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Penny RPG: Shadows of the Lost - A Blood City Tale

Shadows of the Lost Major Update (4/21/2022)Apr 21, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsPatch Notes (Build The base game has been updated to change graphics from 2D to 3D. The game still functions as it always has, with better world clarity which allows the player to enjoy the world in a more interactive and visually pleasing way. We hope you guys are able to feel a better sense of immersion with the update. Also, all previous saved games will not function. Players will need to start a new game. Additions: Graphics updated to 3D from 2D. This has increased the overall size of the game from roughly 400MB to 1.9GB. All zones reimagined in full 3D. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38882740/a09176074a691ae2add5ba7f8ca889095af74c08.png Players can now adjust some graphical settings. More options will be added in the future. Full controller support. "Quick Look" available using the '.' key or the LB on the controller. Chapter 1 and early part of Chapter 2 available for play. Icon added to show which doors can be opened. Bug Fixes: Menus cards are now stacked correctly. Stuttering when walking around fixed. Known Issues: All NPCs and characters are bald. You're not losing your mind, they are bald currently. Sometimes NPCs will not be standing in the place they should be standing. If this happens, please close the game and restart. Use icons are sometimes displayed in the wrong position. If this happens, please close the game and restart. Sound will decrease after a cut-scene or event. The volume is only lowered, it can be turned back up on the options menu. Hint text not displaying properly or at all. Options Menu not available at the Title Screen. This will be fixed next patch. Some NPCs are not in the proper location or state after an event. This will be fixed next patch. Please let us know if you find any other issues while playing.Exciting Changes coming to Shadows of the Lost!!Sep 21, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsHello everyone. I apologize for the long silence, but we've been hard at work in redefining the game. It was clear in the early testing of the game that the look and feel wasn't that great. I personally apologize for this as I was hoping to go with a more minimalist style to convey a more simple type of game. Unfortunately, I think I'm just not good enough at realizing a stylized look and I probably should have gotten someone to help me with it. There's not much I can do about it now, unfortunately, but the goal has always been to provide a good looking game that is fun and not too expensive. This is really no excuse, but good quality art comes at a cost of time and money. Recently, we have a lot of time, but money is just not there. That complicates things quite a bit, so we have to make due with what we have. If it doesn't end up the way people like, then I would like to sincerely apologize. My goal is not to create a bad looking/playing game. Just understand that there are constraints we're working within and we're trying our best to provide something great even with those limitations. That out of the way, the game is going into 3D. We did a bit of testing with people outside of the game and based on feedback, we've decided to change the look completely. Well, not completely completely. Menus and UI will stay the same, but the world will feel and look completely different. To give an idea of what I mean, here are a couple of screenshots of what the game will look like once the next patch comes out. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38882740/81b1047cad1a2dd5d7354fb7783ee136fc4c5793.png {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38882740/caaecc00739ae27e97b02bf5e5f6edec4781b442.png {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38882740/9ba681b2a1f9640489e15de290f518a73ee7eb61.png As you can see, the new looks gives a completely different feel to the game and more in line with what we wanted to begin with. One of the biggest complaints about the old look was that it was hard to "read" what was going on. This criticism wasn't lost on me. In trying to make things simple, I gave up the "readability". We're going to bring that back. It'll be clear what you're looking at...or at least it should be if we do our jobs right. Since the game is going 3D, we decided to push up our implementation of screen and performance options. So you'll now be able to select your resolution and things of that nature. This way you'll have more control over your overall visual experience. I'll be adding more options as time goes on, but these things will be included in the next patch. There will be other notable changes that we're still working on and I hope we can finalize before we can provide more information. Overall, once the new build comes out, everyone should be able to play the game again, but with a whole new look and I hope that improves the overall experience. Going forward, I'll try to provide more information and updates so that we don't have long stretches of nothing...then BOOM...some big news. As for when this new update...Shadows of the Lost Regular Update (4/28/2021)Apr 28, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsHello, everyone. Garv here. It's another update for April 28, 2021. I'll be going over what's new and also preparing for what's to come. What's Changed? This update is fairly small, but it finally allows players to finish the main Chapter 2 storylines. So doing more research into various topics will open up more story. It's a fairly small update, but it sets the groundwork for future storylines. I also went through and fixed some doors and various doodads in the game that weren't working properly. Also, some quest/job related bugs that needed to be fixed have been addressed as well. The Future! The next update will be a bit more substantial, but there are a lot of things under the hood that needed to be retooled going forward. With me being a bit of a perfectionist, I was having problems being happy with the way things were shaping up. I'm fairly satisfied with things now, but we'll see how it goes. The goal now is to get the first half of story Chapter 3 in the next build and in the build after that we'll finish off Chapter 3 and add in weapon/armor modding as well as add more enemies and gear to get to level 20 and beyond. Let us know if you're having any problems or find any bugs. As always, we appreciate the feedback. -Garv Shadows of the Lost - A Blood City Tale Update ( 29, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsHello everyone! It's time for another game update. This one is fairly small but we're still working on the story stuff and we should have Chapter 3 ready fairly soon. Building the zones and scripts is taking a bit more time than expected and Chapter 3 is a lot more action packed than the previous chapters. I apologize for taking so long, but we want to get it right and make sure that everything is fun to play. For this patch, there are a couple of things worth noting: 1. There was an issue with the way SP scaling worked. This was something I added with the previous build and wasn't in the patch notes. It was brought to my attention that SP was scaling too fast, especially as characters leveled up. This has been fixed. 2. The way the game boots up has been adjusted. Mostly stuff under the hood, but it should be smoother now. 3. Combat should also flow better as some internal numbers and adjustments have been done improve the overall flow. Some known bugs and issues: 1. When going to the Wilds for the second time, the monologue text shows up again. 2. Can't sell or buy multiple items at a time. 3. Text for one of the articles related to a job is missing. I wasn't intending to release this patch yet, but based on the SP scaling issue, seemed like it was required. If you have any questions or comments, reply to this post or let us know on the forums. Thanks for your patience!! -Garv Shadows of the Lost - Release of Patch ( 25, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsHello everyone. Patch has been released and has added new music by Andrew Hind. One of the more recent criticisms is that the game is quiet. I couldn't really disagree with that, but my policy of using only one musician was getting in the way of that, so I decided to add more music even if it was from an additional person. It's a little bit of a contrast in sound, but this was done on purpose as I think the more industrial pieces drive home the despair of the cyberpunk genre as a whole. I think this is the beauty of the more futuristic feel of the game. The other addition in this patch are added sounds to objects such as doors and such. Another area where the game was just really quiet and this is a way to liven it up a bit. There are other little things going on in the background that have been adjusted such as bug fixes and changes to how some internal numbers affected gameplay. What's To Come? So what's next? Well, the next big patch will focus on adding in more story content. I wish it was simple or I had more manpower to move at a faster pace, but we're making progress and, though it may be slow. That said, there won't be a patch next week. We're going to spend the next couple of weeks working on getting Chapter 3 story finished and released as well as adding more Arena ranks and more enemies to fight. This is going to take a bit of work as new zones will need to be built and that is generally what takes the most time. We're also going to add in a couple more jobs. One of them would have been in this patch, but the zone it uses needs a bit more work before it's ready for prime time. There were some concerns about current jobs being fairly simple and that's a valid criticism. The goal there was just to make something simple that were mainly introductory jobs to explain how they work. They'll be more like real supplementary content going forward. Also, if there is something that you are interested in seeing in the game, then hit us up on Twitter or join our Discord server. It's not a huge community, but it's only the early days right now. That's it for this update. You guys have