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Rescue the Great Demon 2

Remember Rescue the Great Demon 2 ? I'm back.Jul 21, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsLong time no see, I'm Yesen, Yesen missing for years. I don't know if you remember me? Remember the student book Rescue the Great Demon 2? I'm back with a full remake of Rescue the Great Demon 2. When I released Rescue the Great Demon 2 for free in 2016, I said that there would be a complete, massive, and complete remake of the game. Four years later, we went through the bankruptcy reorganization, the change of team members, the hard time that we could not even pay the rent, and also experienced a year and a half of hard time that almost only I developed by myself. Finally, Falsemen2: Upstream (Upstream) comes up. Do this game for nothing else, not to make money, not to become a big hit, not to make any friends, just for the original sentence. When I say I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it, no matter how long it takes. Also at the end of 2016, I promised you that in the future, when the remake of Rescue The Great Demon 2 hits STEAM, all players who own the full SET of DLC from the original Rescue the Great Demon 2 will get 90%off. That's why this bundle exists. All friends who supported The original Rescue the Great Demon 2 will be able to get their hands on our new works through this bundle for less than 90%off. 【道歉信】《拯救大魔王3》抢先体验版发布延期至11月16日Sep 22, 2018 - Community Announcements非常抱歉必须要公布这一则跳票消息……我代表制作组向所有等待《拯救大魔王3 Falsemen》的玩家朋友们道歉。同时我也要向制作组道歉,因为这次跳票,是我(指制作人夜神不说话)一手造成的。 因为之前一个多月参与对《太吾绘卷》的内部测试与视频录制,《拯救大魔王3》主线流程部分开发进度缓慢,9月28日的发行计划也因此无法赶上了——原计划给玩家展示的剧情部分没做完,关于游戏的宣传也没开始做…… 继续9月28日开售无疑是一件很残酷的事情,因为作品本身的质量与宣传质量都不足,制作组或许会整体迎来大失败。几番考虑之下,我们决定,把上架发售时间,调整到11月16日星期五。非常抱歉,再次告知所有的玩家朋友们这个消息。也要再一次对制作组内的小伙伴们说一声道歉。 非常抱歉,这次是我的任性。在不顾制作组资金已经见底的情况下任意妄为地抛下王3的开发工作前往隔壁工作室进行帮忙…… 是的,我们已经没钱了。 但是不要担心,我会想办法的。 鞠躬。 玩家朋友们,我们11月见。 夜神不说话 2018年9月21日 ------------------------------------------------- 写在最后,《太吾绘卷》是一款真正可以跻身神作的国产武侠游戏,如果大家喜欢的话,请务必给我一个薄面,steam搜索《太吾绘卷》购买游玩。茄子是我相识两年多的朋友,也是我这辈子见过的最优秀的独立游戏人,没有之一。 支持优秀游戏,你不会后悔的。无论是《太吾绘卷》还是《拯救大魔王3》。 爱你们好久不见,我是夜神Feb 21, 2018 - Community Announcements我们沉默了很久,这看上去像是某种意义上的消失。 沉默是一件很危险的事情—— ——可能在此之前你对我们有所了解,在我们消失后逐渐将我们忘却;也可能在此之前你对我们一无所知,而沉默更是让这个一无所知无法寸进。 但我们必须沉默,直到我们爆发,或者我们灭亡。 我们沉默了15个月,将作品推倒重做了5次。 现在我们决定回来。 好久不见,我是夜神。 夏天快到了。 又是一年六月。好久不见,我是夜神Feb 21, 2018 - Community Announcements我们沉默了很久,这看上去像是某种意义上的消失。 沉默是一件很危险的事情—— ——可能在此之前你对我们有所了解,在我们消失后逐渐将我们忘却;也可能在此之前你对我们一无所知,而沉默更是让这个一无所知无法寸进。 但我们必须沉默,直到我们爆发,或者我们灭亡。 我们沉默了15个月,将作品推倒重做了5次。 现在我们决定回来。 好久不见,我是夜神。 夏天快到了。 又是一年六月。 have updated new battle system of our new gameMay 15, 2017 - Community AnnouncementsWe have updated our new battle plan, which may be in the future of the fight system to Rescue the Great Demon: Rebirth: If you like our game, come to greenlight and vote for us! have updated new battle system of our new gameMay 15, 2017 - Community AnnouncementsWe have updated our new battle plan, which may be in the future of the fight system to Rescue the Great Demon: Rebirth: If you like our game, come to greenlight and vote for us! is now on Steam Greenlight! We need your help!May 1, 2017 - Community AnnouncementsCome to Greenlight and vote us! You have to know that in this world, there's no right or wrong, but only Humans and Demons. Humans are born equal, while Demons are born inferior. Humans are born free, while Demons are born enslaved. Humans