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Aircraft Carrier Survival

"Anonymous Hacker Simulator" has just been releasedApr 3, 2024 - Community Announcements"Anonymous Hacker Simulator" has just been released Embark on a journey through the dark labyrinth of cyberspace and uncover the secrets of anonymous operations. Step into the shoes of a mysterious hacker who penetrates through security, deciphers codes, and manipulates systems to achieve their goals. This captivating simulation invites you into a world where the boundaries between reality and virtuality begin to blur. Can you survive in this dangerous environment? Do your skills suffice to overcome the most advanced security measures? Set out to conquer the network and gain fame as cybercrime masters or heroes defending against it! Let your actions be recorded in the history of the virtual world! And that's not all! For the first 14 days, you can grab the game at a promotional price! But that's not the end of it! Soon we will reveal a bundle specially created for this occasion, where you'll be able to expand your library with more great titles! Don't hesitate any longer - immerse yourself in the dark world of "Anonymous Hacker Simulator" now and let yourself be carried away by the dangerous fun that will make your heart beat faster! Announcement: Sector Unknown - A Sci-Fi cRPGMar 7, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsAs one of the late developers brought on to fix some of the bugs on ACS (and a fan of the game as well, I completed it three times), I would like to take a moment and announce my next game, a cPRG titled Sector Unknown. After creating quite a few strategy games as an indie (and mostly solo) developer, I decided, perhaps quite insanely, to create an cRPG instead. This is the genre that I find myself playing and enjoying the most, from classics such as Baldur’s Gate 2, Fallout 2, Fallout New Vegas, Knights of the Old Republic, Mass Effect, to more contemporary games such as Pillars of Eternity, Outer Worlds, Colony Ship, Trudograd, Underrail, and Encased. In short, I really, really like RPGs, and especially ones that use an isometric angle of gameplay. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44915433/3374af1c0cc528a1be0d896da5acbaa0f34aca43.png Sector Unknown is sort of my love letter to both the classics and the contemporaries. I think I’m better suited for telling a story than number crunching strategy games (as evidenced by my mixture of reviews in that genre). After three years working part-time (well almost full time) on the systems, the game is close to complete on features (movement, inventory, party management, quests, dialogue, crafting, combat, itemization, space flight, etc). I’m aiming to have a demo for the game completed in a month or so. It’s close to completion now, but I’m still not happy with the tutorial level. What I do not want is for it to be a barrier to entry like the much-maligned temple tutorial level in Fallout 2 (I almost never experienced the rest of that fantastic game due to being so turned off by the temple). {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44915433/7a97d24f2231b65d4036fb79fdf14b05eab5419e.png The goal for this game is to launch into Early Access. I intend to have over half of the game completed by that EA launch with full launch occurring 6-9 months after that. The idea to do an EA launch was not one taken lightly, but one thing I have found with my past launches is that just when I think a game is bug-free and ready for a seamless launch, players will find new and interesting ways to break things – leading to frantic post-launch schedule of rushing out bug-fixes and patches. I think this way is better. Launch into Early Access and take player feedback over time so that I can get everything sorted for a smooth launch after that. The other factor is budget. Right now, I do not have the armor or model system in place for player characters and NPCs. These are assets. This will change before Early Access as I have the models done (with no armor or clothing yet), but even after that, I suspect I will need some of the additional revenue from EA launch to finish the last 2-3 planets (as mentioned I aim to have 3-4 story planets complete for EA launch, with the first one ready for the demo in the coming month or so). I hope people will wishlist and follow this game. It’s always been a dream of mine ...🏛️✨Our NEW game: Builders of Greece is NOW AVAILABLE! ✨🏛️Feb 27, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsHey fellow gamers! We are excited to announce the release of our latest game - Builders of Greece! 🎉 Builders of Greece is an exciting blend of strategy, city-building, and resource management set in the beautiful world of ancient Greece. Step into the role of an architect who must face various challenges to develop their city, construct impressive buildings, and ensure the prosperity of its citizens. Here are a few reasons why you should give Builders of Greece a try: 🏛️ Build your dreams: Construct your own city from the ground up, choosing from a variety of buildings and structures to create the perfect Greek metropolis. 