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Bloody Trapland 2: Curiosity

Patch notes 1.052Feb 8, 2019 - Community Announcements Thanks for an awesome launch week! I hope you all are enjoying the game as much as we are enjoying the various let's players and twitch streamers struggeling to survive in the traplands. Don't forget to write us a Steam review with your thoughts on the game! We really appreciate it. We are also available on Discord if you have any questions our are in need support. Changelog: Improved online player prediction. Improved online PVP. Improved timings for Jungle boss. Changed how coin unlock works. Unlocked doors will only be saved if you have enough coins for it. Previously it was saved if someone else unlocked it even though you could not afford it. This would later have the consequence of giving a negative coin amount. Fix for game minimizing to taskbar after loading screen for some players. Added native fullscreen support in options (previously only windowed-fullscreen). Fix for player spawn bug if controller got disconnected in worldmap. Fix for rare scaling issue with Desertboss. Fix for particles by secret pillars being active at start. Fix for lethal sun. Fix for version number text being cut out on some resolutions. Lowered load time from worldmap back to main menu. Fix for region text-label not updating in lobby on first entering. Minor tweaks and fixes for levels: 1-2, 1-5, 1-7, 2-1, 3-4, 3-9, 3-11. Various optimizations. Fix for water waves being too strong on client players in online. Fix for Hall of fame. See you in the Traplands! -ChrisOfficial ReleaseFeb 1, 2019 - Community Announcements Let the adventure begin! After 3 years of developing, out of which almost 2 years in Early Access, Bloody Trapland 2: Curiosity is now finally officially released! We are so excited, hope to see you all in the Traplands! /Chris and the Trapland teamVersion 1.0 Patch notesFeb 1, 2019 - Community Announcements The time has finally come! Patch 1.0 will go live at 10.00am PST today, 1st February. What's new: Stereo sound added. All traps and objects will now react to your position in the world and play sound accordingly for more immersion. We've also added a lot of new sounds to all levels to improve the experience further. Visual improvements for all worlds. Settings have been tweaked uniquely to match each world better. Previously this was only the case for Jungle world. All the other worlds now have a new look to them. Big controller improvements. We have both made them feel more smooth by lowering the input delay next to none, and tweaked the mechanics to make them feel more tight overall. One big thing we have been struggling with in the past is making the walljump feel just right. We are now very happy with it! Greatly improved performance. A cross the board we have increased the performance for high/mid and low end. We are thrilled to announce that Integrated graphics cards now are in our recommended minimum tier. (30fps+). New options system A whole new options menu have been added making it super easy for us to take any future request you may have and implement. On top of this we have also added some already requested options settings like "skip worldmap", "no player flash when jump", "vsync" and others. New death effects We totally reworked the death effects to feel and look better. Levels update 1.0 All levels have gotten a retouch of sort, some very minor, some major. Some improving game feel, some visuals, some fixing previous issues. New splash screen added It was very much needed. Hall of fame list was reset Players will now be ranked according to lowest amount of deaths on all levels in combined. To climb the list, go back to a previous level and lower your death count. Then go beat the cave boss again to have your score recalculated. (Players who previously were on the list in EA will be highlighted, this will be implemented once we have more names on the list). Operation bug squash We have also been squashing tons of bugs with this patch. Here's a hand pick of some, though we have of course fixed many more: Invite player issues. Coin count mismatch online. Collecting coins in online. Crystal cost for activating beams. Controllers lag in player select screen. Trails not syncing correct online. Buttons not syncing correct online. Region wrong in lobby. Hall of fame not triggering for client online. Menu screen overlapping at rare occasions. Invite screen menu getting stuck. Connect to region failed du to being between certain regions (RU/RUE). We really hope that you will enjoy these new improvements. Pleas let us know your thoughs on them. See you in the Traplands! - Chris4 Days Left!Jan 28, 2019 - Community Announcements The final countdown has started! There are