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Stream Avatars

Attention Streamlabs Desktop UsersNov 20, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsStreamlabs has recently released an update for their version of OBS (Streamlabs Desktop) and it seems to have broken game captures for many users. They have announced that they are aware of the issue and are working on a fix since November 17th, 2023. What can be done while waiting for them to fix it? One user has reported: "Open streamlabs and it won't work, and while it's open you open OBS as well, it'll work there. Once it does you just close it and streamlabs should magically work xD" Otherwise: 1) You can use regular OBS instead OR 2) you can use window capture instead of game capture. (Window capture requires you to select a background color for stream avatars, and then use that color in the window capture filter option (Color Key). You can adjust it so the background is transparent) v7.918 New Custom Boss Player Classes!Nov 3, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsQOL Features -Added Avatar & Gear > Palette > import palette strip options! QOL for creators. Minigame Stuff -Changed Boss Battle player classes warrior, priest, mage -Added Minigames > Custom Player Class ( -Added variable conditions to boss battle ability/actions/buffs -Added Minigames > Custom Player Class > defaults: mage, priest, warrior, druid, ranger, bard, necromancer -Fixed Roulette graphic always landing on black 13. -Added emojis to roulette win/lose on avatars -Fixed Roulette commands issued through extension will force display command text in chat. -Fixed Duel commands issued through extension will force display command text in chat. Extension Stuff -Added General > Extension gradient 1, 2, & reset (customize your extension header color!) (still needs extension update) -Fixed Extension text for follow / sub to display correctly (it was swapped) -Added Boss > Auto join option (randomly picks viewers to join the boss battle) -Added Boss > Auto play option (all avatars in the boss fight are controlled by ai) Lua Stuff -Added Lua > User.getState() --prints the current avatar's state -Added Lua > User.setTemporaryNone(30) -Added Lua > User.clearAllTemporarySelections() -Added Lua > Event > bossBattlePlayerJoined -Added a custom script for changing player appearances based on boss classes selected. Find the script here: Command Stuff -Added Bot Commands > Actions > Fart enabled cost per command use ui -Added Command > !hideall (experimental command to hide all avatars on screen, users do not gain currency atm when this is enabled) Other Stuff -Added Picarto.TV Script which can be installed from our discord! It's not an official integration because picarto api lacks features required. Here's a URL to the picarto integration script: -Fixed General Events > Some events were not set to the correct input boxes -Fixed Youtube repeating previous commands (attempted fix) -Fixed Youtube converting messages that start with ! to have the prefix: Type -Fixed override animations like climb (they were only playing a single frame) -Fixed documentation redirect url -Fixed Open Folder buttons throughout app to also work on MacOSX v7.902 Extension Update!Jun 6, 2023 - Community Announcements-Added Avatars&Gear > Gear Set > Option button > Extension Icon -Added Extension > Sorting -Added Extension > Sorting - price high (highest to lowest) -Added Extension > Sorting - price low (lowest to highest) -Added Extension > Sorting - price available (useable items for the user & recently acquired) -Added Extension > Custom Icons for gear sets -Added Extension > Avatar color palette grouping limit -Added General > Extension > Avatar color palette grouping limit -Added Roulette wheel graphic & sounds (defaults to 30%volume) -Added Minigames > Roulette > volume -Added Minigames > Roulette > layout edit -Added Lua > App.soundIsPlaying(id) -Added Lua > App.getGameObject(id) -Added Lua > Gameobject > Text -Added Lua > Gameobject > Text > setText('asdf') -Added Lua > Gameobject > Text > setSize(15) -Added Avatar and Gear > Gear Set Cog > Scale all items -Fixed Avatar sitting animation will now go sit -> loop_sit instead of just loop_sit overriding the sit. -Fixed Minigames > Basketball team 