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Alien Life Simulator

Introducing Difficulty Settings!Jul 20, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsNew Difficulty settings added. This is mainly to help players when they are first learning the game. You have to beat the game on easy to play normal, and you have to beat the game on normal to play hard. Some VFX have been added to the end screen and when getting a new buff. The end screen will also tell you how many keys you've gotten from your run. I rewrote the system managing the end screen, so it should be much clearer how much XP you are getting and when you are leveling up. New option in settings under graphics to limit FPS to 30, 60, 120, 144, or keep it unlimited. To make it more clear how shrines and meditation work, I've adjusted the text tooltip when moving towards a new emotion and added new UI elements to show your alien's emotional states. You can now rotate the character during visual customization with two arrow buttons on each side of the character. Fixes Mouse sensitivity will now apply immediately when in the tutorial, not just while in the game or in the main menu. The controls menu is now closed in-game if you press the escape button to close the entire menu instead of pressing "done." It stayed open until now. After loading in from the tutorial, there was a glitch that made you have to wait before clicking "singleplayer" and starting the game again as it would force you back to the menu continuously. Fixed now. Characters' eyes in the main menu were defaulting to red. Fixed to be black. Text fixed for "create profile." Some of the buff and challenge objects were abnormally large or small. They now have consistent sizing. Color picking should be easier now, with every color button being smaller and shown on one screen with no need for a scrollbar. Changes Changed the wording in the tutorial to better explain things to players. If you don't have a weapon equipped, you will no longer see the emotion bar for the last weapon you had equipped, and you won't be able to use emotion abilities until switching back to a weapon. Enemies can now walk on bridges. Balance Shrumbral's melee attacks have been reduced in damage. Slender frost's normal attacks' damage has been increased, while their spin attack that hits for three instances of damage has been reduced in damage. Infinite Stamina + Balance Tweaks and Fixes for Frostal FractaliaJul 13, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsNew If you don't have a weapon equipped you don't need stamina to run or jump and running and jumping costs no stamina while you have no weapon equipped. Fixes Guns would break if you reloaded then accessed the portal to go to another world. This is fixed now. Image for shrine on the map was still the old shrine icon, this has now been updated. Slider was showing for bodies even though there was nothing to slide to. No longer. Balance Every gun has had reload time reduced slightly, besides the laser gun which doesn't have to reload. Pistol and auto targeting gun have had their magazine's increased by 1. Health packs no longer drop from every enemy. They now only have a 60% chance to drop, but they heal for 40 health instead of 10. Frosty Fractalia FixesJul 7, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsChanged Enemies drop health packs now instead of raw meat. Functionally the same, but different visual that I think is more appropriate. Completely redid the system for tracking kills for wave based gameplay, bosses, and challenges. There was issues with all three not always counting when you killed an enemy robbing players of their hard earned buffs. They all had separate systems in code, so it didn't make a lot of sense anyways as it was. New system from my testing works well and fixes the issues that were happening. Player takes damage during tutorial before being told to use a health pack now. Removed the limit when strafing and shooting on the camera that was preventing players from aiming up. Was particularly egregious in the tutorial if you didn't aim down sights and tried to open the gate. Fixes Mouse sensitivity slider should work now for everyone can be changed in menu or while playing. Fixed the source of some crashes that were reported. Made slight tweaks throughout to level design and placement of some objects. There was some floating objects, there was an issue with placement in one area where you could accidentally end up walking inside of a mountain... So just stuff like that. Sound FX should now properly adjust volume of all enemy sounds, as well as notification sounds when opening a chest or getting a buff. Both buff and chest sounds have also been replaced with a new sound I think sounds better. (this was added in a small patch later in the day after this initial fix patch and announcement dropped, I'm adding it here as a bullet point rather than making a whole new event announcement) Balance Slender Frost enemies base health has been reduced from 95 to 75. It's very fast and does a lot of damage, so being able to kill it fast is important. Increased the base damage of the elemental gun to 14 from 10, increased its range, and increased its magazine from 12 to 20. Frosty Fractalia: First Melee Weapon, New Biome, Elite Emotional EnemiesJul 6, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsNew: New biome called Frosty Fractalia bringing the total biomes to 5. Along with the new biome there's a new variant of 1 enemy and 3 brand new enemies. Bringing the total enemies to 20, not counting each enemy now having stronger emotional variants.