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War Effort | Patch 1.14.8 Checksum 9d66Aug 29, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsGenerals! The latest War Effort update is here and with it arrives more bugfixes and balance changes, with a few changes to France, the Warlords in the east and some changes to certain spirits! Check out all the changes below and let us know what you think, and what other changes you'd like to see~ ################################################################ ######## Patch 1.14.8 "Bolivar" ######### ################################################################ ################################## # Balance ################################## - Brazil: focus "Potenji River Conference" changed so that instead of having Brazil declare war on American major enemies, they now instead join the American war, thus not applying the Defensive War bonus on the Axis and Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere in the late-game. - Brazil: now even more extra hyper-unlikely to reject unification with Portugal if their ideologies match - Czechoslovakia: focus "United Population" now grants 10% stability and war support as well as 150 political power if the "Divided Nation" national spirit has already been removed by the focus "Czech Socialism". - France: Fixed an issue where SOMUA S35 was previously called SOUMUA S35. - France: focus ""Begin Rearmament"" will no longer be cancelled if you drop below the required war support. - France: wargoals for the French focus ""Secure the Crown"" target all Spains. - France: the Orleanist focuses Slum Clearing and Counter-Action are both now 35 days focuses, and added an extra building slot to the Slum Clearing focus. - France: focus ""Diplomatic Freedom"" now takes 35 days and give 50 political power. - France: fixed an issue with offsets in the tree when taking the focus ""Revive the National Bloc"". - France: focus ""Defensive Focus"" now gives 30 command power. - France: focuses ""Invite Yugoslavia"" and ""Invite Romania"" now are 35 day focuses. - France: Trimmed down the decision tooltips in the focus "Reorganize Aviation Industry" and added 2 Military factories as an instant completion reward in the focus. - United Kingdom: Fixed an issue with a duplicated available trigger in the British focus “Commonwealth Ties”. Also changed the focus to include British Malaya in its targets, as well as give the targeted nations 50 political power each. Also made it into a 35 day focus. - Warlords: focus Industrial Investments now gives 2 civilian factories instead of one. - Warlords: now start with the national spirit “Warlord State” which can be upgraded through 3 different new focuses, and which is removed upon becoming any other type of state. - Warlords: national spirit “Long Term Economic Planning” now also gives a 10% construction bonus to Supply Hubs. - China: national spirit “Public Works” now also gives a 5% construction bonus to Railways. - Warlords: focus “Personal Leadership” now takes 35 days and additionally grants 30 command power. - China: national spirit “Rapid Mobilization” now also gives a 10% bonus to mobi...Development Update | When to expect Dev DiariesAug 28, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsHello there! Your Community Manager, Katten, here. Let's get right into it; we haven't talked about our upcoming expansion since all the way back in June. Let's change that and dive right in! The Hearts of Iron Development team has been hard at work since the end of last year on this upcoming expansion. But I’m here to give you a rundown of what we have planned and when to expect it! We begin releasing Developer Diaries October 3rd, so mark the date! But don’t worry—we’ll give you plenty of reminders as it approaches. This time around, we’re trying something different. Compared to last year, our upcoming campaign will be shorter, but we've planned it to be highly intense, with something happening almost every single day. We currently plan to have two developer diaries per week, a weekly feature video, a biweekly stream and Q&A, and, of course, plenty of YouTube Shorts and other fun social media content related to the expansion. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/9948323/6391690c67ef767cd2943f0705de044cdf018794.jpg Before I go, I want to thank you for being so patient with us. On Friday, we’ll be sharing details about the upcoming Open Beta for the next War Effort update! Until later! Katten End of Summer SaleAug 26, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsGenerals! The end of Summer is fast approaching, and with it arrives additional sales! The Quartermasters have come around for another batch of Discounts to make sure that you all can grab what you need for your collection, a friend or whatever else you need~ Check out the Discounts below, and have a great week! BASE GAME Hearts of Iron IV - 70% off Hearts of Iron IV: Starter Edition - 60% off Expansions Hearts of Iron IV: Arms Against Tyranny 20% off Hearts of Iron IV: By Blood Alone 30% off Hearts of Iron IV: No Step Back 30% off Hearts of Iron IV: La Résistance 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns 50% off Country Packs Hearts of Iron IV: Battle for the Bosporus 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Trial of Allegiance 20% off Music & Unit Packs Hearts of Iron IV: Songs of the Eastern Front 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Eastern Front Planes 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Speeches Pack 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Radio Pack 