1 setting was replacing spaces with underscores -Fixed issue with temporary avatars not being equipped -Fixed LUA - User.getGear -Fixed !shoutout command positioning -Fixed twitch eventsub url -Fixed LUA > getUser > will now look for id as well. -Fixed attempting to fix basketball layout for broken versions again -Fixed Avatar&Gear > renaming avatar,sets,items now refreshes the dropdown ui -Fixed Duel > targeting a random user would sometimes target yourself and fail (same for some actions with targets) HotfixMar 31, 2023 - Community Announcements-Force twitch login details to reset -Switch default ladder climb animation to walking -Reset any basketball layouts that have an x position less that 0. v7.876 +Override Animations & Bot Commands RedoMar 21, 2023 - Community Announcements-Added sit_loop override animation -Added climb override animation (for ladders) -Added fall override animation -Added land override animation (is used in specific scenarios when an avatar is about to land on the ground) -Fixed idle > override animation will return back to idle if "return to idle" is set and they don't loop forever. -Changed RECREATED ALL BOT COMMANDS & UPGRADED TO LATEST VERSION (this will add more controls) -Added Bot Commands > Search -Added Bot Commands > Reset All Commands -Added Bot Commands > Categories -Changed Duel command cooldown/cost usage to make more sense when it's used -Changed Bomb command cooldown usage to make more sense when it's used -Added Currency command Add/Remove status requirements -Changed Soundboard command cooldown/cost usage to make more sense when it's used -Added Boss join command path settings (this allows you to set who can join a boss command apart from creating a boss!) -Added Boss > flip boss direction option - from left side of screen to right side (needs to be repositioned manually) -Added Mixitup integration multi-platform capability for currency integration. (twitch, glimesh, trovo seem to be the only platforms they support) -Added Avatar & Gear > Gear Item > Advanced > No Shop Editing (This will prevent an item from having a shop price & from showing up in the shop. useful for creators that make invisible avatars with gear being the primary graphics display.) -Added a console command for searching through gear items to mass apply this new setting> alt+c> shop_ignore regular (the keyword regular will look through all item names that contain "regular" and set them to be ignored in the shop.) -Added a wait command so you can run commands in a single line in a timed sequence -> (!jump; wait(3); !right 10; wait(2)) -Fixed avatar walking on slopes getting hung up and stopped randomly -Changed avatar climbing ladders should now be more accurate and forgiving for when an avatar can actually climb! -Added Nametags > settings > Nametag at feet option (nametags go down instead of up and start at feet of avatars) -Fixed Boss > Enrage percentages were not being applied correctly (Uh oh, prepare for very hard bosses that had a higher enrage% from the workshop!) -Fixed lootbox save&exit button when no items are selected -Fixed basketball > centering avatar / text elements were out of position -Added General > Window settings > grave accent hotkey toggle for SA Console -Changed Currency Bank system to include platform along with id for integrations that support multi-platform. -Removed Gift option bar > Bots from user-selection list (you can still search for bots or right-click them) -Fixed LUA > App.translateCommand() - it should now grab the first match of english text from all of the commands and parameters possible and return the current custom-set-text or translation. v7.84 QoL / Bug fixesFeb 10, 2023 - Community Announcements-Added General > Twitch > Event sub tier2 msg, command sound -Added General > Twitch > Event sub tier3 msg, command sound -Added General > Twitch > Event raid msg, command sound (Requires Relogging OAUTH) -Added Lua > raid event -Added Minigames > Boss > Flip boss direction (allows you to put the boss on the right side of the screen! make sure to adjust the boss layout if you do this.) -Added Nametags > Custom nametag > Image import single > StretchX & StretchY -Added Nametags > Custom nametag > Image import repeat > Round (forces the repeat to be in full