are born virtuous, while Demons are born vicious. Humans are born righteous, as they are priviledged to discriminate Demons. B.Z. 1320 June, I joined the Clown. I decided to climb back from abyss, where you sent me with your own hands. I am determined to reclaim everything I once possess, including yours. This is the reason of my rebirth. This is the reason, of the Great Demon's rebirth. Well… that part above was quite confusing wasn’t it? I suppose a I owe you a “real” introduction to this game after all. Have you ever had that itch to create a game of your own, to tell your own saga? That is basically the tale of us: a bunch of college slackers that collaborated an indie RPG through the internet, just for a JRPG game that we could all enjoy. After our first game “Rescue the Great Demon 2” was finished, we were not satisfied. It was reasonably successful, yet we knew we could do better. We decided to collaborate again: “We would definitely do better this time.” Hence this game, “Rescue the Great Demon: Reborn”, our re-attempt to build a game focusing on everything you like about JRPGs: the immersive gameplay, the carefully-woven plot, and detailed prose delineating the characters, set in an age where the long-running tension between the ancient races of demons and humans finally erupt, where one side had nothing to lose but all the history of being suppressed, and the other side would contrive every possible scheme to maintain the current status quo. What to expect: 1. 8 Playable Characters, 20 Different Combinations of Starting Party Choices 2. Expansive Main Plot (over 150,000 words) Paired with Detailed Side Quests (over 50,000 words) 3. 128 Different Enemy Encounters, 173 Types of Utility Items, 211 Different Weapons, 286 Learnable Skills, etc. 4. Playing as demons battling against humans. (Yeah, damn these rotten humans.) Features: 1. Immersive JRPG Gameplay 2. An Epic World Brimmed with Details 3. Unique Art Style: Simple yet Refined Graphics 4. Awesome Original Soundtrack If you like our game, feel free to spread the word, share this on social media. And the most important of all, do not forget to give us a vote! 你应该知道,这个世界无分对错,这个世界只分种族。 人生来平等,而异族身份卑微。 人生来自由,而异族遭受奴役。 人生来善良,而异族本性邪恶。 人生来公正,他们有决定谁是异族的权利。 别西卜1320年6月,我加入了微笑小丑。 我曾经被你们亲手送入深渊,但现在我决定爬回来。 我将拿回曾经属于我的一切,并把属于你的一切也一并夺走。 这就是我重生的理由。 这就是,魔王重生的理由。 啊,上面那部分有点让你迷惑了,不是吗?别着急,让我们来进一步讲解一番。 你有没有过那种“创造一个自己的游戏,讲述自己脑海中的史诗”的想法呢?这也大概是我们的故事了:...Demon:Rebirth is now on Steam Greenlight! We need your help!May 1, 2017 - Community AnnouncementsCome to Greenlight and vote us! You have to know that in this world, there's no right or wrong, but only Humans and Demons. Humans are born equal, while Demons are born inferior. Humans are born free, while Demons are born enslaved. Humans are born virtuous, while Demons are born vicious. Humans are born righteous, as they are priviledged to discriminate Demons. B.Z. 1320 June, I joined the Clown. I decided to climb back from abyss, where you sent me with your own hands. I am determined to reclaim everything I once possess, including yours. This is the reason of my rebirth. This is the reason, of the Great Demon's rebirth. Well… that part above was quite confusing wasn’t it? I suppose a I owe you a “real” introduction to this game after all. Have you ever had that itch to create a game of your own, to tell your own saga? That is basically the tale of us: a bunch of college slackers that collaborated an indie RPG through the internet, just for a JRPG game that we could all enjoy. After our first game “Rescue the Great Demon 2” was finished, we were not satisfied. It was reasonably successful, yet we knew we could do better. We decided to collaborate again: “We would definitely do better this time.” Hence this game, “Rescue the Great Demon: Reborn”, our re-attempt to build a game focusing on everything you like about JRPGs: the immersive gameplay, the carefully-woven plot, and detailed prose delineating the characters, set in an age where the long-running tension between the ancient races of demons and humans finally erupt, where one side had nothing to lose but all the history of being suppressed, and the other side would contrive every possible scheme to maintain the current status quo. What to expect: 1. 8 Playable Characters, 20 Different Combinations of Starting Party Choices 2. Expansive Main Plot (over 150,000 words) Paired with Detailed Side Quests (over 50,000 words) 3. 128 Different Enemy Encounters, 173 Types of Utility Items, 211 Different Weapons, 286 Learnable Skills, etc. 4. Playing as demons battling against humans. (Yeah, damn these rotten humans.) Features: 1. Immersive JRPG Gameplay 2. An Epic World Brimmed with Details 3. Unique Art Style: Simple yet Refined Graphics 4. Awesome Original Soundtrack If you like our game, feel free to spread the word, share this on social media. And the most important of all, do not forget to give us a vote! 你应该知道,这个世界无分对错,这个世界只分种族。 人生来平等,而异族身份卑微。 人生来自由,而异族遭受奴役。 人生来善良,而异族本性邪恶。 人生来公正,他们有决定谁是异族的权利。 别西卜1320年6月,我加入了微笑小丑。 我曾经被你们亲手送入深渊,但现在我决定爬回来。 我将拿回曾经属于我的一切,并把属于你的一切也一并夺走。 这就是我重生的理由。 这就是,魔王重生的理由。 啊,上面那部分有点让你迷惑了,不是吗?别着急,让我们来进一步讲解一番。 你有没有过那种“创造一个自己的游戏,讲述自己脑海中的史诗”的想法呢?这也大概是我们的故事了:...一封迟来的信件,同时也是新作的预告篇Apr 11, 2017 - Community Announcements 在下笔写这封“信”之前,我犹豫了整整四个月的时间,如果不是魔王重生的主程在昨日瞒着我更新了一次有关新作预告的公告,我想我可能还会犹豫很长一段时间。 好久不见,我是夜神。 首先我必须为我的食言而道歉,原先预定在今年一月份制作完成的“魔王重生”并没有按时和大家见面,你知道,工作量总是像滚雪球一样越滚越大,比方说我们想做一个新的菜单,于是重做了全部的菜单UI,之后觉得和地图UI不配套,于是又重做了地图UI,之后又反过来觉得菜单不合适,于是又再次重做了菜单…… 《拯救大魔王:重生》的制作进度并不顺利,这种不顺利并不是说我们没能做完去年年底设想的部分,而是我们发现,在做完了设想部分之后,游戏依旧有着很大的提升空间。我们原计划在重生中重制50k字的剧情文本与3k行代码,到3月底为止,我们一共重制了80k字的剧情文本与6k行代码,然而这样的工作量并不能满足我们对魔王重生的预期,按照现在的预期,魔王重生的文本需求可能会达到150k字,而代码需求可能会达到10k。这种情况在美术部分也是一样,甚至因为人员的缺失,原本繁重的工作量更为惊人…… 这便是《拯救大魔王:重生》制作进度缓慢的原因,也希望大家能够谅解。(鞠躬 值得庆幸的是,截止上个月月底,魔王重生的制作进度已经突破30%大关,我们也能够非正式地在大家面前曝光一些具体的游戏内容了,于是我制作了这样的一则简短的宣传片,如果大家对如果大家对《拯救大魔王:重生》的相关内容感兴趣的话,不妨移驾下方的链接听我唠上两句。 《拯救大魔王:重生》第一次宣传视频 关于新作的具体推出时间,《拯救大魔王:重生》的基本内容预计完成时间会在今年六月,我们会尝试让新魔王在七月之前上线Steam 进行EA,如果不出意外的话,那个时候应该就是我们正式重新见面的时间了。 而定价方面,魔王重生的EA价格会在18元,正式上线后调整为27元。 如果您是在《拯救大魔王:重生》上架EA之前购买《拯救大魔王2》全DLC(Donation + OST + Art Book)的玩家,您将会在重生EA之后收到一张90%off的魔王重生折扣券。这并不是一个鲁莽的决定,正是因为有了你们,我们的前行才有了意义。我爱你们。 祝大家生活愉快,学业进步,事业有成。 六月见。一封迟来的信件,同时也是新作的预告篇Apr 11, 2017 - Community Announcements 在下笔写这封“信”之前,我犹豫了整整四个月的时间,如果不是魔王重生的主程在昨日瞒着我更新了一次有关新作预告的公告,我想我可能还会犹豫很长一段时间。 好久不见,我是夜神。 首先我必须为我的食言而道歉,原先预定在今年一月份制作完成的“魔王重生”并没有按时和大家见面,你知道,工作量总是像滚雪球一样越滚越大,比方说我们想做一个新的菜单,于是重做了全部的菜单UI,之后觉得和地图UI不配套,于是又重做了地图UI,之后又反过来觉得菜单不合适,于是又再次重做了菜单…… 《拯救大魔王:重生》的制作进度并不顺利,这种不顺利并不是说我们没能做完去年年底设想的部分,而是我们发现,在做完了设想部分之后,游戏依旧有着很大的提升空间。我们原计划在重生中重制50k字的剧情文本与3k行代码,到3月底为止,我们一共重制了80k字的剧情文本与6k行代码,然而这样的工作量并不能满足我们对魔王重生的预期,按照现在的预期,魔王重生的文本需求可能会达到150k字,而代码需求可能会达到10k。这种情况在美术部分也是一样,甚至因为人员的缺失,原本繁重的工作量更为惊人…… 这便是《拯救大魔王:重生》制作进度缓慢的原因,也希望大家能够谅解。(鞠躬 值得庆幸的是,截止上个月月底,魔王重生的制作进度已经突破30%大关,我们也能够非正式地在大家面前曝光一些具体的游戏内容了,于是我制作了这样的一则简短的宣传片,如果大家对如果大家对《拯救大魔王:重生》的相关内容感兴趣的话,不妨移驾下方的链接听我唠上两句。 