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Sabaton Soundtrack 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Sabaton Soundtrack Vol. 2 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Armor 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Axis Armor 50% off {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/9948323/e3eac373f9985bbd9d814d56e83fa9b9ebabaf72.jpgTACTICON SALE (ENDED)Jul 18, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsTHIS SALE HAS NOW ENDED Generals! The Quartermasters from Hooded Horse and Firesquid have added another supply route to our frontlines, with the TACTICON sale! Alongside some other amazing games, we've brought out the discounts with them! Check them out below~ BASE GAME Hearts of Iron IV - 70% off Hearts of Iron IV: Starter Edition - 60% off Expansions Hearts of Iron IV: Arms Against Tyranny 20% off Hearts of Iron IV: By Blood Alone 30% off Hearts of Iron IV: No Step Back 30% off Hearts of Iron IV: La Résistance 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns 50% off Country Packs Hearts of Iron IV: Battle for the Bosporus 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Trial of Allegiance 20% off Music & Unit Packs Hearts of Iron IV: Songs of the Eastern Front 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Eastern Front Planes 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Speeches Pack 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Radio Pack 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Sabaton Soundtrack 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Sabaton Soundtrack Vol. 2 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Armor 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Axis Armor 50% off {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/9948323/e3eac373f9985bbd9d814d56e83fa9b9ebabaf72.jpgSteam Summer Sale 2024! (ENDED)Jun 27, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsGenerals! It is time yet again for Steam's Summer sale, with deals up to 70% off, this is the perfect time to finish up your collection, or even branch into new titles with our Wealth and War Bundle to grab a great deal on Victoria 3 while you're at it! Check below for all of the deals; THE WEALTH AND WAR BUNDLE You've been winning the fight on the frontlines, but perhaps it's time to hit them where it hurts most: their economy! Grab this bundle to get even more savings on our other title Victoria 3 https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/42554/Wealth_and_War_Bundle/ BASE GAME Hearts of Iron IV - 70% off Hearts of Iron IV: Starter Edition - 60% off Expansions Hearts of Iron IV: Arms Against Tyranny 20% off Hearts of Iron IV: By Blood Alone 30% off Hearts of Iron IV: No Step Back 30% off Hearts of Iron IV: La Résistance 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns 50% off Country Packs Hearts of Iron IV: Battle for the Bosporus 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Trial of Allegiance 20% off Music & Unit Packs Hearts of Iron IV: Songs of the Eastern Front 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Eastern Front Planes 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Speeches Pack 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Radio Pack 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Sabaton Soundtrack 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Sabaton Soundtrack Vol. 2 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Armor 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Axis Armor 50% off {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/9948323/e3eac373f9985bbd9d814d56e83fa9b9ebabaf72.jpgHotfix | Patch 1.14.7 Checksum: f03bJun 24, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsGenerals! We're rolling out a quick hotfix to address a few minor issues cropping up with some scripts and implementation of the Content Creator Pack. ################################## # Bugfix ################################## - Fixed ship creation script from autoincluding version numbering inconsistently, leading to a few instances of invalid script - Non-Designer equipment will no longer show version naming by default* - A few CCP icons were being shown in unintended locations, this is no longer the caseSoviet Union 2D Art Pack | War Effort Update 1.14.6 [Checksum: 5a08]Jun 10, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsHello there! Katten here. Today marks the final day of our Anniversary Week. It's been one thrilling ride, kicking off with our teaser for the upcoming expansion, followed by a giveaway that saw over 10,000 participants! Then came our secondary announcement: our first Content Creator Pack - Soviet Union 2D Art. Sunday brought the sweat with our broadcast of the grande finale for this year's Community Cup, where the Red Baron team claimed first place! And now, today, we're excited to release the War Effort Update 1.14.6: Operation Badger, alongside the Content Creator Pack. This post below will contain two key sections. First, we'll delve into the details of our War Effort update, followed by our second and final Dev Diary for the Content Creator Pack. But without further ado, I'll hand over the mic to Game Director, Arheo. Wait, I almost forgot! Before that, we are also running a sale on the PDX Store with up to 70% off! Check it out HERE. War Effort Update Hey folks, Arheo here with the change log for Operation Badger, the War Effort update which we've been brewing for some time now. We've spent a little more time than usual on making sure that there's some good QoL or small-feature items in here as a part of the anniversary update, so I