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CHANGE A Homeless Survival Experience

CONTROLLER SUPPORT! Plus, a bit of new contentMay 15, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsIt's finally here! CHANGE is now fully playable on controller! Hey folks, it's me again (And hello to our new players too), how've ya been? How in the hells did almost a year go by without an update?! Well, it turned out that adding controller support meant re-writing a ton of code in the game, since it wasn't designed for controllers originally, a lot of stuff had be torn out and re-done. Of course, making changes to a lot of code for one feature caused a shedload of bugs, and they needed to be fixed. So It took a lot longer than originally planned, sorry about that. I've also been spending time on work contracts to keep things going as well as on my secret-for-now other project that I'll be revealing soon! (Maybe I should be banned from using the word "soon", slap my wrist) At least during this time I was also able to make a load of other fixes and improvements to CHANGE, and I actually have even more night events coming in an update soon. One thing I wanna mention before I go, did you guys know about the Living City DLC? It adds a lot of new content including soundtrack lofi remix, loads of new perks/items, customisation, new buildings, etc. It's on sale right now, why not give it a go? {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33562450/73b7aea5c32f4ff2e696a996940ca40a35b7e122.png I want to thank you all again for all the support you've shown me and this game, things have been a bit tough financially lately, but I have hope I'll get to keep making these things. ^-^ Until next time, -Danny- Changes and new stuff Controller support! Both Xbox and Playstation controllers are now supported. Most other controllers should still work but haven’t been tested. Some new night events added Quality of life: You can now right click (Or press B/Square on controller) to exit menus and stuff rather than hitting the LEAVE or RESUME button Balancing WARNING! Your city WILL regenerate with different buildings because of this update! Sorry! - decreased spawn rate of police stations, more shops instead Addiction has been changed. The final and worst malady you get for abusing each addiction for a long time is now permanent, but it also takes longer/is harder to take addiction to that level. Base happiness gains from alcohol and cigarettes are also reduced by 1. Welfare takes a bit less happiness During winter, there’s now a low chance to come across a trashcan that’s already on fire to get warmed. Usually there’s two each day somewhere in the city Nerfed some busking perks, mainly SHOWOFF(slightly lowered bonus) and MUSICIAN(Lower chance of triggering). Also base busking income nerfed very very slightly. Novel item’s happiness boost is now boosted by the bookworm perk a little Trade options with others on the streets now auto reroll after making a trade You are no longer locked out of the bank from losing residency Notes while busking have a slightly bigger hitbox Base hygiene decay rate lowered significantly w...Yet another update, with content! Will I ever stop...?Aug 18, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsAha, bet you weren't expecting this! The main new thing here is Taxis, plus a load of fixes and quality of life stuff. Controller support and cloud saves next, I promise. ^-^ Thanks again to everyone's feedback, keep it comin' and I'll keep on improvin'! On another note, I'll be at WASD in London this September with CHANGE, if you're gonna be there too, come say hi! Alrighty, that's it for now, I'll be back with more news on other projects soon too. Now, BEHOLD THE NOTES! - Danny - Changes and new stuff Added Taxis. These can be clicked on when parked or passing by, if your hygiene is high enough you can pay to travel quickly in one direction until you hit stop. So it’s sorta like the bus but with more control and potentially more expensive. Your crime will increase if you can’t pay the whole fare at the end of your journey, and they may even call police. Patch notes button in main menu changed to button displaying additional dlc/content you don’t have. These patch notes here are much better anyway. Made it more obvious/easier to use different organisations with residency in shelters. You cannot apply to another shelter from the same organisation while already a resident at one, but full resident rewards are given for staying there. You’ll see the RESIDENT text in blue at shelters that are run by the same organisation but aren’t your actual main resident shelter. This should help massively with being locked down in one area in the mid/late game. Balancing Sort of a bug fix but also balancing, paperwork gained from applying for jobs (even failing an application is good for farming paperwork until you can get one), now also gives its paperwork bonus when you get the job as well, not just when failing. This should take off a