only 4 days left until the big release on Friday 1st, and we hope you are as excited as we are. Our release trailer is now up too, go check it out! We’d also like to remind you that once Bloody Trapland 2 is released, the price will go up to $19,99/ €16,49, so now it is your last chance to get the game for the Early Access price. Don’t forget that when you buy the game on Early Access, you will also get the future Candy World DLC for free. See you in the Traplands! /Chris What's the latestJan 18, 2019 - Community Announcements Only 14 Days left to release! As time is moving rapidly towards release we wanted to bring you a quick brief on what's currently in the workings and what is coming up. Localizations We have finished all localizations that we had originally planed. Both for Steam's store page and in game. This includes both requested languages as well as those where we've seen a high player count. We now have full support for: English. Hungarian. Japanese. Finnish. Russian. Swedish. French. Italian. German. Spanish. Polish. Simplified Chinese. We've had help of natives to translate for all languages. But as we don't master most of these languages ourselfs, please let us know if you see anything that you feel needs correction. And a huge thank you to all that helped us out with these translations already! Game update 1.0 We have in the past been releasing smaller patches every day/week to make sure to bring you the absoult latest content at all times. Though we only officially announced them later in a summary every month or so. But as you might have noticed we have now instead elected to hold back even with the smaller patches to instead bring you something more special for 1.0. A lot of work has and still is going in to this one and we are super excited to soon be able to show you the final polish patch, giving you the complete Trapland 2 experience as we envisioned it. New game trailer A new trailer is currently also in the workings, expect it to drop within a week or so! Feedback and Reviews As our early days in Early Access had more issues than we ever accounted for, our review state did end up taking a beating. We have however always been as fast as we can in fixing any issues that have been brought to our attention, but sadly it's usually too late as most players don't revise their reviews once posted. We humbly ask you to revise your reviews if you've previously experienced any issues. And also please consider leaving a review if you not yet have. We would greatly appreciate it. The review rating is of course very important to us and plays a big part in getting new players to dive in to the Traplands. We are also still open to any suggestions or feedback you might have. Come join us for a chat in Discord: See you in the Traplands! - ChrisRelease AnnouncementJan 11, 2019 - Community Announcements Hello fellow Traplanders! After more than three years of development, we are happy to finally bring you an official release date. Bloody Trapland 2: Curiosity is to be released 1st February. Being in Early Access has been a very interesting time for us, we have gained a lot of insights both on what we did right and what we could have done differently. And looking back at it now, it's safe to say that we probably should have delayed the initial release a bit longer as our early days saw way more issues than we ever expected. And being as small team as we are, fixing the issues at the same time as adding new content took it's sweet time. But in terms of how the game turned out in the end, it's truly been a game changer. And we are super happy with what the game has become. From the bottom of our hearts we would like to thank all of you that have been a part of this ride, all the feedback you've provided us has had a real impact on the game. Thank you! As a token of our appreciation, we will be giving everyone who bought the game in Early Access the first DLC, Candy World for free. We will start working on it soon after release, more on this once we have more details to share. We will also be upping the price to €16.99 / $19.99 and equivalent in other currencies on release day. As for the days leading up to release we are still polishing up some last things and we are super excited to soon be able to show you the improvements. See you in the Traplands! - Chris New updateJan 8, 2019 - Community Announcements Hello Traplanders! Big things are just around the corner. This Friday we will be announcing the official release date. Stay tuned! For now, here is what we have been working on as of late: Patch 0.998: Added Japanese translation. Added Hungarian translation. Added simplified Chinese translation. Updated splash screen. Input delay was noticeable lowered if playing with high fps and refresh rate. Improvements