(4 variants of each enemy: Apathetic, Sad, Scared, and Angry) Emotional enemies and bosses. These function as "elite" enemies or mini bosses. They have the title of the enemy and their emotion above their name, as well as be radiating the color that matches their emotion. Emotional enemies have more health, damage, and can give you negative status effects based on what emotion they have. Based on their emotion they also have resistances and weaknesses to different emotions. If you use the same emotion as they are you will do little damage, but if you use an emotion that is one above there's you'll do bonus damage. Bosses also have the resistances and weaknesses based on their emotion now, as well as scaling health and damage based on current difficulty. Emotional enemy spawn frequency is based on how far you are into a run, just as the last update introduced scaling health, now emotional enemies frequency and which emotions the enemies can have will change as you go through a run. First melee weapon, Energy Sword. You can attack with left click, and block damage by holding down right click. New gun called Elemental SMG. It has low base damage, but gets 2x chance to inflict status effects. Inventory screen reworked to show more info and be more readable. Weapons will now have the emotion they drain above them in inventory. All buffs you get throughout a run will be shown here now. Elements that were too small were enlarged and the layout was shifted slightly to accomadate for this. A different font was also swapped to for all the texts. New variations for every biome's discs. 2 new layouts the discs can now spawn in. These additions drastically improve variety in runs. New model for the shrines in the game. Some bounciness physics added to the main character's angler. Changes: Mini map has been reworked slightly to have a legend in the top right. Should make it more clear that the map is a point of reference for the general points of interest and objectives, not something to follow directly from point to point. When you pick up a weapon from a chest now it's automatically swapped to. Sicklus and bluzzas now fly higher off the ground. Short cooldown added to swapping weapons with scroll wheel to prevent swapping more weapons than intended with one "scroll". Only one active quest is shown now in the HUD at a time now. Before up to 3 were shown and it took up too much of the screen. You can still choose to track no quests in menu and then you will have no quests covering HUD. Ending of the tutorial loads main menu now instead of loading into the main game. Loading from the tutorial to the main game had a crazy load time, and it's much quicker to load back to menu and then load up the main game. Removed l...Emotional Empowerment Update: Unleashing the Power of EmotionsJun 21, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsJump into Alien Life Simulator's new intro! Experience refined and new visuals, mechanics, and content! New: New intro sequence for the game and new interior and exterior for the spaceship you start your adventure from. The new intro looks better, teaches better, and is just generally more helpful at getting you started in the game. New player character models. More options for visual customization to go along with the new models. From choosing how big your alien's belly is, to choosing the shades of different parts of skin. New map you can check at any time by pressing M. Has a marker that updates in real time where you the player are. Has markers for what you can look for in each area of the map. Chests, powerups, temples, and even where to look for the boss. Crosshair turns red when you've lined up your aim to shoot an enemy. Buff system has been reworked along with the temples in the game. They are now tied to the emotion system, with different pools of buffs available to you depending on your alien's emotions. You can shift your alien's emotions and the respective pool of buffs available to you by finding temples. The total number of buffs has been greatly expanded to ensure each pool of buffs is interesting. The goal of this overhaul is to thematically tie buffs to the emotion system and allow for greater player choice and playthroughs where player's go for a specific emotion. Camera angles have been reworked to make it easier to see enemies when hipfiring, aimed down sights, and just walking around normally. Difficulty scales health of enemies by order of discs visited. More interesting things to come in future for scaling. Such as elite versions of current enemies, new more difficult enemy types, and more. Went through all the biome variants and discs and did slight tweaks throughout to their design and visuals. Adding where needed new VFX. Day night cycle reworked to have dynamic shadows to enhance the visuals of the game. New Settings: Bloom intensity slider. Mouse sensitivity. Added vsync to settings as a toggleable setting. Swap to weapons via hotkeys, by default they are binded to the number keys. Use item button default was changed to Z to accommodate switching to weapons by number keys. Balance: Probability blast has been adjusted to do half the damage it used to when self-inflicting damage. Changed the rate at which enemies spawn on the final disc. Similar system and rates used for infinite game mode. Phantom Form gives the player invincibility now, but only lasts 15 seconds. Changed the rate at which enemies spawn on the final disc. Similar system and rates used for upcoming infinite game mode. Added a 2 second grace period after being flinched by an attack to prevent being "stunlocked" by enemies. Doubled the damage the shotgun does. Increased the damage the laser and machine gun do. Increased XP gained for kills, bosses beaten, and length played. Achievements/challenges, which are planned for future, will help to further reduce...Fixes for Abilities and MoreMay 28, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsFixed: Auto target abilities and guns should be working consistently for all players now. Reworked how they target enemies. All areas and instances where jump pads were needed have been reworked to not use jump pads. I