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What you said about Disjunction!Feb 16, 2021 - Community Announcements{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33908715/022d3f0ba3f85208887eb69be4fdb4445b0bc9b7.png With Disjunction now out we have been really thankful to see it being played far and wide. If you bought the game, massive thank you from the teams here. But if you are still on the fence then this Accolade trailer should give you more insight to the reception Disjunction received. Thank you TechRapter, Eurogamer, VideoGameZone, Noisy Pixel, GamesLore and many others for the wonderful reviews. Since launch Disjunction has been also streamed by big names like LIRIK, SheriffEli and DasMEHDI which the streamers and their audiences were really engaged with. Again, many thanks for coming on this journey with us and do let us know your thoughts on the game when you get the chance – we would love to hear from you. And to mimic Erwan’s previous gratifications, Thank you for supporting us during development and for being awesome enough to give a “small game” like ours a chance. We’ll see you in 2048! If you’ve enjoyed the game, don’t forget to leave us a review on steam as it helps us share the game to new like-minded individuals such as yourself! Check out the Website: For news follow us on Twitter: Chat with us on Discord: Play Disjunction Today: Out Now!Jan 28, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsDisjunction is out! It’s hard to believe that this day finally came, but here we are. We’re so incredibly excited to be able to share this game with everyone! Nearly four years ago, my brothers and I quit our day jobs to start working on Disjunction full-time. Given that we’d never made a game before, we tried not to get too ambitious; “let’s just spend a year making a cool, small game and then get our old jobs back,” was our mentality going in. Suffice it to say that a lot has changed since those first few weeks of development. Our ambitions grew, we signed with a great publisher, and the attention that Disjunction got from all of you blew our expectations out of the water. Disjunction evolved from a “small game” into a labor of love - a retro homage to the games we played growing up. After four years of hard work, ups and down, several moves, and a global pandemic, we’re finally at the finish line. It’s hard to describe how we’re all feeling, but I think it’s safe to say that we’re thrilled. It’s been a wild ride, and we wouldn’t trade it for anything. We sincerely hope you enjoy playing Disjunction, and that you’ll let us know your thoughts on the game when you get the chance - we’d love to hear from you. Thank you for supporting us during development and for being awesome enough to give a “small game” like ours a chance. We’ll see you in 2048! Erwan LeCun Check out the Website: For news follow us on Twitter: Chat with us on Discord: SystemJan 20, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsOne of Disjunction’s key features is the ability to play through levels how you want - whether it be using stealth and subterfuge, hectic gunplay, or a combination of the two. We were inspired by games like Deus Ex and Dishonored, where choosing how to deal with enemies is half the fun of navigating through a level. As a baseline, each playable character in Disjunction has a melee attack (non-lethal), a ranged attack (lethal), and various abilities (non-lethal) to help them overcome whatever obstacles might lie before them. Through the course of a level, you can mix-and-match these capabilities to knock out or blow away your foes in whatever manner you see fit. Depending on what kind of playstyle you prefer, your gameplay experience might be drastically different from someone with opposite sensibilities. For example, if you want to do a purely “pacifist” playthrough, you might stick to the shadows the entire game and never even fire your gun. On the other hand, if your interests lie in fast-paced shootouts, you might never experience the “stealth” aspects of this “stealth-action” game. It’s also possible that a balanced approach will work best for you, approaching each situation differently based on the circumstances at hand (how many enemies there are, how much ammo you have left, how long it's been since you activated an Uplink Node, etc.) Of course, Disjunction is a game of choices. Most gameplay scenarios won’t be limited to considering “stealth” vs “gunplay” but will be more about overcoming whatever situation you find yourself in and the abilities you have at your disposal. For example, while playing as Frank, sometimes you’ll use your Smoke Grenade ability to conceal yourself from a pack of enemies as you sneak past them, while other times you’ll use Smoke Grenade to blind enemies before unloading your revolver into them. In the end, the choice is yours. Don't forget that Disjunction is out next week Thursday on