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Mirror Drop

Return Of The Obra Dinn wins IGF Grand PrizeMar 21, 2019 - Rock, Paper, Shotgun Continuing to copy the tastes of RPS, the Independent Games Festival Awards last night awarded Return Of The Obra Dinn the Seumas McNally Grand Prize during the Game Developers Conference last night, with a cheeky Excellent In Narrative award on the side too. We declared it our favourite game of 2018 so, y’know, good on ya Ian GF. Correct decision. The other prizes were won by Mirror Drop, Paratopic, Opus Magnum, Black Room, and After Hours, and ooh there’s two I don’t recognise and will have to check out. (more…) Unknown Pleasures: Ten new games you could playJun 1, 2018 - Rock, Paper, ShotgunPlay with perspective in psychedelic puzzler Mirror DropMay 24, 2018 - Rock, Paper, ShotgunSome say that the arms race for graphical fidelity is only good for chasing photo-realism. Mirror Drop by former ThatGameCompany developer Ian Lilley is a stunning showcase of the kinds of borderline-mystical tricks a modern GPU can pull, all while delivering a mesmerising and engaging little puzzle game. You’ve just got to roll a ball from A to B by shifting gravity, simple enough, but the spaces are a beautiful but baffling perspective-warped labyrinth of spaces within spaces. Just watch the trailer inside to see what I’m rambling on about. While the game did make its debut on Steam recently, you can also pick it up free and devoid of DRM on its official page here, so now you’ve got no excuse not to try it. (more…)