day or two’s worth of paperwork farming time in a run. Inflation city events are more severe The difficulty of stealing multiple items in a row in a shop increased. First item steal chance in a shop each day is unaffected. Busking on the subway is more difficult, makes sense, since it’s a moving train and the rewards can be greater. Begging perks are earned a bit faster, especially from non typical pedestrians Slightly reduced xp gained for shorter runs (less than a few winters survived). Don’t worry, a decent run will still get you through a few levels at once, just not like… 8. Street vendors are more rare. You’ll still see some pretty much every day, just not several types everyday. The discount has also been very slightly reduced. They still have a good chance of appearing in the emptier street areas though. Increased spawn chances of bus stops and benches a bit Housing assistance in the welfare office is a bit more effective. Now adds +2 days to the residency stay counter in a shelter if going for residency instead of 1, and reduces rental price by 3% instead of 2%. (Even more if you have the notepad item) Bug fixes and improvements ATTENTION! YOUR CITY MAY REGENERATE BECAUSE OF THIS: Tweaked city generation code to make id...I'm back with another update!Jun 23, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsHey everyone, I'm back with another update! I'm still goin'! ^-^ Bad news first, controller support is still in progress, there's a few things that just don't feel right yet playing that way, but I'm almost there. So, why's it been so long since the last update? Well I'm currently working on multiple things, not just CHANGE, and the time is soon approaching when I can show off some teasers. But not quite yet... There's also of course the other ports like the mobile release of CHANGE, which is coming in the next few months. The last thing is I've been quite unwell for some of the previous months, but doing better now so should be firing out updates more often. Anyway, this update is all about reducing the mid-game grind a bit, as well as a load of bug fixes and other improvements. I've still got a bunch of your suggestions/reports to get to, don't worry I'll get to any remaining issues soon! Please do keep up the feedback! :) - Danny - Changes and new stuff Two minor NPCS from the dlc are now available in the base game, namely the guy sometimes seen on a bench and the sandwich guy. I think this adds some value in variability within the streets to the base game while not taking too much from the DLC, since it still has tons of other characters, buildings, perks, items, customisation, remixed lofi soundtrack, etc. Balancing Base study gains increased, basically it's way less likely you'll only get 1-2 study Residency gives +1 more paperwork, bank account gives +3 more paperwork Max xp for a run is now 1800 (you can break past this cap with customisation/hope modifiers in the dlc), and xp calculation for runs is generally improved Juice costs more Lvs 25-27 now require 750 xp rather than 500 Welfare office drains happiness a bit faster The dog loses hunger a little more slowly, even more slowly while working/studying/waiting. Hunger loss ever so slightly reduced while working Changing core stats such as starting cash, hunger, etc, now has less effect on your hope level in the customizer. Happiness and study still affect hope more though, of course. Bug fixes and improvements Fixed some generation cases that caused the city to regenerate on load with a new layout (THIS FIX WILL PROBABLY CAUSE YOUR CITY TO CHANGE ONE LAST TIME ON LOAD IF PLAYING IN PROGRESS SAVE) Fixed speech bubbles disappearing when trading Fixed a bug that could cause the true ending to not show when you had met the requirements Fixed unlockable buildings (BAR, SUBWAY, etc) not generating when loading back into a game or changing city sometimes Fixed things that award random perks (such as bill’s teaching or EUREKA/BURNOUT) sometimes awarding special/incorrect perks or an addiction. Fixed one of the customisable traits having the wrong unlock text (beat game without recycling > beat hard state challenge mode. This still unlocked before if you beat hard challenge, only displayed text was wrong) Fixed still being able to eat trash food with picky eater perk even with food in inventory...More Improvements!Jan 21, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsHello again! Some of you were nice enough to point out some more bugs and stuff, so here's another mini patch! Back again soon! ^-^ - Danny - Fixed some new items not being buyable in the shop or showing wrong info in shop I also spent some time working on the pedestrians and the hitboxes for begging from them, so now it should be much harder to accidentally click on one when you were going for scrap. Let me know how it feels! More fixes! Also, Welfare works properly now!Jan 19, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsHey everyone, sorry it's been awhile! Here's another patch giving