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Masks Of Deception

On the 24th Of January - Free To Play!Jan 17, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsHey All, It's been a long time since we have made any update or announcement for MOD. As we all know we missed the ball with this game at the initial launch and was never able to recover from it. Since then we have moved to other projects for Reflect Studios, considering we lost quite a bit of money from this project. With that being said, we have decided to make Masks Of Deception free to play from here on out. This decision was put to a voting poll on Twitter, and the majority of players have voted to make it free to play. This will hopefully allow more people to try the game and play it with out any finical commitment. 1/24/2024 - Will be the day in which Masks Of Deception will be free! As of now, we still have no plans of updating or changing the game, how ever if some how the game picks up popularity we will re-consider that decision. - AdamPatch 0.3.2 - Easy Difficulty AddedAug 21, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsWith the recent surge of new players, we were noticing that a lot of players were dying to the AI threats a bit to quickly. This could lead to a poor first experience and we went ahead and thought of a solution. Difficulty Mode - Vote To Pick Level {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42368259/ca85c2ecde0a1a019407a15c7c8b8a7f1e9ff037.png Players now in lobby can vote and pick the difficulty level they would like to experience. There is now two different modes. Easy Removes "Bag Head" Removes "The Butcher" "Shadow People" spawn delayed(2x) Only Half XP earned per match Normal All threats active Normal XP earned With this change, new players should have a much more welcoming time with out getting killed by the AI threats too quickly. Paranormal Zones Update Paranormal Zones no longer de-spawn faster if there are more then two players in the zone. EVP Recorder Update The EVP record now only requires about a 1 second time of input, so you can ask 'Where are you' and etc to start the listing process. Other player voices no longer interrupt the listing process. Hope you guys enjoy this update - also feel free to join the Steam Discussions to share any suggestions or report bugs. Patch 0.3.1 - Light Patch - Demon DB Update / Radio EffectAug 17, 2022 - Community Announcements- Re-adjusted Demon's to be more balanced. - Added 'Radio Effect' to radio voice chat to help determine if player is talking radio or not.Patch 0.3.0Aug 15, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsThis update aims to help new players who are confused when playing for the first time. The 50% off sale will be running from now till August 22nd at 1pm EST. The game servers support everyone, regardless of your location. There's no NA/EU only "Play Game". In general many preexisting elements have been redesigned/reworked to be more user friendly and easy to pick up. Additional elements have been created to guide players as they encounter events in-game. A few of the larger changes: How to Play: - Now labeled in the main menu, the how to play section condenses the information down to a couple sections. - Each section is clickable card and mentions a few points. - Once in-game a guide (collection of similar information) is available. Matching Queue Slides: - After pressing "Play Game" players are brought into a matching screen that shows slides which breakdown in-game mechanics. Item Master: - The layout has been rearranged to make it easier to follow what the item master purchases. Hovering over (?) shows a short description of the item's use for new players. In-game: - Tool tips guide players on picking up items, item names, keybinds to perform actions, and many more. Role Selection: - During the door unlocking transition your role will be selected, either "Purger" or "Demon". - On your first match a slide will appear showing the core mechanics respective of each role. - You can access this guide with after you close it. - On subsequent matches this slide will not show, you'll need to press to view it. Paranormal Zones: - When entered a sound cue plays and tips show up on the right side of your screen. - These tips guide you on what to do inside a zone and disappear shortly after. Demon Codex (filtering menu): - The overwhelming information has been redesigned to not be overwhelming. - Now the Codex is accessed via and displays several cards for each demon type. - There's a tip to add a filter with data found inside a paranormal zone. Removal of Demon Name/Letters: - Previously letters would spawn around the map and players would need to remember these for the vote. - Now players