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Night Hunter

State of Development Update January 23Jan 12, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsHey Night Hunters Our current state of development is: AI: Predators - predator AI has been reworked and they track, react and flee in a much natural and realistic way. Cant wait to show this off!! Livestock and general animals - AI also has been reworked and some exciting reactions has been added. Modelling: New truck model added and optimised. New shooting chair for truck has been modelled. Gun model one is in and 3 more are in progress. Shooting chair to place down on ground model is still in work in progress. E-Caller and hand models being optimised. New lure models has been created for e-callers for afternoon hunts. Animations: New animations created for black backed jackal. Animations for other predators in progress. Animations for reloading are done on chair. Animations added for e-caller lures. Map: Map topology is done Map foliage for savannah biome is done and FPS of 96+ is logged on Epic settings and foliage visible up to 500m. Other biomes foliage is 70% complete. POI's, hunting areas placement are work in progress. Missions: Missions system is designed and ready to implement. Engine: Ported project over to UE5.1 with success. And loads more! We are pushing to get a video out next month to show the progress in action.Night Hunter News Nov 2022Nov 15, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsHello fellow Night Hunters So much has happened since our last news update and we give our sincere apologies for the silent period. Our lead developer's father passed away suddenly and we do really understand and allow a mourn period. His back with fire in his heart to work on the best release. Another disaster hit our tech as the problems with power in our country aka load-shedding resulted in the development PC being fried. We recovered from that and all systems are up. But enough of that. Let's get to what is happening and will be release in the next update. Ported to Unreal Engine 5. As previously showed we will bring in a vehicle. We made changes to the vehicle and it will also be customisable with extra attachments etc. We have made one big map with different biomes and with this we will bring in missions. Each successful mission will unlock new skins and equipment. Intractable POI's on the map. 5 new damage causing animals to hunt 2 new rifles A reloading system for your bullets Camo for yourself and your truck And so much more. We will provide you with more sneak peaks and info next month. Happy hunting! Night Hunter NewsMar 31, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsHi Night Hunters Firstly, we would like to thank everyone for their support and feedback. We appreciate you taking on this journey with us. Now for some awesome news...we are making a lot of progress with the new update. We are finally seeing the light at the end of the 'creating' tunnel after being delayed by various factors. Here are some sneak peeks of what to expect... So keep an eye on our various social media pages for the release date. ALSO!!!! Night Hunter is currently on a 30% discount on the Steam Weeklong Sale. Go check it out!!October Development NewsNov 2, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsHi Night Hunters!!! We are very excited to share with you the progress we have made in October. Well...they say that a picture can say a thousand words... {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41042883/f32d9f1da5765041e9b84b3214fa06956df5095a.png ....have you guessed it yet? We are super excited to share that you will be driving one of the most iconic pick-up trucks used in Africa for hunting. You will also be able to 'walk and stalk'. No more placing you at a random spot, you choose your hunting spot. There are also lots more, but we will keep you posted with our latest progress as well as the publishing date of this major update.Hey all Night Hunters!!Sep 24, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsThank you for everyone's valuable feedback! It is much appreciated!! Firstly...about the darkness of the game. The first map on Night Hunter is based on an actual hunting technique that is used in Africa to hunt predators, such as the Black-backed Jackal. Night Hunter attempts to provide the experience of travelling to South Africa to hunt jackals in the comfort of your own home. Being a nocturnal animal, most jackals will rest in the shade during the daytime, therefore when you encounter one during dusk or dawn it is considered a rarity. Jackals are typically hunted at night, they are called with a predator caller while the hunter sits in a shooting chair on a well camouflaged vehicle. When the jackal appears, a spotlight will be used to illuminate the aim giving you time to find it in the telescope and take a quick shot. This technique requires patience, but when the predators start approaching, you will have to be ready to reload!! Also, please note that the game saves your progress automatically. Now on to the big news, it is update time!! Yeah!! We are very excited to publish our first update after launching Night Hunter on early access. We hope that you will enjoy the new and interesting features. What is new? You will be able to buy Night Vision and Thermal binoculars and telescopes that will help you to see better in the dark. These devices are battery operated, but only the binoculars will have to be recharged. Do not fret, you will be able to upgrade the batteries that will extend the viewing time of the binoculars as well as the telescopes. Rabbits and more rabbits..... a night is filled with random wild life. If you are bored waiting for the pesky predators, they can be other target practise options. It is important to remember that the shot may scare predators away. Added visual and audio hit effects to the landscape and animals UI changes: We are very excited to announce that we approached an expert...and a graphics designer helped with our logo and some in-game UI. Other changes: The reticle of the Beginner telescope has changed and there is no more dust, dirt or splashed bugs on it. What is next? Our secrets for the next update will be posted on twitter @AfricanPlains, facebook African Plains Studios and our discord channel So follow us and find out what you can expect with our next update!! Happy hunting.