hope these keep you going for a while! Of course, this update goes live alongside the Content Creator Pack that the World Ablaze team have been working on, so I'll hand over to them for a deeper dive into what's coming there. ################################################################ ######## Hotfix 1.14.6 "Bolivar" ######### ################################################################ ################################## # Balance ################################## - Updated the French focus "Avenge Waterloo" to include Luxembourg in it's targets. - Increased warscore from sinking ships by 4-5x (this will continue to be iterated upon). Increased warscore from sinking convoys, and decreased convoy build decay rate to warscore. - Canada: Changed around the starting navy to be more historically accurate. Also fixed various issues regarding Quebec and their victory points, as well as a typo in their fascist party name. - Canada: Updated Canadian Air Chiefs - Norway: focuses “Invite Cadillac to Norway” and “Invite Soviet Designers” now grant extra levels to the MIOs unlocked, and the Cadillac focus now only takes 35 days to complete. - Norway: Now only Germany can trigger civil war by attacking - Norway: focus "Approach the Fatherland League" now gives -5% democratic support instead of -10% fascist support. - Iceland: mineral prospecting focus no longer runs a random list to decide which resource you get. You will always get 10 iron and 6 aluminium. Fishing industry spirit now grants -10% convoy cost at both levels. - Chile: Reduced research speed bonus from French Academia to 3% from 10% (this is not a subtle comment against French academics) - Chile: Reduced the amount of political power and war support av...Content Creator Pack - Soviet Union 2D Art | AnnouncementJun 8, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsHello there! My name is Katten, and I'm your Community Manager for Hearts of Iron IV. Today, we are excited to announce our first-ever Content Creator Pack (or CCP for short) for Hearts of Iron IV which releases on the 10th of June. This is something we have previously done for Cities: Skylines and Crusader Kings. The pack is created by modders and published by us. Before I hand it over to Ethan Mayer, one of the two creators of this pack, I wanted to address two frequently asked questions, as I'm sure they will come up. Did you just take a free mod and make it paid? No, we collaborated with modders to create completely new content! What do the modders get from this? Modders get paid based on the number of copies sold. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/9948323/cf00129136a927072ac251b4bc3cea71060d44e3.png Now you can see what was hidden in our Roadmap! World Ablaze CCP Developer Diary | What is this & Who are we? Hello everyone! I am not your usual Dev Diary writer, so let me introduce myself. I am Ethan Mayer, otherwise known online as 156, one of the Head Developers of the Hearts of Iron IV mod World Ablaze. I am proud to announce, with the support of Paradox, our upcoming CCP Content Creator Pack – Soviet Union 2D Art which will soon be for sale for $3.99. Today, I’ll be explaining to y’all who we are, what this is, and how it all came to be. Let’s get to it! We’ll save the backstory for later in this Dev Diary and firstly get straight into it by talking about what exactly is a Content Creator Pack. As touched on a bit previously, CCPs are small DLCs developed by modders and published by Paradox for their games, such as has been done “for Crusader Kings III. This is a mutually beneficial deal for all parties: more content gets created for Paradox’s games while the modders, who already work hard in their free time to mod the game, can make some money. Essentially, Paradox is providing a convenient, official, and publicly accessible way for the community to support modders, and in return, you get a small CCP for HOI4. It is an incredibly generous program, and we are extremely grateful to have the opportunity to participate. This particular CCP is similar to the other existing cosmetic DLCs for HOI4, such as Unit Pack and Music DLCs, except the content will be in the distinct World Ablaze style rather than the traditional HOI4 vanilla style. As the name of the pack aptly suggests, the content we are providing for the CCP is 2D art for the Soviet Union. There are over 300+ pieces of high-quality 2D art found in this pack that cover a wide range of Soviet content, including (but not limited to) equipment, national focuses, national spirits, etc. Aqeel will show off the art and creative process involved in its creation in the next Dev Diary. There will be plenty of pictures to ooh and ahh at! As I said initially, many of you know me as 156, one of the Head Developers of the World Ablaze mod. Professionally, I am an electrical engineer, software engineer, and entrep...Hearts of Iron IV 8th AnniversaryJun 5, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsGenerals, Katten here. Today marks the day before our 8th anniversary of Hearts of Iron IV. Eight long years on the frontlines, millions of provinces painted in strange colours, thousands of wild encirclements, and countless amazing mods have been created. This year, we also hit a significant milestone: 1.5 million monthly active users! Important Note: If you are unfamiliar with MAU, it is a behind-the-scenes metric that tracks the number of unique individuals who play the game each month. To celebrate, we have something special planned. Last year, we teased an upcoming expansion, but I think we can do even better! This year, we are celebrating