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Legion 51

First update for Legion 51 and more upcoming improvementsNov 25, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsHey, Legionnaires! The game is out for 7 days already and the first small update was uploaded. As promised the base game published on 20th of November 2019 was just the beginning. We’ve heard feedbacks of our first players and happy to work on the improvements. If you have new ideas for further improvements you can share them in the special section dedicated to this discussion. What was fixed/added with the first update: • Tier 2 Defenders now have additional ability: when their shields are destroyed the defenders drop it and switch to red berserk mode, running with the increased speed towards Area 51 – check it out: {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35855456/fa3881a55586f29cc6d31c69bb9298fcbcb27d9f.gif • Added descriptors under the skills for more visibility and clarity; • Fixed the bug with the length of the run in the final summary page; • Increased defense against cheating on adding hype points. Ongoing work and the upcoming improvements include: • New game modes increasing the gameplay time and bringing more replayability • Achievements system with some obvious and not so obvious awards that you can get while playing the game • Leaderboards enabling you to compare your results with your friends and the whole world • Saves – just because you asked for it :) Thank you for staying with us! Together we will create a masterpiece :) I want to believe!Legion 51 releasedNov 21, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsThe 20th of September 2019 was long ago, yet somehow memories are still fresh and vivid. That was too epic to forget! And not that hard to remember, actually. Legion 51 is a reverse tower defense game where you get to build an army of reckless daredevils trying to break through the Area 51 forces. It’s a fairly simple & quick game with a variety of choices on how to strengthen and place your legion on the battlefield. Compare your results with friends to define who’s the most effective raid leader! Raise some hype and watch its power in action! The more buzz we create around it, the more opportunities for further development of the game. Very soon some new features, extended gameplay and some easter egg surprises. Thanks a lot to everybody for early support! Stay with us and together we will create more joy! {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35855456/278c3774983f531cb3e94653a4a4d08ff560da83.png