some much needed love to the game, still to come is controller support, mobile version, cloud saves and more languages! Oh, and of course, there's also some new games I'm working on... more news on that soon hopefully! ^-^ - Danny - Fixed welfare! (For this time, I think/hope) Fixed more issues with new items in the shop Fixed a few freezing issues New items hotfix patch #2Dec 13, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsHey everyone, got a new patch finally done that fixes most of the major issues (especially with the new content). Still got some work to do on welfare, but I'm making progress! Should have yet another update out later this week. ^-^ - Danny Fixed various issues with new items Fixed freezing issues if your player level got to a certain amount Hotfix patchNov 19, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsHey guys! So I managed to add some more bugs with all the new content, so here's another patch of fixes! (I've also been secretly doing other mini patches in the meantime). Keep the reports and feedback coming guys! We're so close to making this game perfect... See ya soon! - Danny Fixed buildings and things buildings contain being regenerated on load Fixed some crash issues Fixed city changing on reload Fixed shelter charity/conditions changing on reload Fixed quit button in main menu Big content update: So many new items!Nov 10, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsWell, I keep saying I’m done with this game, then I go and do something like this. It’s another big content update! For both the base game AND the Living city dlc! Sorry it took so long, had a lot of stuff going on in my personal life that threw a spanner into the works, and the trouble with being solo on this right now, is I can't tap someone to replace me when I'm out of sorts. But, we're here now! So what's been going on lately... Well I went to EGX with CHANGE, that was fun, especially getting to see some of you in person. I shall have to rise from my hermit cave of darkness/code to come meet ya more often! Then I had flu.... And about a week after that got covid... Then had a breakup... (things repaired since) Now I'm moving because I can't afford my rent anymore, but that's not so bad. I really should live somewhere with heating anyway. Winter is coming... So yeah, sorry it's been longer than usual and I've been a bit silent, but I'm back and full of fire now! So here's a massive update as a reward for all your patience. Next up I'll have some news about the MOBILE version of CHANGE, as well as maaaaaybe a trailer or screenshot of our NEXT GAME... I've actually got 2 games in development besides change now... Thanks again for all your support and feedback guys, we may yet turn CHANGE into a sleeper hit if you guys keep sharing the game... every share helps! Please keep telling your friends so we can keep the game studio (me) alive! ^-^ Changes and new stuff We’ve added 27 items! These can be unlocked by getting through the new player levels you’ll need to beat with EXP by playing. One of them… is a MAP! The base game now has: 10 New items & max player level increased to 25! The Living city now has: 17 New items have been added & max player level increased to 32! Added a NO CHALLENGE button to the challenge selection menu, and updated a few other bits of UI in the DLC menu sections. Balancing Slightly increased begging perk earn rate Fixed searching trash causing barely any hygiene to be lost Spending time in the Arcade or restaurant now provides warmth When you beat a run, you now get 400 bonus xp Bug fixes and improvements Fixed the sun wiping out the screen during heatwaves when playing in EXTREME WEATHER challenge mode Fixed DLC perks not displaying names Fixed the parent and child walking backwards Made an improvement to the Special/Perm item inventory, items are now ordered based on how often you use them, so the items you use the most/daily will always be near the top and you don’t have to scroll around so much Fixed challenge mode buttons not displaying as completed until you deselect them Fixed some of the newer food items not being detected as food to show the starving quick eat button when starving Fixed some issues with speech bubbles dismissing too early sometimes on interrupt FIXED WELFARE! Fixed some medical/utility items possibly showing in certain circumstances before you unlocked them Fixed street savvy showing as a perk se...The shop has 4 slots now!Aug 24, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsHey there, here's another mini patch with more improvements and fixes based on your feedback, including a 4th slot for shops! Be back soon! ^-^ - Danny Changes and new stuff Added a 4th slot to shops that shows a particular use item permanently. (This is often particular items needed for certain runs like dogfood, alcohol, sanitaries, sandwiches etc) Balancing Reduced dog hunger decay when studying/working/passing time a bit Slightly increased city density, so more buildings spawn on average