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Have you played… Draugen?Dec 9, 2020 - Rock, Paper, Shotgun Have You Played? is an endless stream of game retrospectives. One a day, every day, perhaps for all time. Draugen is described as a “fjord noir”, a story-heavy mystery set in an isolated (in fact, abandoned) town in 1920s Norway. It’s also got a character called Alice in it, which is a good sign. She’s the teenage ward of bookish American nerd Edward, and he’s dragged her half way across the world to Graavik to find his missing sister Betty. Things, predictably, aren’t what they seem. (more…) Wield weaponised words in Dreamfall dev's new game DustbornJun 13, 2020 - EurogamerRed Thread Games, the Norwegian developer behind Dreamfall Chapters and Draugen, has revealed a brand new game called Dustborn. It's a storied, single-player action adventure about a black lady called Pax who recruits and leads a group of misfit friends with weird powers on a road-trip across the Divided States of America (that's how it's referred to). It's brightly coloured and looks like a graphic novel in motion, and it's going to have more action than in previous Red Thread games. Brilliantly, you'll also be able to wield weaponised words. They'll be fuelled by misinformation and used to fight, manipulate and motivate. Read more Draugen's one year anniversary saleMay 29, 2020 - Community Announcements"Has it really been one year, Lissie?" "It has, Teddy bear. And what a year!" "I must admit, the days blur together in this forsaken hole under the hills." "Oh, don't be a Debbie Downer. We're lucky! There are worse places to be stuck than Graavik." "Are there? I've eaten enough dried cod and potato soup to last me a lifetime." "But the fresh air! The soft grass! The mountains and the fjord! All this space to frolic around in!" "I'll leave the frolicking to you. I'm going for a nap." "You're such a dreadful bore, Edward. Come on, learn to live a little!" Join Edward and Lissie and Red Thread Games in celebrating the first anniversary of Draugen. And what a year it has been! With the successful launch of our game on Steam, followed by the PlayStation and Xbox ports this February, we've been able to share our story with many thousands of people around the globe. And reading the feedback from players across the world, from Norway to China, from Russia to the U.S., and every place in-between makes it all worth it. If you haven't travelled to 1920s Graavik yet, and helped our intrepid adventurers track down Edward's missing sister, this is the perfect time to do so. You can save 50% until 10AM Pacific Time Sunday, and begin your journey into the fjords today! What's next for Draugen? We'll be releasing a new edition of the game "soon", with a bunch of wonderful extras. Tentatively titled "The Fjord Edition", everyone who's already purchased Draugen will get the update for FREE...including everyone who buys the game during the one year anniversary sale. So there's no reason to wait! We're also planning an anniversary stream with key members of the development team, to talk about the creative process and production of Draugen. When we know more, we'll post an announcement right here. Thanks to everyone who's bought and played Draugen so far, and to all of our new players we say: Velkommen til Graavik!Draugen - Konsolen-Releasetermin zum psychologischen Story-Adventure bestätigtFeb 3, 2020 - pressakey.comDas norwegische Entwicklerstudio Red Thread Games hat den Konsolen-Releasetermin ihres jüngsten Werks Draugen verkündet, das bereits Mitte letzten Jahres sein Debüt auf dem PC feierte. Die Macher von "Dreamfall Chapters" erzählen in ihrem neuesten Spiel eine "Fjord Noir Geschichte" im Norwegen der 1920er » Komplette News auf lesen The winter sale is comingDec 20, 2019 - Community Announcements{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33929866/216c668f69270ff771a320bb1a6c8932f0bb07d0.jpg Celebrate the season with Edward and Lissie, our intrepid explorers who travel to 1920s Norway to find Edward's missing sister Elizabeth, and who end up uncovering the darkness that lies beneath the picturesque surface of a quiet coastal village. Draugen takes place in October 1923, but that doesn't mean it's not the perfect game for a long winter's evening. Because it is. Snuggle up with your favourite blanket and a cup of tea (or, even better, mulled wine) and join Edward and Lissie on their journey to the town of Graavik...and into darkness. You can save 40% on Draugen (and 46% on the totally-worth-it Collector's Edition, which includes the beautiful soundtrack and an art book) from now until January 2, 2020. And if you already own the game, why not consider gifting it to a friend, relative, neighbour or sworn enemy who enjoys good stories with beautiful art, music and voice acting? This might be that perfect last-minute Christmas present...or just a nice gesture for that special person in your life.A fjord noir tale of mystery, suspense, and delusional thinkingNov 26, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsPC Invasion commended Draugen's story, calling it "a compelling tale of tragedy and intrigue" — and they weren't the only ones to highlight the game's narrative. From the moment Draugen was conceived, the story was in focus, and that's reflected in the reviews and feedback we've received from players and press. It's not a story for everyone, of course, but it's a story