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Potions! v1.0.1 - Minor UpdateJan 18, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsGreetings Potion Sellers! I've tracked down and fixed a few bugs since launch, and added some options for the quality of the smoke - to help alleviate performance issues on lower spec machines I tried the game on a GTX 780 3gb and found that the frame rate was very low (20fps), so I am investigating the performance impact of certain FX and potentially changing the minimum requirements Found out this was due to the user's computer running something else - they have 100fps now! - Made Flying Ingredients spell a uniform speed across different frame rates - Made Offensive Spells uniform speed across different frame rates - Fixed ingredients and potions being thrown with too much force on low frame rates - Added smoke quality options in low, medium, high - Fixed full screen option not being loaded correctly when closing and reopening the game