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Slime CCG

All Sedoc Games on Sale for Steam Autumn Sale!Nov 27, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsALL SEDOC GAMES ON SALE Hi everyone! We're excited to share that we have entered all our games into the Steam Autumn Sale! We hope you enjoy the sale, and Happy Holidays! GAMES CCG DLC Special 50% Promo Sale Starts Monday!!Sep 15, 2018 - Community Announcements Slime CCG DLC Hi everyone! As we work on Slime CCG we plan on having a sale for the DLC. Starting from Monday, Sept. 17th to Monday, Oct 1st we will be doing a 50% 14 day sale! The DLC features 4 brand new Themes and 10+ brand new cards for Slime CCG Get the DLC while its on sale! CCG is changing and here's how!Sep 3, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsHello everyone in the recent weeks a lot has changed and we have heard a lot from the players and thank you for your time and patience as I worked diligently behind the scenes. Some big changes are on the way to Slime CCG and ill be covering those in this post! 1. Currently, the game only supports single player as I am a solo developer with a small skill set and networking is not one of my strong suits I am however working to change this and get multiplayer working as quickly as possible. 2. I am creating from the ground up a new system for the story mode where players will be able to play in an overworld and challenge NPCs to earn brand new cards for their decks. 3. I am also working on a new UI to go with the story mode that will be more user-friendly. I want to thank you all again for your support and reviews good or bad all the feedback will help me improve the game over time and grow and learn as a developer! Slime CCG on !Aug 11, 2018 - Community Announcements Bananatic Hi everyone! Slime CCG is now featured on Bananatic! You can go to bananatic (dot) com and then search for "Slime CCG." Go to their site and check it out, they also have some other cool games on there as well. :) Thank you! Thank you to everyone who has played the game so far! The feedback helps tremendously.The Slime Studios is continuing its support for Slime CCGJul 22, 2018 - Community Announcements Hi everyone! There have been some false rumors about Slime CCG losing support. The Slime Studios team has lost some members and one of those disgruntled members have been putting out false information. We are still working on improving the game and will continue to work on getting multiplayer working. As we continue working we ask for your patience, we have a very small team and working hard to improve the game. We will be creating a new Discord soon and will share once that's set up. Stay up to date with what we're up to: on Multiplayer and more!Jul 14, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsWe are setting up a dedicated server system for Slime CCG to run through Steam that will allow for multiplayer functionality to be fully implemented. Players will be able to create and join matches and chat with a new chat functionality! We are also working on a few other exciting updates for the near future including new UI, new artwork for many of the cards in the Basic Set, and setting up the Steam API to work in Slime CCG.Thank you all the for the reviews!Jul 13, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsAs we grow as an indie game studio and learn the ins and outs of game development we want to thank everyone who takes the time to review and play our game. recommended or not the feedback we get from you is amazing and helpful and will allow us to improve the game as we move further into the future of Slime CCG. To address the most forward issues: 1. We are working on multiplayer and want it to be implemented in the next update. 2. We are creating a tutorial arena that new players will be able to play in first and have the game explained! There is also a small set of rules in the options menu and found online in several locations including Steam. 3. Graphical settings and windowed mode are both coming in the multiplayer update this coming week. Thank you so much for all the valuable feedback you have given us and can't wait to make the game better so a wider audience can enjoy the Slime. :]Slime CCG Online Release Party!Jul 12, 2018 - Community Announcements The Slime Studios will be celebrating their release for Slime CCG on Steam tonight! The game releases tonight at Midnight. Haven't heard of Slime CCG? Slime Collectible Card Game or CCG is a fast-paced match of wits between two players or versus an AI. Using ever evolving and growing Slimes players build decks and battle in special arenas. With monthly and seasonal updates Slime CCG is fun and always expanding in new and exciting ways. Wishlist the game on Steam! There will be giveaways for the game, DLC, stickers, and cards! Join today and celebrate with us! RSVP via Facebook! Check out Slime CCGs original soundtrack on Soundcloud!Jun 19, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsHello Slime lovers! Our wonderful community does alot of work to drive this game, from art to music we love to hear from you to improve and add to Slime CCG! Our friend Coatedpolecat has created a OST for Slime CCG used in game and is offering it on soundcloud as well! Listen Now! Thank you to everyone who has played!Jun 17, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsWe are so excited to see people playing our game. We hope you are enjoying it and would love to hear from you about how we can make it better leading up to the release and into the future! For a FAQ check out our discussion thread on the feedback we have gotten so far. TL:DR achievements are coming as are more controls for the menu. Thank you so much to everyone who is taking this journey with us and we hope to keep making games for you!Slime CCG Closed Beta Giveaway!!Jun 15, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsHi everyone! We are doing a Slime CCG Closed Beta Giveaway!! Grab your key today and play the game early! Share with your friends! :) Follow us on Social Media to stay up to date with what we're up to! Discord server: CCG to be released June 22Jun 12, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsWelcome to a new era for Slime CCG everyone! Thanks to Sedoc LLC we will be making a jump to Steam. Slime CCG will be released on June 22, prior to release we will be doing a massive giveaway of the game! Stay connected and up to date on our progress! Follow us on social media: Developers: Twitter: Discord server: Publisher: Facebook: Steam Group: