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Deluge: Threnody of Crashing Waves

Deluge: Sermon for the Dead is out now!May 27, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsDeluge: Sermon for the Dead, the sequel game to Threnody of Crashing Waves, has just left early access. It's available now for free in the Steam store: Hope you like it, cheers, lain leavesBugfixJul 5, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsBugfix to Japanese translation. Some improvements to Japanese and Spanish translations.Japanese translation out now!Jun 20, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsWe are very happy to announce that the Japanese translation of Deluge: Threnody of Crashing Waves has been published. This translation has been completed by Ichisan and Kodai Nakashima. We are eternally grateful for their hard work. Kind regards, lain leavesMinor patch for Spanish translation.Jun 10, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsPatched a bug that showed wrong image. Only occured in Spanish translation.Spanish translation is out now!Jun 7, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsWe're ecstatic to celebrate the release of the Spanish translation of Deluge, and we are proud to be able to bring this game to Spanish speaking players around the world. The translation was completed by a talented team consisting of HazartD, Nicolás Basualdo Martinez, Nicolás Matías Calderón Alcaíno and Nicole Duret. We have also added some textual improvements to the original English text. Thank you for playing our game, Cheers, lain leavesBig Update — Polish Translation Released!Apr 26, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsWe have just published the latest update to Deluge: Threnody of Crashing Waves. This update patches the last errors that were still present in the game. More importantly, we have also added the Polish translation of the game. We are very happy to make Deluge available to Polish audiences! Translation work has been completed by Brifyjek. Many thanks for your hard work. This update has been tested extensively. However, if you happen to find any issues, please let me know. Cheers, lain LeavesDeluge: Sermon for the Dead is out in Early Access!Feb 22, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsOur visual novel project Deluge: Sermon for the Dead has just released in early access. Over the last months we have been working hard to bring this game to a presentable form. We’d love to hear your thoughts on the game. Please consider sending us your feedback via the Steam community hub, or by leaving a review. I will update you further as soon as possible, Cheers, lain LeavesMore Translations Coming Soon!Feb 21, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsOver the last months, several efforts have launched to translate Deluge: Threnody of Crashing Waves into new languages. Due to immeasurable effort by the translation teams, we will soon be able to publish: A full translation into Polish. A full or partial translation into Spanish. A partial translation into Japanese. In the meantime, we are still looking for translators. Please let me know if you would like to help work on new translations. ːsteamhappyː Cheers, lan LeavesSmall bugfix to Russian translationNov 22, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsSmall bugfix to Russian translation.Deluge: Sermon for the Dead store page is live!Nov 11, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsWe are excited to present the store page for our new visual novel project Deluge: Sermon for the Dead. Born from the myriad unused ideas and plotlines that we developed during the creation of Deluge: Threnody of Crashing Waves, this game explores and expands new themes related to the town of Abbotsford and the brooding mysteries that surround it. We are currently working towards an Early Access release, which is planned to appear somewhere next year. In the mean time, we will continue publishing updates and translations for Threnody of Crashing Waves. Cheers, lain LeavesMore translations underway!Sep 25, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsFour new translation projects have recently commenced, aiming to bring Deluge: Threnody of Crashing Waves to users from the German, French, Chinese and Japanese speaking world. All these projects are community-driven and are without deadlines. We'll communicate about definite release dates once they're near completion. A Russian translation of Deluge was recently released. A Spanish translation is nearing completion. If you'd like to work on any of these projects, or if you'd like to start a translation of your own, feel free to contact us. All collaborators will be clearly credited in the final release. Forum Thread Cheers, lanRussian translation is out now!Sep 12, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsPresently we'd like to celebrate the release of the Russian translation of Deluge. The translation was completed by the talented Viktor "Licht". Since translation efforts have been undertaken as a volunteer project, the text may contain minor translation errors. If you find any errors, please consider reporting them in the community hub for the game. Cheers, lan (Leaves)Russian translation coming soonSep 9, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsWe are happy to announce that the Russian translation of Deluge has been completed. We are currently running the last tests, and should be