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Themes of Dark and Light

Launched!Sep 15, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsThemes of Dark and Light is now available! The game features 50 levels as well as 3 challenges where you have to complete a certain number of levels without failing. Included in the game is a custom level creator that will allow you to create levels, upload them to the Steam Workshop, and share them with your friends.Two weeks until launch!Sep 1, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsTwo weeks to go Themes of Dark and Light will be releasing in just two weeks time, on the 15th of September 2021. The full game will feature 50 levels as well as 3 challenges where you have to complete a certain number of levels without failing. Included in the full game is a custom level creator that will allow you to create levels, upload them to the Steam Workshop, and share them with your friends. Demo Currently available is a free demo where you can try out the first 10 levels before the full game is released.