only need to find the Demon's type and which player is the Demon. New players should find the changes to be very helpful in learning what to do and how to do it. New Map: - As much as we wanted to push out a new map for Masks of Deception with this new patch, we sadly couldn't. The map we were working on is just not ready yet, and the quality bar is not up to snuff. Bag Head (new AI threat): - He'll spawn behind you dragging his chains and breathing heavily. Whatever you do don’t move or turn around; call a teammate to shine a flashlight on him to be freed. - The Demon can be killed by Bag Head, to escape him turn invisible. Full list of changes: Bag Head (new AI threat): - He'll spawn behind you dragging his cha...Big Patch Coming | August 15thAug 5, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsWe have heard your feedback and we are working hard on a major patch coming out on August 15th. This patch will GREATLY improve the onboarding process for new players to help them learn the game MUCH easier. We brought on board a former AAA UX lead, told them our major issues and have worked out a great strategy. So if you have not yet purchased this game and are on the fence, Please wait till August 15th to play the game, we want you to have a much better experience than what is offered now when it comes to learning how to play the game. Not only will this patch cover drastic changes for the onboarding process, but also: A BRAND NEW MAP!! BAG HEAD - NEW AI THREAT We will keep this short and sweet, but we are very excited to present you this patch, and if you have already played this game and had a bad experience, we are hoping you will give the game another chance. With the game being in Early Access there will always be growing pains.Patch 0.2.3Jul 18, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsQuick bug fix patch. Fixed UVED Exploit Bugs Fixed Tablet Exploits bug Fixed Incorrect Sigils Spawning Patch 0.2.1Jul 16, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsWe are working hard to keep the game alive and going. We are excited to present to you Patch 0.2.0. Steam Audio Steam Audio is back! When the game was first created, it was designed around Steam Audio, but there was issues causing the game to crash with the older version of Steam Audio. Steam Audio has been updated to be more compatible with the new version of Unity, so it is back! 30 Demons! That's right, there are now 30 demons! This should help spice things up in game play. The warm up grace period is now over. Back to the 30 demons! With all new meta data! Game Updates Demon Books now have an audio queue to help find them. Demon Books no longer take up inventory space.(Still limited to 3 at a time tho) Demon Invis time increased from 15 seconds to 30 seconds. Tablet's time now changes. Candles no longer require voice input Added new filter Color - you can now filter out by color. Minor Map Optimizations Demon Letters now despawn after 3-6 mins after spawn. Fixed a bug where match results would not load in. Misc: We wanted to add in 'Bag Head' to this update, but decided to wait on this due to our goal of doing a F2P weekend. While we work on this patch, an even larger patch is being done to promote a big F2P weekend!Patch 0.1.6Jul 3, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsBug Fixes: Fixed more spots where people getting stuck. Reworked player voice volume slider to address issues of volume getting broken. Trying to help trouble shoot the steam p2p issues with private lobbies, we added an error catch - please report any errors to us to help troubleshoot issue. Game Changes: Changed the color of the prison wings to easier identify each wing. Patch - 0.1.5Jun 26, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsBug Fixes: Fixed an audio bug with the ghost box still playing audio in voting mode. Fixed an audio bug when a player was in demon mode, vote was called, audio of demon mode still playing. Fixed a bug where items would spawn back to table after 12 seconds, back to 3 mins. Paranormal Zone Change: Now when you enter a paranormal zone, if there are more then 2 players in the zone. It will reduce the life span of the zone 10 seconds every one second more then two players are in the zone. So try to spread out more often, and don't have more then two players per zone. Game Changes: Re-adjusted demon spawn book rate, might have went a bit to hard. Nerfed. Updated / Removed a few spawn locations for the demon summoning circle. Removed the players name from picking up a placed U.V.E.D You can now only carry two sacred pages at a time. Must turn them in before collecting more. Inventory Limit - You can now only carry up to 5 items at a time. Including the items in your hands. EVP