to player prediction. Update for Wall of Death, changed first platform jump to feel better. Update for Christmas Tree, platforms and visuals. Update for From One Mountain to the Next, visuals and feel. Swapped order of Watch Your Head and Dance With Death. Removed the "plot-lock" if already completed the secret ending. Plot will now always play Lowered forced slide time to 0.46s. Fixes for blood splatter ending up where it shouldn't, leaving stains sometimes hanging in mid air. Fix for checkpoint state not syncing if joining in late on a server. Fix for Stinky and Jazzy layer sometimes being on top of some objects they should not. Fixes for button sync in online. Fix for coin on Just Within Reach Jungle not being visible. Fix for game sometimes not connecting to master server, instead requiring a refresh / region jump to connect. Fix for The Production Temple, was previously possible to reach the crystal before it went away if fast enough. Fix for laser cannon not reaching far enough on Hidden Mountain. Fix for buttons on The Hidden Temple online. Fix for players being squeezed to death on rare occasions when standing up in tight corners. Fix for not being able to jump instantly when sliding of an edge. Optimizations. See you in the Traplands! - ChrisUpdate liveDec 29, 2018 - Community Announcements Patch notes 0.97 Added support for more controllers (hardware). Added "cautious slide". Crouch and press dash to slide forward at max power. Slide ends when passing an edge for a controlled fall. Improvements to controller input delay. Very marginal, mostly noticeable when using Steam Link or other streaming devices. Made blood effect more gory, more blood stains, longer bursts. Stinky unlock will now stay even if deleting save data. Update to splash screen text Further improved player prediction Online player death effect made to match with local play. Made "low" setting look prettier 2-8 Some minor tweaks here and there for improved feel and difficulty. 2-7 Made ending easier. 2-6 Made dash jump in end not required. 1-2 Made gold coin reachable without dash. Adjusted Stinkys animation. 4-13 Fix for plank not always being destroyed. 4-12 Improvements made to the 3 paths game feel. 3-6 Minor tweaks for better game feel. 3-12 Minor tweaks to triggers. Fix for "worldmap secret" not triggering if coming from old version. Fix for "Fly on pause" Fix for slide sound effects Fix for buttons in online mode becoming desynced if being trigger too fast between. Fix for players floating into spawn first time in a new level in online mode. Fixed animation issue when standing on an edge Fix for spamming slide button. Normal ground slide will now always result in at least 0.5s slide, or longer if held. Fix for not spawning player when typing in chat Fix for teleport in online mode making players float to destination Optimized game code. Optimized network code. As always, hughe thanks to everyone helping us with feedback! Discord: See you in the Traplands! - ChrisUpdate and announcementDec 21, 2018 - Community Announcements We've been hard at work polishing things up as we rapidly are moving closer to a release state. Thank you all for the feeback you have been giving us throughout, it's helped us a lot on improving upon what soon will be game version 1.0. Please consider leaving a review and let us know how you liked the game. It means a lot to us. You can also reach us directly either here on Steams community or our discord. Here's a recap of what we have updated as of lately Challenge Mode We added a brand new game mode where you take on randomly generated adventures with varried difficulties. Both using alternative levels from the Story as well as user created levels. Online Play We have put a lot of work into making the network code feel as close to local play as possible. There is still some minor things for us to polish. But it is overall in a very good state. Levels Visualls and Gameplay. Seeing and hearing you play the levels has been great feedback. There might still be some minor tweaks to come, but all in all they are in a finale state. Controllers We have taken in a lot of feeback from you and tweaked the controllers to feel more responsive and easier to use. Animations We've smoothened up the character animations. Optimizations We've been optimizing a lot throughout to make it run well also on lower-mid end computers. Achievements 31 in total. Steam Trading cards 8 in total. Localization now supports: Spanish, Polish, Italian, French, Russian, Finnish, German, Swedish, English. Big thanks to all of you who have been helping us out with localizations. Changelog Version 0.996: Main menu changed to Christmas edition. Big update made to controllers, fixed a few inconsistencies and tighten up the feel in general, they should now be in a finale state. Big improvements made to the network code for player predictions. Pvp prediction still to be improved slightly. Challenge mode, added world map also for online. 