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Geometry Arena

Geometry Arena 2 is available now!Jul 15, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsAbout Release Hello everyone, I am 011, the developer of Geometry Arena 2. Geometry Arena 2 is now available in Early Access. Welcome to play! And these are two bundles about Geometry Arena 2 Long-term Plans Here are the major development plans in Early Access: More weapons, bodies, challenges, upgrades, enemies. Expansion of talent system, and a new progression system (pets maybe?). Achievements, built-in update logs, credits, etc. Long-term refinement and expansion of art, music, and sound effects. Short-term Plans Here are my plans for the upcoming 1 or 2 weeks: Try to design a new weapon, maybe the Magician from prequel? Upgrades of Friends series, such as traps, field effects, drones, etc. Initial upgrade choices in Talents. Community Your suggestions and feedback are quite valuable to me. Please feel free to share them via Steam or Discord. I'd love to hear from you! Geometry Arena 2 DiscordWelcome to play the latest version of Geometry Arena 2Jun 20, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsAbout Demo Hello everyone, I am 011, the developer of Geometry Arena 2. Geometry Arena 2 has participated in Steam New Fest, and the demo is now available for download and play. In addition, the game will be released on July 15 and enter the Early Access stage. The Demo provides the latest in-development version of Geometry Arena 2, and will continue to be updated. On one hand, I want to get the latest and most effective player feedback to help me improve the game. On the other hand, I hope it will help everyone make informed purchase decisions in advance and avoid potential disappointment. If you like this game, don't forget to add it to your wishlist! Feel free to share any suggestions or feedback via Steam or Discord. I'd love to hear from you. Geometry Arena 2 Discord Development Plan In the next few weeks before the Early Access, I have the following development plans: Remake SFX and BGM to match the new art style. Finishing up the art remake. Redesigning the shape and mechanics of all enemies. New weapon or body. Many new upgrades, possibly involving new ally or building units. QoL features. The New Art Style of Geometry Arena 2May 31, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsHello everyone, I am 011, the developer of Geometry Arena 2. I am delighted to share the latest development progress of Geometry Arena 2 with you in this announcement! After several rounds of gameplay remake, the game's art style has also undergone a big change. I would like to express my special gratitude to my artistic partners' relentless efforts, and also extend my thanks to players for continuous feedback and support! By the way, Geometry Arena 2 will participate in the Steam Next Fest in June and will be released for Early Access shortly after the Fest ends. Don't forget to wishlist! Welcome to join our Discord to discuss the future development direction! Geometry Arena Discord Currently, the new art style has only been implemented in its initial stage, and there are still many details that need to be refined and optimized. Let's take a look at the comparison images below: Main Page {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42825221/ca4ad93b904a6050db6b8817cc30b804de6cd1f3.jpg {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42825221/52e731c6c3945d84433fb900bf867861f3f0df0e.jpg Upgrade Library {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42825221/c74d30269f15fe10bd4385451f230de1be285bef.jpg {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42825221/491963073f0a89f7b700ce6fc29754f90a63e78f.jpg Battle Scene {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42825221/e149faa21c166f05b76b6d0040aaa37b798c09f4.jpg {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42825221/c158100eb8aa15c50097aefcbbf70131db4abb6b.jpgWelcome to Geometry Arena 2 PlayTest!Aug 29, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsHello everyone! Geometry Arena 2 is now in PlayTest. Click the Request Access button in the Steam Store of Geometry Arena 2, then you will be qualified to download the latest version of Geometry Arena 2 now. Store link: The current Geometry Arena 2 is an early in-development version, and the game content is definitely not as much as the full version of Geometry Arena. Please note that GA was developed for two years, while GA2 is currently in development for less than a year. Once you enter the game, you can see the development plan in the upper left corner of the title page. Any questions or suggestions, please let me know! By the way, if you are interested on Geometry Arena 2, wishlist now! Join us on Discord! Geometry Arena Discord 嘿!