what we call Anniversary Week! Five days packed with activities, from something you've been eagerly waiting for to something you've been asking for. How long have I worked here? Never mind that. Let's get to our Anniversary Roadmap! {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/9948323/ee0f666a7b257da5397c9d3d907937345e78db48.png The Roadmap is our way of showcasing what each fun day contains during the Anniversary Celebration. We are starting tomorrow, June 6th, with a Top Secret Reveal that we have uncovered through an enigma cipher. On June 7th, we celebrate our Discord server hitting 100,000 Generals by giving away 500 copies of Hearts of Iron IV! More info below. On the 8th, we have a smaller secondary announcement with something you might not have been expecting. On the 9th, we are ending our giveaway and sending out the keys. But that's not all! For the fourth year in a row, we are hosting the Community Cup, this year organized by Dankus Memecus. We'll grab our popcorn and soda and watch which team takes the grand prize of €2,500. But there is still another day! On the 10th, our secondary announcement has something more to show you. After a long wait, our next War Effort Update will go live with some much-requested fixes and changes! Now, I mentioned a giveaway above, so let's get into how you can join! First, you need to join our Discord. Second, go to the Hearts of Iron News channel and press the reaction button on our Giveaway message! If you can't see it, make sure you select the News role in the role selection process. On the 9th, we'll let the AI take the wheel and pick 500 winners, who will be automatically notified by our PDXBot, so make sure you keep your DMs open! Terms of participation are available HERE. I think that's all for today, but wait, is that a countdown on our YouTube channel? You might want to start looking for clues on my social media accounts. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/9948323/e3eac373f9985bbd9d814d56e83fa9b9ebabaf72.jpg Steam Endless Replayability Fest!May 9, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsGenerals! The Quartermasters at steam are releasing more supplies - For the next week, you can rearm your Hearts of Iron arsenal with discounts of up to -70% as part of the Steam Replayability Fest! Re-Up, Re-Arm, and Rejoin the fight with the savings down below; Base Game Hearts of Iron IV 70% off Hearts of Iron IV: Starter Edition 60% off Expansions Hearts of Iron IV: Arms Against Tyranny 20% off Hearts of Iron IV: By Blood Alone 30% off Hearts of Iron IV: No Step Back 30% off Hearts of Iron IV: La Résistance 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns 50% off Country Pack Hearts of Iron IV: Battle for the Bosporus 50% off Music & Unit Packs Hearts of Iron IV: Songs of the Eastern Front 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Eastern Front Planes 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Speeches Pack 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Radio Pack 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Sabaton Soundtrack 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Sabaton Soundtrack Vol. 2 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Armor 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Axis Armor 50% off {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/9948323/e3eac373f9985bbd9d814d56e83fa9b9ebabaf72.jpgWar Effort - Operation Grouse 1.14.5 [Checksum: d40a]Apr 23, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsHello there! It's your friendly neighborhood Community Manager, Katten, here. The first War Effort update of the year has finally been released! It mainly focuses on bug fixes and some balance changes, including adjustments to the USA MIOs, which Content Designer Gareth will discuss below. Remember to please send in any bug reports when you discover them HERE, so that we can fix them as soon as possible! USA Mios Hello! My name is Gareth (AKA MordredViking). I’ve grown to really like the MIO system we have in the game, and wanted to expand the unique variants (ie, the special nodes which certain MIOs get). First up, the USA. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/9948323/c9efc56a3263f81082ce9750f93e156d31b3ec99.png For the tanks, I wanted to add more differentiation between Chrysler (quality), Army Ordnance (balanced) and Detroit Arsenal (quantity), so I have tweaked their initial traits and added some new unique nodes to represent this. For example, this node for the Detroit Arsenal reflects its position as the first, purpose built tank production factory. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/9948323/f01521305b1c946f69ec9959abbc29d049520178.png Next up, let’s take a look at the navy. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/9948323/ee42e47c1734472d45ce00ea3c2222cac9ac1467.png Here, I was rather more rigorous in changing the archetype to reflect their historical output. Norfolk had a significant role in the production of destroyers and liberty ships. Electric Boat Company was a pretty dedicated submarine producer, Brooklyn was the originator of many of Americas battleships, while Newport News had some of the largest drydocks, and was capable of maintaining the carrier fleet. For example, to reflect Newport’s ability towards carriers, they were granted more carrier production output from their initial trait (vs Task Force Ship Builders which just adds HPs). {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/9948323/7ad48bdfe7a3b747eaf84dfcf1ddb711637c44ab.png Next up, Aircraft. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/9948323/ddbcd04983cdd4f2c521334aa7fe763dea3b6488.png I wanted to highlight some of the similarities between the design philosophies between North American Aviation and Lockheed, their initial trait and unique nodes now reflect a specialization towards Light or Medium aircraft while both give bonuses to range. Once again, more unique nodes were added to each MIO to give the USA some more flavour. Unfortunately I didn’t have time to do more for the Small Arms / Artillery / Motorized MIOs, but I hope to be able to spend more time on these (and other nations) in the future. Patch Notes ################################## Balance ################################## - USA MIO: Changed description of North American Aviation and Lockheed to better describe their roles. - USA MIO: Added new variants to Douglas, Detroit Arsenal, Brooklyn Naval Yard and Norfolk Naval Yard - USA MIO: Switched Norfolk Naval Yard to Escort and Brooklyn Naval Yard to Taskforce - USA MIO: Changed Electric Boat Company from Raiding Fleet to Submarine Designer - Updated Paraguay an...War Effort - Operation Grouse [1.14.5 OPEN BETA]Apr 19, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsGenerals! The War Effort continues with Operation Grouse, so to prepare you for the battlefield, we've gone ahead and grabbed some intel from Command on the upcoming changes coming in patch 1.14.5 and are releasing them on an Open Beta. To join the open beta, right click HOI4 in your Steam Library and go to Properties. Once there, you can go to 'Betas' and at the top right select " open_beta " Prepare for some Balance changes, some minor graphics and UI changes, and a whole LOT of bug fixes! ################################## Balance ################################## - USA MIO: Changed description of North American Aviation and Lockheed to better describe their roles. - USA MIO: Added new variants to Douglas, Detroit Arsenal, Brooklyn Naval Yard and Norfolk Naval Yard - USA MIO: Switched Norfolk Naval Yard to Escort and Brooklyn Naval Yard to Taskforce - USA MIO: Changed Electric Boat Company from Raiding Fleet to Submarine Designer - Updated Paraguay and Uruguay with more accurate victory points - The Chilean decision to release the Inuit now grants them cores on Attu Island and the Chuckchi Peninsula, as well as ownership of them if they are controlled by Chile or one of their subjects. - Fixed multiple issues with the Canadian focus "The Newfoundland Act". The focus now has a clearer available tooltip. It should also be able to be taken in the patriation path, as the "demanded patriation" opinion modifier is now set to last for three years, instead of indefinitely. - Fixed various issues with the final focuses in the shared Chinese focus tree, adding is_subject = no as well as a check for Japan not being a subject in the "Dominate Japan" focus. - Fixed and updated targeting and bypasses for the Estonian focuses "Unite Karelia" and "Unite the Sami". - Fixed an issue in the Romanian focus tree where the focus "Appoint Pro-Axis Government" would say it unlocked a decision to join the allies, despite instead unlocking one for the Axis, and made the effects of the three focuses "Appoint Pro-Axis Government", "Appoint Pro-Allied Government" and "Appoint Pro-Soviet Government" more readable. - The "Caliphate of Cordoba" formable nations decisions no longer require you to control impassable desert states, as their controller can be more than finicky at times. - Fixed incorrect grammar in the Norwegian Infanteridivisjon and Binærdivisjon unit templates. - Mengkukuo no longer has MIOs only accessible through the shared Chinese focus tree, and has also received a generic plane MIO. - Fixed a long-standing issue where the weekly negative change in the Italian Balance of Power wasn't removed upon them regaining control of their core states. - Fixed an issue where the focus "British Guns" would only show two out of the three unlocked decisions, and added subsidies to the artillery decision to make it match the anti-air and anti-tank decisions. - Added Luxembourg to the list of targets in the French focus "Natural Borders of France", as it is west of the Rh...The biggest WW2 strategy game is free for the weekend and 80% offApr 4, 2024 - PCGamesNThere aren't really any other games that capture the truly global nature of World War II the way Hearts of Iron 4 does, and now is a great time to try it out if you never have. You can play it for free now through April 8You can play it for free now through April 8, and if you decide it's something you want to keep playing long-term, it's also on sale at a very steep discount. Read the rest of the story... RELATED LINKS: Three Hearts of Iron 4 DLCs are suddenly completely free Hearts of Iron 4 to get a big free update with Trial of Allegiance Two leading Paradox grand strategy games get sudden price hike FREE WEEKEND | MASSIVE SALE | WAR EFFORT (Sale & Free Weekend Has Ended)Apr 4, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsThis Sale has now Ended Hello there! It's your friendly neighborhood community manager, Katten, here. It's been some time, but starting right now until the 8th of April, the game is Free to Play! This is also accompanied by a Massive sale that is larger than any we have had previously, both of these starting at 19:00 CET https://store.steampowered.com/app/394360/Hearts_of_Iron_IV/ If you are a new player or a veteran looking for people to play with, tips for your games, or just want to chat about the game, then join our Discord below. If we hit 100K members this weekend, we will be giving away 500 copies of the Base Game next