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Update #2Jun 16, 2018 - Community Announcements:yellowpumpkin: Version 0.1.9 :yellowpumpkin: - Achievments - New sounds - Watered ground is more different from default - Chat visibility on snow background - Some tutorial notification - Clay pieces moves to stats when you eating - Agressive mobs can be breeded - Pets feed only in feeders now. - fix seasonal plants crash - fix mobs updating crash - don't load game without hero - fix open fedder crash - fix cooking panels - fix start season's track on client-side - fix save game crash - fix exit game crash - fix open windows crash - Resources aren't wasted if you build a fence with a full inventory - Tooltips on lily and chest slots - Unused foods are returned when cooking.Update #1Jun 8, 2018 - Community Announcements:yellowpumpkin: Version 0.1.8 :yellowpumpkin: - Lily feeding is changed - Skills and stats tooltips - Hints about using inventory items - Monsters loot are edible (For example, mustaches increase 'bullets') - Fix bugs when Lily is seeded near water - All players ping is visibled in co-op - Room filters are fixed - crashes are fixed: on Save&Exit, on disconnect, on death, on hover objects - start items: pie and compote