来聊一聊《几何竞技场》和《几何竞技场2》Sep 14, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsThis announcement is about the future of Geometry Arena series. I am sorry that I did not translate it into English due to its length and my limited time. Thank you for your understanding! Join us on Discord Geometry Arena Discord 前言 大家好,我是最爱你们的鸽子! 在过去的两个月中,我将许多的工作精力投入到了《几何竞技场2》的设计与研发中。今天,我想与大家聊一聊,《几何竞技场》的未来与《几何竞技场2》的前瞻。 (全文约4800字左右) 《几何竞技场》的未来? 因《几何竞技场》的英文名为Geometry Arena,以下我们就将它简称为GA吧! 在我的规划中,GA的v1.0版本,既是正式版,也是完整版——这意味着我已经如愿以偿地将计划中的内容都实现完毕了。 GA所走过的路与许多独立游戏所选择的路线相同,即在游戏内容尚未完整时以抢先体验的形式发布,待游戏完整之后再正式发布。 通常来说,当一款游戏正式发布之后,有的开发者会定期对游戏进行免费的更新,甚至每隔半年或一年就推出一个全新大型版本,但这通常建立在游戏的收入情况理想且程序框架优良的前提之上。 若是游戏收入情况不佳或是程序框架很糟糕,继续增加新内容就不是一个好的选择了,因为后续的维护和开发成本不容小觑,但Steam平台却不会因此而给予额外的曝光资源,从而可能导致开发者的收入情况雪上加霜。 GA算是我的第一款正式作品,原本我只是将它作为研究生阶段的毕业设计,却不曾想到发售后取得了许多玩家的支持与鼓励,所以我也就决定踏上独自创业这条路。自GA在2020年4月8日以抢先体验的形式发布以来,我收到了大量的建议与意见,也有许多玩家愿意天天陪我在群里聊天唠嗑、讨论游戏、钻研设计,陪伴着GA持续更新15个月——直至目前的v1.0系列版本,我也终于第一次真正完成了一款称得上“完整”的游戏。此番大恩大德,我会永远铭记在心。 然而,正如前文所提,正式版后的大型更新通常需要建立在“游戏的收入情况理想且程序框架优良”的前提之上。很遗憾,GA未能满足此条件,因此后续实在难以推出大型更新。其中,收入情况并不是我所看重的,我做游戏的初心并非为了赚钱,而且也成功靠着贷款支撑了下来。我所重视的,是游戏的程序框架与玩法本身——因我早期开发过于匆忙,不仅是一名初学者,更是在立项设计仅三天后便开始写代码,导致游戏的程序框架乱七八糟。后续15个月的更新,更是给它“锦上添花”,使它成为了一座大家所熟知的“代码*山”。 请相信我,我比大家都更加希望GA能有更多、更精致、更有趣的玩法,我想要塔防建造、想要僚机宠物、想要自定义职业、想要庞大的天赋树、想要更精致的数值设计与更有趣的战斗体验。这些想法,其实在一年前便已有雏形,但因为程序框架过于简陋,没有办法在GA中实现,便将这些想法全都记录下来,并长期推敲修改。于是,在GA更新至v1.0完整版、且不存在影响体验的bug之后,我便以全新的热情,正式开始设计并研发一款更好的《几何竞技场2》。 综上所述,《几何竞技场》未来难以再有大型更新了,但会有续作《几何竞技场2》。此外,《几何竞技场》的Steam集换式卡牌也正处于规划中,并将免费更新。 这一切均是由我个人能力不足所导致的后果,在此向大家致以诚挚的歉意。若有任意玩家因此而感到了丝毫的后悔或不开心,也欢迎随时联系我进行无条件退款(详见下文)。 《几何竞技场》永久无条件退款承诺 自本游戏发售至今,我便一直承诺愿意随时给各位玩家无条件退款。 无论您是已游玩了100小时还是取得了全成就,只要您在任意时刻对《几何竞技场》或对我感到了后悔或失望,便可以随时联系我进行无条件全额退款。 此承诺不仅适用于游戏本身,曾参与过《几何竞技场2》发电众筹的玩家,同样可以随时无条件退款。 请注意,虽然大家在购买游戏时的付款我只能收到50%左右,但我愿意按照各位的实际付款金额进行全额退款,其余损失由我独自承担。这是我应尽的责任,请大家不要有任何的心理负担。 《几何竞技场2》会是什么样的游戏? 以下,就简称《几何竞技场2》为GA2啦! GA2并不是GA的换皮,它将保留最具特色的难度选项、技能模块、升级商店、竞技场风格战斗,但除此以外,其它所有系统将迎来彻底的重做。主要特色如下所述。 请注意,由于GA2尚处于早期开发阶段,最终内容并不一定完全等同于以下文字所述。更多内容,还请关注未来公告。 不再是固定的角色选择,而有大量的自定义角色 GA2中角色成长的核心,是一个名为“零件组合”的系统。零件类似于GA的符文,但更加灵活而泛用,易上手又不乏深度。通过不同几何形状的零件组合,你可以获得截然不同的主武器、机体与副武器。每一种主武器、机体与副武器,都有着一个独特的技能与数个技能模块,玩家可以自由地组合它们。 你可以成为一名带着狙击镜与机枪的固定堡垒,可以成为一名能够发射大量追踪弹的霰弹枪手,可以成为一辆弹无虚发的重弩坦克,也可以成为一名左手拿黑洞枪、右手持榴弹炮的轰炸爱好者。 上千种组合方案,供你打造自己心仪的Build。 不再是无趣的角色强化,而有一棵庞大的天赋树 在GA中,每名角色都有自己的角色强化选项。它们简单粗暴,但也确实缺乏生机与乐趣。 在GA2中,因为不再有固定的预设角色,所以角色的成长也就交由统一的天赋树来负责。 天赋树不仅仅会影响角色的数值能力,也会带来一些有意义的其它效果。随着战斗经历的增加,你将获得越来越多的天赋点,从而变得越来越强。 战斗系统革新 GA2对战斗系统的设计思路进行了大幅调整。战斗的胜利不再过度依赖角色数值,玩家的操作与战术将更为重要。 关卡流程将以战胜Boss为核心,其余的小兵依旧是“可摧毁的弹幕”,但它们不再没完没了地追着玩家跑——若是躲开它们,大部分敌人会因撞墙或撞上你的建筑物而自行粉碎。当然,如果你的火力够猛,亲手击败了大量的小兵,也会因此而获得额外的分数奖励。 除此以外,角色操作手感也将迎来全面提升,玩家角色不再有移动惯性,受击退的效果也更加真实自然,以确保玩家可以精准地操控角色,躲过敌方的“弹幕军队”。 塔防建造玩法 GA2中将有一类新的升级“建筑类”。它们有着不同的功能与形状。在它们之中,有的是“墙”、有的是“塔”,有的是“机关”。当Boss以外的小兵撞到你的建筑物时,小兵们会立刻粉碎,但这些脆弱的建筑物也会失去一定的耐久度。一旦失去了所有耐久度,建筑物就会暂时退出战场。请别担心,耐久度会在每次完成关卡后恢复。 所以,你既可以带着一群射击塔对敌人进行火力压制,也可以培养一排的高耐久墙壁与敌人同归于尽,亦或是巧妙地安排机关、让小兵们撞上边缘的墙。 僚机宠物系统 GA2中将有一类的新升级“随从类”。我们也可以称呼它们为“僚机”或“宠物”。它们同样有着不同的功能与形状,通过各自的AI来帮助你进行进攻、防御或治疗。 放弃开发联机系统 最早的时候,GA2是有做联机玩法的计划的。但后来,迫于客观原因,我不得不放弃了这一计划。