tried 4+ times to rework them and they never worked consistently for all players, so I've made the tough decision to remove them and rework content that used them. Recoil on guns has been drastically reduced across the board. Camera shake has been added to compensate along with a slider in settings to turn down camera shake. Balance: Increased the damage that the rifle, laser gun, and explosive pistol do. Preparing for... MULTIPLAYER & Graphics SettingsMay 24, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsIf you launched the game since the anniversary update you might have noticed a grayed out button that said "multiplayer". I haven't officially talked about it until now, but I am sure now that multiplayer will be the next major update to the game! To be clear, it will just be co-operative online multiplayer, no PvP. This update reworked systems to support the conversion and addition of multiplayer. It also comes with some immediate fixes and tweaks to things that were reported to me. New: Graphics settings now change the graphical settings of the game between different levels of detail and quality. Fullscreen toggle button actually toggles the game between full screen and windowed. Fixes: In the intro sequence the enemies won't rush you in the corner anymore, giving new players space to learn. Cypher for the teleporter glows on first playthrough after the intro making it clearer what to do. Abiltiies have their respective buttons in their title in the loadout. Q & E. There's a tooltip for what each stat icon represents in the loadout menu. Balance: Uncommon buffs to proc chances are now doubled to 10% More Fixes! Reworked Jump Pads!Feb 23, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsMore random fixes, here's some of the biggest fixes: Jump pads completely reworked and shouldn't be janky anymore! Redid the way the game launches and added a loading screen to the launching of the game to stop issues people have had with the game crashing on launch. Added an additional hidden buff to reward exploration on one of the discs. Fixed some of the floating objects in the game. 2 Year Anniversary Update! ALS RebornFeb 18, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsThis update is bigger than the game itself was on release. It fundamentally reworks almost every system in the game. There is now a complete gameplay loop and way more content. Steam page doesn't reflect the new additions, I will update it soon! If there's any major issues please report them in discord or via the form you can access in the main menu of the game. Thank you for buying and playing the game! I apologize for the long period of silence, but I never gave up on the game! Patch Notes: Reworked Combat and Emotion System: 8 guns 4 offensive combat abilities 3 utility abilities 4 biomes 13 enemy types Boss fights! A lot of new music and sound effects. Combat has been completely overhauled to create a more fluid and intense experience. All weapons have infinite ammo and directly tie into the reworked emotion system. No more gimmicky wheel to access emotions. Your alien feels emotions by getting kills, taking damage, etc. Your weapons and your abilities use your emotion. Diverse Enemies: With 13 different enemy types to fight, combat will never be dull. From the small and agile to the massive and intimidating, you'll need to stay on your toes to survive. Each enemy has its own unique abilities and weaknesses, so be sure to strategize accordingly. Biomes: Explore four unique biome types, each with their own hazards, creatures, and treasures. From the moist forests to the pink mountains, there's always something new to discover. Abilities: Create a custom loadout of utility and damage abilities that tie into the emotion system. You can create your own unique playstyle by combining different abilities with different guns. End Game Victory and Loss System: A new meta progression system has been added that lets you progress even when you lose. Additionally, there's new end game victory conditions and a placeholder ending to the game before I add more story. Boss Fights: Test your skills against epic boss battles, each with their own unique mechanics and abilities. Defeat them to unlock powerful new rewards. Feedback Button: We want to hear from you! You can now easily provide feedback or report bugs directly from the main menu. We hope you enjoy this major update to Alien Life Simulator. As always, we appreciate your feedback and will continue to make improvements based on your suggestions.Volume PatchMar 26, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsThis is another smaller patch with various fixes and balance changes. We are working on the first big update, which will also change the way the game starts and hopefully fix the main critiques of the game. It should come out end of April/early May. Fixed issue with main menu not showing after traveling to other worlds. Items from enemies spawn after death animation plays. Shotgun damage increased and you start with more shotgun ammo when you find one in a chest. Fixed the volume sliders so they should work better. Reduced the base volume of the music, so it hopefully shouldn't be crazy loud by default anymore. Added a simple "credits" to the main menu for me and the artist. Deleting SavesFeb 18, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsAdded a way to delete saves from gameplay in settings. Should fix some bugsQuick FixesFeb 18, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsI replaced a sound effect one of the enemies was using with a much better one. This was necessary as the old one was really loud no matter the settings. This was partly due to a bug and partly due to the sound itself. I also fixed a couple bugs relating to the day night cycle. I'm working on some other fixes and some content that I hope to bundle together in an update later today!