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Project Zomboid

Amazing new Project Zomboid mod makes the survival game feel way more realisticFeb 4, 2025 - PCGamesNThe first few days in Project Zomboid are crucial. Typically your priorities are weapons, a car, canned food, and maybe the almighty sledgehammer. But wait. While it might make sense to go hunting for supplies, if you want to survive the winter and beyond, there is a very specific thing that you need to do in the initial weeks - stay inside and watch the TV. Every six hours, Life And Living will provide you with vital experience points for carpentry, fishing, and myriad other skills. It's easy XP, but sitting there can also become a bit tedious. Expansive and gorgeous, a fantastic new Project Zomboid mod is the ideal solution. Read the rest of the story... RELATED LINKS: Surprise new Project Zomboid update makes guns and combat way better in build 42 Project Zomboid maps have been revolutionized by an amazing new build 42 feature Gigantic Project Zomboid update might make build 42 easier to survive Surprise new Project Zomboid update makes guns and combat way better in build 42Jan 28, 2025 - PCGamesNIf you want to get a gun in Project Zomboid, you're going to have to work hard and take risks. Personally, I favor the army surplus store in Fallas Lake. The town is relatively small and the quantity of guns and bullets can be high. Nevertheless, you still need a sledgehammer to get into the armory. Same goes for the Louisville checkpoint and most of the police stations in Knox Country. It's a lot of investment and return isn't guaranteed. Proving that The Indie Stone's survival game has the edge on The Long Dark, DayZ, and Rust, another new Project Zomboid update for the unstable build 42 is already here, and it makes big improvements to how we find and use guns. Read the rest of the story... RELATED LINKS: Project Zomboid maps have been revolutionized by an amazing new build 42 feature Gigantic Project Zomboid update might make build 42 easier to survive Gigantic new Project Zomboid mod totally transforms the entire game 42.2.0 UNSTABLE ReleasedJan 27, 2025 - Community AnnouncementsHow do I subscribe to the Unstable beta branch? {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/4460946/3bda4621a34bdf8608402fc18ea79c2b70fdcca2.gif NEW - Building and Vehicle keys, when properly spawned, will have data regarding their origin coordinates recorded in the item data. - As a Debug or Admin tool, items that have their origin coordinates recorded can be right-clicked on in the inventory interface to get an option to teleport to that item's point of origin. - Note #1: This will only work for keys spawned after this update; pre-existing keys will not provide that functionality. - Note #2: This will teleport the character to the square a vehicle initially spawned in. If the vehicle has been moved, it will not be at the teleport destination. - This is a debug tool for checking exactly what keys unlock but could have other debug/admin utilities for stuff like annotated maps, fliers, quest items, etc. - Added isThumpable = false to several buildMenu entities that shouldn't have collision. - Added moveables properties for several buildMenu entities that are missing moveable properties. - Added proper model for Wooden Spade. - Added new Music Fest flyer. - UI improvements when creating animal designation zones - Fixed calculation of which square is under the mouse pointer. - Highlight the square under the mouse pointer. - Render the zone being created in red if the zone size is invalid. - Cancel creating a zone after releasing the mouse button when the zone size is invalid. - Fixed panel getting too tall to close with many animals in a zone. Changed the Livestock Zone UI to display a scrolling list of animals. - VRAM usage optimisation. - Added Concrete tag to all proper buckets and made it so recipes use the tag instead of specific bucket items. - Added MayDegradeLight to several recipes that use a Mason's Trowel. BALANCE - Updated loot distribution. - Increased gun spawns in gun stores and police storage to make them feel more rewarding to loot. - Spiced up prison storage loot. The storage room now acts as a repository for riot control's armor and shotguns. - Added PrisonLaundry to the prison's laundry room. Washers and dryers should spawn uniforms. - Added the Locksmith, Florist, and Craft Supply vehicles. - Set up the Fire Department garage. FireStorageMechanics, as well as PiliceStorageMechanics and police garages, have a decent chance to spawn a red lightbar. - Fleshing Tools now have a chance of spawning with other tools in GigaMart; however, as with any other loot spawning, they will not always spawn in GigaMart. - Added the Fleshing Tool to several loot distros/contexts. - Adjustments were made to force butchery containers to spawn in many grocery store and kitchen contexts; previously they could spawn but not always, now the loot spawning code will try to always ensure that at least 1 butchering container spawns in relevant contexts. - Seafood delivery vans can sometimes spawn a Fleshing Tool in their cargo compartment. - Added blacksmithing vans and stepvans. -...Project Zomboid maps have been revolutionized by an amazing new build 42 featureJan 23, 2025 - PCGamesNI have this problem whenever I start a new game on Project Zomboid. I call it the death spiral. I spawn into a house but the loot containers don't have any useful weapons. So, I walk outside to go searching, and inevitably attract the attention of some zombies. This means I can't stop to search other buildings, so I have to keep walking... which attracts more zombies, which means I have even less time to search, and so on. If only there was some way to guarantee the presence of certain objects and resources. We're not quite there yet, but the new Project Zomboid update for unstable build 42 offers some small control over the randomized maps. Read the rest of the story... RELATED LINKS: Gigantic Project Zomboid update might make build 42 easier to survive Gigantic new Project Zomboid mod totally transforms the entire game Project Zomboid is scarier, nastier, and better than any other survival game 42.1.1 UNSTABLE ReleasedJan 22, 2025 - Community AnnouncementsNEW - Sheet Curtains attached to animated doors are now rendered in 3D, attached to the animated doors. - Added a craft recipe for Sawing a Plank from a Large Branch. - Further development of an "InheritFood" inputFlag for craftRecipes. - This is intended to automate translating all of the food qualities from the appropriate input to the appropriate product(s), such as properly splitting a pot of soup into bowls of soup, with all of the proper nutrition, cooked, poison, old, etc. - Ideally, for most cases for food craftRecipes, having "InheritFood" on the proper input should produce the desired results without needing an OnCreate lua function. - Added functionality for an "InheritCooked" craftRecipe input flag. - If an input with that flag is Burnt, Cooked, or Frozen, according to the code the output should also be Burnt, Cooked or Frozen. - Added Fire Axe Head item and enabled all of the business with them breaking and being assembled and disassembled like other axe items. - Added Masonry business vehicles so more Masonry Chisels spawn. - Added Craft Supply business vehicles so more Clay spawns. - Added Florist business vehicles because we have pretty flowers. - Holly trees can sometimes drop Holly Berries when chopped down. - Updated crafting/clay van texture. - Added Wooden Spade item and carving recipe. - Added recipe for crafting Molotov. - Added the Log tag to Log item, so that it can be used along with other tags in an input. BALANCE - Adjusted how trees are evaluated based on their tile definition properties to determine their size and whether they yield logs. - A distinction was introduced within the smallest class of trees, differentiating between "really small" and "small" trees. - The really small trees will now drop one Log and a Sapling, bigger trees drop more Logs. - Revised tree health calculations to account for changes in log yield. - Note: Players with existing savegames will need to travel to unexplored areas for the "small but not really small trees" to drop logs when chopped down. - Adjusted weight of the broken branch item from 2 to 1.5. - Adjusted weight of Money Bundle from 1 to 0.5. - Large enough pine trees can sometimes drop pine cones when chopped down. - Large enough oak trees can sometimes drop acorns when chopped down. - Rebalanced tree chopping yields as excess Large Branches were dropping due to redundant code. - Crayons can be used to make green marks on the map. - Lowered base stress from the trailer crash story to avoid Ram/Bull killing players on sight. FIXES - Fixed some broken animations when holding 1handed knives. We are aware that there are still issues with overtwisting animations and will fix it soon. - Fixed Null-ref Crashes on User Machines due to missing Display.capabilities - Fixed a floating sign at 11657x8375. - Fixed the CarveShortBat craftRecipe producing a LongHandle. - Fixed missing craftRecipe for assembling spears from proper spear heads. - Fixed an error with the improvised flashlight reci...42.1 UNSTABLE ReleasedJan 21, 2025 - Community AnnouncementsLink to full changelog due to character limitation: Old saves are compatible but a new savegame is required for all of these changes to take full effect. NEW - Added Firearm Chance To Damage sandbox option, an experimental new method to calculate firearm hits, now based on the chance to damage. It is defaulted to be on, but the previous method remains available in Sandbox. Feedback is welcome on both for future balance. - Chance-to-Damage: Each successfully aimed shot hits. The previous chance-to-hit calculation then determines if damage is dealt. This change aims to eliminate the frustration of “missed shots” and attempts to make every ranged attack feel more rewarding. - Added ability to raise UI render FPS cap to 120, added 60 and 120 options. 