原先,我写了一篇两千余字的日志,记录事情的来龙去脉...v1.0.7 UpdateJul 14, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsOverview Some fixes and performance optimizations. Fixes Fixed an issue that the background star sprite layer is above mines. Fixed an issue that the difficulty option "Bumper Car Arena" sometimes causes enemies to get stuck. Fixed an issue that in some cases, the first judgment of the upgrade "Stay Here" must cause the character to get hurt. Optimizations Optimized the management code of the mines array. Optimized update logic per frame for all types of bullets. Optimized the performance of the physics system at lower frame rates. Rewrote all the code related to lasers, thus significantly optimized the performance of lasers. Features The "Auto Start" function in Endless Mode now allows players to customize the countdown duration. Significantly decreased the price of all types of runes sold in the Rune Shop. UI The "Damage Text" now also show the heal effects in green numbers. Others Improved the timeout detection function when uploading leaderboard data. Adjusted and optimized some texts. Join us on Discord! Geometry Arena Discord Geometry Arena participates in the Summer Sale midwayJul 1, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsHello everyone, I’m the developer of Geometry Arena, 011 Games. According to Steam's rules, new games released within the past month are not eligible to participate in this Summer Sale. However, today I found out in my Steamworks that there is a way for Geometry Arena to participate in the Summer Sale midway, so I submitted the sale request. As I just knew about this, I did not inform you in advance, which led many players to buy the game at the original price. I am really sorry about that, and hope you can understand and forgive me. I did not mean to cheat you. If you bought the game at the original price a few days ago, you could apply for a refund on the Steam client. If Steam does not approve your refund request, you can also contact me for a refund. Although I'm not quite sure how to make a cross-border-transfer, I believe that we'll find a good solution together. Apologies again! And Wish you have fun! Join us on Discord! Geometry Arena Discordv1.0.6 UpdateJun 28, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsOverview Remade "Double-edged Sword" and "Life Drain", and added 3 new legendary upgrades to bring many changes to the hurt mechanics. Improved the stability of the network function. Fixes Fixed an issue that damage overflow caused the game to not proceed properly. Fixed an issue that the hurt increase effect of the upgrade "Revenge" also works on enemies. Fixed an issue that the square border of the Player Position Indicator would shrink in some cases. Fixed an issue where crits would cause no damage to enemies in some cases. Fixed an issue that the time flow rate in the game is abnormal in the case of low frame rate. Fixed an issue that the rune color is displayed incorrectly in some interfaces. Fixed several UI-related minor issues. Features Added a new legendary upgrade "Titan". Added a new legendary upgrade "Egoism". Added a new legendary upgrade "Stay Here". Adjusted the upgrade "Emergency Delivery": adjusted rank from Epic to Legendary, increased the HP threshold from 5% to 20%, but has 3s CD now. Remade the upgrade "Double-edged Sword": changed the damage bonus to exponential growth, but the cost is also higher. The upgrade "Wheel of Fortune" no longer triggers the hurt effect of the new "Double-edged sword". Removed the life loss effect in the game (Prism's Laser Overload and the difficulty option Life Drain) and replaced it with dealing damage to yourself. Adjusted the difficulty option " Life Drain": the damage value is reduced from 30% of current HP to 20%. Others Remade the time server access function to ensure that more players can play the daily challenges and receive rewards properly. Remade the network access function of the leaderboard interface. The connection will no longer fail due to being clicked by high frequency. Adjusted and optimized some texts. Join us on Discord! Geometry Arena Discord v1.0.5 Update - Auto Start & Auto Fuse !Jun 21, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsFixes Fixed an issue that the buy button in the rune store was invalid. Features Added "Auto Start" function for endless mode, it can be enabled in the pause interface. Added "Auto Fuse" function, it can be used in the rune fusion interface. Adjusted the upgrade "Puffiness" : HP Max increased from +6 to +9. Significantly increased the trigger damage of the upgrade "Amulet". UI Adjusted some UI elements. Decreased the background transparency of the Challenge interface. Now, the rune name will