Recorder - You now only have to speak up to 3.5 seconds, reduced the range it picks up other players. Patch - 0.1.4Jun 25, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsAudio Adjustments Lowered the ghost box audio even further. Lowered the splash / logo audio by half. Lowered 'Game Canceled' audio down by 60%. Bug Fixes Removed the old items still showing in the title screen item menu. Fixed a bug where you would get grass footsteps on the alter in the church. Fixed a bug when a game concluded, then a demon player would disconnect and change the outcome. Fixed a bug when in demon mode, a vote is called, the demon mode audio would still play in voting process. Fixed one of the demon sigils that was not displaying correctly, and would show one that none of the demons had. Fixed a bug where if a player rage quits during the voting process and it would skew the results. Game Changes Changed the price of the holy cross from 3 to 5 You can now only carry ONE holy cross Adjusted the spawn rate of paranormal zones, slightly decreased. Increased the spawn rate of 'The Butcher' Increased the spawn rate of Demon Books Decreased the range of UVED's by 2 meters. Shadow People Buff The release window for the Shadow People now are randomly generated. Instead of it being a static time frame. They will spawn in-between 4 and 11 mins. Kill grace window was shortened by 10 seconds. Patch - 0.1.3 - Audio Patch & More!Jun 20, 2022 - Community Announcements- Fixed a bug where ghost players were not getting the help / tip prompt. - Fixed a shadow person jump scare bug, where the camera would go past the players head. - Did a pass on Demon Letter Spawns to address issues with reverse letters, clipping of letters. - Audio Balance Pass - Adjusted foot step audio even further - Replaced wood foot steps with a much more settle sound. - Adjusted all door SFXS audio - Updated Protection Items: - Removed all protection items - Kept 'Holy Cross' - 'Holy Cross' will now protect you against ALL Demons - No more 'Protected By' evidence type for Demons. - Fixed a bug where 'Fast' Demon Knocks wouldn't be so fast. - Fixed a bug where players would get higher level masks when not selecting a mask. - Item Auto Respawn Feature - Items that and thrown will respawn at the table if they are not picked up with in 3 mins. - This will solve items falling trough the map. - This will solve demons garbing and throwing away items. - (Demon Books Wont Auto Respawn) - Fix a few spots where people were getting stuck. - Revisited character controller to hopefully help reduce people getting stuck. But not perfect yet. - Added a prompt when you search someone's inventory on how to exit that mode. - Adjusted the proximity chat volume, so you shouldn't have to be so close to hear via proximity chat. - Added volume sliders for players voice. - Added Item Master Rolling - In mask selection if a player types in chat /roll - They roll to become the item master. - Who ever rolls the highest will be item master. - If no one rolls - it selects one at random.0.1.2 Patch NotesJun 18, 2022 - Community Announcements0.1.2 - Fixed a bug with the tablet, where it wouldn't update the players heart rate, should also fix senses not getting readings as well. - Fixed a bug where if players were on 'Potato' quality settings, they couldn't see letters. - Adjusted the demons, to make it much easier to narrow down they demon type.Hotfix 0.1.1BJun 18, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsFixed a spelling error Fixed the voting screen showing all demonsNerf PatchJun 17, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsThank you all so much for playing today. We are working hard on getting your feedback into the game, and fixing what we can. One of the biggest things we have noticed is that players are having way to hard of a time to play around. So we decided to apply this patch here: - Increased the light radius / power for the ghosts. - Nerfed the shadow people. - Increased the time when the shadow people spawn in. - Nerfed the butcher, he wont spawn in as often. - Nerfed the radius of the shadow people proximity kill. - Reduced the number of demons from 30 down to 10 - Reduced the rate when demon letters spawn - Reduced the spawn rate of demon books - Reduced the spawn rate for sacred pages. - Increased the range of the UVED's - Reduced the time for lobbies to time out . - Reduced foot step audio. - You now leave the tablet using RMB rather then ESC key - Added the controls layout to the pause menu. - Paranormal Zone Audio Queues Will fire more often. - Added Tips / hints depending on your role. Hopefully this will help ease in new players, and we are looking forward to more feed back on how to make the game easier to get into.