🔨 Explore and discover: Marvel at the beautiful landscapes of ancient Greece, take advantage of fertile and resource-rich territories, and establish trade connections with other cities. 💼 Manage resources: Juggle economy, resources, and the needs of your citizens to ensure the development of your city and maintain social harmony. 🌍 Embark on a journey: Experience an engaging campaign, exploring diverse regions of Greece and facing various challenges along the way. Builders of Greece is more than just a game; it's a journey to the fascinating world of ancient Greece, where you shape the fate of your city and its inhabitants. Don't wait any longer! Join us now and build your own oasis of civilization in beautiful Greece! Head to the Steam store and start building your empire now!COLONIZE is OUT NOW!Feb 15, 2024 - Community Announcements"Colonize" - Conquer the New World and Build Your Colonial Empire! Immerse yourself in the age of colonization with the new game Colonize, just debuted on the Steam platform! This exciting combination of survival game and building strategy takes you back to the 17th century, where the struggle for survival in the New World was fierce. 🏗️ Expand your settler empire - build, grow, and manage your settlement to survive in unknown lands. ⚔️ Explore and endure - face various challenges such as resource scarcity, diseases, and attacks from native tribes. 🌱 Cultivate your colony - cultivate the land, raise animals, and provide your inhabitants with essential resources. 📜 Write your own history - every decision you make will shape the fate of your colony. 🎮 Check it out now! We encourage everyone to try out Colonize and experience the thrilling colonial adventure! 🔗 Hop on Steam Page and start colonizing! Factory is OUT TODAY!Jan 10, 2024 - Community Announcements Grab a special premiere discount and have fun! P.S. Look at all the special bundles and grab two games at a discounted price!Game Update - End Of Harmony (Free DLC)May 23, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsHey all, Just a quick note that there are two new DLC for Aircraft Carrier Survival courtesy of CreativeForge and the old Gambit Games team. The DLC consist of two small missions and two new ships. The DLC can be acquired here: End Of Harmony Mission 1 End Of Harmony Mission 2 After getting the DLC, you can play the missions in the Skirmish Mode section on the menu. I thought I had sent this news post out last week, but saw it unpublished still. Embarrassed. Anyhow, hope you enjoy the DLC! Depending on where CreativeForge is at with the game, I am hoping to dive back in and do some more updates in the next month or so. Will keep you posted. Thanks! {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34590124/50f5dc7036ec578019d86ea4462f01539346db04.pngGame Update - Sitting Ducks, Medal Status, And MoreMar 21, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsAnother smaller update - changes can be seen below. Thanks for continued feedback. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34590124/04627303f63334cf3e0e7430492fa28e7ed1aca7.png Medals - You can now see the status of your medals during each mission from the objectives drop-down. This will show you how many ships you have destroyed, your mission time, and how many losses you have incurred against the requirements. Sitting Ducks - The bug has been fixed where your ship is towed during the night. The time now skips properly to morning after the second video. Plane speed on deck increased slightly. Brooklyn Type I and Type II ships now named properly. Fixed bug with resupply order duration. Combat Box Gold card now promotes properly to next levels. Fixed bug with enemy defenses having exactly 0 HP not being valid targets. Portrait selection in character creation has a duplicate entry or bug causing one of the portraits to need 2 clicks to change - this has been fixed. More to come. Will keep everyone posted. Thanks!Game Update - Pause Button, Bug Fixes, And MoreFeb 21, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsNext round of changes can be seen below. Thanks for continued feedback. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34590124/08e57b3b98e8e4f164837649c3845b9c423eeb32.png Tactical Pause Button - it bothered me while playing through the game that I couldn't pause the tactical screen in order to issue commands and just think about what I wanted to do. It was a bit of a challenge with the current code and I had to dust off the ol' Photoshop, but I managed to add a pause button to the tactical screen. You will be able to issue office orders, plan missions, task crew mates and more while the game is paused. Note that pause is not available on the tutorial. Air Strike - added a button on the air strike screen to clear all cards and reset the mission. This is conjunction with the last update where previously cancelled air strikes would preserve the chosen cards. Fixed bug where camera would start sometimes beneath the carrier during mission start Fixed some incorrect text on the tutorial. Added quick save message for other languages after hitting F5 (used to not have any indication that a game was saved). Plan is to continue to push out smaller updates like this one. Thanks!Game Update - Sandbox Movement Bug Fixed (And More)Feb 4, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsThe sandbox movement bug has been fixed, plus managed to add a few more fixes and changes as well. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34590124/7d079cb3e5f72009f61150c533cd65fee492bfdc.png Here is a list of all that has now been fixed or added with this update: Fixed game-breaking bug where ship would not move in sandbox mode. Added panel showing which planes are on deck (fighter, dive, torpedo) - this can be found at the bottom-right part of the UI. I found myself getting annoyed having to count which kind of planes I had on deck at any give time, so figured this would be a good change. Fixed waypoint bug on tactical screen that sometimes crashed save games or froze ship. The waypoints are now reset if this happens. Added ability to save combat cards when cancelling airstrike. It used to be if you planned an airstrike only to find yourself out of range for pickup, you would cancel it and have to re-do all the cards again. That drove me crazy. This fixes that. Fixed pixelated medal sprites. Add quick save notification. I like to know when hitting f5 that the game is actually saving. Note this has not been localized yet. Coming soon. Fixed save indexing bug. Order of saves now shown starting from newest to oldest. More to come. Now that I know my way a bit more around the project, I will be posted smaller and more incremental changes as listed in my forum thread. Pause button for the tactical map is slated for the next update, along with a few others. Hope you enjoy! I'm going to do another sandbox run myself.Announcement - Game Changes & Bug FixesJan 20, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsI’m Damon from Creative Storm Entertainment. Not to be confused with CreativeForge Games. A bit about myself: I'm the designer/developer of the Age of Gladiators and Raiders! Forsaken Earth series, as well as being a co-designer/developer on Deadwater Saloon. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34590124/50f5dc7036ec578019d86ea4462f01539346db04.png As Gambit Games is no more, I’ve been asked by CreativeForge to come in and help fix some of the bugs and make improvements to the game. Note that I am actually a fan of the game as well and have played the campaign to completion twice now (50+ hours on Steam), with 72% of achievements earned (a couple elude me like Purple Heart – I guess I just can’t stand seeing my crew members die). One thing to note is that I have not played the sandbox mode as of yet, but plan on doing so soon. I understand there are some game breaking bugs there. My strategy is to be transparent and push out series of smaller, but more frequent updates instead of larger and potentially more game-breaking ones. To my knowledge, the game hasn't received a patch since June of 2022. I intend to change that. In doing so, I'm likely going to forego some of the previously-promised visual changes (ocean color and foam, for example) and focus instead on what I think are more important gameplay impediments that need fixing. I can't promise I'll get all the bugs fixed right away, but I'll listen and do my best. These are some of the changes I have come up with from my gameplay: Add a Pause button Save system is still broken (slots disappear when using scroll bar) Saves do not work sometimes during missions – I intend to identify and fix this. Panel showing which planes are on deck at any given time (fighter, dive, torpedo) – I grew weary of counting how many of each plane type I had before planning airstrikes and think a quick UI addition can fix this problem. Show how many (planes on deck/planes required for mission) in launch rollover (instead of just how many planes required) – there have been too many times I’ve rolled one too many torpedo bombers and clogged up the deck during mission critical times. Health status UI bar on carrier (sections damaged / sections critical) Remove air strike not finding any targets – this one drives me crazy. If I recon an area and plan an airstrike, I find it frustrating when there are no targets found during the strike. Save attack cards – I would like to explore the ability to save a particular attack and use it again instead of having to remember which cards make for my most effective attacks. Remove random injuring of crew members (I find it aggravating when my crew members slip on wet decks and get critically injured) Faster