4-3 Extensive updated to level. Also fixed issue with one of the trampolines. 2-3 Extensive update for the beginning of the level. 1-9 Extensive update for the end part of the level. 2-1 Fixed a spike trap at the end. 4-2 Fixed a jump distance issue. 2-10 increased health of boss, now takes 5 hits to kill. Fix for falling spikes not always killing Fix for trampolines animation having fps drop Fix for credits triggering multiple times. (Happened if you jumped out and in from worldmap a few times) Fix for crash on credits screen as a result of this Fix for carts not being removed after playing caveboss Various optimization Discord: Happy Holidays! - ChrisNew update now liveDec 13, 2018 - Community Announcements Patch 0.995: Online mode added for Challenge. Added new UI for worldmap. UI now recognizes and changes according to what input you are using (keyboard/xbox/ps). Major change to the dash and slide ability. Timing requirement for doing a "max dash" has been removed. This to make it feel more consistent. However, to get the max output in terms of length, a max jump will still be required as you will reach longer. But the power of the dash will always be the same. Slide will now be performed in the direction the character is looking even if standing position. Regardless of the move direction input. Dash will now be performed regardless of the move direction input. Exception being when dashing out from a wallslide state. Further tweaks were made to walljump to prevent climbing the same wall. Further improvements were made to the player animations to make it feel smoother. New network code for boulders and various trap prefabs, making them look and feel smoother in online play. Fix for gold coin achievements not triggering if they were previously picked up. Fixed an issue with boulders causing fps drop when hitting the ground. Fixed a network issue with Boomtraps for clients, making them stutter just as they would hit the ground. Fixed Dashing with Right Bumper. Also added Left Trigger and Left Bumper as Dash alternatives. Level 3-6 got some minor visual fixes. Level 3-4 Goal hitbox made bigger. Fix for wall-dashing power sometimes coming out short on controller. Fixes were made to Steam invites, as it sometimes did not work properly. Fix for going back from worldmap in singleplayer could cause the menu level to load in as a black background. Fix for dash jump sfx not triggering when not moving in a direction. Big announcement to be made 22th December! See you in the Traplands! - ChrisVersion 0.994 out now!Dec 6, 2018 - Community Announcements Changelog as of 0.99 to 0.994 Substantial tweaks was made to the player animation to make them feel smoother. (12/8) Network prediction for carts in 4-10 improved Animations fixed for Online play in 4-10 and other minor tweaks 3-10 fix for prediction when ship was moving back further than start location Critical fix for online play that sometime occurred when going from being a client to host own server. Caused a lot of various issues throughout and stayed until game was restarted. Amongst other Jungleboss fists not slamming for clients, mountain boss not starting for clients, chat not working, and a lot of others Fix for end credits being trigged more than once Fixes for Hall of fame, no double entry if already on list Fix for Stinky layer in caveboss Fix for buttons becoming desynced in online Fixed Level upload issue in editor Fixed preview pictures for Cave T2 and Desert 9 Fix for cart in caveboss being able to "shoot" while dead. Fixed wrong level loading when joining as server that has been migrated. Fix for some traps and objects not syncing when server had been migrated. Fix for Steam invite not working when server had been migrated (hopefully) Fixed rare saving level issue in editor where the folder path could be invalid. Fix for Auth to master server failed. Will now retry connection more aggressively Slightly updated level design for 2-7 Network code for spiky peaks boss improved, all network issues should now be resolved. Cave boss improvments. Visuals, Parallax, Updated music, level scrolling feel improved. Unlockable character can now be played in cave boss as well. Fixed wall crusher issue on 3-7, could previously become de-synced in online. Fixed sorting order for Hall of Fame ending Fix for boulders not spawning after server migration Various fixes for spiky peaks boss in online mode. Had odd behavior if players joined in mid-level Fix for loading wrong level that occurred sometimes when previously hosting a server Network optimizations Jump abuse was fixed. Walljump