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Tower 3D

SP FOR TOWER!3D HAS BEEN RELEASEDJul 20, 2016 - Community AnnouncementsDear Folks, Thank you for your patience, finally the SP for Tower!3D hits the Steam store! We added the following new features and fixes: -Collision between parking and taxiing planes on KLAX at TBIT -Loading won't advance beyond 70% -START button is inactive -Goodbye to good day -Darker radar backgrounds -Reset statistic for the Steam version -Smaller airplane icon on the radar screen -Separate the sound slider to environment and airplanes -Selectable pilot voices note: you can choose between male or female, speed and tone or make it random *requires English (US) soundpack otherwise only a single voice will be played but still can be randomized by speed and tone. -Gates connect to the front door -Too bright taxi and runway lights at night -During landing rollout if you told the plane to continue to taxi it sometimes acted unexpectedly -Traffic density slider -Beacon lights will be turned off only at the gate -Departing airplanes are lining up quicker for takeoff -All airplane should hold short of each runway -Smaller glow for the airport lights -Better logic for the runway alert warnings -KPHL runway 8/26 no escape error -Adjustable heading slider Thank you The dev team