airplane movement on decks – not sure about this one but would like to explore it a bit more. Add quick save notification – when I hit the f5 key, I sometimes am unsure if it actually saved. Duplicate ship abilities can be used – not sure if this will be too game-breaking and overpowering or not, ...Future content updateDec 30, 2022 - Community Announcements{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34590124/e2e3259e715e34c32a7371515e13c95df22e5a49.png Hello Admirals! List of upcoming changes: 1. camera settings, 2. weather, 3. water, 4. Post process and colors of everything, 5. foam on the water, 6. NPC ship from which we move resources in the tutorial, 7. behavior of all NPC ships (moving on water); The original plans were that we would make it with everything by the end of December, however, we need a few more moments to meet our quality requirements and conduct proper testing. We would also like to wish you all the best for the coming 2023. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34590124/7d3190243b1494f14871b9ef17e05dfa006a2abd.png {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34590124/09c13f32e3ded1168a93e52aadc72c13b1687be5.png {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34590124/73c3f983cadf395fec1cb8d522295bc50b1465ea.pngHello Admirals!Sep 20, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsWe know you've been waiting patiently and looking for news about what's going on with ACS. I come to you with information that is still as fresh as a new telegram. First of all, we thank you very much for your interest and that you have not left our ship. Unfortunately, the prolonged break in communication was impossible to jump through - we tried to assure you that the game will continue to improve. Still, as you have noticed, we needed time to give you more information. We want to assure you that the project has not been abandoned. The truth is that there have been some changes in the team, and we need time to adjust our schedule. We have been looking for the right people to meet the tasks set before them, from fixing bugs to further developing the game. We are currently in the reorganization phase and preparing materials to implement minor and significant improvements to the game. The new team is collecting all the comments that have been reported so far and has already undertaken to fix them, but we would still like to ask you to be patient for a while because, unfortunately, the latest update will appear in at least two months. If you want to give us more feedback, please feel free to channel #bugs on our discord or email [email protected] (Player.log and player-prev.log, are located in %appdata%..\LocalLow\GambitGamesStudio\AircraftCarrierSurvival HotFix #6Jun 10, 2022 - Community Announcements{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34590124/dac0fbdb941e7a941eb7ca7182b90287746adf96.png Hello Admirals! We have made a few corrections to known problems: - Fixed bug preventing carrier speed changes - Fixed bug with incorrect speed setting saved/loaded - Fixed bug preventing full completion of mission “Groundwork” (special thanks to our discord member DKATyler for reporting the bug) - Fixed more instances of a bug that caused the deck to be blocked (special thanks to our discord member Deron8564 for providing logs and saves that allowed tracking out this bug) - Fixed a bug that caused the landing UI to display recovered planes correctly - Fixed a bug that caused large number of fleets to spawn on the sandbox world map - Fixed minor escort skill bugs - Campaign mission summary will now correctly display all completed and failed side-objectives We wish you only successful missions!Update 1.0Jun 2, 2022 - Community Announcements{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34590124/de649b2b1d1ed4fb2f6db1afcc04534db80450fb.png Hello Admirals! Today we come to you with more changes to the game that we hope will improve the game experience. Game Changes: - New language added to the game - Russian - New language added to the game - Spanish - New feature added to the game - mission recovery now can be done in parts as players can pick which squadrons to land - New feature added to the game - mission recovery now shows the timer - New feature added to the game - mission recovery can now be interrupted - remaining squadrons will wait for another chance to land - New feature added to the game - carrier speed icon shows the current speed setting - New content - a new escort ship was added to the game - Brooklyn (Type II) - New content - a new escort ship was added to the game - Sims (Type II) - fixed instances of deck blocking bug - fixed escort skill ‘free mission’ save bug - fixed sandbox objectives - timers should now allow completing all objectives - fixed lost planes double counting in the campaign - fixed bug in the crew inspector - fixed bug with settings menu blocking the summary screen - fixed Casablanca’s ‘remote pickup’ escort