able to publish the game in the coming week. The Russian translation was created as a community project by the talented Viktor 'Licht'. In other news: French and Chinese translation projects have commenced, please leave a reply if you'd like to get involved. We're also looking for additional Japanese translators. Kind regards, lanWork Has Begun On Translating DelugeAug 28, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsRecently, projects have started with the goal of translating Deluge: Threnody of Crashing Waves into Spanish and Russian. This is an exciting opportunity to make Deluge accessible to a larger audience. Both projects are community-driven and are without clear deadlines. We'll communicate about definite release dates once they're near completion. If you'd like to work on any of these projects, or if you'd like to start a translation of your own, feel free to contact us. All collaborators will be clearly credited in the updated version of the game. Forum Thread Cheers, lanDeluge Has Left Early Access!Jul 7, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsAfter pulling a few all-nighters we are proud to announce that Deluge: Threnody of Crashing Waves has been relieved from its early access status. All three ending routes of the game are now complete, encompassing a total of six different endings. For me personally, this is a game that I was unable to let go of throughout it's development cycle (sometimes to the point of obsession.) I hope you guys like it. We'd like to thank everyone that has played Deluge during its early access run. Although we realize the going was rough at times, your feedback and criticisms have enabled and motivated us to keep improving this game. Now that version 1.0 of the game is out, your responses and comments are still very much appreciated going further. Incomplete list of updates: Added Mei's ending route. Additional character sprite for Mei. Changes to pacing of Ina's ending route. Minor structural changes to Rika's ending route. Changes to pacing of part 1 and 2. Full script overview for spelling and style. Quality improvements on Ina, Mei and Phyrrus' character sprites. Added ending credits. Audio adjustments. Expanded soundtrack. Thank you for playing our game, lan LeavesDeluge Full Game Release Coming This WeekJul 5, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsAfter two additional months of intensive development and playtesting we are estatic to announce that Deluge: Threnody of Crashing Waves will be leaving early access before the end of the week. The latest update will include the third and final ending route of the game, as well as improvements to the previously released chapters. Thank you for supporting our game, stay tuned for further updates, Kind regards, lan LeavesTwo Ending Routes Added to Deluge!May 13, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsWe are happy to announce the first major update of Deluge: Threnody of Crashing Waves. This update includes the ending routes for the characters Rika and Ina. A woefully incomplete list of new features: - Part 3 & Part 4 added. - Rika ending route added. - Ina ending route added. - Auto-Forwarding implemented. - Improved text legibility. - Structural changes to pacing of Part 1 & 2. - Improved background art. - Improved sprites. - Textual fixes. - Changes to opening - Added game icon I'd like to thank everyone who has commented on the game so far. We have incorporated as much as your feedback as possible in the current build, and delegated an additional part to the backlog. We hope you enjoy the game. The full version is still planned for Summer 2022. Kind regards, lan Leaves Deluge is releasing in early access!Jan 7, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsNo better way to start of the year than with a brand new release. After more than six months of development (and many more of drafting, pondering, worrying, etc.) we are relieved to announce that our visual novel project Deluge: Threnody of Crashing Waves is out in early access. We urge anyone who's interested in seeing an early version of this game to play it. We are eager to hear all your feedback and comments, so feel free to drop us a line via the Steam community hub. Best wishes, Lan LeavesDeluge to be Releasing Early JanuaryDec 8, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsOver the last months we have been working hard to finalize Deluge: Threnody of Crashing Waves for release in early access. Currently we are in the progress of playtesting and completing the last optimizations. Bearing this in mind we will be able to release Deluge: Threnody of Crashing Waves in early January, slightly later than our intended release date of 15 December. Stay tuned for upcoming updates to the Steam page. Kind regards, lan LeavesDeluge Steam Page Launched!Sep 18, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsAs summer draws to a close, the time for new resolutions and announcements approaches. We are happy to present the Steam page for 'Deluge: Threnody of Crashing Waves', an interactive visual novel that has been begging to be produced for a long time now. Currently we are completing the first draft of the script for the early access version of the game. Simultaneously we are gathering and synthesizing assets and audio for the game. We hope to have a playable early access version out somewhere by the end of this year. Please stay tuned for further updates. Stay merry, lan Leaves