the 28th January! Wishlist today to not miss out! Check out the Website: For news follow us on Twitter: Chat with us on Discord: Demo available here: Date Announced - 28th JanJan 13, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsOur new trailer features all that Disjunction has to offer: intense gameplay, a rich story, and consequential choices. You get to see Frank, Joe, and Spider running and gunning through levels using their unique abilities like Frank’s Shockbolter or Joe’s Force Grenade. You also get to see them taking a stealthier approach and sneaking past enemies using Spider’s Holoprojector or Frank’s Smoke Grenade. People love a challenge, and we can guarantee you that Disjunction’s stealth-action gameplay will not disappoint the hardcore fans! As some of you know, Disjunction is very much an RPG, and we pride ourselves on Disjunction’s story and choices. The trailer shows off some of the dialogue trees that await you in the final game, as well as some of its hand-drawn cinematics. New York City in the year 2048 is filled with danger and intrigue, and it’s up to you how you choose to navigate its treacherous underworld. Check out the new trailer! Check out the Website: For news follow us on Twitter: Chat with us on Discord: Play the Demo and Wishlist Today! - Demo & Releastermin zum Cyberpunk Stealth-Action-RPGJan 11, 2021 - pressakey.comSold Out und das New Yorker Entwicklerstudio Ape Tribe Games haben heute den Releasetermin zum Cyberpunk Stealth-Action-RPG Disjunction bekannt gegeben und stellen parallel dazu eine spielbare Demo auf Steam für euch bereit. Der von Tech Noir-Klassikern inspirierte Titel spielt in der dystopischen Unterwelt New Yorks im Jahre » Komplette News auf lesen Enemy TypesJan 6, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsDisjunction features a wide range of enemies for you to sneak past, shoot through, or blow up. Whether human or robot, each of Disjunction’s enemies poses a unique challenge for you to deal with - whether through their ability to detect the player, kill the player, or alert nearby enemies. Enemies in Disjunction are broken down into two types (human or robot) and further subdivided into tiers (1, 2, or 3). An enemy’s type describes its general capabilities, and its tier describes its power. Human enemies are generally more straightforward to deal with than robots. They all only have two eyes, a forward-facing vision cone, and can be struck in the back with a melee weapon to deal more damage. Human enemies come in two variants (melee or ranged) which describes the kind of weapon they use. For example, a Human Tier 1 Melee Enemy uses a knife, while a Human Tier 3 Ranged Enemy uses a high-power assault rifle. Robot enemies can be a bit trickier to handle. Some robots have four vision cones that point in each cardinal direction, while some have a rotating lighthouse-like vision cone. Some have a short-range electroshock attack, while others throw explosive rockets at you. Robots follow the same tier classification as humans, but higher tier robots vary more in their capabilities when compared to humans. One thing to keep in mind: if a robot doesn’t have a back, you can’t hit them there to deal more damage! As a general rule, the higher an enemy’s tier, the less advisable it is to face them head-on. Of course, it also generally means that it’s harder to sneak up to these enemies from behind to deal with them stealthily. It’s really up to you to decide how best to overcome each encounter. Check out the Website: For news follow us on Twitter: Chat with us on Discord: Play the Demo and Wishlist Today! Holidays from the Ape Tribe Games team!Dec 25, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsI think I can safely say that 2020 has been a challenging year for many of us. We’ve all had to deal with unexpected circumstances and hardships. We’ve all had to live with the spectre of COVID looming over us. We’ve all had to make do without a meal from our favorite restaurant or a theater screening of an exciting movie. I’m sure we’re all a bit tired of it. The future world presented in Disjunction is bleak, grim, and generally unpleasant. It’s a vision of humanity that exists only if we collectively make all the wrong decisions and let our worst impulses override our shared empathy for one another. It can be fun to explore a world like that for a few hours, but this year has made it painfully clear that a world like Disjunction’s isn’t one we’d like to live in permanently. Moreover, this year has shown us that Disjunction’s dystopia isn’t just a figment of cyberspace - it’s a tangible possibility. It doesn’t take much for the ideals and institutions that protect us to erode, degrade, and break down. Thankfully, I don’t think that’s the direction we’re headed. There are reasons to be optimistic about the future, to believe that the world is progressing, and to feel like the bonds between us