ability bug - fixed - squadrons sent by escort ships no longer appear in ‘retrieve’ panel - fixed summary screen bug - localisation fix for chinese crew speciality descriptions - minor localisation fixes for languages other than english - minor balance changes If you want to share your thoughts, opinions, found a bug or just want to chat - we are available. HotFix #5May 5, 2022 - Community Announcements{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34590124/d9be3951b300bb1f5d3e3efe70674cb474f7f6db.png Hello Admirals! We have made a few corrections to known problems: - Fixed clouds error, - Fixed wrong ships on attack replays, - Fixed various crashes, - Fixed various deck-blocking bugs; with loading game as well, - Fixed retrieval tactic mission crash, - Fixed escort skills usage, - Fixed confirm window, - Fixed player teleport on m4.1, - Fixed radar range, - Fixed default radar range for all CV's, - Fixed save error on m1.2, - Fixed save error on sandbox, - Fixed Surprise Attack order, - Fixed spotting ranges modifiers, - Fixed min/max parameters for Heavy Carrier, - Fixed Icon Workshop on CV-9, - Fixed input for dc button, - Fixed loaded airstrikes making no damage - Fixed escort recovered mission doesn't count towards objectives - Fixed sandbox save error - Fixed issue preventing quitting the game/going back to pearl harbor after winning HotFix #4Apr 29, 2022 - Community Announcements{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34590124/d6f274c4a71a7a8311470c557d2d807ca72c38d8.png Hello Admirals! We have made a few corrections to known problems: - Reworked detection system, - Updated localization, - Updated escort ability descriptions, - Adjusted medal requirements m3.2, - Fixed clouds error, - Fixed wrong ships on attack replays, - Fixed various crashes, - Fixed various deck-blocking bugs; with loading game as well, - Fixed retrieval tactic mission crash, - Fixed escort skills usage, - Fixed confirm window, - Fixed player teleport on m4.1, - Fixed radar range, - Fixed default radar range for all CV's, - Fixed save error on m1.2, - Fixed save error on sandbox, - Fixed Surprise Attack order, - Fixed spotting ranges modifiers, - Fixed min/max parameters for Heavy Carrier, - Fixed Icon Workshop on CV-9, HotFix #3Apr 26, 2022 - Community Announcements{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34590124/02523dd262de5bf352eb752abe49d92c83dcb032.png Hello Admirals! We have made a few corrections to known problems: - Updated generators mechanic - Updated escort panel UI - Updated ally backup cost in sandbox - now it is 1 command point - Changed default chosen buff on admiral creation - defensive pos - Changed CAP mission - planes now have 35% to become broken upon enemy attack - Fixed negative command points - Fixed tactical maps custom mission - Fixed loading landing - Fixed sandbox mission Destroy multiple bases - Fixed/changed sandbox attacks - Added option to close Confirm window with escape button - Fixed Identify target mission - Fixed Send free mission escort skills HotFix #2Apr 22, 2022 - Community Announcements{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34590124/40b8c15c1f27753c6cfaf92b355a74c4e2ef4fd2.png Hello Admirals! We have made a few corrections to known problems: - Added unidentified objects random starting rotation - Added crew inspector to medals window - Added main goal info panel - Added settings confirm window - Added crew swapping - Updated POI tooltip - Fixed sandbox total lose - Fixed buffs panel animation - Fixed sandbox Defend Multiple Fleets mission - Fixed CV5 deck light - Fixed admiral portrait - Fixed plane upgrades - Fixed destroyed ships counter after loading, - Fixed sound notifier - Fixed 2nd tutorial HotFix #1Apr 20, 2022 - Community Announcements{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34590124/460457149137ae9c26a0c5f77322f61bfe5561c6.png Hello Admirals! We have made a few corrections to known problems: - Achievements not granted fixed - First tutorial fixes - Campaign ending screen fixed - Escort save fixed - CV9 hole in section view fixed - Attack japan mission special order fixed - Sandbox node spawns fixes - Crews managment fixes - Mission 1, mission 2 specific order corrected - Mission summary screen adjusted - Localization translation update Aircraft Carrier Survival BUNDLESApr 20, 2022 - Community AnnouncementsHELLO ADMIRALS! ⚓ The premiere is TODAY! 🥳 April 20, 6:00am PDT you'll be able to purchase the game at this time! 📢 SPECIAL DISCOUNT! 👇 Especially for this occasion, we would like to introduce you to other games that you can buy at bargain prices along with the full version of Aircraft Carrier Survival. Aircraft Carrier Survival + UBOAT = SEA POWER {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34590124/c7d8e4e673dcec22affeccac0450e648d230fbfd.png Aircraft Carrier Survival + TANK MECHANIC SYMULATOR = LAND AND SEA Starter Pack: Aircraft Carrier Survival + BATTLESHIPS COMMAND OF THE SHIPS