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Tales From Hoia Baciu Forest

Update notes for 03.09.2022Sep 3, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsI completed the ending for this game. I fixed the sound in the Soul Cave. And now I am working on something new and this time will be more professional!Update Notes for 20.6.2022Jun 19, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsThe story continues. It's UFO time! - AI improved. - Bugs fixed. New updates soon. Update 1.5Jun 13, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsNew content. The story continues! - Performance improved. - And story things that I will not spoil!BIG NEW UPDATE!!!!Jun 9, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsHello! I remade the whole game in almost 2 days! Now it has a few minutes of the new gameplay with now chapter 1! New updates will come soon! What you will see in these few minutes of gameplay: - NEW BETTER MENU - Interface improved with a new design. What will be in the next updates: - New improved AI. - New weapons - Better character - Puzzles - FPS IMPROVEMENT and more. HOPE THIS GAME IS BETTER NOW! I WORKED REALLY HARD AND I HOPE IT LOOKS NICER. I AM LISTENING TO EVERYONE SUGGESTIONS AND OPINIONS! Thank you for the support and for playing my games!Small Update.Jun 7, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsThings changed: - More batteries - Added signs to know where to go. - You can't leave at the start without taking the lantern. - Menu changed because of the new chapter. - Chapters button was added. The game still crashes when you press settings randomly. I am working on this. Because the first chapter is small, I will make it the demo for this early access!About chapter 2 and the early-access release.Jun 6, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsChapter 2 will be located exactly in the Hoia Baciu Forest, round glade(Poiana Rotunda) and will be based on the story of Emil Barnea that made a picture of an UFO. I will try to make something different then first chapter and make something interesting and cool with a good story. Chapter 2 will stick to the adventure-story based. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42412900/d5fabd990c290fa30f869c05e786442c8019cd2e.png Let's talk about early-access. I know chapter 1 has some issues, I don't really know why is crashing this never happened to me. Remember that 1 person is working at this game. This game is in early-access because I need to see peoples reactions, reviews and interact with them, so everything you see it can be changed, that means I can erase the first chapter because I know it's not good. I hurried to launch this game because that's what I wanted and I'm trying to make a start for this game to which I want to add a lot of content. I've seen some reviews with no sense and no feedback, just insulting or something else so please be kind and remember that I am working alone at this and try to make an enjoyable game! CHAPTER 2 TEASERJun 3, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsChapter 2 will be based on the real story of the first picture of a UFO by Emil Barnea!