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Answer Knot

A new game by Naraven is outJan 30, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsHey Answer Knot fans, Guess who just released their brand new game? Us! Wait what's that? Backfirewall_ is about a phone OS that does not want to update. Again! Phones! We do have something with phones. Apart from that, we've grown much much since Answer Knot - we now make 5-6h long games, filled with life, many many characters, puzzles, exploration, and kick-ass music. We learned to port a game on multiple platforms, to localise it, and last but not least: we learned how to make Steam announcements look pretty! See you around in the game Le patchJun 24, 2019 - Community Announcements Here is *finally* the awesome d'awesome patch you've all been waiting for. Took some time (because man, figuring stuff out was not easy), but here is what we managed to fix in Answer Knot. Settings-wise: A brand new settings menu! Mouse sensitivity Volume (for voice & music & effects & stuff) Y axis (for inversion if needed) Comfort-wise: Xbox 360 controllers support is now a thing :D yay right? No more "weird walking" feeling Good-looking-wise: No more motion blur! Improved the music toward the end. A little less "whimsical" ;) Less useless lights. Better general lighting Added a sound effect for every object you can interact with Better animation and texture for you-know-what Tedious bugs adjusted, like: Some clipping bugs Some mesh colliders Strange / useless sound design and sound effects deleted Subtitles typos Written words typos "back" buttons are all the same now "replay" "switch on" "open" buttons now don't turn / disappear AND BONUS: 2 new easter eggs! Now there are 33 in the game :D The puzzle everyone had trouble with has changed. More intuitive now I think. The Game in the GameJun 4, 2019 - Community Announcements Oh hey it's me again. You know how walking sims don't have that much challenge? So here is a tiny game for you, cultured people. Answer Knot hides 31 Easter eggs and references to other narrative games and game studios. It can be handwritten words, pictures, spoken words, pieces of stories, names, anything. Play the game here on the hub There are exactly 12 quite easy 14 difficult 5 super-hardcorde (Chuck Norris level fans only) Have fun guys. I'm really curious which one will get found (and which one will never!)Yes, it is outMay 31, 2019 - Community Announcements Our game just launched. Play it :D No but to be serious, I'm just writing these few words to thank all of you early-access players that helped me so much by testing, and letting me know what to change where. I had a rough time, but wow what a mess it would have been if it had launched with its previous version. And I'm already thanking all the future players too! Please guys, consider leaving a review if you liked it, it really matters To all who played before releaseMay 29, 2019 - Community Announcements Hi guys. Yes, I've heard your complaints, and yes, you were goddar'n right. I've been working all day every day those past weeks. I've tried to fix as many bugs as possible, and I've added a lot of stuff to read, interact with, or just contemplate. Please, if you guys had a "meh" experience because of the so little interaction to have with the environnement, consider trying it again. It really has changed for the better. And release so very soon! Yeaaay (insert scared face here).