are stronger than ever before. Our collective adversity has revealed how similar we are to one another, both in our strengths and our vulnerabilities. We all need to work together to overcome problems, and we all need loved ones to rely on in times of need. On that note, whether you’re lucky enough to see your loved ones in person this year or if you’ll be by yourself, I want to wish you all Happy Holidays from those of us at Ape Tribe Games! We’ll see you all in the New Year! - Erwan LeCun, Ape Tribe Games {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33908715/77ecb03057e5a2156048edd37c91b44d294f20de.jpg Check out the Website: For news follow us on Twitter: Chat with us on Discord: StrandsDec 16, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsWe’ve briefly mentioned Disjunction’s story and branching dialogue in the past, but this week we’re going to take a deeper dive into the specifics. The majority of Disjunction’s story is presented through branching narrative between the three main characters and the denizens of New York that they meet throughout the game. In these conversations, players can select from a variety of responses that can often lead to very different outcomes. As an example, Frank (the first playable character) is told early on in the game to infiltrate a medical clinic silently and non-lethally. If he fails to do so, his employer makes it very clear that she is unhappy with his work during the following conversation. In turn, the player can then select dialogue options that either appease or enrage his employer, leading to further reactivity in the narrative. As you might imagine, this sort of narrative reactivity empowers the player with a lot of agency in how they choose to play the game. Which dialogue options the player chooses plays a crucial role in determining how the game unfolds, and ultimately which ending the player will get. This system encourages players to replay Disjunction to see how their choices affected the overall narrative, and see for themselves how their actions helped shape the fate of New York City. Click the image to see an in-depth flowchart representation of what your choices will look like in the game and their consequences: {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33908715/28f197dc0cbf559648b7c4ca350a8bcdecc8e5a0.png Check out the Website: For news follow us on Twitter: Chat with us on Discord: Play the Demo and Wishlist Today! & ConsequenceDec 9, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsPlayer choice is one of the key pillars of Disjunction, both in terms of gameplay and in terms of story. Similar to some of the classic games that Disjunction takes after, players can choose to play through the game using stealth, violence, or a varying combination of the two. Levels, abilities, and enemies are all designed with this in mind, allowing players to feel both challenged and rewarded by the way they choose to overcome encounters. For example, there’s nothing preventing the player from going in guns blazing, mowing down their enemies at every opportunity. It’s a perfectly viable and justifiable way of navigating the brutal New York City underworld. On the other hand, if the player murders every character they encounter, it’ll be hard for them to meaningfully forge alliances or sway potential supporters to their cause. On top of that, the characters who they play as will realistically be affected with the moral weight of killing dozens of enemies without a second thought. In addition, Disjunction features branching conversations throughout the course of the game. Within these conversations, players can choose who they ally with, who gets to keep control of certain factions, and who ends up surviving until the end of the game. These choices can have a major impact on how things play out, and should be considered carefully. Of course, it’s up to the player how much stock they put in these decisions and their subsequent consequences. If all a player wants to do is “beat” the game, there are certainly many ways they can accomplish that. But in a game with choice, “beating” the game is not the same thing as “winning.” Check out the Website: For news follow us on Twitter: Chat with us on Discord: Play the Demo and Wishlist Today! - Upgrade SystemsDec 2, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsUpgrades in Disjunction boost your character’s abilities - making them more powerful, adding special secondary effects, and changing the way you approach encounters. Whether you want Frank’s Smoke Grenade to deal damage-over-time with an added Tear Gas effect, Joe’s Dermal Plating to discharge damage to nearby enemies, or Spider’s Cloaking Field to remain active even after she attacks, Upgrades substantially improve your capacity to sneak and clobber your way through missions. Each Character in Disjunction has a unique Upgrade Tree with eight Upgrades to choose from. For