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Rise of Ages

Update 0.14.1May 27, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsHello guys! Version 0.14 had a serious problem where when English language was selected the quests were in Portuguese, and this version corrects that. We made progress on the translation platform (announced in the previous update) and we are currently making the final adjustments, so it will be live soon. Changelog 0.14.1 Fixed a bug where the quests were in Portuguese when the selected language was English. Adjusted Puabi's dungeon, in which there was a jump over spikes much more difficult than it should be. Update 0.14May 17, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsHello guys! It's been a while since the last update, but we want to explain why. Many had volunteered to help translate the game into their language, so we thought, why not? We are working on providing a community translation platform where everyone can collaborate to translate the game, but the way to deal with the language files had to be totally reworked to be compatible with this platform, both int the game itself and in the tools that we use, which ended up taking quite some time. We also have a problem with the platform itself to put it on the server, which delayed the update even more. The game is already fully compatible with the new file system required, but the platform is still a bit lacking in order to make it available, and we will let you know when it is ready. We have decided to release the new update even without the translation platform to fix some critical bugs that some people are having. Follow the list of changes below: Changelog Fixed a bug that crashed cutscenes, preventing progress of the game. Fixed a bug that made Inanna not appear in the conversation with Artaeus. Fixed a bug that made Mattaki disappear during the initial escape of the game. Fixed a bug that made the player immortal by dying of starvation or dehydration just as it exited to the world map. Removed the delay to activate the backstep, now it will activate immediately after pushing the button. It is no longer possible to attack during the backstep. The Elasmotherium will no longer run indefinitely, now it will be possible to escape its attack by sprinting(holding shift). It is no longer possible to build within the Marduk room. Aggressive animals will now stop chasing you after some distance from the starting point they started to attack. Update 0.13 - Look! It is water!Mar 28, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsHey guys! First we would like to apologize for almost a month without an update, and we want to start having at least one post showing what we are doing when it is not possible to launch an update, so you can better follow the progress of the game, since now we will start work in adventure mode (non-quests mode) which will decrease the frequency of updates for a while. At that time we worked on the structure and template generation for the game wiki, we wanted to add an initial content and then we want everyone's help to continue adding more pages and have a more complete wiki, so we'll let you know when you're ready to make it available. Update 0.13 NPCs and animals finally know what water is and will try to act accordingly. Bison, bear and elasmotherium will not go into the water, as long as it is not too shallow, even when chasing you. Hawk, vulture, and bats, will not attack you if you are submerged and will float above the water. NPCs will no longer mark deep water as a valid walking destination, but now they can swim and will enter the water smoothly should they want to reach the other shore. If they start running out of oxygen they will stop what they are doing and try to swim to the surface to breathe. Also fixed a problem with the speech of the guard of Tinbala.Update 0.12 - Quest MarkersMar 1, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsHey guys! We would like to warn you that next week there will be no update due to local holiday, devs also deserve some rest from time to time =D Finally we added quest markers, both above the NPC's head and on the region icon on the World Map. An exclamation indicates that quests are available and a question mark indicates the purpose of a mission in progress, so now it will be much easier to know where to go. 0.12 Changelog Quest markers Sleeping in a bed now regenerates your life and, at night, spends time 100x faster until 6am. Removed the collision of forests and stones on the world map. Changed the oranges from the Proof of Trust quest into quest item. Changed the orange seeds from the Secrets of the Soil quest into quest item. Decreased the time stamina waits to recharge after being spent from 1.5s to 0.7s. Update 0.11.1 - Sprint, arrows and a little of what comes nextFeb 22, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsHi Folks! We are studying ways to improve the game and we decided to create an Adventure mode, in addition to Story mode, where there will be no quests, and will be much more focused on the sandbox, with less limitations, technologies will be acquired in an alternative way related to your city and villagers. So anyone who has already played history mode or does not like quests has a more free way to continue playing. Multiplayer, when available, will use this mode. For now, check the changes of the week with the update 0.11.1: Sprint It has been added the sprint, it will consume energy while running, but you can run twice as fast than normal run. It also allows you to jump further by jumping while running. To sprint just hold Shift. Hunger and thirst indicator When the food or water bar falls below 30%, they will begin to shine to draw attention that they are ending. New Arrows Three new arrows were added to be crafted through the Stone Workbench: Fire Arrow, Polished Stone Arrow and Ivory Arrow. Other Changes It is now possible to remove the job from one NPC, allowing assigning another. When calling an NPC to your city, after confirming to which city, you will be immediately free to walk. Big cities will now let go straight to the world map as well. The food and water bars will now be locked during a dialogue. Any and all damage will now be ignored during a dialog. The payment of apples for Puabi has been changed to a quest item, thus preventing the player from eating the payment. Corrections With an open chest, holding shift and clicking on an item in the hotbar was sending the item to the inventory instead of the chest. The big box with corn was wrongly described as bananas. Solved the problem of the door in Tinbala sometimes being locked and closing alone. Fixed a problem in the Lightening the Mood quest where the description of some objectives was showing duplicate item counter. Removed the technology requirement to manufacture the Hide Chest and Hide Pants, which were erroneously requiring agriculture. Update 0.11 - Fast TravelFeb 14, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsHello Folks! Finally the day arrived, the fast travel is available. Now you can leave the region directly to the world map, or enter directly into your city, the only restrictions are: it does not work inside houses (going into background), dungeons, underground, or if you are in an area with a checkpoint. Below is the list of all changes to the version 0.11 Changes Implemented fast travel to the world map and from there directly to your city. Now when you die you will not respawn on the world map anymore, but in your city (if you have one). Added the Large Stone Box to craft in Stone Workbench. Corrections Fixed a bug that was not allowing to exit of Namhu Surroundings. Fixed a bug that occasionally made a chunk lose items, npcs or vanish completely. Fixed a bug that when putting torches and they finish, the fire kept appearing in the hand. Fixed a bug with lighting in aspect ratios of 21: 9. Fixed some translation problems. Update 0.10.8Feb 12, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsHi guys! Only a quick fix of a bug that did not let enter into Tinbala who already had the Proof of Trust quest before version 0.10.7.Update 0.10.7Feb 12, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsHi guys! We're bringing in a few more fixes and some new items. Next version will come the fast travel to the world map. For now, keep the list of changes to version 0.10.7 . Changes The maps of the three great tribes have been readjusted, now you do not have to walk too far to get to the entrance of the city. The collision of the blocks now fills all the solid blocks, before it was generated only in the blocks that had contact with air. Removed the waiting time before some quests show up from the main story. Added Decorations Table that allows to create diverse decorative items. Added Sundial that will specifically tell you what time is in the 24h style (even at night, I know... I know...) Decoration Table Sundial Corrections Fixed a bug that made the character make a few jumps while mining. Corrected the collision of the bear that was locking with a single block of height. Fixed the verification if it is allowed when placing doors, it was always checking as if it would open to the left. Corrected the blockade that prevented you from leaving the Face of God temple. Fixed a bug in the house of Ammanu after saving the Namhu tribe. Fixed a bug while dying for Radir during the pottery quest. Fixed a problem where the Bone Sword and Spiked Spear were not showing description. Fixed a bug that made the NPCs and items disappear, especially the Tinbala Guard Update 0.10.6Feb 6, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsHello, This is just a quick fix adjusting some paths that were impossible to pass in Akanon Dungeon.Update 0.10.5Feb 5, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsHey guys! We're working as fast as we can to bring you fixes and improvements as soon as possible. We've packed a lot but there are still some issues we're already aware of and working to fix them. Now the complete list of changes from 0.10.5: Changes Wild plants will now regenerate the fruit continuously, but they take twice as much time as the planted ones in your city. Added game pause when opening the menu with the Esc key. The hoe now requires agriculture technology to be crafted. Added message when trying to exit the game while in the area of ​​a checkpoint warning you that you may lose progress and will return to the checkpoint position if you quit. When respawning on a checkpoint, if your life, hunger or thirst is below half, they will be filled to half. Increasing the chances of getting seeds by eating fruits. Now all crafting recipes are already visible from the beginning, but show an indicator saying they need some technology. Added cobblestone recipe in Stone Workbench. Added extra information in the dialogues and in the quests journal to better explain where to go. Normal attacks do not spend stamina anymore, but stamina regenerates more slowly. In the future there will be other uses for stamina. Removed delay to flip the character. Adjusted the aim of the bow, now must be much more precise, especially in movement. Bug Fixes Fixed a bug causing fall damage by pressing Alt + Tab, and Alt + Tab or clicking outside of game window no longer minimizes the game. Fixed a bug that allowed the pickaxe to break anything, including trees if it had a torch on the secondary hand. Fixed a bug that allowed to enter by doors in the background even after dead, what made the player immortal. Fixed a bug where life continued to regenerate even after dead. Fixed a bug where the farmer of your town lost the reference of which plant he was taken care of if you harvested it before him. Fixed a bug that made one of the types of the oak tree grow to one of Hemlock pine trees with snow. Added some descriptions of items that were missing. Fixed a bug where when crafting some item and select another one, it continued to craft the other item. Fixed a bug in the dialog of Askur's wife. Fixed several problems in the ceramic quet. Fixed some problem with Zamug in the Old Friends quest. Fixed a bug that caused the plowed land to grow to adjacent blocks as if it were grass. Fixed a bug that crashed the game on the Aratmaha mountain. Update 0.10.4Feb 1, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsHello guys! Here are the changes from update 0.10.4: We changed the collision algorithm, so you or the NPCs should no longer fall through the floor. We adjust the height of the jump, now the platforms in the Akanon prison must be reachable. The number of enemies within the Akanon prison was reduced. Some language and translation corrections have been made. If any NPCs that were not appearing before have not yet appeared after this update, try to regenerate the map as described here: Do not regenerate the region that your city is in or you will lose it! Update 0.10.3Jan 31, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsHey Folks! We are following and seeing that some players are encountering some bugs in the game, we would like to say that we are reading everything and trying to fix all the problems as soon as possible. For now, keep the list of changes from update 0.10.3: Added an option in the dialog of an NPC in Tinbala to facilitate the collection of tomatoes needed for the Proof of Trust quest. We changed the hawk, bat and megabat to be a bit easier to deal with. Megabats will no longer spawn in the forests during the day. Stockpile can no longer be placed outside the area of ​​your city. The city flag can now be removed if you have not yet created the city while interacting with it. Fixed a bug that when dying soon after picking up the ceramic technology, the game returned without the technology and did not allow to get it again. Fixed a bug that made some animals in certain places not attack until they were attacked. Fixed a bug that did not rain on the beach biome and did not snow on the Arctic and Arctic coast. Fixed a bug that when exchanging an item from a chest with the inventory and close without dropping the other item, this item was placed outside the slots of the chest, becoming unrecoverable. Some text corrections have been made.Update 0.10.2Jan 29, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsFirst day, second fix! We fixed a bug where the game wasn't loading correctly item descriptions and some dialogues for PC with a language different then english.Released!Jan 28, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsWith great pleasure and after much waiting, the early access of Rise of Ages is finally up and running! You can now download version 0.10.1 that fix some problems with the initial version when creating a female character. We hope you enjoy!New trailer and release date!Dec 24, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsHey Folks!!! We are pleased to announce the trailer for our Early Access. The game's launch date is already set and will be on 01/29/2019, with a little more than 1 month left. We have another super news, besides you can download the latest version of our Demo, you can also invite your friends to know our game and to compete for prizes for the invitations you send. The ultimate prize will be the Rise of Ages completely free to you. We'll give you an activation key on Steam as soon as we launch the game. To download the demo and start winning the prizes, just access this link below: Important: You must register and confirm that you have subscribed. We will send you an email and it will have a link for you to continue the process.