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Evil Robot Traffic Jam HD

Our new game Sky Cannoneer just got a big game update!Mar 12, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsGreetings, ERDF members! Last month, we released our PC title Sky Cannoneer, and it has received great reviews from players and streamers already. If you enjoyed the mix of action and strategy in Evil Robot Traffic Jam HD, and you play non-VR games in addition to VR, we're certain you'll enjoy our latest game! v1.1.0 Update The new update includes many improvements, including two challenging game modes if you're bold enough to check them out! {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/25992219/d0238dde341e59db66eb6b54e96002b518fc9f75.gif VR We are taking feedback on our new game to heart, and are working on a VR prototype for the game. In fact, the game began life as a VR testbed, so a lot of it already works in VR. If the game gets a VR mode, we will include it with the Steam version for free. Thank you! We are also working through bug reports and feature requests for ERTJ HD, and discussing with partners how we could potentially update the game. Thank you for your support, and let us know if you have any questions!