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Broken Reality

Live stream 3May 17, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsJoin Rod as he plays Broken Reality live for the community!Broken Reality Features Stream #2May 16, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsWelcome back! We had a really good time streaming earlier during the day and decided we could do it again to take full advantage of the day! Join us as we re-play Domo Paradisso and share our terrible jokes!Broken Reality 1 Featued Stream!May 16, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsGreetings users! Today we are celebrating that Broken Reality got picked to be featured on Steam's front page with a live stream! This is all a part of our preparation for the upcoming Broken Reality 2000, set to release this very year during the fall! Hope to see you around!Broken Reality Broadcast TestingApr 7, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsToday, Sunday, Apil 7th, we're doing some quick testing on how to Stream directly into the Steam store. We created this event as part of this. We'll have very awesome news very soon!Announcing Broken Reality 2000Nov 4, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsWelcome back, user! It's been a while! Hope you've been kind to yourself: It's been a rough couple of years. We are very happy to announce that the sequel to Broken Reality is under development, and it's all going great! We couldn't wait to show you guys a bit of what we've been working on so we opened up the Steam page for Broken Reality 2000 with a brand-new trailer for the game! Really hope you enjoy it! You will also find the game's features in there, which include full VR support and many more surprises! It would be of great help if you could Wishlist the game (If you wish for it, that is), since it really helps the game be seen by new people who could be into it! As you know, it will also let you know when it releases and of any promotions for it in the future! So, what are you waiting for!? Go check out that trailer and tell us what you think on our Discord community! (Links below) Our discord community: Thank you so much as usual! I promise you this sequel wouldn't be happening without your support and we will be sharing more news very soon!Broken Reality x Astrodogs Bundle!Apr 9, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsGreetings users! As you may already know, Astrodogs released yesterday! We are very happy to have released out second game, and to celebrate it, we're bundling it up with Broken Reality so you can get both at the time! This of course comes at a discounted price for owning both as well! So feel free to give the gift of DMT to one of your friends! Broken Reality owners also get an additional 15% off on their purchase! Don't forget you can try the demo for both Astrodogs and Broken Reality before deciding to buy! {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/31388640/fdb67f5932a5411c5e750abced762e94814068cf.png We hope you'll enjoy! 66% off Broken Reality!Apr 7, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsGreetings, users! It's been a while since our last announcement on this platform, but we have great news all around! Before we begin I just want to remind you guys to join our Discord Community to get in touch with us anytime, and to be a part of a really welcoming and funny community! Link: So! First of all, a we're announcing a BIG promotion for Broken Reality. The Game will be discounted by 66% OFF for the next couple of weeks! Have a friend you want to show the game to? Now's a nice time to surprise them with a little gift! {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/31388640/cae4769c6a2914e26805d08b572a7abbe8cfa9e9.png This is also linked to our next bit of news! As some of you may know, we have been working for the past couple of years on a title named Astrodogs! It's a cartoonish on-rails shoot em up, very inspired by Star Fox and the likes, but while retaining our humor and aesthetics! We really hope you will give it a chance and enjoy it! {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/31388640/56d6928c79406267bdcc725cd3ed339ea8f54c6c.png Astrodogs is releasing TOMORROW, April 8th and there's a free demo available so go check it out! By the way, did we mention that Astrodogs is going to be cheaper for owners of Broken Reality? Yep! If you own Broken Reality in your library, Astrodogs will be discounted by 15% for you! That's all for today! Thank you so much for reading through to the end and for your support! NATEM lives.Announcing Astrodogs!Jun 15, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsGreetings, users! Hope everyone's been doing great and keeping safe, all that good stuff. It's been a while since our last post, and we apologize for the disconnect, but all this time we've been working on a pretty cool project that we can finally share with you! It's called Astrodogs, and its an on-rails shooter! It was very much inspired by Star Fox games while also keeping our humor, style and looks. Here's the trailer we made for it! Digital Soundtrack available NOW!Apr 23, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsGreetings, users! We are happy to announce that our OST is now available on the Steam Store! You can buy it as DLC for the game, which will download the music files on your game folder! The OST includes all music made by featured artists, and will be updated with Broken Reality originals within a few weeks! Thanks for being patient as we "songify" our real-time soundtrack! Here is the release track list for the OST: Amantes del Futuro - Zombies en la Lacandonia (MP3) BROKEN_CANYON - Nameless City (MP3 + FLAC) BROKEN_CANYON - Stratosphere (MP3 + FLAC) BROKEN_CANYON - Promise (MP3 + FLAC) death's dynamic shroud - ℬÆ (MP3 + FLAC) General Translator - Departing (MP3 + WAV) General Translator - Back Again (MP3 + WAV) General Translator - HD Memory Projector (MP3 + WAV) General Translator - Virtuanimus (MP3 + WAV) 猫 シ Corp - 都市フォーラム Consumer (MP3 + FLAC) CYBEREALITYライフ - We Own the Streets (MP3) CYBEREALITYライフ - (Hope to) See You Again (MP3) Stay tuned as more news come along! Explore Broken Reality s weird internet with a demoNov 29, 2018 - Rock, Paper, Shotgun The lurid vaporwave hyper-capitalist, pseudo-Japanese nonsense internet of Broken Reality is a deep circle of hell, but a fun place to explore and mess around in. Released today by Dynamic Media Triad along with a free demo, Broken Reality is an exploration adventure set on the intertubes, with tongue firmly in cheek. You thrust your big virtual thumb at things for kudos, slash pop-up ads with a katana and spend far too frivolously as you work your way up the internet social ladder. Furiously click the launch trailer below or snag the demo on Steam here. (more…) Game is OUT!!!Nov 29, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsWonderful users, the day is here! Broken Reality is out NOW!! Te celebrate, we're doing a 10% discount that will be running through December 6th! We really hope you will enjoy this adventure, share it with friends and tell us what you think about it! Backers: We highly reccomend deleting your older Backer Build datas because of changes done on the save database, and various fixes that we did on the game throughout the month! Having said that, it may work, it's just less risky to do so! Plus, you gotta check out what we did to all levels! :P Hope you will all enjoy the game! Thank you all so much for your support, feedback, bug reports and awesome vibes! -DYNAMIC MEDIA TRIAD-Game on Review! // Get ready for launch on November 29th!Nov 21, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsGreetings, users! After such a long journey (one that is still far from over) we are excited to announce that we've already submitted our full build of Broken Reality to Steam for review! That, and the current state of our internal build, lead us to confidently announce that the game will be ready for sale on Steam on November 29th! After release, we will work on providing quality Mac and Linux builds through Steam, so expect those to be delivered before the end of the year! We want to take a little moment to thank all users who have been giving us invaluable feedback these past few weeks. Your passion, curiosity and downright thoroughness, helped us achieve the level of stability we dreamed of. Again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts! New and Improved Demo Just Uploaded to Steam!!!Sep 26, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsHello from Mexico. We are thrilled to announce that we have just posted an updated version of the demo for Broken Reality. The demo is essentially the first level of the game and is a much better representation of what we want the final game experience to be. We are working hard to put the final touches on the game including testing. After you have played the new demo we would love if you can share your thoughts but more importantly make us aware of any bugs you encountered so we can quickly address them. The development journey for Broken Reality for the most part has been amazing, and we are super excited to be able to share the full game with you shortly in the near future. We apologize to our fans that have been anxiously awaiting the full release, that you will have to wait an additional 45 days. But in the meantime, we hope you will enjoy the updated demo and appreciate our effort to try and make the full game an amazing experience. DEMO CHANGES: *Added the ability to save your data, even within the Demo! *Made great improvements to UI and graphical animations *Re-hauled our character animation system *Re-organized and improved audio engineering *Re-wrote some dialogue All of this to reflect the evolution of the game's quality. Improvements still coming to both the demo and the final release. Thank you for your patience, more news very soon! Demo release & Kickstarter CampaignDec 7, 2017 - Community AnnouncementsGreetings, users! Thank you so much for being here. For being the first few to try out our game and specially for all your wonderful feedback. It really makes it all worthwhile when we read such beautiful comments and messages. So, big news! We launched a Kickstarter! We're doing it for a variety of reasons, such as assuring the quality of the game by expanding our team a bit, and being able to develop for major consoles. If you liked our demo, you can secure a copy of our full release at a discounted price, while helping Broken become the best it can. So again, thank you so much for being here with us in these important days. It means the world to us to have such an amazing community, and we won't let you down, neither here nor in future projects. Dynamic Media Triad Demo release & Kickstarter CampaignDec 7, 2017 - Community AnnouncementsGreetings, users! Thank you so much for being here. For being the first few to try out our game and specially for all your wonderful feedback. It really makes it all worthwhile when we read such beautiful comments and messages. So, big news! We launched a Kickstarter! We're doing it for a variety of reasons, such as assuring the quality of the game by expanding our team a bit, and being able to develop for major consoles. If you liked our demo, you can secure a copy of our full release at a discounted price, while helping Broken become the best it can. So again, thank you so much for being here with us in these important days. It means the world to us to have such an amazing community, and we won't let you down, neither here nor in future projects. Dynamic Media Triad