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Fearful Symmetry

Breath of the... Symmetry??Mar 1, 2017 - Community Announcements Follow me on Instagram to stay updated with crazy projects and others Claudio Bozzotta related suff :) ːDespairːːLove_MeːːSlurpːːO_oːːPoker_FaceːState of the UPDATESFeb 16, 2017 - Community AnnouncementsHi everyone, I, first of all, want to announce that updates will be automatical from now on, and I will continue working on the game, listening at your needs and suggestions, depending on how much love you will continue to demonstrate for the game ːsteamhappyː (well, I also hope sales will continue to go well... love is not all I need unluckly :/ ) ːLove_Meː And now, a quick recap of all the features and improvements included in the last version of the game, compared to the launch version: -Minor bug fixes -Music not repeating each time you restart a level -An option to turn off the music was implemented -In-game exit option -More sound effects on menu interactions -Some levels were tweaked (I saw too many youtubers struggling, even if I'm the developer of this game I do have a heart ːSlurpː) -Steam cards implemented -Steam achievements implemented -Alternative ending added -A secret exit was added to one of the levels -Unlockable secret stuff I don't want to spoil... -Believe it or not, a new bonus level can be unlocked ...-Mac version coming soon That's all for now, I hope you will continue enjoying Fearful SymmetryINDIEGALA BUNDLE! new version released! How to fix slowmotion!Jan 30, 2017 - Community Announcements3 Important announcements: -Fearful Symmetry is currenlty included in an INDIEGALA BUNDLE, visit the page to get many games at a discounted price: -Version 0.4 relesed! Contains secrets... (re-install the game if you have a previous version) -Some people faced a BUG, that makes the game SLOW DOWN. To fix that, just open the game from the executable in its folder instead that from steam launcher, and it should work :) (directory is usually C: -> programs -> steam -> steamapps -> commons -> Fearful Symmetry) Enjoy :)ACHIEVEMENTS implemented!Jan 18, 2017 - Community AnnouncementsAchievements are finally here! And there is a lot more to come! ːO_oːːPoker_FaceːːSlurpːːLove_MeːːDespairːCards!!!Jan 5, 2017 - Community AnnouncementsCards, Badges, and Backgrounds are now available! :) Gotta catch'em all! ːsteamhappyː