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Lands Of Devastation

About a purchase button disabledJun 17, 2016 - Community AnnouncementsWe here in Rai Studio want to say couple words about this situation and bring a little more explanation on what actually happened. Firstly, we are not developers of our games, but the publisher. As a responsible publisher, we have managed to bring some amount (yes, large amount) of keys for giveaways in different steam groups. We haven't expected that one of this groups would be headed by an administrator of a steam-bot network. Nor we didn't expect him to use this keys and his bots to actually exploit the review system of our games. Again, we haven't payed them any penny for this. We got known of this situation too late, and yes, this is completely our fault. We feel really sorry for the developers of our games, because they are totally innocent, and of course for the players, as this situation was cheating them. We will do our best to support players who bought the game, do refunds, try to get to consensus on this question. Again, this is just a circumstance, but we agree with Valve's decision to disable a purchase button. Speaking about this decision, The games are NOT banned, only purchase button is disabled. Everyone who bough our game can continue playing or do a refund. Every key will still work. However, we cant generate keys anymore. We have only keys that has been generated before an incident, and they will still work. So bundle buyers can still buy the game. People who want to buy it can still do it on Indie Gala. The only keys left are there, so if you want to try a forbidden game for purchace, go on ;) And the last thing we'd like to share to you: We have contacted Valve support. We have managed to delete all the bots reviews from all the games. We do agree that we are guilty and feel terribly sorry for developers and players. This is a hard, but indeed important lesson. We will not let things like these happen again. Thanks to everyone who have supported during this situation. Regards, Rai Studio Games Publisher.