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mini PVP

v1.2: Reworked Physics, New Map!Jul 23, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsHey folks! v1.2 update changes physics and weapon balancing dramatically. Movement speed is decreased a bit for all characters and the gravity is a tiny bit lower so it's easier to keep track of enemies. All characters have increased health and most of the weapons got tweaks for rate of fire and projectile damage. A new map called "Lava Pool" is added! It's a tiny arena with more vertical space, a warm glow and timbers emitted from the lava below. Cheers, Burç from Happy Doze. P.S: This version drops "cross-platform matchmaking" with the iOS version since it was obviously unfair for mobile players to compete against PC/Mac players.Update v1.1 (New map: Skull Arena, Major changes to physics and weapon balance)May 26, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsHi folks! v1.1 Update is live now! Changelog - A new map: Skull Arena (Auto-shotgun only jump pad heaven) - HUGE performance optimizations - Experimental "Dynamic Resolution" option that allows stable FPS on older hardware, even with "Bloom & Shaders" enabled! - Dramatic changes to weapon stats including damage, rate of fire, sight range and projectile speed - Massive changes to physics: Smoother movement and bigger jumps! Cheers, Burç from Happy Doze.Coming Soon: New Maps!May 20, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsNEW MAPS! 2 new maps are being tested internally and will be included in the next update! The bots need to get a bit more "training" with the new maps so for the initial update, AI should be a little "dumber" exploring the new areas. This is a multiplayer game (duh?) so my focus was never on the AI and I'm hoping this game will reach a decent player-base, so bots become obsolete and I don't need to spend days implementing an AI that is a little bit smarter. At the end of the day, I would rather spend my time creating new content! :)