60 is the new default. - Added Purify Water recipe, it uses Water Purification Tablets to purify up to 1L of tainted water. - Added blacksmithing recipes: Small Iron Bands; Iron Bands; Mace Heads; Spiked Clubs; Spear Heads; and Long Spear Heads. - Added Report Bug button to MainScreen.lua which opens TIS bug report forum. - Added Can Pipe. - Added craftRecipe for forging the Large Hook item. - Added recipe for carving Planks from a Large Branch. - Added functions to to randomize an item's condition, headCondition, Sharpness, and all general conditions, to consistencize loot spawning in - Added missing items and craftRecipes for Flax, Spinach, Sunflower and Tobacco seed packets. - Added recipe for forging a Handguard Dagger. - Added a sandbox setting, "Discomfort Modifier" that, similar to "Muscle Strain Factor", can be used to disable, reduce, or increase the discomfort effect provided by clothing items that provide discomfort. - Added precautions against chickenpocalypse - Added recipe for making twine using dogbane. - Added a craftRecipe for carving short bats. Needed for spiked club and mace crafting. - Added craftRecipes for splitting circular sawblades into halves (used for crafting some weapons) using a hacksaw, bandsaw, welding torch or forge. - Added missing blacksmithing craftRecipe for forging buckles. - Added craftRecipes for forging spiked baseball bats and cudgels. - Added several new skill books, recipe magazines, and crafting tools, especially "bottleneck" items, to the foraging tables. - Added some similar additions to the randomized world story item pools. - Added recipes for turning an iron band into 4 small iron bands. - Added a recipe for fixing saws and sawblades with a file - Added a craftRecipe to get Long Sticks from Brooms and Mops. - Added a sandbox setting that can be used to set the maximum hours of fuel a campfire, wood stove, charcoal bbq, etc can hold. This defaults to 8 hours. - Added a carved wooden bucket item. - Added Bundled Sterilized Rag item, can be bundled and unbundled through recipes. - Updated Moodles. - Updated Sounds - Several mixing and polishing adjustments. - Footstep sweeteners when walk...Gigantic Project Zomboid update might make build 42 easier to surviveJan 16, 2025 - PCGamesNProject Zomboid is perhaps the most unforgiving survival game on PC. It's not that it's the hardest. It's more...the pure indifference. One of my most recent characters, I had managed to keep alive for more than three months. Stupidly I decided to check out Louisville. Attempting to run from a horde, I tripped over, dropped my machete and flashlight, and, well, you know what happened next. With The Indie Stone still tweaking build 42 unstable, a potential new Project Zomboid update has just been teased and, with changes to XP, crafting, and the zombies themselves, it could make staying alive much easier. Read the rest of the story... RELATED LINKS: Gigantic new Project Zomboid mod totally transforms the entire game Project Zomboid is scarier, nastier, and better than any other survival game New Project Zomboid update makes combat in build 42 a lot better Gigantic new Project Zomboid mod totally transforms the entire gameJan 8, 2025 - PCGamesNThere are a lot of mysteries in Project Zomboid. What exactly is Spiffo's up to, and what's its role in the Knox Event? Is the town in the center of the map called Ekron, Fallas Lake, or something else? And why do I have to drive all the way to Muldraugh if I want a sledgehammer? But as unstable build 42 rolls out and The Indie Stone's superlative zombie survival game continues to get better, a groundbreaking new Project Zomboid mod answers the biggest question of all: what was Knox Country like before the outbreak? Transforming the Zomboid experience from top to bottom, this is an absolute must-play. Read the rest of the story... RELATED LINKS: Project Zomboid is scarier, nastier, and better than any other survival game New Project Zomboid update makes combat in build 42 a lot better Project Zomboid developer issues statement about controversial build 42 artwork Project Zomboid - Build 42 Unstable is out with lots new for testingJan 6, 2025 - GamingOnLinuxOne missed from last month is the massive update to survival game Project Zomboid is now available as an Unstable Beta for testing. Read the full article here: Project Zomboid - Build 42 Unstable is out with lots new for testingJan 6, 2025 - GamingOnLinuxOne missed from last month is the massive update to survival game Project Zomboid is now available as an Unstable Beta for testing. Read the full article here: Project Zomboid is scarier, nastier, and better than any other survival gameDec 29, 2024 - PCGamesNEssentially every survival game is set in the same world - or at least the same atmosphere. In DayZ, State of Decay, and Dying Light, it's the actual apocalypse, when zombies have overtaken all of civilization. The Long Dark, The Forest, and Rust are more sober and realistic, but the tone and the sense of place remain the same. It's all about desolation, this sense that the comforts of everyday life have been annihilated, and you're trying to eke out an existence in a place