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Split or Steal

Split or Steal 1.8.3 is now Live!Feb 7, 2021 - Community AnnouncementsDevelopment Update Hey all - as you may already be aware, recently we published a Development Update, which ran through the general progress made on the Mobile Build to date, alongside giving a brief outline on the delays surrounding this. Nothing has changed in regards to Mobile being the next major update that SoS will receive - however, this current QoL update has been prioritised over the last week or so, in order to help the players who are struggling to find matches outside of peak hours. For continued updates surrounding SoS's Mobile Development, or to find more players to log on with, check out our Community Discord! Bots If the player count is running low (i.e: Average Queue times of 10-20s+), the SoS backend will now spin up a Bot to match you against, in order to ensure you can continue progressing through the game regardless of low player activity. Additionally, with the gaurantee of being able to find a game once a player logs on (regardless of time of day, and without exceptional queues or needing to ask people on Discord to join), we hope that players will now stick around longer in general; allowing for real players to more easily find eachother, which in result then will spin down the bots to prioritise human vs. human encounters. The bots themselves make it known that you're playing against an AI (and we're using that term loosely) Opponent, and immediately tell you their split/steal odds (generated newly on each encounter). Reflecting on the human vs. human counterpart, the chances of a bot splitting are slightly decreased in High Stakes. Note that all values (such as split rate, speed of encounter rate etc) may be subject to balance adjustments if needed. QoL Improvements In order to speed up the Queue flow, decision unlock timers have been greatly reduced (approx. 3 Seconds for Low Stakes, 6 Seconds for High Stakes) "Wirecut" timer reduced to 15s in Low Stakes after one player locks in. "Wirecut" timer introduced at 30s in High Stakes after one player locks in. Approved Live Streamers can now be given shout-outs on the in-game home screen. If you're interested in streaming and getting an in-game link for viewers to find you, contact the mods on our Community Discord! Old Pogchamp emoji replaced Emojis now appear larger in all text chats, alongside emoji support being extended to Global Chat. Note: with the reduction in traffic to our WebGL Builds, the above QoL Improvements list will only be available to Steam Users as of now. WebGL Users will still be able to match against Bots as normal. With this QoL update, attention will now be focused back on the Mobile build. Myself, and the extended mod team are as always, available to field any questions or feedback on Discord. Until then, keep on keeping safe, and keep racking up those coins!Split or Steal 1.8.2 is now Live!Aug 14, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsIn-Game Policy Updates Before we kick off with Content news, we're going to take a quick segue into clarifying recent updates made to our Moderation routines. The Moderators always investigate on, and action instances of players breaking our Community Code of Conduct. However, in listening to the community, we've accepted that in some cases, punishment towards repeat offenders has at times been far too lenient. The vast majority of players who have been actioned by the Moderator team to date have not required any follow-up warnings; we've always maintained that simply by speaking with players, and re-highlighting our Code of Conduct is often all that's needed for resolving problems. In some cases, this may happen more than once - and as Moderators, we always moved forward with the mindset of more permanent actions being issued as a last resort. While we're still keeping firmly to the idea that permanent actions such as bans should remain a last resort, we similarly needed to clarify what truly justified a "last resort"; with some players managing to rack up warnings on rule-break actions into the dozens, while still not being actioned; leading to the players being affected by an individual's actions feeling frustrated by a seeming lack of intervention on the Moderator's parts. Starting around two weeks ago, the Moderators began consciously acting in a more proactive manner towards toxicity/abuse reports, and began applying harsher penalties towards players in cases which involved repeated instances of rule-breaking behaviour. Along with this, Moderation tooling has been improved in order to allow for better Mod Visibility while in-game. As a note, we recognise that implementing these new policies resulted in a small minority of users creating alt accounts to ban-evade, along with posting hateful/abusive content in-game towards other players. We apologise for any