and there’s less walk time between buildings on average. (WARNING: This means your city will generate differently if continuing a run) Bug fixes and improvements Fixed issues selecting new perks with certain customisation/challenge/character selection combos Fixed Slow player perk as final perk being bugged Hotfix PatchAug 20, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsHello again! You've been great reporting any remaining issues, so here's another patch of fixes! I'll be back soon! ^-^ - Danny Bug fixes and improvements Minimum amount to gamble in the arcade is now £2, since that’s what it is in the menu… Paperwork tooltip in jobs menu now displays higher up so it’s not cut off Fixed the trading menu not updating after rerolling the tradeable items with the Lucky Coin item until you close the trade popup and ask to trade again with that character Fixed Welfare office being assigned when player doesn’t have welfare after moving areas Fixed Unlocks for challenge modes and challenge mode completion still being reset! Fixed the new hygiene decrease rules via trash not working as intended Big patch of new stuff and many improvementsAug 15, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsHello! I’m sorry I stopped putting out updates for over a month, here's a big one to compensate! Also, there’s been some developments… I'd like to begin by announcing that the price of CHANGE will be increasing a little bit sometime in Autumn. Not much, but I do feel that CHANGE has a lot of content now compared to when it first released, and it's currently going for lot less than many indie games with less content. Still plenty of time to buy the game at the current price though! On news and developments: First of all, I’m sorry to say that Jack, the composer for our games and co-designer/founder will be taking a break from Delve Interactive for a while. It’s been a lot of hard years for us, years that have really taken their toll on us both. Don’t worry, he won’t disappear completely, maybe working on a little something here and there, but he will be taking a step back to focus on other things and I truly wish him the best and will always be ready to welcome him back. Let us all raise a toast in his honour for all the beautiful music and work he’s done! The other development that slowed me down a bit this month was catching a bad cold, then after two days of wellness I caught covid and now I have long covid it seems. Both the covid and long covid have been pretty mild for me, mainly just needing an extra nap every now and then, but I’m back to working now! Anyway, that's all from me for now, onto the patch notes! Still got some requests and things to fulfil, so I've got at least a few more patches in me for CHANGE. Unless the game explodes in popularity... tell your friends about it! ^-^ - Danny P.S New game announcement next month...? Changes and new stuff Certain texts have been updated/improved (LC) These are really bug fixes, but since this content is now working it may come as a surprise to some players: Fixed one of the new homeless characters not functioning as they should (the bearded one with blondish hair). He makes begging less successful in his area and may berate you if your reputation isn’t very good. He may distract the police if your reputation is high. He does other stuff too… Subway busking is now working! (All because the “Buy busking licence” button was hidden due to a bug…) Balancing Slowed down the default pace of time a tiny bit more. Made various changes to homeless reputation and your relationships with Joe, Bill and Maggie, making it easier to build friendships with them and sooner. Various jobs have additional work hours (more time used, but also more pay), have slightly lower paperwork requirements and slightly higher study requirements Successful job applications increases paperwork more When cheap items come up for trading, you’ll have to give over more on average, so you can’t cheat the previously broken system by trading 2 snack bars for a winter coat or something. Now it’ll probably take as much as, ahem, 5 snack bars… Jobs with lower paperwork requirements have a much higher chance of showing in the job office ...New night events! Also more improvementsJun 5, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsHello again! As promised here's a new patch, complete with more night events and a bunch of other improvements. Still got a few more things to come in yet another patch, stay tuned! - Danny Changes and new stuff (LC) Added a “Defaults” button to customiser, so you can easily reset everything Over 20 new night events have been added! Balancing When competing for day labour, you can’t just accept the new values if someone bargains for their own work, you have to change your bid. Pedestrians walk slightly slower. While this makes it easier to not beg accidentally, it does reduce crowd volume a tiny bit. Bug fixes and improvements Improved clock icon timer timing in popups Fixed getting stuck at water