《拯救大魔王:重生》第一次宣传视频 关于新作的具体推出时间,《拯救大魔王:重生》的基本内容预计完成时间会在今年六月,我们会尝试让新魔王在七月之前上线Steam 进行EA,如果不出意外的话,那个时候应该就是我们正式重新见面的时间了。 而定价方面,魔王重生的EA价格会在18元,正式上线后调整为27元。 如果您是在《拯救大魔王:重生》上架EA之前购买《拯救大魔王2》全DLC(Donation + OST + Art Book)的玩家,您将会在重生EA之后收到一张90%off的魔王重生折扣券。这并不是一个鲁莽的决定,正是因为有了你们,我们的前行才有了意义。我爱你们。 祝大家生活愉快,学业进步,事业有成。 六月见。 3.23 Update listDec 19, 2016 - Community Announcements1. Game environment has changed to electron from nwjs. 2. Linux and Mac OS version is available now. 3. Added a starter guide for Battle system. 4. Fixed some issues of memory usage.version 3.23 Update listDec 18, 2016 - Community Announcements1. Game environment has changed to electron from nwjs. 2. Linux and Mac OS version is available now. 3. Added a starter guide for Battle system. 4. Fixed some issues of memory usage.UntitledDec 17, 2016 - Community AnnouncementsDLCs are available now!Nov 27, 2016 - Community AnnouncementsOkay, like we said before, the DLCs are here. Many people has asked that why this game is free. The main reason is we'd like to share this story to as many people as we can. Since the main game will be free forever, if you like our game and want to support us, just buy these DLCs! They are: Rescue the Great Demon 2 - Donation Rescue the Great Demon 2 - Art Book Rescue the Great Demon 2 - OST package DLCs are available now!Nov 27, 2016 - Community AnnouncementsOkay, like we said before, the DLCs are here. Many people has asked that why this game is free. The main reason is we'd like to share this story to as many people as we can. Since the main game will be free forever, if you like our game and want to support us, just buy these DLCs! They are: Rescue the Great Demon 2 - Donation Rescue the Great Demon 2 - Art Book Rescue the Great Demon 2 - OST package Version 3.23 更新目录Nov 26, 2016 - Community Announcements1. Fixed the bug of forest. Included the mistakes about explore points and mistakes about steam achievements. 2. Fixed 4 places of word mistakes and some mistakes of skills description. 3. Completed 1st English Re-translation, thanks everyone. 4. Fixed the bug of Imperial City. 5. Fixed the bug of calendar card 6. Strengthen the Bosses. Version 3.23 更新目录Nov 26, 2016 - Community Announcements1. Fixed the bug of forest. Included the mistakes about explore points and mistakes about steam achievements. 2. Fixed 4 places of word mistakes and some mistakes of skills description. 3. Completed 1st English Re-translation, thanks everyone. 4. Fixed the bug of Imperial City. 5. Fixed the bug of calendar card 6. Strengthen the Bosses. 1st English Re-translationNov 26, 2016 - Community AnnouncementsIn the latest version, we've re-translated all English in-game text. We'd like to appreciate everyone who helped us with re-translating and proofreading voluntarily, we cannot make this without your help. craft crap tears doodle jwinf843 lorgofgames west 胡萝卜1st English Re-translationNov 26, 2016 - Community AnnouncementsIn the latest version, we've re-translated all English in-game text. We'd like to appreciate everyone who helped us with re-translating and proofreading voluntarily, we cannot make this without your help. craft crap tears doodle jwinf843 lorgofgames west 胡萝卜version 3.22 Update listNov 24, 2016 - Community Announcements1. Fixed an issue where calendar cannot be openned in a new game. 2. Optimized the display of text. 3. Retranslated many English dialogues. 4. Fixed some skill bugs. 5. Added instructions for battle system.