texture increments (based on the boundary)) -Added Minigames > Boss > Layout Edit > Larger ability box = larger text. -Fixed Layout Editors to not jump around when adjusting box size -Fixed Extension UI for items requiring: Subscribing AND Following requirements -Fixed user commands prioritizes finding users from already spawned avatars first. (fixes an issue where you cannot target users if similar names exist in the data) -Fixed Twitch > /me commands were being ignored. -Fixed Twitch > non-english names can now be targeted by the attached english name as well as the regular displayname. -Fixed Avatars hanging on edges and ramps and getting stuck. -Fixed GUI currency sometimes not refreshing with correct value -Fixed initial viewer layout was not randomizing for new streamers loading up SA for the first time. -Fixed Boss > was always spawning as normal mode -Fixed Twitch removal of IRC Commands, SA will work as normal for the following commands: /vip /unvip /ban /unban /timeout /untimeout /announce -Fixed avatar gear z-index -1 and 0 not appearing in the same order while connected -Fixed avatar explosion state interruption would cause an avatar to be bugged until reset -Fixed avatar gear color swap wouldn't update their swap colors when the user issues a color change command -Fixed nametags appearing during minigames when they shouldn't -Fixed chat bubble > 8bit & other fonts that are being used for both nametags and chat bubbles would get incorrect settings. v7.794 Lua Scripting | BugsJan 10, 2023 - Community Announcements-Added Login Details > custom lua platform (this allows anyone to script their own integration for stream avatars to work with other platforms. however the extension will not work custom platforms.) -Added Commands > Custom Commands > Global Hotkey Hook (on beta version: beta-3) -this is untested and may cause problems with antivirus applications. -Added LUA > Event > On Purchase // item receipts -Added Lua > Event > luaPlatformOutput (used for custom stream service platform) -Added Lua > GameObject > ObjectPhysics (contains several new features) -Added Lua > User > platform {get;} -Added Lua > User > streamer {get;} -Added Lua > User > platformModerator {get;} -Added Lua > App > getStreamerUser(); -Added Lua > Event > bankController (allows custom currency integrations) -Added Lua > Helper > matchRegex(pattern, text) -Added Lua > Event > On Hotkey (only works for windows operating systems & while tabbed into application) -Added Lua > Event > On Trigger Object -Fixed Lua > Event > On Background Switch -Added data migration for new viewers to takeover spawned bot settings. (IE: !spawn someusername -> edit avatar settings... -> when the real someusername spawns it will takeover the bot's settings) -Fixed LUA > boss battle event not triggering when no players join -Fixed (tried to fix) avatars retaining diagonal velocity from slopes when changing scenes -Fixed Background > UI Bug when exiting bg editor from clicking save -Fixed Boss > Bug with custom bosses dealing damage causing an abrupt ending to the battle... -Fixed LUA > getWearableColors was using the user's avatar instead of the parameter passed in -Fixed Avatar > when an avatar changed to another avatar that has the same palette swaps, users could bypass any restrictions on the palette. -Fixed User Editing > Force defaults causing a problem with avatars spawning! -Fixed Minigames > Basketball max game timer was stuck v7.764 Small QoL UpdateOct 27, 2022 - Community Announcements-Added Docs page for Sounds -Added Docs page for Minigames -Added Docs page for General -Added Docs page for Login Details -Added Docs page for Avatars & Gear -Added Docs page for User Editing -Added Docs page for Shop Editing -Added Docs page for Nametags -Added Docs page for Import & Export -Added Lua > User > secondsSinceLastActive (float) -Added Lua > User > lastActiveDate (string) -Added Lua > User > isFake (bool) ("fake" is an avatar spawned in from otherplaces than via your chatroom) -Added Lua > App > deleteUser (parameter for User) (deletes any data related to the user) -Added LUA > App > localizeCommand(string_command) -Added jitter before sling -Added !throw user @target / !throw user % % (% = 0 to 1) -Added !mass throw @target / !mass throw user % % (% = 0 to 1) -Added user editing > blacklist > add common bots -Added user editing > All user purchases clear -Changed !mass jump now staggers the timing -Fixed Lua scripting logging chat messages when an emoji exists -Fixed user editing blacklist/whitelist/botmod add button position -Fixed on connect logging causing lag. -Fixed lootbox editing > on mass add items wasnt working if you change basic input words in the commands. v7.75 Forced Status Layouts + QoLSep 20, 2022 - Community Announcements-Added General > Window settings > Target framerate (readding this option it was previously removed - recommended 60fps. lower FPS will appear choppy but will consume less CPU resources) -Added Nametag Settings > Stack Height Percent (0=complete overlay, 100=normal, 300=too much spacing!) -Added Import&Export > Updated UI & added documentation pages -Added User Editing > Updated UI -Added User Editing > Force Layouts for all statuses (this can be useful for assigning nametags to subscribers, followers, moderators and the viewer can't change off of it until they lose their status!) -Added LUA > App().sha256_base64(string) //useful for OBS connection script -Added LUA > chatBubble creation can use twitch emotes that have already been recorded from chat. (the emote must already be recorded though!) -Fixed Custom Commands > commands that previously used emotes broke with the new emote system. now it will work again. -Fixed Avatar & Gear > (attempted fix) a bug that set an avatars scale to a different value and making the gear items look scaled incorrectly -Changed optimized extension user updates (if any issues come up with the extension it could be this!) -Fixed dlive will now correctly ask for login details when its missing -Fixed Custom Boss - a bug where removing a buff on various events could cause the boss to end abruptly -Fixed Screenresolution ui issues for lower resolution -Fixed Connected > Avatar select tool > bot-mod, blacklist, whitelist options -Fixed nametag stack > now correctly hides nametags after stacking above the number selected. (this might seem wrong if you have avatars with different collision box sizes because nametags stack based on individual avatars) v7.72 Avatar Creation QOLSep 7, 2022 - Community Announcements-Added LUA > App.getAppState() to check current state of the app. -Added Avatar & Gear > per frame delay times (also for custom image imports) -Added General > Window > Background color option -Added you can now grab/select avatars by their nametag -Added overrideAnimation-play-duration (this will make battleroyales more fair when avatars have different attack animations. now all attacks take roughly 630ms during battleroyale.) -Added animation variations... just make custom animations and rename them to be the same name as other animations. it should randomly pick one to play. -Fixed purchasing actions - custom animations would not show as their real name -Fixed cases where reloading the app with changed data would not update bot commands section -Fixed general > data settings > import data (usually used for support issues) it was having problems with selecting zip files and importing the data. -Fixed General > Events > Subtier3 sound overwrites t1 sub sound -Fixed parsing of floats throughout the app with localization of , instead of . -Fixed Lua > JSON serializing float values with decimals v7.7074 QoL UpdateAug 17, 2022 - Community Announcements-Added commands > !leaderboard exclude target (prevents the user from being updated in leaderboards) -Added commands > !game exclude target (being included in minigames with no opt-in... such as battleroyale) -Added Trovo platform donation (elixir) -Added Lua > Trovo regular spells/elixirs and added platform donation event data for elixir (also, both elixir and mana are considered redemptions) -Added Lua > new event: battleRoyaleOutcome -Added Lua > new event: basketballOutcome -Added Lua > App.createChatBubble(x, y, timer, text) -Added Lua > App.playSound(soundname, loops) -> returns soundid -Added Lua > App.stopSound(soundid); -Added Lua > new event: websocket (allows you to run a websocket client from lua) -Added Lua > new event: appState (sends the name of the current appState, good for detecting when battleroyale, basketball, and