display the number of additional properties. You can now view the rules for rune fusion in the Rune Fusion interface. Others The maximum number of levels has been limited to 9999. Remade the savefile backup system to improve its number and stability. Adjusted and optimized some text. Join us on Discord! Geometry Arena Discord v1.0.4 Update - lots of new content!Jun 18, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsOverview Added 4 new difficulty options and 7 new upgrades, with many fixes, optimizations and gameplay updates. Fixes Fixed an issue that rune fusion could not trigger the corresponding achievement correctly. Fixed an issue that the Mystery Bag interface did not show the types of upgrades. Fixed an issue that Urgent Delivery was improperly triggered in some cases. Fixed an issue that the soldier barrier did not knockback enemies correctly in some cases. Fixed an issue that the power-up "Missiles" fired too much missiles in some cases. Fixed an issue that stacking buff or power-up would cause some stats to overflow in some cases. Fixed an issue that the effect of the difficulty option "Life Drain" could not be triggered correctly in invincible state. Fixed an issue that the upgrade "Mine Filter" did not work since v1.0. Optimizations Optimized the performance of buffs. For performance optimization, when Prism's range > 150 with the skill mod "Hexaprism", then part over 150 will be convert into to damage bonus. Features Added a new difficulty option "Supply Depletion". Added a new difficulty option "Nurturer". Added a new difficulty option "Stridebreaker". Added a new difficulty option "Bumper Car Arena". Added a new legendary upgrade "Good Luck". Added a new legendary upgrade "Blade of Justice". Added a new legendary upgrade "Mystery Invitation". Added a new legendary upgrade "Large Injection". Added a new legendary upgrade "Double Immolation". Added a new legendary upgrade "Super Survival Set". Added a new legendary upgrade "Sapper Set". Adjusted the rank of upgrade "Smart Shelf" from epic to legendary. Adjusted the upgrade "Immolation": bullet damage increased from +60% to +100%. Remade the upgrade "Revenge": rank to legendary, duration to 3 seconds, each stack refreshes the duration, but increases the damage you take. Remade the upgrade "Wheel of Fortune": Hp increased from +6 to +12 and simplified the effect while remaining the original fun. Remade the upgrade "Giant Sword": increases range now, but increase less bullet size and decreased more move speed. Renamed the "Other" type in the upgrade types to "Mystery" type. Significantly improved the knockback effect of the soldier barrier. Added a new effect to the Soldier skill mod "Sapper": for each upgrade of mine type you have, shorter the interval between generating mines. Adjusted the upgrade price of the four ranks from 5/10/20/40 fragments to 6/9/18/36. The effect of the difficulty option "Life Drain" now triggers the new version of Wheel of Fortune. Adjusted the daily challenge random algorithm, reducing the probability of some difficulty options appearing. UI Remade the icons of the upgrade "Smart Shelf" and "Mystery Bag". Adjusted some UI elements. Improved the fluency of buying Geometry Coins 10 times continuously in the Rune Store. Now, you can buy Geometry Coins 100 times continuously in the Rune Store by holding Ctrl. Others Adjusted and optimized some text. Join us on Discord! Geo...Here comes the Dragon Boat Festival zongzi!Jun 14, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsHello everyone! As you know, I am a developer from China. Today is Dragon Boat Festival in China, which is a very important traditional festival. In China, people usually eat zongzi on today. So, I added zongzi to the game, and you will meet it in the Rune Store. For the next three days, every time you refresh the rune store, the zongzi will have the probability to appear. Hope you enjoy it! Note: Since it need access to the time server, please make sure you can play the daily challenges without any network problem so you can meet zongzi in the rune store. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37195513/2dcadfb6e683e1238fed0c08e28394af9f1e533e.png Join us on Discord! Geometry Arena Discordv1.0.3 UpdateJun 10, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsFixes Fixed some issues with Daily Challenge. Fixed an issue where player was not fully healed at the end of the attack phase in some cases. Fixed an issue where "Explosive" did not correctly trigger "Sticky Grenade" and generate mines. Features Now, the settings about "Custom Enemy Color" and "Translucent Bullets" will also be saved when you save and exit. Now, "Translucent Bullets" also affects all explosion effects. Added an effect to the difficulty option "Space Walk": You will automatically stop drifting at the end of each attack phase (except in Wander Mode). UI Added mouse tooltip to "Custom Enemy Color" and " Translucent Bullets". Advance Notice I have made several new upgrades, but considering that the leaderboard event is underway, they will be available next week. Join us on Discord! Geometry Arena Discord Fixed a critical issue with the Daily ChallengeJun 9, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsI'm sorry, there was a critical issue with the Daily Challenge due to my mistake. If your computer's time format was not yyyy/mm/dd, you were not able to participate in the daily challenge, or your daily challenge was different from others. This issue has now been fixed. If you have encountered this issue before, you will no longer be able to find your previous ranking on the leaderboard of daily challenge after this update. But don't worry, I've just moved those wrong dates to a few months ago and you can still receive your rewards as normal according to your previous ranking. Only, just it will show the date as a few months ago. Join us on Discord! Geometry Arena Discord v1.0.2 UpdateJun 6, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsFixes Fixed some issues related to the tutorial. Fixed an issue that the size and color of bullets sometimes look incorrect after splitting. Fixed an issue that the rune in equip will automatically change after rune fusion in some cases. Optimizations Optimized the performance of lasers and each type of bullets . Features Added a new feature to Cannon's skill module "Heavy Cannon": your bullets will now smash through the wall and fly to the distant stars. Remade the legendary upgrade "Crit Transform": type is changed to "Buff", and now convert your excess critical chance to critical effect. UI Added a new function of " Translucent Bullets" in the pause panel. Others Optimized some UI parameters. Adjusted and optimized some text. Join us on Discord! Geometry Arena Discord v1.0.1 UpdateJun 4, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsFixes Fixed an issue that the wall disappears in some cases. Features From today's daily challenge, you can now get a award of 30 Geometry Coins if your ranking > 50. UI Changed the logo to a new one. Now, when you switch the language, the logo image will changes accordingly. Added a new function "Custom Enemy Color" in the pause panel. Others Improved the stability of the savefile. Adjusted and optimized some texts. Join us on Discord! Geometry Arena Discord Leaderboard Event!Jun 2, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsHello, everyone! I am the developer of Geometry Arena, 011 Games. Geometry Arena v1.0 was officially released yesterday! As promised, I'm going to host a leaderboard event with great rewards as my appreciation to everyone. Announcement about the official release Unlike previous events, this time, all classes can participate in the event in whether Endless Mode or Wander Mode. By the end of the event, you will be awarded for keeping your ranking in the top 20. As there are 12 classes and 2 modes, there are 24 leaderboards and 480 prizes at total. According to your ranking in each leaderboard, you will get a certain number of event points. The event points from each leaderboard can be accumulated, and you could freely exchange them for the prizes you want. Event Duration Starts now and ends June 13, 2021, at 12:00 noon UTC. Total duration is approximately 11 days. How to Participate During the event duration, play Endless Mode or Wander Mode with any class in Geometry Arena. At the end of the event, if