each of the four abilities that your character has, you can choose between two possible Upgrade options to modify that ability. For example, for Frank’s First Aid ability, you can choose either: - Health Booster: Which increases the damage healed by First Aid. - Rapid Action: Which causes First Aid to become an instant-use ability. Remember, you can only choose one Upgrade per ability, so choose wisely! Upgrades are bought using Upgrade Points, which are gained by finding Upgrade Kits hidden within each mission. Make sure to fully explore each level in Disjunction to find the Upgrade Kit, or you risk progressing through the game with somewhat weaker abilities! Similar to Talents, Upgrades can be rechosen between missions, so you’re never locked in to any decision that you make. This can allow for fun experimentation! Check out the Website: For news follow us on Twitter: Chat with us on Discord: Play the Demo and Wishlist Today! THANKSGIVINGNov 26, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsHello everyone! We at Ape Tribe Games wanted to take a little time out to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. We know that the current climate of the world is making it hard to celebrate Thanksgiving in the traditional ways we are all accustomed to and that celebrations with family and friends will take a slightly different turn this year. However, there is still an incredible amount for us to be thankful for. We are three brothers making this game and it is fair to say that we will always (being family) be thankful for each other and the support our whole family has given us throughout our time making this project. Another thing we are thankful for is YOU. Your support, feedback and excitement on the Steam forums, our social media channels and on our developer Discord channel, has given us extra drive to push on through each and every challenge faced (and subsequently conquered) in development. We are almost at the point where we hand over our work to you to explore and we are excited to see what you all make of our labour of passion. Finally, we are thankful for the spark of hope ahead of all of us. We (Read: The Human Race) have faced incredible and unprecedented challenges together. It is encouraging to see the world and people from all walks of life and circumstance coming together to ensure we have a positive future built on global collaboration and acceptance of all. Individually making the choice to do what is right as a larger collective is important and is something we explore on a level throughout the story of Disjunction. We especially made this GIF in this post to celebrate Thanksgiving, it features the subjectively good, the subjectively bad and the objectively feline coming together at a time where we can’t, to be thankful for the opportunity to do so (however, the cats are just after some Turkey…). Happy Thanksgiving. - Ape Tribe Games. Check out the Website: For news follow us on Twitter: Chat with us on Discord: Play the Demo and Wishlist Today! Tree and Augmented UpgradesNov 19, 2020 - Community Announcements{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33908715/50f125a00d853e86c91c2011b1e95a59b39ac044.gif Talents in Disjunction represent permanent bonuses to your character’s passive statistics. Whether you want to play as a melee combat expert, ghost-like stealth character, or a beefy tank with a lot of health, Talents allow you to customize each character to fit your playstyle. Each character in Disjunction has a unique Talent Tree with four paths within it to choose from. You can choose to specialize fully within one path or mix-and-match different talents to finely tune how you want each character to play. As an example, Joe’s four Talent paths include: Boxer - Represents Joe's ferocity, strength, and skill in close combat. It contributes to his melee attack speed and ability to stun enemies. Mercenary - Represents Joe's marksmanship, vigilance, and skill in ranged combat. It contributes to his ranged attack speed and ability to find ammo pick-ups. Point Man - Represents Joe's athletic ability, fitness, and capacity for movement. It contributes to his movement speed while crouching and movement speed while running. Survivor - Represents Joe's endurance, tenacity, and sheer strength of will. It contributes to his health points and energy points. Talents are bought using Experience Points, which are gained by completing mission objectives. Talents can be rechosen between levels, so you’re never locked in to any decision that you make. This allows you to experiment and see which playstyle works best for you! Check out the Website: For news follow us on Twitter: Chat with us on Discord: Play the Demo and Wishlist Today! the Environments and CharactersNov 4, 2020 - Community Announcements{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33908715/38493f2b8510ee8d94fc5a753388a2e7035fda9b.png Since Disjunction