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I Am The Prosecutor: No Evidence? No Problem!

日本語のローカライズが完了しました!| Japanese Translation Is Here!May 2, 2022 - Community Announcements皆さんこんにちは、お元気でしょうか。 日本語のローカライズが完了しました! Steamの言語設定が日本語になっていれば自動的にダウンロードされますが、そうでない場合はSteamライブラリでゲームを右クリックしてプロパティを開き、言語タブから日本語を選択してください! また、Steamを再起動することで表示される場合もあります。 {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40210542/74e1b1d74b4c01bba79092de01c36dd0ebd5dcba.jpg この翻訳が、あなたの助けになれば幸いです。 ぜひ感想をお聞かせください! お気をつけて、素敵な一日をお過ごしください。Complete Engine Overhaul, Game Is Now In HD + Sale!Dec 6, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsHello everyone, this update was something I've wanted to push out for this game for a while now, and I'm very happy to say it's finally here! This update moves the game and it's assets to a totally new engine, and, as a result EVERYTHING wrong with the previous build has been fixed, EVERYTHING! The major changes include: The game is now in 1080p HD!!! The game no longer lags, freezes or holds up in the courtroom, assets are loaded in instantly! Skipping now works properly and will never break the game Saving and loading now also work fine as intended The jury status is always displayed in court Spelling and grammar fixes Overall game size has been reduced from 400MB to around 180 MB. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40210542/310bcd2adf0b58b55cf34268a5415505eafe5cfa.png Overall I am very pleased with this update and I hope those who bought this game can enjoy it to it's fullest now, and if you haven't bought it, then now is a great time because as of this post this game is currently 50% off, it's steepest discount yet! Thank you and have a wonderful day!