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BlackShield: Upora Story

Thanks for everyone!Jan 19, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsHi everyone! Thanks for supporting and buying our game, and thanks to players who point out our problems, your authentic comments give us a lot of valuable help! This announcement is to give answers to many of the problems we gathered from reviews. Many players complain that the respawning points are too far away from where they died; bugs like respawning in a crate and crushing might occurred after died would be fixed as soon as we can. Due to the inconvenient design of the HTC holding buttons, we decide to make shooting button the same as grabbing button, which leads automatic grabbing nearby enemy units while shooting. This game is node based shooting game, sorry that we didn’t clarify it in our store description. The reason we design it this way is because in our developing process we find that most of players complain about motion sick, losing direction and lacking of physical moving space while using VR equipment with free movement. Fortunately, thanks to all the players who purchased our game passionately, we are able to work on our new updates with clearer goals and more confidence. First thing we going to work on is to contact more professional voice actors and sound designers, since many players have already complained about it. We have already started working on adding more controller feedbacks, smarter AI, more guns, enemy variations and of course we have already working on adding more missions for our beloved players! Thanks for your patience and get ready for more upcoming exciting contents!