week! {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/9948323/e3eac373f9985bbd9d814d56e83fa9b9ebabaf72.jpg Click the above image to join the Discord, or click here instead! Now, what is all of this new art and logos you see everywhere? Well, from player feedback and ourselves looking over the game, we thought it would be a good time for a brand refresh, as we call it. So, Hearts of Iron IV now has a new lovely key art with an additional gentleman in the back (let me know if you know who he is!), a new logo, and a little new icon that represents the game on Steam! This is also accompanied by "Waking the Tiger," "Death or Dishonor," and "Together for Victory" now being part of the base game in all senses. If you want to see a cool new trailer, check below! Sales and Discounts Starting at 19:00 CET Base Game Hearts of Iron IV 80% off Expansions Hearts of Iron IV: Arms Against Tyranny 20% off Hearts of Iron IV: By Blood Alone 30% off Hearts of Iron IV: No Step Back 40% off Hearts of Iron IV: La Résistance 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns 60% off Country Pack Hearts of Iron IV: Battle for the Bosporus 60% off Music & Unit Packs Hearts of Iron IV: Songs of the Eastern Front 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Eastern Front Planes 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Speeches Pack 60% off Hearts of Iron IV: Radio Pack 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Sabaton Soundtrack 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Sabaton Soundtrack Vol. 2 50% off Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Armor 60% off Hearts of Iron IV: Axis Armor 50% off War Effort I know it's been quite some time since our last War Effort patch, but we're restarting very soon with the "War Effort Roadmap"! The content will vary from patch to patch, but the size of the updates will be similar to last year's. They will also arrive monthly, with quite a few planned before the upcoming expansion about , which is arriving later this year. Now for a recap of what War Effort is for those of you that might have forgotten or for any new faces that are present! What is War Effort? It's what's in the middle of a maintenance patch and a major update. They tend to include bug fixes, small quality-of-life tweaks and changes, gameplay balance adjustments, but most excitingly, they include new gameplay perspectives and focuses for some countries with older content. Now, what that means is that we revisit older released content and give it a more moder...Steam Store Update | Patch 1.14.3 [Checksum 21DE]Mar 21, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsHello, Community Manager Katten here. I want to begin by thanking you all for the feedback we have received on our two latest news posts regarding the DLC Integration and Trial of Allegiance Reception & Thoughts. We are reading all your comments and are working on responding to as many as possible. Steam Store Changes Since our update last week, which added "Country Pack" to the beginning of the names for Battle for the Bosporus and Trial of Allegiance, we have received more feedback about the unclear naming of our DLCs. Of particular concern is the Subscription, referred to as the "Expansion Subscription," which may suggest to some that it only includes expansions when it actually encompasses all DLCs for the game. As a result, we have made the following changes to provide better transparency: Hearts of Iron IV: Eastern Front Planes Pack > Unit Pack - Hearts of Iron IV: Eastern Front Planes Hearts of Iron IV: Eastern Front Music Pack > Music - Hearts of Iron IV: Songs of the Eastern Front Hearts of Iron IV: Axis Armor Pack > Unit Pack - Hearts of Iron IV: Axis Armor Hearts of Iron IV: Radio Pack > Music - Hearts of Iron IV: Radio Pack Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Armor Pack > Unit Pack - Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Armor Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Speeches Music Pack > Music - Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Speeches Pack Hearts of Iron IV - Expansion Subscription > Hearts of Iron IV - DLC Subscription Additionally, at 18:00 CET today, Waking the Tiger, Together for Victory and Death or Dishonor will have their store pages removed, as they will then be included in the base game purchase of Hearts of Iron IV for $49.99. However, the DLCs will not be fully integrated at this time, so you will still be able to toggle them on and off in your game launcher. Full integration is scheduled for a later time; we'll provide updates on this shortly The Anniversary Pack will also have its Steam page removed as it is already included in the base game of Hearts of Iron IV. We do not see a reason to have its own store page, as it currently only serves to confuse some of our new players. Patch 1.14.3 Now at 15:00 CET, our 1.14.3 Patch is live! With plenty of new balance changes and bug fixes. Feel free to leave your feedback in this thread or in the bug report forum as usual, especially if you encounter new issues not present in 1.14.3, or if something marked as fixed in the below changelog still occurs for you. ################################################################ ######## Patch 1.14.3 "Bolivar" ######### ################################################################ ################################## # Balance ################################## - South America Shared: Reduced Maximum Command Power Increase from Joint Operations Command (from 30% to 15%) - South America Shared: Reduced the org and core defense gain of strength of the common