that's either completely dead or is entirely antithetical to the modern world. It's all gone. Or it was never here to begin with. That's scary and tense in its own way, but it's nothing compared to Project Zomboid, the best survival game I've ever played. Read the rest of the story... RELATED LINKS: New Project Zomboid update makes combat in build 42 a lot better Project Zomboid developer issues statement about controversial build 42 artwork The huge Project Zomboid build 42 is finally playable after years in the making New Project Zomboid update makes combat in build 42 a lot betterDec 23, 2024 - PCGamesNProject Zomboid build 42 marks a huge transformation for The Indie Stone's undead opus. Alongside sweeping changes to central mechanics, we've also got new lighting, the addition of high-rise buildings, new crafting systems, wild animals, and even extra maps. But Zomboid's developer is far from finished with unstable 42. It's a tough world in the survival genre, and to keep Zomboid performing at its very best - and ahead of rivals like State of Decay 2 and DayZ - The Indie Stone has already dropped a new update to tweak and improve build 42's combat. Read the rest of the story... RELATED LINKS: Project Zomboid developer issues statement about controversial build 42 artwork The huge Project Zomboid build 42 is finally playable after years in the making Project Zomboid shows off exciting upgrades for long-awaited build 42 Unstable Branch Hotfix 42.0.2 Released!Dec 23, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsHOTFIX 42.0.2 ADDITIONS - Added sandbox multipliers for jamming, weather and moodle effects on hit chance - Added boolean sandbox option to disable headgear vision penalties on hit chance BALANCE - Significantly reduced jamming rates - Adjusted point blank distance to 3.5 tiles - Some HitChance modifiers that were not properly impacted by point blank distance are now taken into account. These include moodles, weather, lighting and headgear. - Reduced moodle hitChance penalties by half - Set default sandbox jam multiplier to 0 FIXES - Fixed weapons with 0 base rate from jamming on rack - Fixed tutorial shotgun from potentially jamming. - Fixed tutorial running to the outhouse step from being brokenHotfix 42.0.1 - Unstable ReleaseDec 20, 2024 - Community Announcements- Fix for "no UI"/"black screen" at game start (helps with problematic screenresolution.ini file, but not with old AMD cards bug). - Fixed game closing while shooting. - Fixed texture compression being disabled. - Removed placeholder UI sounds - Fixed not being able to open doors when another timed action was being carried out. - Reduced Melee Weapon Muscle strain. It is now 60% of the previous amount. Other sources of Muscle Strain are unaffected. The sandbox value hasn't changed and the reduced value is the new baseline. - Fixed Chickenpocalypse. - Fixed a butchering exploit. - Fixed a missing floor in cell 16,24 causing the player to fall forever. - Convert GLSL 330 syntax to 150 when the available OpenGL version is less than 3.3. - This should allow the game to run on MacOS again, in theory. - Replaced GL43.glDepthRangef() calls with GL11.glDepthRange(). - Fixed bink videos not playing when the working directory does not contain the "media" directory. - Fixed glitchy model rendering affecting mods due to not-normalized bone weights. - Fixed garbage creation in several spots. AnimationPlayer.getSkinTransformData() was reallocating bone matrices every frame due to bone counts differing between player models and clothing models. - Reduced memory usage a little. - Radio data XML was kept in memory after parsing. - LosUtil.cachedresults isn't used in singleplayer. - Avoid allocating a few large buffers used only in multiplayer. - Garbage-creation avoided in several places. - Fixed rendering issues starting the game with zoom disabled. - Fixed BallisticsTargets not being cleared. - Fixed array indexing in PZBallistics::getCameraTargets - ModelInstance::getAttachmentWorldPosition normalizes the direction vector - Fixed Zeds playing wrong animation when shoved down. - When bKnockedDown and !hasHitReaction and !bOnFloor and playerAttackPosition = FRONT/BACK, Zed now goes to staggerback-knockeddown. - When playerAttackPosition is not FRONT/BACK, Zed goes to falldown. - attack-network no longer goes to idle when bDead. - staggerback-knockeddown AnimNodes no longer continously check bKnockedDown. - Already in the knockeddown state, no need to keep checking. - Modified the default sandbox options for animals a bit, made milk/wool on Fast by default, Egg hatch is fast, not very fast now tho (meaning it takes 14 days to hatch an egg instead of approx 8 days in the current very fast version) - Fixed recipecode for pack of batteries that spawned in the world. - Fixed multiple recipes in knapping. - Removed the butchering & recipe code fixes since it wasn't wanted for hotfix. - Fixed Make_Stone_Knife requiring Maintenance 5 instead of 1. - Wooden Cudgel renamed to Large Branch. - Added Workshop tags: Animals, Audio, Farming, Skills, QoL, WIP - Traits