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King of the Streets

KING OF THE STREETS v1.0.1 is liveMay 5, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsKia ora koutou, Version 1.0.1 of KING OF THE STREETS is now live. This verision fixes a lot of issues that were brought to my attention during launch week. Here is the change log. V 1.0.1 - Beating Victor with a time over behaves correctly now and doesn't crash the game. - Controllers are now picked up on launched of the application and you no longer have to plug in the controller while the game is loaded. - The first controller in the slot will be assigned to player 1 automatically on both Osx and Windows. - You can't assign a controller to player 2 if there is only 1 controller connected. - Missi's snowflake moonsault has been added into her command list. - RAGE Victor can now be picked in Gauntlet mode - RAGE Victor can now be beaten outside of arcade mode without looping his feint animation. - Winner quote now displays nothing rather than a '0' during a draw. - Added D-Pad support for the PS4 dual shock 4. This update should address a lot of the feedback customers have had in regards to the game. I'm looking into a better way to support the vast range of controllers on the different platforms and will start to address the balancing of the fighters as more people play it. Ngā mihi, B