solider to 4% (from 5%). Also reduced the infantry bonus gained - South America Shared: Reduced attack modifier for Spear...Three Hearts of Iron 4 DLCs are suddenly completely freeMar 15, 2024 - PCGamesNHearts of Iron 4 has been around for a long time now, but the 2016 game is still continually being updated and expanded upon by its creators at Paradox Interactive, even as the developer/publisher continues to put out other strategy options like Stellaris, Crusader Kings 3, and Age of Wonders: Planetfall. With the huge number of DLCs made available for the game over the last eight years, it might be tough to figure out which ones are necessary for getting the most out of the experience. Luckily, Paradox is making that decision a whole lot easier right now by making three Hearts of Iron 4 DLCs free to claim. Read the rest of the story... RELATED LINKS: Hearts of Iron 4 to get a big free update with Trial of Allegiance Two leading Paradox grand strategy games get sudden price hike Huge Paradox Steam sale lets you try Crusader Kings 3 for free Thank you for your Service | Spring Sale | Steam Store UpdateMar 14, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsSpring is Here and So Are Freebies for Hearts of Iron IV Fans! As the flowers bloom and the world awakens anew, the Hearts of Iron IV team is thrilled to announce a Spring Sale celebration. Everyone knows that long military expeditions should start in the spring, so with campaign season upon us, we are excited to share not one, not two, but THREE DLCs for absolutely free: Death or Dishonor, Together for Victory, and Waking the Tiger. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/9948323/5bbf8eee8177e5ed438aaffb3477cdc54d93a1f7.jpg It is clear that the Hearts of Iron IV: Starter Edition has become the go-to choice for newcomers, and is recommended by the veterans of our community for its comprehensive introduction to the vast and intricate world of Hearts of Iron IV. In our quest to continuously improve the gameplay experience for new recruits and seasoned generals alike, we've decided to integrate the above-mentioned three DLCs into the base game, ensuring every player enjoys a richer, more complete Hearts of Iron IV journey. Our view is that while the experiences they contain add a great deal to Hearts of Iron IV, parts of the content within Together for Victory, Death or Dishonor and Waking the Tiger no longer match the scope and direction that has developed in the game over the last several years. In addition, there are numerous core mechanics that we would like to rely on in future content that are difficult to work with due to ownership limitations. By rolling these expansions into the core game, we open up new opportunities for utilizing the features they contain, and create new avenues for developing content our players are repeatedly asking for. Why Redeem Now? As we incorporate these DLCs into the base game by the end of the Spring Sale (21st March), failure to update your game could lead to disruptions, such as save game incompatibilities. Redeem your free DLCs now to ensure your conquests and campaigns continue smoothly without a hitch. How to Redeem: To claim your free DLCs, simply log into your Steam account during the Spring Sale 14th - 21st of March and visit the Hearts of Iron IV store page. From there, navigate to the DLC section where you'll find Death or Dishonor, Together for Victory, and Waking the Tiger ready for redemption. FAQ Question: Will I receive a refund for the DLCs that are now free? Answer: No, if you have recently purchased any of them, here is the Steam refund policy: DLC bought from the Steam store can be refunded within fourteen days of purchase, provided that the underlying title has been played for less than two hours since purchasing the DLC. Question: Does this mean that Hearts of Iron IV development has stopped? Answer: On the contrary, this will help future development as we can assume that all players now own the first 3 DLC. Question: What happens to my saved data when the DLCs integrate into the base game? Answer: If you didn't possess the DLCs when creating your save file, it will become corrupted and unusable once they are in...Reception & Thoughts | Patch 1.14.2 [Checksum fbf7]Mar 13, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsGreetings all! Today marks the first dev diary since the release of Trial of Allegiance, so we’ll be looking back over how things went, and community reactions in a little more detail than usual. While I would have loved to have some data on player choices and interactions for today’s diary, our analytics engine is busy chugging away. So, we’ll have to hold off on that until the machine spirit has assessed the incoming preponderance of data. The Elephant in the Room It would be hard to talk about Trial of Allegiance without first mentioning that we’re acutely aware of its critical reception from fans. I see no reason not to be transparent about this, and I’m going to use today as an opportunity to talk about what it means to us and how we analyze reactions, so let’s dive into some of the facts: Everything’s on Fire! Well, actually no. Trial of Allegiance has thus far been one of our most stable releases in terms of bugs and player-encountered issues. This doesn’t mean there aren’t bugs: stuff always creeps through, but as you may have noticed by now, we’ve had an Open Beta running with a patch scheduled sometime today. The patch notes will be attached to the end of this document. Furthermore, we have another patch scheduled in next week to give us a chance to tackle more complex problems. Due to