other minigames are starting) -Added Lua > app.createObject -Added Lua > objects have various methods for scale, rotation, position -Added Lua > setImage(obj, 'imgname') -Fixed Lua > fixed getting nested objects with get('name') and saving objects inside a coroutine -Changed Lua > save() formats indented now -Fixed Master ui volume sliders not updating each other when changed. connected vs menus -Fixed Teleport block when offset -Fixed duel accept timer option -Fixed basketball join timer option v7.81 Teleport Blocks & Scriptable Blocks!Jul 20, 2022 - Community Announcements-Changed connection will only force build on avatars and gear that are active. -Added Import&Export > Import will now accept .saif files too (just a naming difference) -Added LUA > helper.createCooldown -Added LUA > getUserById(string_id) -Added LUA > scriptableBlocks event -Added LUA > getScriptableBlocks() -Added LUA > getBackground() -Added LUA > User.runCommand(str_command, bool_runquietly) //shorthand -Added LUA > App.convertPositionToPercent(x, y) -Added LUA > App.convertPercentToPosition(x, y) -Added LUA > User.physics.setVelocity(x, y) -Added LUA > User.physics.isGrounded {get/set} -Added Block > Teleport Block -Added Block > Scriptable Block (LUA SCRIPTING) -Changed Boss > Priest > focus refresh when recast -Changed Boss > Mage > lifesteal refresh when recast -Changed Avatar&Gear > Allowed gear from dropdown to an easier to use selection list with searching! -Fixed an issue with any command that uses string replacements and doesn't close the brackets from crashing the app! -> {0: blahblah -Fixed nametag > duplicate was keeping same title and showed up in the extension as the same -Fixed Minigames > Duel > maximum duel amount setting v7.5966 Slope Tiles & !Screensaver & PatreonMay 5, 2022 - Community Announcements-Added Connect > Block tool > Slope Tiles! 5 new collision tiles to play with. -Added !screensaver 120 -Added !screensaver cancel -Added roulette > added !bet 10 green -Added Lua > new event: 'backgroundSwitch' occurs when the background changes. -Added General > Data > Auto Cleanup toggle (for auto cleaningup inactive users) -Added spawned toggle to hand tool options editing -Fixed twitch messages were being sent as all lowercase -Fixed mixitup > matching their update with changes to their ID system... -Fixed roulette > randomness is more... randomy -Fixed problems with connecting > Bad login details were not displaying an error. -Changed Nametags > in various commands and avatar states: nametags will lock onto avatars rather than move slowly -Changed Boss Battle > NPC bots will no longer announce to chat -Changed AppState Commands > cleaned up and should run more efficiently! v7.591 Patreon subscription upload increase + QOLApr 26, 2022 - Community Announcements-ADDED Multiplatform streaming > will only spawn the primary streamer/bot. alternate chats from streamer will use the primary user's avatar (including extension details as well). -ADDED General > Related tutorials(2) -ADDED Backgrounds > Related tutorials(1) -ADDED Minigames > Related tutorials(3) -ADDED General > Extension > Patreon link + Login -ADDED Nametag > max nametag length option -Added General > Events > Platform donation minimum value -Fixed !spawn username > will attempt to find user by displayname now -Fixed Lock resolution not working while connected -Fixed twitch subscription event breaking if not-gifted -Fixed chat bubble sound volume was forever decreasing every save/load -Fixed bot commands > !gift all keyword was broken -Fixed General > Avatar Profile > Page selection/deselection was not working -Fixed extension currency not updating title -Fixed whitelist users overriding spawn restrictions -Fixed extension nametag switching when the nametag has a space in the name -Fixed command whitelist adding -Changed Lua script > save() can now be called in another coroutine but will use the data from the main coroutine. -Changed Connected Tools > added gift ui to regular hand tool's right click options v7.551 support!Feb 11, 2022 - Community Announcements-Added glimesh streaming service integration! **(supports followers, their api does not yet handle subscribers) -Added better integration labeling & disabled shop functions based on integration support -Youtube renamed followers->subscribers and subscribers->members -shop example: facebook does not support follow or subscriber, so it was removed from the shop. -Added Scale option on custom image imports. -Added Jump Catch star > Flip sprite on collision -Added General > data > mute all outputs -Added LUA > User.GetAvailableAvatars -Added Cloud Options > Local rollback -Added LUA > App.getResolution {x,y} -Added LUA > App.setResolution(x,y) -Added LUA > function getWearableAvatars() -- returns string -Added LUA > function getWearableAvatarColors(string avatarName) -- returns string -Added LUA > function getWearableGearSetPieces(string set) --returns string -Added LUA > function getWearableNametags() --returns string -Added end on blank frame to all edit image buttons (can be toggled on and off) -ADDED gif support for image selection buttons -Fixed Avatar&Gear > loading duplicate animations -Fixed Lootbox > search debouncer -Fixed Twitch > Whispers -Fixed Leaderboards -Fixed Lootbox > uncheck quickadd would still add the item -Fixed Roulette > list output -Fixed Roulette - exact number wins wasnt working -Fixed > Fullscreen mode (You can now fullscreen SA on another monitor and it will not minimize when you click off of it. I think it will also save the monitor its on every time you open it again. I've also tried to fix any buggyness happening with fullscreen mode in any case it's used) -Fixed Pin > random user selection -Fixed Battleroyale plane drop positions rather than based on plane image size. -Fixed Minigames > Boss > Custom boss > loot editing was bugging out. -Changed Shop Editing > removed disabled actions from the shop -Changed slots > max bet increased & multiplier reward increased. v7.41 Multiplatform Streaming & QoL UpdateJan 11, 2022 - Community Announcements-ADDED multiplatform streaming. Login Details > Enable > go through each service adding them as you want. (please report any issues you notice) -ADDED temporary gear equipping. example: !change nightbot avatar block_man 10 (this will force nightbot to use block_man for 10 seconds, this will override any as cost, gift, or status requirements that nightbot is missing) using 0seconds or 9999999 seconds will result in infinite duration until app restart. (This should be fun for custom redemptions!) -CHANGED maximum despawn timer limit from 3600 to 36000 -CHANGED all services now have despawn seconds (regardless of spawning mode) -CHANGED improvements to viewer select / gift tools, QOL -ADDED Lua Scriptiing > User.follower, User.Subscriber, User.Moderator -ADDED Lua Scripting > keepAlive() - see example in discord LUA-DOCS channel -ADDED Lua Scripting Event > platformDonation - see example in discord LUA-DOCS channel -ADDED Lua Scripting user > chatBubble('your message here') will create a chat bubble on an avatar. -ADDED Lua Scripting user > setTemporaryAvatar, setTemporaryColor, setTemporaryGear, setTemporaryNametag (allows to change a user's items for x seconds. see LUA DOCS) -FIXED nametags with spaces in name -FIXED lootbox quick-add items named with spaces -FIXED Command !freeze default sprite -FIXED blacklist remove command wasnt working -FIXED whitelist remove command wasnt working -FIXED mod remove command wasnt working -FIXED MacOS file browser not working in latest 64bit. (things like sound imports, image imports etc.) -FIXED Trovo sub/follow detection might not have worked because the chattoken was for bot oauth v7.222 Custom Nametags & Fonts!Oct 27, 2021 - Community Announcements-ADDED bot options > custom chat bubble font -ADDED Workshop > Removal Page > Allows you to quickly delete workshop items you have installed (Only works on items installed after this update... re-install workshop items to make it work!) -ADDED Avatar & Gear > avatar preview animation in -ADDED LootBoxes > quick lookbox creation system. Useful for adding many items as a reward! -ADDED star minigame setting to change direction on blocks (default set to true) -ADDED Bot Command > !Pin > Allows you to pin users with a chat command! useful for custom commands, lua scripting, and redemption rewards (pin also has !mass pin, !pin username remove, !mass pin remove) -CHANGED Boss > negative project speed causes the projectile to travel from the target back to the