players who were affected during this time, and can offer our assurances that the Moderators have subsequently actioned any accounts involved in this practice. Following this, in taking steps to improve overall Moderator Visibility, Active In-Game Mods will now be identifiable via a unique player skin, and with a green (M) tag in Global Chat. Further to this, Moderators will be excluded from participation within any player-run ORGs, and will instead be listed as a member of a Moderator-only ORG. Running an F2P All-Ages Game is difficult from a Moderation Standpoint, especially one which places such a heavy emphasis on player interaction. While previously we allowed for blurred lines in "acting as a mod" and "acting as a player", we're now taking the action of drawing firmer lines on these boundaries, and ensuring the role as a Moderator remains more visible, and more effective in helping the Community to remain healthy, and welcoming towards the expanded playerbase. On to the Main Event.. The Pre-Mobile Patch! Following months of this being by large and far the most popular requested feat...Split or Steal 1.8.1 is now Live!Jul 4, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsAn Ode to Kongregate This patch unfortunately opens with some sad news - Kongregate have announced that they are no longer accepting new submissions to their Web Portal, and have noted that they will begin to turn off several of their social features later on this month. Kongregate served as an amazing portal for small indie developers/studios to start getting their names out on one of the most accessible portals on the planet, alongside playing home to an amazing community whose vocal contributions towards SoS helped shape the game into becoming a lot more than a two-button simulator; leading us to our eventual launch on Kartridge & Steam, and attracting over 175,000 players in the process. SoS will continue to receive updates on Kongregate for as long as time allows - but in the interest of ensuring the safety of your account progress in a worst-case scenario, we'd strongly recommend all Kongregate Players begin the process of linking their account to Steam. This option can be found under the "Download" option in the upper-right topbar on the main menu. Kongregate, you will most certainly be sorely missed by players and developers alike - thanks for the many years of entertainment you brought to us all. To anyone missing the smaller-scale browser-based chats on Kongregate, we've set up a private room on our Discord for old WebGL Veterans - simply fire off a mod support ticket with your Kongregate username, and we'll get you added on there. New Platforms & WebGL Parity SoS was originally developed for WebGL - and we'll continue to maintain full support for it. Today marks our launch on the ArmorGames platform, opening up SoS to a whole new group of players! Along with this, further improvements and optimizations to the WebGL Build of SoS has continued to bring us closer and closer to Desktop Parity - with 1.8.1's WebGL Build now containing full-resolution lighting textures, alongside defaulting to 60fps mode on launch! New/Revamped Events Events have been revamped following the feedback received from the Anonymous Hours cycle. We've now got 3 short recurring events scheduled to happen every week, not including the standard Bonus Coins weekends. Anonymous Hour Yes, Hour - not Hours. Anonymous Hour will run from 7pm - 8pm each Tuesday, and will retain the standard rulesets (all games are anonymous, global chat is disabled); but alongside the shorter run-time, it also now comes with a 200% Coin Bonus, adding a little more reward to the risk! Rush Hour Next up, Rush Hour runs from 7pm - 8pm each Wednesday, which allows you to advance 2 tiers for every win outside of High Stakes; letting you get to those fancy high roller numbers faster than ever! Splittee Committee To even out the trauma caused by the steal-spree that is Anonymous Hour, the Splittee Committee event will run from 7pm - 8pm each Thursday, and doubles all split pots for it's duration! Double Coin Weekends Back by popular demand - the Birthday Patch Double Coins Weekend is making a more...Split or Steal 1.8 is Live!May 31, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsBefore we kick off - I'd like to thank everyone for the patience through the 1.7 -> 1.8 update cycles, with many of these patches being focused on QoL changes, alongside the implementation & tuning of a Matchmaking system which we found that ultimately, had to be removed in it's current form as it simply did not benefit the game in the long-term. While it can often be frustrating as players to see development time result in a feature that returns to the suggestion pile, the learnings that can be taken from this on both a design, and mechanics perspective certainly doesn't go to waste; particularly, in providing stark and blunt truths on what