the low incidence of bugs in the ToA content, we’re spending a bit more time on general improvements and things folks thought were lacking. Developer’s Perspective: bugs are defects in the game - errors or unforeseen complexities that render part of the experience to not work as intended. We don’t usually consider design choices or outdated content as bugs unless they cause the first statement to apply, since that evaluation is often subjective. Circles Within Circles Our steam review score has taken a fairly heavy beating on Trial of Allegiance. Reviews on DLCs are notoriously hard to draw accurate conclusions from, as very few people tend to leave reviews compared to the overall number of people who bought a DLC. Trial of Allegiance is particularly notable in that regard, as there are fewer reviews overall than we would normally expect. It’s absolutely possible to theorize behind why that is, but that’s all those are: theories. That said, we read every review. Aaand it’s quite hard, tbh. Being a venerable ancient of the internet, I could wax lyrical on toxicity, vocabulary, and dissociation, but at the end of the day folks leave reviews for a reason. The language they use isn’t as important as the sentiment they’re trying to convey, even if they don’t always know the right way to do it. What we try and do, therefore, is to try and don our armor of not-taking-things-too-personally, and group negative reviews by common themes or sentiments. For Trial of Allegiance, we assessed clear ‘meta’ groupings in order of weight*: - Unhappiness about recent regional currency price adjustments - Unhappiness about the price of the country pack > Compared to other HOI4...Trial of Allegiance Available NOW!Mar 7, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsGenerals! Trial of Allegiance is now Live, and with it comes the Fury of Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay! Join the fight to turn the tides of war, or to give South America a new path through History! With it comes bug fixes, balance changes and even more content in the free "BOLIVAR" update {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/9948323/340c21620eef4de814e3200177164243554d799e.png https://store.steampowered.com/app/2695150/Hearts_of_Iron_IV_Trial_of_Allegiance/ For Version Rollback, see this post. For known issues with the "BOLIVAR" patch, click here. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/9948323/d7c2182db8a3721eac79ac4eb7457a2990da8794.jpgTrial of Allegiance | Patch 1.14.1 "BOLIVAR"Mar 6, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsHello there generals, it's your friendly neighbourhood Community Manager, Katten, here to talk about, Trial of Allegiance patch notes! But before that, I want to remind you that the DLC releases tomorrow at 17:00 CET! So if you want to secure the exclusive track 'Carnaval Do Brasil', pre-purchase now! And if you missed what this DLC is all about, watch our release trailer below; https://store.steampowered.com/app/2695150/Hearts_of_Iron_IV_Trial_of_Allegiance/ ################################################################ ######## Update 1.14.1 "Bolivar" ######### ################################################################ ################################## # Trial of Allegiance ################################## - Added Brazilian focus tree - Added Argentina focus tree - Added Chile focus tree - Added minor focus tree for Paraguay - Added minor focus tree for Uruguay - Added Voiceovers in Brazilian Portuguese, Argentinian Spanish and Chilean Spanish. - Added numerous new (awesome!) 3D models for the new nations - Added 6 new music tracks ################################## # Gameplay ################################## - Admiral Trait Tree has been reshuffled, ordered now by fleet role and with some rebalancing - The Monroe Doctrine has been reworked from the old USA guarantees to something more flexible to go with the ToA launch - More sensible AI weights for interventionists USA going Monroe Doctrine. Will now only DOW if enough tension is generated by that country - Tweaked Ethiopia to be more aggressive initially in the war against Italy - Added Embargo Decision against Venezuela - Changed handsoff tag to Haiti - Added Quebec as releasable at game start - Added an event to Mexican focus "Bolivarian Alliance" to ensure that players can refuse the ticking communism national spirit if they wish. - Fix that ensures a certain shadowy German gentleman can be 100 percent obtainable if Germany capitulates and a certain focus in the Argentina fascist branch is taken - Reworked the Amazon to have Impassable Terrain areas to model the deep jungle ################################## # Balance ################################## - reduced the number of super heavy tank destroyers needed for support battalion to 20 - reduced IC cost of jet engines considerably - German focus 'Treaty with the USSR' now grants 1x200% research speed bonus for tank hulls, from 2x100% - Medium tank created by german focus now starts with an MIO if AAT is installed - Railway Company now gives 15% armor to armored trains instead of reliability - Several mission specific air advisor modifiers that were non functional have been replaced with mission efficiency bonuses - Airborn advisors now give bonuses to paratrooper defence and org rather than plane states - Escort Efficiency now reduce disruption from enemy attacks - Fixed broken turret for Italian SH tank Hand of God - CAS leaders/doctrine now also give ground attack bonuses on top of mission efficiency to boost impact - Add...
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