is set in the near future, we knew from the beginning that we didn’t want some of the more high-tech elements of traditional cyberpunk stories. We didn’t want flying cars, human-looking robots, or mind-uploading machines. We wanted a setting that felt rooted in reality and that felt plausible in the year 2048. Because of that, the game’s sense of style and design took a lot of inspiration from retrofuturism. The aesthetic of Disjunction isn’t glitzy or sophisticated. It’s grimy, crumbling, and somewhat dystopian. Most people live in decaying apartments with technology that you would have expected to be outdated by the year 2048. Even the homes of the rich and powerful have architecture inspired by Art Deco, giving it a stuck-in-the-past feel. In a way, the game’s substance informs its style. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33908715/cedfcb16a2b6d0bb75066463bac5528516560b51.png On top of that, we knew that we wanted the game to feature pixel art, both because we love it aesthetically and because it would help sell the “throwback” and “retro” elements of the game. It took a lot of iteration to really nail this aesthetic, but thankfully we work with some really incredible artists who completely understood what we were going for. Plus, pixel art has the added benefit of being relatively quick to produce, which makes iteration a much smoother process compared with other art styles. Overall, we’re really happy with how the game’s style turned out. It’s a nice balance between the dystopian elements of the setting (like the crumbling infrastructure) and the more sci-fi elements (like holoprojected cats). There’s a nice contrast between the new and the old in Disjunction that helps give it a unique feel compared to other cyberpunk media. Check out the Website: For news follow us on Twitter: Chat with us on Discord: Play the Demo and Wishlist Today! / Zhi ZhuOct 28, 2020 - Community Announcements{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33908715/58f7f9dcf6f4b64580bff653a3baef9650978f9b.jpg The third character that you play as in Disjunction is a grey hat hacker who goes by the alias “Spider.” Spider made a name for herself in cyberspace while escaping from her past in the brutal Chinatown underworld. She used to work as a hacker for a Chinatown crime syndicate named the Harmonious Path, which her family has strong connections with. After several years, she grew disillusioned and cut ties with both her family and her past. At the start of the game, Spider has managed to eke out a living on her own, living a quiet life spent mainly in cyberspace. Things change when her cousin, the current leader of the Harmonious Path, is killed in a violent coup. She is contacted by her estranged father and asked to help him restore the balance of power in Chinatown. Either out of a feeling of duty to her family, or because she doesn’t want to see her neighborhood descend into chaos, she accepts. As is often the case in the underworld, her mission ends up being more sinister than she bargained for. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33908715/c0b17fe13fe928d02c6f60213ff24759a2d0d01d.gif Spider is a reserved, calculating, and fiercely independent person. She actively tries not to form connections with others, because she doesn’t trust anybody. Still, she has a strong sense of responsibility and cares more than she lets on. Spider is in her late 20s, sports a buzzed haircut, and has a cybernetic neural implant embedded into the side of her skull. She always carries a handheld holographic projector to distract any would-be pursuers, as well as a shockglove in case things get dicey. She has a tattoo of a large spider crawling on her arm. Check out the Website: For news follow us on Twitter: Chat with us on Discord: Play the Demo and Wishlist Today! MurphyOct 21, 2020 - Community Announcements{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33908715/c53c1532e9084c307339a7b7d3402b77458f550a.jpg Joe “Lockjaw” Murphy, the second character that you play as in Disjunction, is a washed-up boxer and ex-con trying to recover from the mysterious death of his daughter, Maria. Joe has a checkered past, made up of stints in the military, organized crime, prison, and unlicensed boxing. He’s been through a lot, and has had time to regret most of the decisions he’s made. Maria was one of the few things Joe did not regret. At the start of the game, Joe is severely depressed and emotionally unstable. Since Maria’s death, he has been drowning his sorrows in booze and brawls, and is clearly battling his own inner demons as much as his opponent in the boxing ring. It isn’t hard for Joe to feel as if he failed Maria - it’s hard to be a good father when you aren’t around. Joe knows that, and it’s killing him. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33908715/4bf35e22e16a6fc0742fa7bd71a1ac17bea7b4d1.gif In fact, Joe probably would have died if not for Curtis, the bartender at the boxing club where Joe fights. Curtis convinces Joe to pull himself together and investigate Maria’s death, which Curtis suspects to be more suspicious than the police seem to think. Joe heads out into the dark alleys of New York City, his mind bent on justice… or revenge. Joe is an African-American man in his early 50s. He is broad-shouldered and muscular, wears a black leather jacket, and has a short crewcut. He has an enormous mechanical arm, and a metal jaw that covers the bottom half of his face. Check out the Website: For news follow us on Twitter: Chat with us on Discord: Play the Demo and Wishlist Today! MonroeOct 14, 2020 - Community Announcements{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33908715/2535dc5c48f92bbb0732f3a8d24648191768382c.jpg Frank Monroe, the first character that you play as in Disjunction, is a jaded private detective living and working out of his office in Brooklyn. Frank used to be a cop in the NYPD, before a run-in with a Russian gangster left him with acid burns where his eyes used to be. In the span of a week, he lost his job, his vision, and his sobriety. Frank eventually managed to dust himself off and get a pair of glowing cybernetic eyes installed, restoring some semblance of his former life. On the surface, Frank tries to appear serious, detached, and professional. Depending on how the player chooses to interpret Frank’s personality, this surface can be paper-thin. At the start of the game, Frank is contacted by his friend Sibyl and hired to look into the arrest and possible framing of her husband, Lamar. Through either loyalty or a desperate need for cash, Frank accepts the job and finds himself embroiled in a much stickier situation than the one he signed up for. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33908715/3de16e886be55a81d445f82c3962218ba5ddf7e3.gif Frank’s persona is an amalgamation of various famous hardboiled detectives like Philip Marlowe and Sam Spade. He’s a walking trope, because he wants to be. Beneath it all, he’s quite a bit less stable than he lets on. He hasn’t completely recovered from his alcoholism, is still plagued with acid-themed nightmares, and is most likely addicted to painkillers. Frank has short brown hair, parted on the side. He likes to stay clean shaven to look more professional than he actually is. His face has more wrinkles than it probably should for a man his age, and his frame is slender from years of heavy substance abuse. He always carries his revolver at his side. Check out the Website: For news follow us on Twitter: Chat with us on Discord: Play the Demo and Wishlist Today! Steam Festival DemoOct 8, 2020 - Community Announcements{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33908715/c593997053aea329b1c391a69b4a44bef2d87a37.jpg Since the Steam Summer Festival we've updated the Demo and are bringing a whole new level to the fore that's not been seen in a previous steam festival. Check out the Website: For news follow us on Twitter: Chat with us on Discord: Play the Demo and also Wishlist Today! Completionist Plays Disjunction @ IndieLand 2020Sep 29, 2020 - Community Announcements{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33908715/fd95554abfb918f144d96f51fe88d855de333491.jpg We recently transported The Completionist and Shane Gill from DidYouKnowGaming to the dystopian, futuristic version of New York City to play over an hour of Disjunction. Our very own Erwan LeCun was beamed virtually into proceedings and was quizzed on all things Disjunction development, story, gameplay styles and more. After an intense gung-ho, all-out destructive set of decisions, Jirard and Shane also get a glimpse that every life spared or taken has an effect in the gameplay and story. Watch the hour of destructive shenanigans unfold: {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33908715/0d48f23ac7e4bf6e185fe937aa82a6a002cdab7e.gif Like what you see? Well we have good news for you all – you can dive in for yourself and play the very same slice of Disjunction for yourself by downloading the demo right here on Steam, but in your own unique way and with your own in-game decisions (and in the comfort of your own home…)! A big thank you to Jirard and the team at That One Video Gamer for inviting us along to participate in IndieLand 2020 and given us an opportunity to show more of you out their Disjunction – the event itself was set up to not only show off an incredible wealth of upcoming indie games, but also to raise money for The Open Hand Foundation, which was set up to aid and support dementia research. You can still donate to the cause, via their specially set up Tiltify page: {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33908715/bf4fa3dc845a327bc27ac7e02aa09e22781e10d1.jpg Stay tuned for more on Disjunction by heading on over to our Twitter for new content, or come make yourself at home in our Discord, where