that has resonated with audiences across the world. And Edward and Lissie's mysterious journey into darkness in 1920s Norway was a labour of love for the development team. During the Steam Autumn Sale, you can nominate games for a Steam Award: if you enjoyed the story in Draugen, we would really appreciate your vote. Of course, Draugen is more than 'just' a story: it's a first-person adventure game with a stirring soundtrack, wonderful acting by Skye Bennett and Nicholas Boulton (as Lissie and Edward respectively), beautiful scenery (rendered by the Unreal Engine) and a wholly unique fjord noir atmosphere that brings 1920s coastal Norway to vivid life. "Draugen," wrote The Washington Post, "is a pleasant vacation from the world of mainstream gaming." And that was always our goal, to make something that would stand out and stand on its own. The story is only part of that experience, but an important part. Please consider nominating Draugen for its narrative, or one of the other voting categories. And thanks in advance for your consideration.Halloween comes to GraavikOct 29, 2019 - Community Announcements{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33929866/63fdc72e13cb1ab6a3d6a203de4e6eb737e0bd7e.jpg Draugen has never been more a-fjord-able than in the 2019 Steam Halloween Sale! Save 25% on the game and 36% on the Collector's Edition, which includes the critically acclaimed soundtrack by composer Simon Poole. Draugen is a first-person mystery adventure set in 1920s Norway. It may not be a traditional horror game, but there are plenty of thrills, chills and twists in this gothic Fjord Noir ghost story. Join Edward Harden and his companion Lissie as they search for Edward's missing sister amongst the towering mountains of western Norway. Explore the spooky, and seemingly deserted, village of Graavik, and uncover the dark secrets behind the picturesque facade. Draugen is the perfect story for a late October evening; alone, with your best friend or partner, or your cat. The Draugen Halloween promotion ends November 1st.Release notes v1.1Jun 14, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsWe've released the first patch for Draugen. Version 1.1 addresses a couple of serious issues along with a few minor ones. Unreal Engine upgrade from version 4.20 to 4.22, fixing a crash-to-desktop on older AMD GPUs Tweaked texture pooling settings to improve overall texture quality Fixed an achievement that was unavailable in v1.0: 'The Conversationalist'. You will need to replay the ending of the game (choose 'Continue' from the main menu) to receive the achievement, if you've already finished the game Fixed some minor graphical glitches in the game Thanks for playing, and please let us know if you discover anything new with this version!Wot I Think: DraugenMay 31, 2019 - Rock, Paper, Shotgun Developer: Red Thread Games Publisher: Red Thread Games Release: Out now On: Windows From: Steam, GOG For: 17, $20, 20 Draugen has definitely reaffirmed my belief that any era before the present was a more annoying time to be alive. Just, the logistics of it. In this case, the 20s seem to have been an absolute waste. Imagine getting a letter confirming you re going to stay with someone, sending a letter back, and then travelling for an actual month just to get there. And then when you turn up the entire village is mysteriously empty, and you have to spend a week sleeping on the sofa downstairs because you re too polite to go upstairs to the guest room in your hosts vacant home without an invite. Jeeze, 1923, be more of a confusing post-war nightmare, why don t you? (more…) Podcast: Journeys of discoveryMay 30, 2019 - Rock, Paper, ShotgunWhat s that on the horizon? It s glowing, and it s emanating a faint noise. Like three people talking about videogames on some sort of audio record. Hoist the sails, listeners, we re going over there on a voyage of discovery. And if this turns out to be another damn Electronic Wireless Show about sport you are entirely at liberty to mutiny. Heave! (more…) Draugen lands on Norwegian shores todayMay 29, 2019 - Rock, Paper, ShotgunScenic and spooky “Fjord noir mystery” Draugen is out now. The latest from Red Thread Games (Dreamfall Chapters) and Ragnar T rnquist, it’s an exploration adventure set in and around a seemingly abandoned coastal town in 1920s Norway. Player character Edward is a nervous, bookish American who avoids travelling even outside his own library, but when his sister goes missing, him and his young ward Lissie head off in search of answers. Sightseeing, amateur detective sleuthing and some potentially grim secrets abound. Below, a launch trailer. (more…) Draugen is almost hereMay 24, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsOn Wednesday May 29th, at 9am Pacific Time and 6pm Central European Time, you will join Edward and Lissie on their journey into darkness, as they travel to 1920s Norway to find Edward's sister Elizabeth, and discover what lies beneath the picturesque surface of Graavik. On the same day, we will also be releasing a Collector's Edition of Draugen, featuring the original soundtrack by Simon Poole, The Art of Draugen by Christoffer Grav, and Before Draugen — the prequel comic book — by Ragnar Tørnquist and Lautaro Capristo. The Collector's Edition will be available as a bundle and at a discount. Look out for a new trailer next week, but don't expect any more story details: we don't want to