you keep your ranking in the top 20 of any leaderboard, you will be awarded with event points. About Awards First Prize At the end of the event, keep your ranking in top 1st of any leaderboard. Award: 5 event points Second Prize At the end of the event, keep your ranking in top 2~3 of any leaderboard. Award: 3 event points Third Prize At the end of the event, keep your ranking in top 4~10 of any leaderboard. Award: 2 event points Fourth Prize At the end of the event, keep your ranking in top 11~20 of any leaderboard. Award: 1 event point How to Get Your Award After the event ends, I will post the award list in Discord. Because your name will be shown in yellow in the leaderboard. So find your name in the leaderboard and message me with that screenshot, which proves your identity, then receive your award. Before that, please plan how to use your event points. Check the list below for more details. Exchange Event Points for What? 1 point: a Steam key "Geometry Arena" The key is used to get a copy of Geometry Arena in the Steam client. Since everyone here already have the game, you can gift the keys to your friends, or for any other purpose. 3 points: 3000 Geometry Coins 5 points: Access to Close-Beta of Geometry Arena 2 Geometry Arena 2 will be my next game, although I haven't started working on it yet. If you're interested, consider this! 10 points: Any one of the following runes These runes have special names and shapes. They can only be obtained during this event. However, if you are more concerned about the utility value, then it is not a good deal to exchange event points for them compared to Geometry Coins. Finally Please do not cheat, or you will lose your participation in this event. Join us on Discord! Geometry Arena Discord Happy Children's Day! v1.0 is here!Jun 1, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsHello, everyone! I am the developer of Geometry Arena, 011 Games. Over the past two months, Geometry Arena has completed its v1.0 development and testing as planned, and is now officially released! In the Early Access since April 8, 2020, Geometry Arena has been updated about 80 times, with 3 new classes, 16 new difficulty options, 2 new modes, dozens of new upgrades, Rune system, Skill Mods, and many other new features. Thanks for your company over the past year! We made it together! Now, let's see what's new in v1.0! Main Features 1. Graphics Remake I've updated the game's rendering pipeline to remake the game's graphics, which are now much clearer and more beautiful. And, you can now freely adjust the intensity of the light effects in settings. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37195513/2167b63c2278200d639c8caed6d2b8e9b1069f39.gif 2. Rune Workshop UI remake Rune Workshop now has a new look with a new rune recycling function. The new UI is more user-friendly. However, because of the change of operation and hotkeys, it may take some time for you to adapt, which I'm really sorry for. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37195513/ed4da85e945447c8a36fcd1a715c7bb8996ddea5.jpg {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37195513/2d062619f6a976d7f8483ce5894ddabc3f6622f1.jpg 3. New BGM system All the music in the game has been replaced, including 1 main menu music and 4 battle music. The new BGM system will adjust the music in real time according to the battle stage. The effect may not be perfect, but compared to the old one, it should be much better. 4. Other useful updates First, there' s a new short tutorial to help players get familiar with the game. Secondly, the game experience has been improved, such as improving the drop rate of stars and fragments, lowering the price of upgrades, improving players' basic stats, adjusting all difficulty levels, and strengthen some classes. Finally, a lot of performance optimization. I believe that most players can now enjoy the joy of thousands of mines fluently! Please note that thousands of damage texts still decrease the frame rate. You may consider turning it off, which will boost your frame rate significantly. The Update Log The update log for v1.0.0 is too long to be placed here.. Please click this link for more details. v1.0.0 