fixed for short jumps, should feel like before again! Message logs will print when connection is lost to master-sever in different scenarios Soft lock issue fixed when disconnected from master server at the very same moment as game-sever started Fixed 5-1 boss hurt from below Fixed smaller death animation glitch for boss on 5-1 Fixed timing with help signs on 5-1 Fixed some preview pictures for worldmap Added cooldown for regen on caveboss Fixed checkpoint on t2 cave for Traplander difficulty 4-3, made jump up to secret bigger Added missing keys for Russian localization Fixed issue with Trails not always starting correctly over network on the first level loaded Fixed issue where "worldmap" could be accessed for client Added some code optimizations for players Optimized network code to send less data Fixed issue with reveal secrets in worldmap not a...Steam Trading Cards have arrived!Nov 11, 2018 - Community Announcements We are happy to announce that the trading cards now have been activated! Expect them to drop as soon as Steams magical algorithms awards you. I would also like to take this opportunity to give a big shoutout to all of you helping us out with feedback, reviews and reporting. Thank you! We are hard at work polishing up the last things as we are quickly moving closer to release. More on this and other exiting things coming up very soon. Have you had a chance to try out the challenge mode yet? Beat other Traplanders time and climb the ranks in the randomly generated adventures. See you in the Traplands! //Chris Final content patchNov 5, 2018 - Community Announcements This one comes with the full Bloody Trapland 2 experience, all levels and content is now finally here! We recommend resetting your save file as many of the levels have been changed and updated, as well as the story have been added. The experience won't be the same. This is a great time to either give the game a new try or jump in for the first time as we celebrate this with a 50% sale. The first DLC will be free for anyone buying the game during Early Access. If you have any ideas for improvement or run into any issues please let us know, we are active daily both here on Steam and on Discord. What's left for us now is some last polishing before official release. Date will be announced shortly. Also, please consider leaving a review and let us know your thoughts on the game, it means the world to us. See you in the Traplands! //ChrisHappy Halloween!Oct 29, 2018 - Community Announcements Happy Halloween! Or should we say Bloody Halloween? As a small Halloween treat, we have released a few Halloween-themed sprites in the editor to build your own spooky levels. The game also has a 50% discount now! We are excited to announce that the final content patch is going live in the next few days. More info on that to come very soon, but if you want to get your hands on it already, join in the beta branch! Challenge Mode out now!Aug 10, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsWe're super happy to announce a brand new game mode! Take on a challenge where you need to complete up to 10 levels in a row before the timer runs out. But make sure to not rush too fast as all deaths give you a time penalty. Make it to the end and receive Trapland Tokens and have your level increased for bragging rights! Do you have what it takes to climb the Leaderboard?! Our ambition is to have new weekly challenges consisting of user created levels that have been handpicked by us. So get your creativity flowing and jump in to our level editor and you might see your levels featured in the next challenge! It's also possible for anyone to create their very own challenge pack for others to play. Put together a list of your favourite levels and have them randomised on order of play, or hand craft a unique adventure as you see fit. Challenge Mode Added. Online Chat Added. Uploaded Adventure Levels to workshop to use as templates in editor. All Sound effects has been rebalanced. Worldmap icons added for each world. Worldmap now wait for for all players to sync before next level can start in online. Rewards system added. Low resolution fix, could happen on game restart. Rare Death particle position offset fixed in online. Steam Workshop agreement will now popup in editor if not signed. Issue with loading some usercreated levels where the name did not match were fixed. Going back from editor to main game could on rare occasions casue issues. Arcade levelinfo screen polished up to give better info. Water tiles could spam error messages if not placed correctly Graphics update, 0.91Jul 15, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsWe previously had some issues where the Graphics could end up looking poor and blurry on some resolutions. If you were effected, please