spoil anything, especially this close to release. We hope you folks are as excited as we are, and we look forward to starting this new journey with you! dev's beautiful "fjord noir mystery” Draugen is out next weekMay 23, 2019 - EurogamerIt's been a long time coming but Dreamfall Chapters developer Red Thread Games' intriguing first-person "fjord noir mystery", Draugen, will finally arrive on Steam and GOG next week, on 29th May. Draugen, which was first unveiled back in 2013, unfolds against the picturesque rural backdrop of 1920s Norway, and follows the tribulations of American traveller Edward Charles Harden and his "gregarious and enigmatic young ward" Lissie, as they search for Edward's missing sister. Despite originally being pitched as something closer to a survival horror game back in 2013 (Red Thread called it a "dark and disturbing journey into the pitch black heart of Norwegian national romanticism"), the Draugen of 2019 is more in the realm of psychological thriller. According to its developer, today's Draugen "has moments of darkness and fear, mystery and suspense, but it also has beauty, peace and poetry." Read more Draugen departs to unravel nordic mysteries next monthApr 4, 2019 - Rock, Paper, ShotgunScenic Norwegian mystery Draugen might have missed its original 2015 release date a tad, but judging by today’s story trailer, it hasn’t suffered for its extra development time. Now due out next month, Red Thread Games and writer Ragnar T rnquist (The Longest Journey, The Secret World) are ready to show a little more of their 1920s investigative adventure. Amusingly described by the developers as “Fjord Noir”, players control Edward Harden, a bookish, nervous sort searching for his missing sister with the help of his young ward, Lissie. See how the two get along in the new video below. (more…) Draugen arrives in May, new trailer releasedApr 4, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsWe just released a new story trailer for Draugen: Draugen story trailer on YouTube Draugen is coming to Windows PC in May — THIS May — with other platforms scheduled for later in the year. We've posted some new screenshots to the store page. Go check 'em out!GameSpot's excited about DraugenDec 14, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsDraugen has been included in a short list of PC games GameSpot's excited about for 2019 — and we're in great company: we're also looking forward to In the Valley of Gods from Campo Santo! You can watch the video here: to the Draugen community!Nov 19, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsIt's very cool to see that there's already positive activity around the game, only days after our store page went live. Thanks for joining us here, we really appreciate it! We expect everyone's watched the new trailer at least once, and read all there is to read about the game! If not (why not???) here's a useful link: (And if you can't find what you're looking for there, we haven't talked about it yet.) We won't have a ton of new information this side of Christmas, though we will post some artwork and screenshots. Expect more details in January, followed by a release date announcement. The dev team will be active in this group, however, and will do their best to answer your questions — although we'll stay far away from revealing too much about the story and the characters. We don't want to spoil any surprises. Thanks again, and please tell your friends! We want to build a strong, active and supportive community around Draugen — one that's not afraid to discover what lies beneath.Dreamfall dev reveals new trailer for long-awaited psychological mystery DraugenNov 13, 2018 - EurogamerFive years after it was first announced, Dreamfall Chapters developer Red Thread Games has released a new trailer for its single-player psychological mystery, Draugen. Draugen - a first-person "Fjord Noir mystery" - takes place in 1923, around a scenic coastal community "nestled amongst the fjords and mountains of rural Norway". It's here that protagonist Edward Charles Harden and his "gregarious and enigmatic young ward" Lissie find themselves, as they search for Edward's missing sister. Interestingly, Draugen's latest trailer, which you can see below, suggests that the game has undergone quite the transition since its original unveiling back in 2013. It was initially pitched as something like a first-person survival horror, which writer and designer Ragnar T rnquist later described as "Gone Home meets Amnesia". The new trailer (which, while wonderfully atmospheric, is considerably less bleak in tone than its pitch black predecessor), dramatically downplays any horror elements that might still remain. Read more… Dreamfall Chapters devs reveal Norwegian mystery DraugenNov 13, 2018 - Rock, Paper, Shotgun “We first announced Draugen in 2013–perhaps, in retrospect, a bit premature–with a highly optimistic release date of 2015,” writer and creative director Ragnar T rnquist (of The Longest Journey and The Secret World fame) said today. “This obviously didn’t pan out quite as expected.” It did not. However, Red Thread Games are now confident that the first-person explore-o-mystery ’em up set in a 1920s Norwegian coastal community is now on track, and should launch in 2019. Why, they’ve even whipped together its first proper trailer to introduce it to the world. Here, come see the landscape and meet the chum who’ll accompany us. (more…)