fountain with the pristine perk (YEEEEEEEEEESSSSS!) Fixed various issues with welfare appointments Fixed main character not doing their end day speech Fixed title of talking ui being too big when talking to certain characters Fixed certain characters having options to take you to the park when they shouldn’t Directions shown for buildings now stays on screen longer, like when using the phone map or asking someone Fixed some cases or events where a random perk could be awarded and this could possibly be a dlc perk when you don’t own the dlc, which would break quite a few things… Fixed various issues with challenges and unlocks in the character customiser Fixed the welfare office mentioning your hygiene is too low, when it’s actually your crime level being too high that’s stopping you getting in Fixed issues with popups causing a hang if they occur right at the end of the day Fixed winter happiness decays effects occurring in certain new buildings Fixed multiple versions of the same story character type showing up in one day (like seeing two veteran characters in the same day) Fixed certain hygiene effects not restoring as much hygiene as they should when you had increased your max hygiene Fixed the 3rd shop item bugging out Fixed more issues with the parent and child pedestrian Fixed some new item icons being too small compared to the rest Fixed some typos Another patch of improvements based on your feedbackMay 19, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsI'm back again with yet another patch of improvements, bug fixes and implemented feature requests! Here are your patch notes, I'll be back again soon with more... the next patch has new content too! ^-^ Until next time, Danny Changes and new stuff If you are friends with both Joe and Maggie and have joined their syndicate, sometimes they’ll give you some minor items if you pay over the average into the pot Updated the new item icon on the bag CLINIC UPDATE: The clinic is one of the least used buildings in the game and has been in need of an update for awhile, even though it is one of the minor buildings. Here it is: If you have particular maladies like being on your period or illness, the clinic may give you a free item to help with it once when you visit. If you don’t have any of the item on sale in the clinic within your inventory, your first purchase will come with a free extra. This can only trigger once per day. The pool of items that clinics sell has been increased slightly. Balancing Perks are earned Slightly faster at various levels (LC) The first welfare appointment now occurs 2 days later rather than 5. However, it’ll take longer to get welfare again if you lose it by being arrested or anything like that. (LC) Welfare now gives even more based on how many appointments you’ve had, and the maximum possible cap has been increased. Bug fixes and improvements Fixed the red car graphical bug Improved click boxes for pedestrians and scrap to make accidental begging less of a thing, working on some new control schemes as feedback suggests though! Increased base volume of guitar sfx Fixed that sitting homeless character’s positioning so it didn’t look like they were floating sometimes Various optimisations have been made, so the game uses up 100-300 mb less ram at all times Fixed some cases where you couldn’t increase hygiene past 100 even though your max hygiene was more than 100 Further improved bus positioning when dropped off Bus: res shelter button now takes you to in progress shelter if you have one, so you don’t have to be resident before it shows in the bus menu Fixed toilet bugging out late in the day Fixed vsync issues, vsync options have been removed, but now it’s set automatically based on your hardware. (LC) Fixed parent and child moonwalking (LC) Fixed not being able to move after begging from the parent and child (Woops, forgot to add these fixes too when I first posted the patch notes) (LC) Welfare system has been made more obvious in various UI. (LC) Also fixed some welfare appointments bugs (LC) Small bell - Fixed this bugging out the inventory. (LC) Added bus option to current welfare office and arcade (LC) Fixed unlocking stuff for challenges and character customiser (LC) Fixed challenge mode being turned off if you loaded back into a saved game after going back to the main menu I fixed it!May 10, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsAnother patch here, finally got that black screen bug sorted, so that should be all good now. Also made some optimisations to reduce ram usage. Got more patches still coming! ^-^ DannyMore fixes!May 9, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsHey guys, sorry again for the bugs that were introduced with the DLC launch, here's a patch for a lot of the base game issues! I'll keep coming with more patches until the game is perfect, will have a few more done this week. The game isn't usually like this, but adding more and content does make it harder to not add more bugs along the way! A real shame our