give this one a try and let us know! Added support for using multiple monitors. Toggle in Options menu. Added letterboxing and pillarboxing. Fixed an issue with Fullscreen mode, casuing a strange blurr on some resolutions. Fixed a screen scaling issues casuing the game to look way worse on some resolutions. Fixed an issue where a Jungle Temple door did not open correctly. Fixed achievement for And stay down. Fixed achievement for Beam me up. Fixed rare issue where the cart could miss the outro track on Cave boss. Fixed a miss-naming issue in the worldmap Fixed an issue where the secret door on Jungle 2 played sfx multiple times. Fixed an issue where the Flyingboat did not stop after arriving for client. Let us know if you have any feedback or issues, we really appreciate it. Best of luck in the Traplands! Adventure Challenges or Death Match. Which would you rather see? :sir: now live!Jul 8, 2018 - Community Announcements With this update we have focused a lot on polishing and fixing as we are getting closer to the final release. Among other things we have completly overhauled the network code to make it resemble local multiplayer as close as possible. We are also happy to finally bring you Achievements! Can you catch 'em all? What's new: Achievements added. Complete revamp of network code. New end screen added when completing Arcade level, easy to vote for levels upon completion. New and improved in-game UI. Added support for more controllers. Sound effects improved and added for multiple scenarios. Added frame rate cap in options menu. Localization added for Russian, Swedish, and Finnish. What's improved: All Music were slightly retouched. Prediction and states for players were completely remade (online). Player PVP was completely remade to feel more as intended (online). Network code for Traps and Objects added and improved (online). Performance improvements gallore. Level improvements and fixes for many levels. Sun angle and intensity glitch were fixed. Hitbox for jumping on crouching players were incorrect. Improved loading times. Animations improved to be more accurate (online). Worldmap was improved to reflect the host better (online). Controller glitch when connecting after game had started were fixed. Death scenarios did not always look right. (online) Invite only option was sometimes toggled on even if it should not. Character select screen could on rare occasions get stuck on top of worldmap. Death count in worldmap UI fixed. Death orb did sometimes not show, or could be shown at wrong locations. Reworked Cave boss, adding more effects, sounds and fixing some various issues. Blood effect slightly improved. Saving game progress to file had some various issues when moving from an older game version. Players could sometimes get stuck in worldmap (online) Particles could get stuck on player characters (online). Transition screen could on some rare occasin get stuck Players could lose connection to master server, making them unable to join games. (online) Improved arcade mode. Boat in worldmap slightly adjusted. Hitbox tweaked for players and many traps. Falling ice shards/stalactites did not always kill. Log Impalers could get loaded with wrong timings. Controller-rumble could get stuck in some scenerios when completing level or exiting to worldmap. Water bubbles triggered even when water was in background. Multiple issues fixed with the editor. .. As well as many other minor issues and tweaks that we forgott to mention. :blanky: ** SUMMER UPDATE **Jun 27, 2018 - Community Announcements Hope you are having a pawesome summer! We have many exciting things going on. A big update is about to go live in the next few days, and more content you've requested is about to drop soon. Stay tuned. In the meanwhile, check out our traptastic new trailer on the store page! And in case you've been hiding under a rock for the past few days and missed it, the summer sale is still going on, don't miss out!Happy Lunar New Year!Feb 15, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsWe are celebrating this Lunar New Year with a bang! Today we are releasing the latest patch as well as having a huge discount you don't want to miss out on. This patch comes packed with a lot of fixes, optimizations and content. Do you have what it takes to beat the cave world? See you in the Traplands! ːblankyː ːjackː ːjazzyː ːsirː Lunar New Year!Feb 15, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsWe are celebrating this Lunar New Year with a bang! Today we are releasing the latest patch as well as having a huge discount you don't want to miss out on. This patch comes packed with a lot of fixes, optimizations and content. Do you have what it takes to beat the cave world? See you in the Traplands! :blanky: :jack: :jazzy: :sir: