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Crucible Falls: Together Forever

Patches and Achievements are here!May 4, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsHi all! Time has come for some more changes! ADDITIONS Hey! Achievements are here! As you can probably tell there are four of them and one of them will give you a nudge if you're doing something silly. WARNING! SOME OF THESE UPDATES CONTAIN SPOILERS! -Lowered the burning man's initial scream as well. -Reduced frequency of his "getting close" screams and decreased the volume again. -Recieved reports that the waterpipe puzzle was too hard for so early in the game, so added a visual clue as to which buttons need to be pressed. -Removed trashcan,trashbag,and open door colission for the burning man. Should no longer get stuck. -No more jumping in the sink! -Made the furnace easier to walk inside. -Made it more clear that SOMETIMES you should walk inside the furnace. -Leaderboards were previously not saving scores if players steam names had odd characters and/or spaces in them. This has been fixed. The Cube remains the same.Request: Additional Scoreboard for FIRST RUNTHROUGH!Apr 27, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsHi All! By request I've added a scoreboard that ONLY keeps track of the first runthrough of each TEAM. YOU CAN SEE IT HERE! Keep in mind it's not each individual players first run, it's each team's run! Also next update we'll be adding the achievements and improvements to the "Man from the Doors" AI so be on the lookout for that!Patch Notes - 'Lil bit of hints.Apr 26, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsHi All! Thank you for all the feedback on what you liked and didn't like about the game. In response here is the first update addressing some of that feedback... CHANGES -Added an additional hint for the final gate code. -Fixed an issue where the waterline would not lower if either player died in an "accident" unrelated to the water. -Reduced the volume of screams. Burning man has agreed to be more considerate in his suffering. -Added a subtle hint to one of the first puzzles. -Increased the trigger box size for the first door that slams shut to make it reliable. -Changed game icon to the "man from the doors" mask, instead of the Unreal Icon. -Changed the settings menu to make it clearer which slider controls the VOICE CHAT volume. We recieved a report that voice chat volume was too low. Voice chat is controlled by the MASTER volume in the Unreal Engine without the possibility of seperating that so we made that the voice chat slider, and made sure every other type of sound (music, dialog, sound effects) could be changed seperately. NOTE: As for the last change, although in game voice chat exists it is acceptable for your final time scores to use discord or any other "always on" voice program. That's what I do... just find it easier but we wanted to make sure you had a choice! NOTE: The "Alien Cube" remains the same. More to come soon! This is our first game so we know we need to work on it to make it better and we're dedicated!It's Launch Day!Apr 21, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsHey everyone! The day has finally come. Our first game Crucible Falls: Together Forever (This game) is available for purchase. I'd like to thank everyone for their support so far it's been truly amazing. I'm personally taking this as a learning experience so I'm happy to hear all the feedback, both good and bad, to help me improve the future games in this series! I'd like to improve until we're making THE BEST Co-Op Horror Escape games! I hope you enjoy this first entry in the Crucible Falls series, and stay tuned, the second is already under way (I'm addicted to work and punishing schedules ;) )... NOTE: The screenshot on this post is from the CF2 opening cinematic NOT from this game!'re getting there!Apr 5, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsCrucible Falls : Together Forever has come a long way and we're finally coming to release on Steam (here). We're looking at a late April release so get your teams together. We want to see who gets the fastest time.... with the best ending! That's right there are 4 possible endings with 3 leaderboards! So what we'd ask right now, it doesn't cost a dime, add us to your wishlist and spread the word! Thanks! We're getting there!Apr 5, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsCrucible Falls : Together Forever has come a long way and we're finally coming to release on Steam (here). We're looking at a late April release so get your teams together. We want to see who gets the fastest time.... with the best ending! That's right there are 4 possible endings with 3 leaderboards! So what we'd ask right now, it doesn't cost a dime, add us to your wishlist and spread the word! Thanks!