recent review score has been cut in half because of this, and we'll never hit overwhelmingly positive now... but I guess I should have tested more. It'll all be smooth again soon though! Still got more fixes and a little more content coming up, stay tuned! Danny Balancing Paperwork now affects job success more positively Base Happiness drain when studying/working decreased Bug fixes and improvements Fixed the first building in the middle of the city where you start always generating with the same buildings Fixed some black screen/crash bugs that could happen when continuing a game Fixed the ending not loading or causing a crash on low end computers, due to animation frames not being properly compressed and using too much memory (This was a bug from an engine upgrade) Fixed the minus xp bug, and if you load into the game after this patch with minus xp you’ll get a level up as a sorry! Fixed happiness loss ticks happening on benches as though you were working About the recent updates and the ones coming this weekMay 5, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsHey everyone, So it's obvious that the launch of the DLC has fixed a lot of bugs! ...and introduced a load more. Thanks to all your feedback and reports, I've got a bunch of hotfixes up in the last week, but I've still got plenty of work to do. It's hard testing every variable in a game with hundreds of perks, items, events and characters that just multiplied all the different variations of a run with the new customisation system even more, when you're only one person. Still, no excuses, I'm working on more patches and should have everything running smoothly again this week. And then I'll continue to make improvements until I'm satisfied. As an apology, I've got a little more content to be included in the base game on the way too. ^-^ Back soon with more patches! DannyDLC Hotfix patch #4May 2, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsGot more fixes here, and more coming! You guys are really doing great with all the feedback and critiques. ^-^ Bug fixes and improvements ⦁ (Living City) Fixed time affecting start effects (slow, fast) having swapped effects and doing the opposite of what they say ⦁ (Living City) Fixed some start effects behaving as though they hadn't been unlocked once you equip them, stopping removal ⦁ (Living City) Fixed the welfare office thinking you already have an assigned office at the start ⦁ Fixed main character saying "I don't have any more..." instead of usual day end text at 9pm ⦁ Fixed silver bracelet find popup having the wrong buttons ⦁ Fixed some overlapping UI DLC Hotfix patch #3May 1, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsPhew! Alrighty, here's another patch with some much needed fixes, keep the feedback coming and I'll keep making updates. :) New Features & Big Changes ⦁ (Living City) Welfare office UI updated, so you can see which one is your assigned office. Various popups/texts related to welfare also updated. You also get your welfare card immediately after siging on rather than when you turn up to your first appointment. Balancing ⦁ Fixed jobs/study/welfare taking more happiness than it should, this is actually more of a bug fix ⦁ (Living City) The hope levels of some stat changes have been updated (hygiene affects it way less for one) ⦁ (Living City) Abandoned doesn't give good directions until you have a slightly better reputation Bug fixes and improvements ⦁ (Living City) Fixed not being able to remove start effects after adding them ⦁ (Living City) Fixed a bug that could cause gambling in the arcade to pay out too much ⦁ (Living City) Fixed a lot of issues with the Arcade ⦁ (Living City) Fixed various start effects not resetting when starting a new game ⦁ (Living City) Fixed some start effects not activating correctly with certain combos ⦁ (Living City) Fixed being able to change stats even when your hope bar is full or empty, which would let you take it past the min and max ⦁ (Living City) Fixed some silver bracelet rewards showing as a vendor item ⦁ (Living City) Fixed stat changes possibly being set to 160 ⦁ (Living City) Fixed crime increases in the customisation menu increasing hope instead of decreasing it Dlc Hotfix patch #2Apr 30, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsGot a bunch more fixes done this morning, audio and various bugs have been fixed, I'll be back later with another patch! ^-^DLC Patch hotfixApr 29, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsWell it looks like there were some teething issues for those who downloaded the new patch and dlc within the first few hours of launch, so I've done like 4 hotfix patches since then that fixes... a bunch of stuff. For anyone having an issue with crackly sound, closing and reopening the game is a short term fix until i have a solution. Too tired for full patch notes right now, gotta get some sleep, but I'll be back tomorrow with more patches! I hope everyone is having a good time exploring all the new stuff. ^-^ Danny