a great day and stay safe! -Garv Discord: Official OMC Games Discord ServerShadows of the Lost (Patch 9, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsMinor changes... -New enemies added to Desumi's Fight Club (Rank E). -More weapons added to shop! -Minor bugs fixed.Shadows of the Lost Update Build ( 29, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsUpdate ( - January 26, 2021 Hello, everyone. The latest patch for Shadows of the Lost is now available. I apologize for taking so long to get this patch out, but it's taken quite a bit more time to design new areas and make sure the whole job system works the way it should. I would like to thank everyone for their patience and going forward we should be able to get back to our weekly update schedule. Alright, so let's get to it. First, Some Bad News: I want to start out with some bad news. Due to some changes in the underlying configuration of saves, all current saves have been broken. I tried to find a way to salvage current saves, but was unable to do so. This means that everyone has to start from scratch. I can't even describe how bad I felt about this, but it was the main reason the build has been delayed. Luckily, going forward, this shouldn't happen again as I made sure to finalize the overall data structure which means I won't have to adjust saves again. Again, I apologize for this. Changes Made: {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38882740/8a41f59f308098f22e727238a100a4f9e7a23b81.png The first thing is the addition of new jobs. These are side things to do to provide more EXP and credits, but also to provide some world building. Right now, they're fairly simple, but future jobs will be little side stories with more going on. The reason why it's been so long since the last patch is because building the underlying framework took a lot more time that we expected. We're happy where it ended up. Jobs will be available after a certain point in the story. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38882740/6a96ea0cb763565bcdc488f8b16bf0f5d09a9e8b.png Next, we added some snazzy new graphics to combat. I admit that the plain black screen was well...plain. Adding a graphic to it just made the whole combat mode feel better. We also improved the damage of the Steel Combat Saber. I felt like the damage it did wasn't in line with other weapons and the price didn't reflect it's power. Also, the story can now be completed to the end of Chapter 2. I don't want to give away what happens, but the end of Chapter 2 is something I'm happy with and I hope people enjoy it. Chapter 3 will come in the next few weeks and that will change the pacing of the game a bit. One little change that happened is that Desumi's Fight Club will now pay out bonus creds for more than one enemy fought. The amount depends on the rank of the fight. Another arena has been added as well. The Brownwell Wilds opens up after accepting one of the new jobs available. This new arena is when you'll fight animals and the stakes are higher as well. If you die here, then it's GAME OVER! Though the stakes are higher, it's another way to make money since enemies drop items that can be sold for credits at the specialized reagent shop. The shop will open at the end of the job "Looking for Reagents". Finally, lots of little issues were fixed that should make the overall experience better across the board as well as little tutorials...Shadows of the Lost Patch ( 28, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsMajor Note: All old save files are now invalid and a new save file will need to be created. We apologize for the inconvenience, but due to a change in the underlying structure, the actual save had to be changed. This caused an incompatibility with old saves. This shouldn't happen again as the save structure is now in it's final state. Changes: -New jobs have been added to the game. You can reach them through the Black Fox application. New jobs will be added to the list as the game progresses. -Fights in Desumi's Fight Club now give bonus credits for more than one enemy. -A new fighting arena has been added. It'll unlock by accepting either of the current jobs. Make note that this new arena will lead to a "Game Over" if you die unlike the previous arena. -The story will continue until the completion of Chapter 2. -The damage of the Combat Saber has been increased. -Damage of some enemies has been lowered. -New graphics added to some combat screens. Bugs: -When escaping from an arena fight sometimes your HP will drop to 50%. -Equipping the Strength skill will not display the update on the character sheet. -Sometimes info windows don't display properly. Please report any bugs you find in the game and follow us on Twitter or join us in our Community thread.Happy New Year! Let's Talk About the Future!Jan 7, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsHappy New Year, everyone! It's 2021 and we're looking into the future with hopeful eyes and a desire to make a great game. I'd like to start out by apologizing for the lack of updates in the last month. The main issue is that I have been struggling with overwork and self-crunch. For the last three months I have been putting in 16-20 hour days...6-7 days a week. My goal was to get Shadows of the Lost out before the end of November. Since this game is a two person project we have been working more than we probably should have. Last month, I hit a point where I couldn't function and was constantly tired and passing out. At that point, it was suggested that I slow things down and focus on my health. This was a good suggestion as it has allowed me to relax a bit and work on more of the things under the hood of the game to clean up the code and make things more efficient. I sincerely apologize for this. I hope everyone can understand my situation as I want to be as transparent as I can. What this means is that updates most likely won't be happening as often as I'd like since I want to pace myself better in order to keep myself in decent shape to continue on. Updates and the like will pick up over the next few weeks. Now that all of the bad news is out of the way, let's talk about what's to come. At the moment, story Chapter 2 is done. There are a couple of little details with the side jobs and some menu issues that need to be ironed out now. The goal is to have this done by the end of the week. I think the ending of Chapter 2 is quite cool and ramps up the narrative quite a bit. I hope everyone enjoys it. The next patch will include the first side Job and a new arena. The zone for that area is still being worked on, so that's what's holding things up currently. My plan was to have two new jobs added, but looks like I'll only have one. The next job will be included in the next patch. Truthfully, I underestimated how much time it would take to craft zones. Well, let me strike that, how much time it takes to make decent looking zones. To make a base zone takes all but a few minutes, but making them look decent takes a lot more time. So while the underlying code is there, the zones themselves aren't. I know I said that we'd make the game pretty later, I still wanted to at least make zones look okay for the moment. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38882740/db9ead8fcdc53745c3f433a6e34fecd4f903ea8b.png John's computer has a new function that allows for files to be hacked. The process is simple, but as the syscom has multiple functions, a HELP SCREEN was added to provide some assistance. That's largely what's in the next patch. You'll notice some zones have changed as a lot of the floor textures have been updated to be more detailed. It really gives the game a different look and this will be used going forward. There are also new fights in the Fight Club that will get you to level 10. And this will also be accompanied by new gear as well. After this, the next patch will add...Shadows of the Lost Update to Build 8, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsHello! Update is now out and available and we're going to go over some of the changes in this build. The first being that Jobs are now in the game and functioning. What this means is that you can do some side jobs in order to make more credits or just to see more of the game world. Side jobs will generally not be required for the story to progress, so they're an optional way to experience more of the game. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38882740/8a41f59f308098f22e727238a100a4f9e7a23b81.png You can access new jobs by going to the Black Fox app in the Character Menu. From here, you'll see three tabs. One for "Available Jobs". One for "Active Jobs". One for "Hidden Jobs". We'll go into more detail on how jobs work in a future post, but know that the feature is in and works properly. That said, there are no jobs available at the moment. They will be added with more story content in the next update. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38882740/389c023728ddb9a5c7aaf7a3209fcb0c98749f2b.png Also, a new Help/Tutorial system has been added. We understand that the start of the game just kind of dumps the player into the game without a lot of information on what to do next. To fix this, we've added some tutorial windows to provide some information on what to do next and what buttons to press to get there. We hope that this will make getting into the game much easier. Some other changes include: - Stats now calculate and display properly. - The skill store now works properly. Don't forget to purchase new skills from Endol's store! - You can buy and sell weapons and armor now. - Enemies have been balanced better based on an assumed gear setup. - Sound effects for windows have been made consistent across the game - New look for many UI elements - Many other small changes across the game. This should make the early part of the game have a much better flow. Also, the story kind of ends abruptly in Chapter 2, but this will be fixed in the next build as we're focusing on story and overall content this week. Let us know if you have any questions or comments. Have a great week! Live-Stream Gameplay of Shadows of the LostDec 6, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsWe'll be taking a look at the game with some actual gameplay. We'll try to avoid too many spoilers.Shadows of the Lost: A Blood City Tale is now Available via Early AccessDec 1, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsThe idea of the Penny RPG series started a few months ago when we were toying with the idea of a lightweight RPG that wasn't too expensive, but provided a healthy amount of gameplay. We toyed with many concepts and the early days of Shadows of the Lost looked completely different. We finally settled on a noir style that was basically black and white like the old Humphrey Bogart movies back in the day. However, there would be color and that color would come from the lighting and key elements we wanted to highlight. Though, the implementation isn't perfect, I think we hit the spirit of what we tried to accomplish and considering how terrible I am at art, I'm impressed it's worked out so well. This leads us to our first ever game, Penny RPG: Shadows of the Lost- A Blood City Tale. I won't get into the details of what all of that is and means, but I want to thank everyone who has supported us along the way and those who will support us in the future. Making a game is hard work and this game was made with two people...myself and my wife. We put in so many hours and scrapped so many designs and ideas, it's mind blowing. But regardless, we made it to this point. What does this mean to you...the player. Hopefully, a lot, because I hope you can both appreciate the amount of work that goes into making games as well as enjoying the final product. The goal of OMC Games is not just to make games we'll like, but to make games that fans of RPGs will like. We're not afraid to try some things out and to make some mistakes...just know that we do so with the goal of making something fun and engaging. And considering you're reading this now, that means the world to us. What's In the Initial Launch Version: In this version you'll be able to play through Chapter 1 and most of Chapter 2. There are some design decisions we have to make about the ending of Chapter 2, so we kept that out. Still, you should easily get a couple of hours of play out of what's there and we should have more to do by the end of the week. You'll also be able to access and equip skills once you get to a certain point in the story. The process is straight forward and you should be able to play the game normally. Also note that all future updates are free to everyone who has purchased the game. Right now there's no plan for paid DLC, but if that changes we'll be sure to inform everyone beforehand. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38882740/1733c9b6159f03d92d517c9a1083e78275044f06.png What's to come in the future: There's a lot to talk about here, but here's the basic roadmap (in no particular order): Job/Side Jobs will be implemented properly- Side jobs are there, but there's a bug that's keeping them from functioning properly so they've been turned off. This should be fixed in the next week or so. More Skills to be added- There are a number of skills that will be added to the game later, but there are a few in there to get you started and that should add more ways to customize your gameplay. Fully featured mod s...Introductions & the FutureNov 5, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsHello everyone, my name is Garv and I'm the lead developer of Shadows of the Lost. I wanted to take a moment and thank everyone who has tried the demo and has given us feedback. It's been a long road, but we're getting close to the finish line. In this discussion, I wanted to talk a little about where we're at right now and where we're going. I don't want to spend too much time on the journey, but I did want to talk about what's going on now. Currently, we're working on getting the demo to a good place and then focusing on the full game build. Since the demo and full game builds line up currently, I'm working on them at the same time. At some point in the near future, the demo build will be "retired" and everything will be for the full version of the game. The demo is mainly so that people can get an idea of what the game is like. Here are some important points about the demo itself: -The ability to gain or use skills. -No access to mods for weapons and armor. -Limited to level 8. -No side stories or jobs available. -Save games don't carry over to the main game. -Story stops at the end of Chapter 2. -No help/tutorial system Sounds like a lot? I know. These things aren't necessary to really get a feel for what the game is going to be like to play. Currently, we're working on getting a build out this weekend, that should wrap up Chapter 2 in the demo and balance out the combat a bit. Some of the numbers aren't balanced and that means going into the arena can be messy. My suggestion until we can get this leveled out is to buy some gear at the store and if you're getting overwhelmed, running is a good option as it only costs you 1/2 credits. The demo will most likely get one or two more patches after we finish Chapter 2 in order to add in some graphics for zones that aren't quite ready right now. Beyond that, we'll be looking to go into Early Access in the next couple of weeks. The Early Access build will include everything that will be in the final game. Such as: -Taking jobs -Level 50 cap -Ability to mod weapons and armor -Buying and selling gear -Full story chapters -Skill system -Tutorial/help alerts We'll be going into more detail as we get closer to that point and my goal is to cover each system of the game in more detail and offer better explanations of how you (the player) interact with the game. I admit that it can be a bit overwhelming at first, but I hope to ease you guys into it. The final pass will be to make the game pretty. Right now, graphics are fine, but there are a lot of effects missing currently. We've been focusing on making sure all systems work and the game can be played to completion. Those are the most important parts of a game. Once we work out bugs and make sure the game runs and plays well, we'll focus on adding in the missing effects. You'll probably notice that jacking into a computer feels bare...and that's something we want to take care of. Just keep in mind that our team is only two people, so we're working as fast a...Shadows of the Lost Demo Build UpdateNov 4, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsToday we updated the demo build to include the first part of Chapter 2 of the game. We did a lot of code cleanup to make things under the hood work better. Some things that were added this build: New search system. We wanted to allow the player to feel like they're looking for information in the world so we set up a system that allows for new search terms to be found in game and that leads to looking for articles like you would find in our current world. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38882740/b28cf51f836ee3e855453d40a46c6357ae52f08c.png We also added in a simulated payment system that functions like a bill pay function in the game. For example, an NPC may ask you to pay them for a new weapon, or a service. They'll send you something like an invoice and then you'll open up the bank app and pay them. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38882740/ef009a57585009c9d75af37e8ef29e070589c01c.png You can access the bank app by pressing B on the keyboard or the RIGHT BUMPER on a controller. There will be an icon on the bottom right corner that lets you know someone is requesting money. A couple of notes: -You can save your game whenever you see the disk on the bottom right corner of the screen. Currently, this is only at your home. Save game by pressing F1 or 1 on the keyboard, or START/OPTIONS on the controller. -Once you have a save game, you'll be able to skip the intro of the game. -If you're feeling stuck, remember you can hold the LEFT SHIFT key or the LEFT TRIGGER to show which things can be interacted with in the game world. Press ENTER or Z, (O - on PS4 controller), (B - on Xbox controller) to actually interact with items. We'll do a key/controller guide in an upcoming update!Penny RPG: Shadows of the Lost - A Blood City TaleOct 11, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsTake a ride with the developers of Shadows of the Lost as we answer questions and discuss the game as well as future plans for the series. Shadows of the Lost is the first game in the Penny RPG Series which will be a collection of relatively small, inexpensive RPGs that follow some old school sensibilities. The first game, Shadows of the Lost, is a cyberpunk thriller where our protagonist wakes up in the hospital with no memory of who he was. Deciding to lead a normal life, he finds that it's easier said than done as he's haunted by visions that gradually get worse. Follow John on his journey of self discovery as he unravels the threads of the past and ultimately tries to find peace with himself and the world around him. Join us on Monday, October 12th at 3pm PDT. We'll be hosting our second livestream to talk more about the game and to answer any questions you have. We look forward to meeting you guys! Visit our official OMC Penny RPG: Shadows of the Lost - A Blood City Tale website at! Penny RPG: Shadows of the Lost - A Blood City TaleOct 9, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsTake a ride with the developers of Shadows of the Lost as we answer questions and discuss the game as well as future plans for the series. Shadows of the Lost is the first game in the Penny RPG Series which will be a collection of relatively small, inexpensive RPGs that follow some old school sensibilities. The first game, Shadows of the Lost, is a cyberpunk thriller where our protagonist wakes up in the hospital with no memory of who he was. Deciding to lead a normal life, he finds that it's easier said than done as he's haunted by visions that gradually get worse. Follow John on his journey of self discovery as he unravels the threads of the past and ultimately tries to find peace with himself and the world around him. Join us on Saturday, October 10th at noon PST. We'll be hosting our first livestream to talk more about the game and to answer any questions you have. We look forward to meeting you guys!