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Insect Seeker Bux fixDec 9, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsFixed the letter bug that stays on the screen until you read it( 50 more levels and Tutorial (Update)Oct 21, 2022 - Community Announcements(CHANGES IN New - 300 levels are now accessible (+50 levels) : , , , , New - Addition of an explanatory tutorial in the choice of level difficulty New - When you complete a level the arrow indicating to go to the next level is displayed New - Added a message from the creator system to notify major changes in each update Delete - Delete Section ''Early content'' BugFixed - Speedrun Steam succes values are not right BugFixed - French translation for ''Large white cabbage butterfly'' was not correct BugFixed - The ''Common flowerbug'' did not have the right photographer recognized Translations - Tuto : (Texts 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) Translations - LangMenu : ''Message from the creator'' Translations - Animals 77-88 "Leopard slug'', ''Great green bush-cricket'', ''Colorado potato beetle'', ''Peacock butterfly'', ''Pointed snail'', ''Box bug'', ''European grass frog'', ''Common hoverfly'', ''Acorn and nut weevil'', ''Lesser yellow underwing'', ''Gypsy moth'', ''Spider crab''ReleaseOct 11, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsHello ! The Beta version of Insect Seeker is coming to an end and I validate the game as being in its final version Of course, the more successful the game, the more updates I will make adding new levels. Here are the update additions 1.4 - Addition of a letter system to give you information - Addition of an explanation tutorial to know how the game works - Removal of the Early Content version - Several bugs fixed Elisabeth( 50 more levels (Update)Nov 17, 2021 - Community Announcements(CHANGES IN New - 250 levels are now accessible (+50 levels) : , , , Balance - 40 levels have been updated for beter quality from 1024x768 to 2000x1500 px (Easy levels) Balance - Some Steam success values changed Balance - Credits scroll speed is the same now and no longer depends on Fps (only for external controllers, not mouse) Balance - During a search click, a difference of 10 pixels is allowed (before: 0 pixels), (this avoids missed clicks due to the mouse being moved) Balance - During a search click, the click is no longer valid beyond one second before release, (this avoids wrong clicks during a click and drag) Delete - Removed the arrow indicating the "Start game" button in the saves menu Translations - Animals 68-76 "Black bean aphid'', "Sheep'', "Donkey'', "Scarlet lily beetle'', "Amber snail'', "Ant bag beetle'', "Clownfish'', "Yellow dung fly'', "Spider opiliones 2 /Daddy longlegs''( (Corrective Patch)Nov 10, 2021 - Community Announcements(CHANGES IN New - Added custom mouse cursor BugFixed - When opening a level for the first time: impossible to validate the target insect without updating the image by zooming( Better quality (Mini-Update)Nov 10, 2021 - Community Announcements(CHANGES IN Balance - 120 levels have been updated for beter quality from 1024x768 to 2000x1500 px Balance - The maximum zoom force has been changed from (x8) to (x2.4) Balance - The zoom steps have been changed from (+1) to (+0.2)