update log About The Price The price of Geometry Arena has already been raised once in the Early Access, and will not be raised again. Also, there is a -22% off discount lasting for one week from now. However, I’m sorry for forgetting to tell you about this discount in advance. If you just bought the game at the original price a few days ago, please fell free to request a refund on your Steam client. Leaderboard Event! In order to show my appreciation for your support, I am going to host a leaderboard event with great rewards. I am planning it for now, and it will be announced in a few days. Join us on Discord! Geometry Arena Discordv1.0 is now available!May 31, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsPreface Geometry Arena is now updated to v1.0.0! At the same time, the game will be officially released tomorrow (June 1, Children's Day). This announcement is only the update log of v1.0.0, for more information, please pay attention to the official release announcement tomorrow! Overview After two months of development, v1.0 is now available! Wish you could enjoy this new version! Main changes include: graphic and music remake, rune workshop UI remake, performance optimization and game experience improvement, etc. Due to there are many significant adjustments, the game being played may be affected. I apologize for that! And I recommend starting a new round of game to experience this new version. Fixes Fixed an issue that the bullet trail particle sometimes works incorrect after splitting. Fixed an issue that sound effects play incorrectly during bullet time. Fixed an issue that penetrating bullets may cause jam in some cases. Fixed an issue that the setting files are not saved after switching languages. Fixed an issue that some objects may leave the wall too far. Fixed an issue that when "The Swallower" is enabled, the enemies swallowed are considered to be killed by player. Fixed an issue that the gun animation gets stuck when the soldier enable the skill module "Sapper". Fixed some minor issues related to the savefile reading. Optimizations Improved the opening speed of upgrade library. Optimized the performance of bullets and enemies. Damage texts now disappear faster when the frame rate is too low. Remade and simplified the collision box for all enemies. Rewrote the collision logic of mines, thus significantly optimizing their performance When Prism's bullet range >1000, the part over 1000 will be equivalently converted to bullet damage bonus. Features Player's base firing rate has increased from 5 to 6. Player's base bullet damage decreased from 5 to 3. Player's base bullet speed increased from 20 to 30. Player's base range increased from 15 to 20. Player's bullets are now twice as large in actual size as before. Slightly decreased the influence of each system on bullet speed and bullet size . For each system, decreased the influence on critical rate, but increased the influence on critical effect. The explosion of mines and grenades can now trigger crits and boost the blast damage according to your critical effect. The base HP of normal enemies/elites/Bosses decreased from 15/180/585 to 10/120/390. Ranger's dash speed increased from 200%/250%/300% to 300%/450%/600%. Ranger's buff duration increased from 0.9s/1.8s/2.7s to 3s/4.5s/6s. Soldiers now have a move speed x 125% bonus. Adjusted difficulty option "Easy Mode": no longer increase the fragment drop rate, but increase the star gain from x60% to x80%. Adjusted difficulty option "Giant Country": enemy HP increased from x270% to x300%, size decreased from x300% to x200%, and now speed x80%. Adjusted difficulty option "Huge Crowd": now it only doubles the number of enemies summoned. And sta...v1.0正式版最终测试 & 测试玩家回馈活动May 20, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsThis announcement is about the final test of v1.0. I am sorry that I did not translate it into English due to my limited time. Thank you for your understanding! Join us on Discord Geometry Arena Discord 前言 大家好,我是最爱你们的鸽子! 就在今年3月31日的时候,我曾发布了一篇公告,宣布了我将全速开发《几何竞技场》v1.0正式版的消息。如今,我很高兴地告诉大家,v1.0的大部分内容已经开发完成了(尽管还有一小部分将于未来1~2周内完成),并已进入最终测试阶段。 测试玩家回馈活动 目前,各位随时都可以进入《几何竞技场》的测试版,来抢先体验v1.0的新内容。 游玩测试版的方式:(必须先退出游戏)在Steam界面右键游戏名→属性→选择“测试版”标签→选择您想要参与的测试→选择那个“test – 小白鼠臻享版” →关闭界面,然后等待游戏更新即可。 由于个人力量有限,我非常欢迎各位玩家参与此次最终测试。若是玩家们能慷慨地帮助我发现一两个bug,或是提出一些建议与意见,都是十分具有积极意义的——它们能让《几何竞技场》正式版变得更好,也能让我的生活变得更好。 因此,我在此向大家宣布一个新的福利活动:即日起,至v1.0正式发布之前,所有游玩测试版的玩家,但凡为游戏的测试做出了贡献(例如率先发现了一个没人发现过的新bug,或是提出了可行的建设性建议),均可获得一到多枚《几何竞技场》游戏本体的激活码。每位玩家可获得的激活码数量无任何限制。 您带给我越多的帮助,我就会给您越多的回报。但由于我经济条件有限,也请原谅我只能用这样简单的方式来答谢各位的热情。 对于各位在此次活动中所获得的激活码,可完全按照各位自己的意愿来自由处置。 v1.0主要内容一览 1. 更换了渲染光线,从而重置了游戏的光效系统,使画面更加清晰、精美。新版光效系统支持“关”、“低”、“中”、“高”、“极高”五个档位的自由调节。以下为“极高”档位下的橙色魔法师预览动图 {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37195513/10b3b753a7f84032e049b1442c954cff4efbbc7b.gif 2. 重制符文界面,新增符文回收系统。新版符文界面更加人性化、便于使用。但因为操作方式与快捷键变更,可能需要各位老玩家适应一段时间,还请多多谅解。 {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37195513/ed4da85e945447c8a36fcd1a715c7bb8996ddea5.jpg {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37195513/2d062619f6a976d7f8483ce5894ddabc3f6622f1.jpg 3. 重制BGM系统:新版BGM系统会根据实际情况来实时调整音乐的情绪级别,从而提升游戏的沉浸感。其虽然没能达到预期中的完美品质,但比起旧版,效果应当是好了不少。目前,游戏内仅实装了1首战斗场景的音乐,剩余还有主界面的音乐与3首战斗场景的音乐将于近期实装。在此,我要特别感谢 @颜午,这位热心玩家承担了旧版BGM系统中大部分音乐与新版BGM系统中全部音乐的制作,此次的新版BGM系统也是我们共同商讨出的结果。 4. 诸多游戏体验优化,例如提升星星与碎片获取率,提升玩家基础属性等,具体还请进入游戏体验~ 官方催更专用QQ群 欢迎加入《几何竞技场》官方催更专用QQ群 群号492123829 任何建议/意见/创意/想法,直接找我(群主)就对啦!v1.0正式版:更新计划前瞻 & 测试相关Mar 31, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsThis announcement is about the preview of v1.0. I am sorry that I did not translate it into English due to my limited time. Thank you for your understanding! Join us on Discord Geometry Arena Discord 前言 大家好,我是最爱你们的鸽子! 目前,我正在全速开发《几何竞技场》的v1.0版本,即正式版。 在v1.0中,游戏将迎来诸多变化,而此版本也需要较长时间来开发,所以我就先来与大家聊一聊,它将会有哪些新内容。同时,如各位玩家有兴趣提前体验v1.0的部分内容,也可参与测试,我将在此公告中向大家指引相关信息。 保守估计,我应当能够在今年五月份之内完成并发布此版本。如果开发和测试进行得较为顺利的话,它也有望在四月份之内被提前完成。 一定会有的更新内容 这些内容都是长久以来我一直想对游戏进行的改动,因它们会产生的影响较大,所以我没有在之前的定期更新中制作它们,而是将它们都攒到了这一次重大更新中,一同实现。另外,如果大家觉得正式版中还有哪些可以做的改动的话,欢迎联系我呀!!! 大幅调整部分数值,从而改善玩家们在各个阶段的游戏体验,提升战斗的爽快度,并使战斗对新玩家更加友好。 碎片系统调整:提升碎片的获取率、适当降低购买升级的碎片花费、商店的涨价机制改动等。 提升星星的获取率。 对部分难度选项进行调整,并小幅重做难度等级系统。 调整三个模式的难度曲线。 对部分角色进行加强或新增一些技能模块。 对影响敌人体型的相关元素进行重新设计,避免由各种机制的叠加导致敌人膨胀过快,破坏游戏体验。 调整部分粒子特效,并允许玩家自定义粒子数量。 部分图标、音乐音效、中英文文本的调整优化。 指南手册的新内容 教程系统(即在必要时弹出指南手册,玩家可跳过教程)。 CPU性能优化。 使用新的渲染管线(Unity引擎中的URP),从而重制游戏的光效,使其变得更加富有层次感,并且允许玩家自定义光效强度、甚至将其彻底关闭。 关于新版光效,在前几期与去年某一期公告中已有些许透露,这里就不占用过多篇幅来介绍啦! {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37195513/f01af6e346b6a1c86db6317498431a953b8b4d23.png 可能会有的更新内容 由于时间紧迫,目前我尚没有验证部分想法的可行性,所以有一些内容是我想做的、但无法完全保证实现的,也有一些内容是玩家们想要的、可行性不高但我会予以尝试的。我深切知道这些内容会对改善大家的游戏体验有所帮助,所以会尽全力尝试实现它们。我也会在此列出实现这些内容所需面临的主要问题,如果有朋友能够提供有效的思路或建议的话,随时欢迎联系我! 可能对UI进行调整甚至彻底重制:因工程量较大且牵涉的东西较多,所以实现难度较高。 可能新增一些奇特的升级、难度选项:因为目前游戏内的玩法元素其实已经形成一个闭环了,所以添加新特性的实现难度较高,且不一定能够提升游戏乐趣。 可能实现符文出售:因游戏内目前的UI元素已经被塞的满满当当的了,若想再增加一个符文出售系统,前提是对UI进行调整或重制。并且由于符文融合系统较为复杂,所以符文的价值很难有一个靠谱的衡量标准,这就使得如何精准制定符文的回收价格成为了一个难题。不过,价格其实也不算太重要,毕竟大家主要是需要一个快速清理无用符文的途径~ 可能实现手柄支持:目前,我已经琢磨出了一个可行的用手柄来控制角色行动的方案,使其可以较好地支持双枪手的突进与召唤师的空间行者这类需在释放时指定目标位置的技能。但若是想实现完全的手柄支持,则还需要让所有的UI操作支持手柄——这基本上也需要对UI进行重制了。因为目前的UI布局是针对键鼠操作的,若强行适配手柄操作,效果会十分别扭。 可能实现更多的成就:目前我已有30~50个可尝试实现的成就方案,但比起现有的一百多个成就,仅能算作锦上添花。其中有不少逻辑较为特殊的构思,需要单独写大段代码,从而占用较大的开发精力,所以开发它们的性价比不会很高。 较小可能实现自定义键位:根据玩家们的反馈,大部分玩家对默认的键位设置还算习惯。如果做一个自定义键位系统的话,其实做起来还蛮复杂的,但作用却不会特别明显,所以实现它的优先级与性价比就不如其它的内容了。 不太可能实现符文命名系统:此功能会给玩家带来一些便利,但其实不易实现,需考虑诸多问题,例如屏蔽敏感词汇以避免不必要的麻烦、兼容多语言多格式的文字输入、避免损坏存档结构等。如此一来,在有限的精力中,此系统被实现的可能性并不高。 悄悄话:在游戏开发中,开发者需要经常做出取舍。有时候,一些有价值的内容也会被舍弃,仅因为实现的成本过高。例如,对我而言,《几何竞技场》能加的功能还有很多,但其中确实有不少功能的需要花费非常大的精力。相比之下,这些精力就不如用来投入到其它更加值得实现的功能或是未来续作的开发中去。如此一来,大家也能够玩到更多更有趣的新内容。所以,若是有一些功能因为成本过高的原因导致我没有实现它,还请大家理解——这并不是因为我恶意画饼、消极怠工,而是我选择将精力投入到其他更有价值的开发中去了,十分感谢大家的宽容与谅解! 测试相关 随着开发进度的推进,v1.0.0版本的各项内容会陆陆续续以小版本的形式在测试版中推出。每当我完成了当日的工作,我便会将最新的游戏本体打包成一个新的小版本,推送到测试版中。小版本的版本号以“v1.0.0t+数字”作为区分。例如,第一次更新的版本号为“v1.0.0t1”,第二次更新的版本号为“v1.0.0t2”,以此类推。同时,你也可以在游戏内置的“更新日志”中查看当前小版本总共有哪些累计的更新内容。 各位玩家如有兴趣参与测试,只需将游戏的版本切换到测试版,便可实时体验最新的开发进度。 需注意,测试版存在的主要目的是“测试”,这意味着它可能会有很多意想不到的问题,甚至可能会发生游戏闪退、存档损坏等问题(虽然发生的概率非常低)。若您遇到了任何的问题,请在QQ群中汇报,我会及时查看,并通常可以在一天之内修复它们。 游玩测试版的方式:(必须先退出游戏)在Steam界面右键游戏名→属性→选择“测试版”标签→选择您想要参与的测试→选择那个“test – 小白鼠臻享版” →关闭界面,然后等待游戏更新即可。 再次强调:虽然您可以在测试版中体验最新的游戏内容,但也可能会在其中遇到一些意想不到的问题。可能会有某些问题很欢乐,但也会有一些问题会破坏游戏体验。若您更加重视游戏运行的稳定性,则建议继续游玩普通版,静待v1.0.0版本发布的那一天~ 官方催更专用QQ群 欢迎加入《几何竞技场》官方催更专用QQ群 群号492123829 任何建议/意见/创意/想法,直接找我(群主)就对啦!