you can hang out with the dev team and even submit you demo gameplay feedback directly. Until next time. Stay safe and see you in 2048. Download the Demo and Wishlist today! new Gameplay Trailer & Extended playable Demo!Sep 23, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsWe are thrilled to share a brand new trailer for Disjunction! {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33908715/8e0f9405125335b17c1d56baa50c1fcde321406e.jpg The trailer reveals Disjunction’s third playable character, Spider, fully for the first time. Up until now, this former grey hat hacker has been largely in the shadows, but when the Harmonious Path, a brutal Chinatown crime syndicate, murders her cousin, she is contacted by her estranged father and called on to help restore the balance of power in New York’s Chinatown. We’re also delighted to say that the extended playable demo revealed at PAX Online X EGX Digital will be staying live on Steam! Following its debut last week, we are now making the demo available permanently so that you can jump into the cybernetic universe of Disjunction any time you like. Experience a mysterious role-playing game set in the dystopian underworld of New York City. Choose your playstyle and use an arsenal of futuristic tech, weaponry and cybernetic upgrades to engage in lethal, high-octane combat, or utilize distraction techniques and non-lethal attacks to stick to the shadows and avoid detection. Experience a reactive story shaped by your actions, unlock cybernetic upgrades to augment your abilities, and crush entire factions or convince them to aid your cause. Your destiny is yours to write. See what everyone is captivated and excited about! Join the discussion on Discord & add the game to your Steam Wishlist now! Q&A with Game Lead, Erwan LecunSep 18, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsThis year, behemoth events PAX and EGX have merged into a single mega-event, joining forces to bring to life the biggest digital version of their shows! We were due to have the Disjunction team at both shows to meet fans and show off a brand new playable demo! Since we can’t be there in person, we have decided to bring the show and Disjunction direct to YOUR home, with a BRAND NEW demo (now available to play right here on Steam) and a sit down discussion with Erwan LeCun, Co-Founder and Lead Developer on Disjunction, from Ape Tribe Games! Let’s get to it! {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33908715/9510c3b53a9f5b88cd229cd3a582e7880b9b4e54.gif Q1) Disjunction is currently on display at the Sold Out booth as part of the virtual EGX and PAX 2020 joint show. There is a brand-new demo on display which people can download right now on Steam and try it at home – What can people expect from the demo? This demo features the first three levels of Disjunction, and two of the three playable characters that will be present in the final game. You’ll start off playing as Frank, a private eye, as he investigates the suspicious arrest of a controversial community activist. From there you’ll play as Joe, an unlicensed boxer seeking answers and revenge for the recent death of his daughter. Within these levels, players will experience intense sealth-action gameplay, a reactive story with branching dialogue, and an immersive cyberpunk world. Q2) A big part of the allure of Disjunction comes from allowing players to carve their own way in the game and enabling them to tackle situations any way they like, with a mixture of stealth and ‘all-out’ methods – was it quite a challenge to balance out this freedom? From a design perspective, it was definitely a challenging balancing act for us to pull off. We wanted both playstyles (as well as a mixture of the two) to feel fun, challenging, and viable. We had to constantly playtest levels and character abilities to make sure that there was never a situation where a particular playstyle felt easier or more rewarding. In the end, I think we struck a good balance in our design. Half of our players go in stealthily and the other half go in guns blazing, so I think that’s a good sign! {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33908715/9759388b71fc074561c7744920e6e03be7c6a76b.png Q3) So out with it, Erwan… What type of Disjunction player are you? We have a feeling you’d put on quite a ‘Ballet of Destruction’ style show. No way! I’m the type of person who has beaten the original Deus Ex game five times, and never once thought about killing anyone. In fact, if non-lethality is ever an option in game, that’s what I go for. That includes games like Thief, Deus Ex, and Dishonored, which are all huge influences on Disjunction. That said, there is something really satisfying about blowing enemies away in Disjunction… Q4) There’s a lot of choice in Disjunction, building out all of those decisions and splits in the path must have been quite a challenge. How did that process begin...