops getting restocked when shopkeeper is dead 1.0.6 - fixed mail bug that caused crash and added some other minor fixes 1.0.5 - improved autosaves to be spaced out at a set interval (0 min, 10, 20, 30, 40) 1.0.4 - removed unreachable map cells - tried to fix possible bug with OneOfAKind items jobs - fix for shopkeeper being able to be assisted 1.0.3 - fixed some mail bugs that should allow certain broken saves to load - small UI fixes 1.0.2 - added a way to load and delete specific saves for a given game 1.0.1 - autosave improvements - mail pickup interaction distance expanded - mail delivery bug fixed - made certain resources worth more when selling to shops - fixed bug where certain types of jobs weren't being offered - other misc. bugs fixes 1.0.0 - Initial ReleaseThousand Threads is a chilled out walking sim that runs on petty violenceAug 11, 2020 - Rock, Paper, Shotgun I’ve seen my share of American media that treats postal workers with a patriotic significance. To an extent, it makes sense. Some of the most revolutionary changes to human societies followed rapid developments in communication technology or infrastructure. We’re in the middle of such a period right now, even. Thousand Threads is a walking simulator with an open world light RPG-ish simulation on top. It is a little bit, like Death Stranding, about how a courier or postman can hold a society together. It’s a vastly more relaxing and low-key game, and about walking in the woods and observing the dynamic behaviour of its many NPCs than rebuilding or fighting or pontificating. There’s not even a story as such. But through playing it over these last few days, I have come to understand that it is not, in fact, the player’s role as a noble postal worker holding this society together. It is Gretchen Anderson. (more…) Thousand Threads is out now!Jul 30, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsThousand Threads is out now! And I'd love your help to make the launch a success: - Buy TODAY if you can! (Please don't put yourself in a bind though.) This is how games get promoted to the New and Trending list on Steam, and that helps others find it. - Share! Retweet. Post on Reddit. Stream. Message a friend. It all helps. - Write a kind review. It's been a near six-year, solo development journey of learning Unity and programming in C#, building and rebuilding systems, designing and scrapping features, figuring out 3D modeling, having a kiddo and finding time to work during her naps, writing, composing music and sound effects, and of course, marketing. It took way longer than I expected (always the case), but I made something I am super proud of. I fulfilled a childhood dream. I made something substantial and, I think, beautiful. I really, really, really appreciate all your kind words, hearts on tweets, and general support over the years. You meant a lot in getting me to this point. Thanks a ton, and I can't wait for you to play! — Brett Thousand Threads is coming July 30!Jul 17, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsIt's almost here. Thousand Threads is coming July 30 to Steam (PC and Mac). It's been a near six-year, solo development journey of learning Unity and programming in C#, building and rebuilding systems, designing and scrapping features, figuring out 3D modeling, having a kiddo and finding time to work during her naps, writing, composing music and sound effects, and of course, marketing. It took way longer than I expected (always the case), but I made something I am super proud of. I fulfilled a childhood dream. I made something substantial and, I think, beautiful. I really, really, really appreciate all your kind words, hearts on tweets, and general support over the years. You meant a lot in getting me to this point. Remember to add Thousand Threads to your Steam wishlist if you haven't already. And share the trailer with your buds. I want everyone who might love it to find it. Thanks a ton, and I can't wait for you to play! — Brett