boss. -ADDED Despawn timer setting for facebook, dlive, trovo, youtube -ADDED extra login detail checks for all integrations -ADDED !spawn game parameters. !spawn game {reward} {howmany} {0-1 x pos} {0-1 ypos} => !spawn game 500 1 0.5 0.5 -CHANGED renamed avatar profile to -> Enabled Avatar Profile //hopefully this helps clear confusion -CHANGED re-enabled the !lurking command. viewers can now toggle their avatar visibility with !lurking -ADDED delete specific user data by right clicking their avatar and clicking the delete icon -FIXED Some colors in Paletteswap wouldn't swap correctly -FIXED User Editing > Whitelist (pending) is now applied before an avatar needs to spawn. (it tries to match username rather than id) -FIXED User Editing > Blacklist (pending) is now applied before an avatar needs to spawn. (it tries to match username rather than id) -FIXED User Editing > Moderator (pending) is now applied before an avatar needs to spawn. (it tries to match username rather than id) -FIXED backgrounds objects now lock to a pixel grid, so hopefully you can sync scrolling/looping backgrounds with movement -FIXED trovo > it was possible to login without a bot attached... -FIXED trovo > shared bot / channel login details issues -FIXED youtube > shared bot / channel login details issues -FIXED facebook > extension, duplicate avatars, and reconnection issues -FIXED avatar despawning for every service -FIXED background editing > problems with UI Scaling consistency -FIXED avatar collission box setting / 1.5 -FIXED controller joystick deadzone set to 5000 -FIXED Youtube > Ignore first group of messages after connecting rather than dealing with incorrect message timestamps -FIXED Facebook > Ignore first group of messages after connecting rather than dealing with incorrect message timestamps -FIXED bomb explode bug for targeting self -FIXED Custom Commands > wasn't working on some services. v7.178 Facebook IntegrationJun 7, 2021 - Community Announcements-ADDED > Command > gift username all (this will give the user access to everything in the shop for free, re-typing the command toggles it on/off) -ADDED > Facebook Integration > Chat read and write! -FIXED > trovo > user despawn timer 180s -FIXED > trovo > extension overwriting streamer login -FIXED > avatars getting locked into the stuck state v7.17 Trovo IntegrationMay 25, 2021 - Community Announcementsv7.17 -ADDED Trovo Streaming Service -ADDED Trovo extension panel -ADDED Youtube > Bot Login Details (for a unique bot name!) -ADDED General > include channel moderator as bot moderator setting - is on by default for new users starting now. -ADDED custom command > $(0) will insert the first word $(1) will insert the 2nd word... etc -ADDED LUA scripting > getAvatar(avatar_name) -ADDED LUA scripting > getAllAvatars() -ADDED new user walkthrough for a quick setup! (includes pricing defaults on block man) -ADDED more icons instead of text for the top bar -ADDED Sounds > Master cooldown -FIXED twitch port switching issue -FIXED cloud issue! (accidentally disabled saving last update) -FIXED dlive websockets from connecting multiple times. -FIXED battleroyale medpack bug -FIXED Sounds > soundboard cooldowns -FIXED cloud save > some users have their cloud saving as an invalid date format. -FIXED shop editing> streamelements > jwt token sometimes not working for non-english (also stream elements messes up their jwt tokens). -FIXED jump catch minigame > Leaderboard was only updating on groups catches |within 3 seconds(spam reduction) instead of individual catches. -FIXED extension lockup, causing viewer data to never be sent to the server. -FIXED preventing gear items from being larger than 500x500. Helping performance issues. -FIXED removing broken items from having previews built. ie: >500x500. -FIXED UIScaling issues with editing position of boxes -FIXED UIScaling issues with background editing -FIXED custom avatar collision offset positioning. (hopefully nobody was using magic positions to get the correct one outcome wanted) Hotfix PatchesMar 31, 2021 - Community Announcements-Old versions will be losing extension capability to ensure server stability for everyone else. -Make sure to update to the latest version(v7.1422) or you may experience problems. Discord For Support: