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Monster Girl Island Prologue

Mako making a guest appearance in Shady Lewd Kart!Mar 2, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsThe people of Shady Corner have released their racing game Shady Lewd Kart in early access. Mako is one of the playable characters among many others from tons of lewd games. Make sure to go check it out in their store page if you are interested! UpdateJun 22, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsThanks to everyone that has played MGI: Prologue and thanks for the overwhelming support! I've addressed some of the major issues people have reported over the past couple of days, as well as implemented some of the suggestions. Changelog: Bug fixes Map added for the 3 larger areas (Village, Lake, Forest). It shows your location, as well as those of all the girls, shops and events. Maps can be accessed from your phone or with the M key. Run/Walk toggle. Just press the Left Ctrl key to use it. Spawn rate of bugs in the forest tripled and their hitbox size was doubled. No excuse not to upgrade that outfit shop now! That's it! Unless something breaks this should be it for Prologue. Thanks again for playing it.