renamed. - Nervous to Cowardly - Fear of Outdoors to Agoraphobic - Fear of Indoors to Claustrophobic - Outdoorsman to Outdoorsy - Can't Read to Illiterate - Repairer/Repairman to DIY Expert - Fisher to Angler - Ad...Project Zomboid developer issues statement about controversial build 42 artworkDec 20, 2024 - PCGamesNProject Zomboid build 42, also known as 'unstable 42,' is finally here after a long wait, and it transforms the survival game with fresh maps, gameplay changes, and vital additions like high-rise buildings and the ability to sit down on couches. But the new version of The Indie Stone's DayZ, Dying Light, and The Forest rival has also been met with concerns regarding the new artwork used for loading screens. Players have commented that the art looks as if it may have been created using artificial intelligence, or AI tools. Now, one of Project Zomboid's developers shares a lengthy statement explaining how the artwork was commissioned, also responding to the claims regarding AI. Read the rest of the story... RELATED LINKS: The huge Project Zomboid build 42 is finally playable after years in the making Project Zomboid shows off exciting upgrades for long-awaited build 42 Project Zomboid build 42 will allow spooky basements and sewers Project Zomboid's new Build 42 update, 3 years in the making, is the biggest game release of 2024 for me—here's whyDec 18, 2024 - PC GamerChristmas came early for me yesterday. After previously announcing Project Zomboid's long-awaited Build 42 would be out by the end of the year, developer The Indie Stone released the absolutely colossal update on Tuesday. In terms of the sheer number of features—from a total crafting overhaul to a considerable expansion of the already huge map—this is the biggest update Zomboid has ever gotten. And for me? It's the biggest game release of 2024. Move aside, Shadow of the Erdtree... Read more.The huge Project Zomboid build 42 is finally playable after years in the makingDec 18, 2024 - PCGamesNAfter several years, Project Zomboid build 42 is finally playable, albeit in an early form. The long-anticipated update to one of Steam's best-loved zombie games is a transformative overhaul packed with new features, from richer environments to animal husbandry, hunting, and a dramatic combat rework. Build 42 promises to be one of the most substantial upgrades to the survival game since its early access launch back in November 2013, and now it's finally ready to test. Read the rest of the story... RELATED LINKS: Project Zomboid shows off exciting upgrades for long-awaited build 42 Project Zomboid build 42 will allow spooky basements and sewers Project Zomboid Build 42 will make the map a lot bigger Build 42 Unstable Out NowDec 17, 2024 - Community Announcements{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/4460946/59c516dd2a334257a8d54a8909e3aba43abf790a.png Build 42 Unstable is now available to play! Important Those who play Unstable must be aware that they’re playing a work in progress. This Unstable exists so we can collect player feedback to find bugs and improve our game. Some key features, primarily multiplayer, are initially disabled – they will be re-enabled later. Build 41 saves and mods are NOT compatible with Build 42. There will be bugs and annoyances, and game balance will likely be way from perfect, particularly with the zombie distribution and combat changes.Your saves may break after Unstable updates. We’re aware people have built up a lot of anticipation for the first unstable release, and have done our best to make it an enjoyable experience out the gate. But as those who were present for the first b41 unstable release will attest, it’s in unstable for a reason and our unstable branches evolve a lot during the process, so please be understanding and constructive if you come across issues.  HOW TO PLAY? The Unstable branch is now accessible to anyone who plays Project Zomboid. Right click Project Zomboid in your Steam library and hit “Properties”. Then, navigate to the betas tab and select the “Unstable” branch from the dropdown menu. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/4460946/596a582cc576b072a2f33862c9c00f12e34f673e.gif If you find a bug, read this first, then post it on our forums. If you put it anywhere else (including Discord) then your report will likely get lost. WHAT’S IN? WHAT’S NEXT? {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/4460946/567b3455c4ecfca85122f4a87506a709b13a74c3.jpg PLEASE NOTE: Due to some unavoidable last minute compatibility issues, unstable 42 for Mac will arrive in a subsequent update, very possibly falling in the New Year. SteamDeck / controller input is still WIP, and currently not recommended for play MP will be enabled during the Unstable beta process. Our GOG friends will get access to Unstable very soon too, we’ve just had a lot on our plate but will try and roll the unstable out to GOG asap. The team is still hard at work improving aspects of the game that will be mixed in during the Unstable beta process. Initial patching, alongside any major issues that arise from the player community, will concentrate on: Polishing of Craft and Building UIs Ingredients tuning XP gain adjustments More icons, better tooltips Various collision issues None of these areas are finalized, and we welcome your thoughts on all of the above so we can prioritize our patching. A focus for us during Unstable will be hunting. Currently deer migrate over the map along paths preordained at the game’s start, and they leave poop and broken twigs that those with the tracking skill can follow – which testers seem to have found cool and atmospheric. These rudiments are fun enough, but to get more of a Call of the Wild feeling we’re going to have to give the deer, their deaths, and the tracking much more focus during Unstable as the animal husbandry side o...Project Zomboid set for a massive update that should get a Beta before ChristmasNov 29, 2024 - GamingOnLinuxProject Zomboid, the highly rated and popular zombie survival game from The Indie Stone, is set to get another truly massive update. Read the full article here: WhatZ NextNov 28, 2024 - Community Announcements{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/4460946/759795290b19163554c00344bcb0082cda6e48d4.png Hello everyone, and Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate. UNSTABLE PLANS So what does the Unstable release currently look like, and what will happen during the beta once it’s out there? Well, the scores on the doors are currently this: {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/4460946/567b3455c4ecfca85122f4a87506a709b13a74c3.jpg As many have assumed, we are currently working on getting Unstable out before Christmas. We feel like we will be in a good place for this, but clearly the closer we get – the shorter the window for any necessary patching before the Christmas season. If we need to, we will choose to delay – but right now the enjoyment we’re seeing from our testers certainly would seem to suggest that the build will be in a good enough state for wider consumption. (And if it were to slip, at this point in time it’s hard to imagine it slipping far into the New Year.) If anything were to happen to change our minds, you would be the first to know. INTERNAL BETA TEST IMPRESSIONS We’ve had around 30 people on the internal beta giving feedback now, and overall the response has been very positive. Which, as we mentioned last time, has been a relief. With the feedback too has come a clear spotlight on what we need to be polishing, both now while we finalise the build – and what we will be turning our attention to during the Unstable update process. Testers have certainly seemed to enjoy the way the game feels now – with it playing more smoothly, and the world feeling more ‘alive’. They universally have responded well to the new lighting, new map additions, new lore, animals, optimization, underground areas, dynamic music, player vocals, corpse dragging, farming and many other of all the manifold things that are in 42. Our changes to the flow of PZ – with our rebalanced zed spawns, combat building up muscle strain and fresh focus on the player having to sneak by crowds – have also been welcomed. This said, this is certainly a change likely to cause some debate in the community (it does switch things up quite a lot) but we would much rather balance things within the mainframe once we have something playable out in the wild. It makes the game a little slower, more tactical and zombies more of a threat – especially now you also have the darkness to contend with. Those who prefer to go a little more Action Jackson might disagree, however, so we’ll see how it all shakes out once everyone gets their hands on it. (And, of course, sandbox will always be available to modify, or disable, aspects that folk don’t like.) Given that rural and some residential areas have less zeds (though we are still balancing this and pumping a few more in) there’s also a vague feeling that the overall game might be a little easier for experienced players now but, again, we will tighten this up once we have more universal feedback from the playerbase at large. People really seem to enjoy the animals too – both when running th...Project Zomboid's Player Base Has Risen from 3k to 30k Peak Players During Its 8th Year of Early Access on SteamDec 20, 2021 - GitHypFrom having the early-Alpha version leaked online to having laptops containing large amounts of the game's original code stolen, the team working on Project Zomboid have somehow managed to survive multiple horrific game dev setbacks over the past decade. Now, 8 years after The Indie Stone first released Project Zomboid in Early Access on Steam, the survival horror game's popularity is still continuing to spread with the player count increasing from 3k to 30k peak concurrent players this week after the game's latest major update. Project Zomboid's Build 41, which introduces 16-player multiplayer dedicated servers along with many other major improvements has resulted in the zombie RPG originally released in 2013 now rising into Steam's Top 20 Most Played Games at #18 this week.