should be the focus on increasing overall fun in current & future updates, and in what should be avoided for major development focuses. With that, it's on with the show - Welcome to Split or Steal 1.8! For those of you returning for the first time since 1.7 dropped, a condensed tl,dr; update history across 1.7 -> 1.8 has been included at the bottom of this post, alongside a list of features which didn't quite make the cut for 1.8, but are planned for inclusion in a future mini-update. Massive performance improvements SoS 1.8 has been massively overhauled in order to improve overall game performance at all levels. On high settings, you should now see a reduction of around 20-30% in memory, and CPU/GPU usage. On low, or WebGL settings, these performance gains translate closer to running the game while using around 60% less resources. With this being a major rewrite of how the game handles resource loading & usage, note that some minor hiccups are to be expected - but do please drop a note on our Discord if you run into any problems! Outside of improving overall performance, this has allowed allowed for graphics improvements for WebGL/Browser players (inclusive of allowing for an optional 60FPS mode), Standalone Clients running on Low/Standard settings. Standalone Pets Possibly the longest-requested feature since SoS launched v1.2 back in mid-2019; Pets are now available as Standalone Cosmetics. Coupled with this, the amount of available pets has increased from 6, up to 21! Similar to character models and lighting, pets additionally contribute towards your Daily Artifact Bonus. Note that with this being a brand new Cosmetic item type, you can safely predict that the amount of available items in this category will rise sharply in future updates. Pets become unlockable once you have opened 10 Artifacts. If you already owned the cosmetics which came with pets previously, you'll be awarded the value of these skins in coins upon logging in - which will allow you to pick them straight back up from the new store. Twitch Integration Twitch can be thanked for the initial burst of players that arrived in with the Steam Release - and, given the social nature of SoS, it's definitely a platform that suits the community well. This release marks the first iteration of Twitch Integration into SoS, which will allow streamers to ...Split or Steal : Matchmaking Updates, Philippines & Brazil CosmeticsMay 9, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsHey all, A small update has gone live which adds two new Cosmetics, along with some minor Matchmaking Updates. Matchmaking Updates The Matchmaking System has been updated to more heavily weight your recent play as opposed to your overall play, alongside allowing for far more overlap between players. Coupled with a bugfix pushed where some players were not being matched correctly, this should hopefully see a noticeable decrease in overall queue times. Cosmetic Updates With the sudden influx of players joining us from Brazil, and The Philippines (making up over 15% of our active users at times!), Cosmetic Lighting has been added for both these Countries. It's been noted that the older cosmetics are not up to the same quality as the more recently created ones - which is something that most, including myself would be in agreement with. These cosmetics are being lined up for a refresh, which we'll hopefully see reflected in-game soon. ---- That's all for this week folks - keep on keeping safe, more updates coming soon! ❤️Split or Steal : Balance & Hotfix PatchMay 5, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsHey all, A small balance & hotfix update has gone out tonight which addresses Matchmaking, Pet Chatter bugs, and Cosmetic Balancing. Matchmaking Updates Some small adjustments have been made Matchmaking over the past 2 days, which have served to better ensure that queue times remain low. Note the slower queue times were exacerbated today due to an error which caused our Steam Storefront to temporarily go into an un-published state. Matchmaking is now more varied, and allows for faster flips between queue priorities; better serving it's primary purpose as an anti-abuse tool, rather than having the unintended effect of fully isolating players into small groups. This system will continue to be adjusted as time goes on, with a view to ensure it promotes a healthier game environment, while still encouraging unique match-ups between players. Cosmetic Balancing Most of the current In-Game Cosmetics were balanced around far lower tier rewards, far lower Artifact reward rates, and far lower HQ bonuses. This resulted in new players winning their first t10, and unlocking almost a quarter of the lighting and model options immediately. As a side-effect then, everything outside of the top 5-10% of cosmetics were completely ignored and waysided, very rarely being seen in the game (outside of the Default Dan HS builds). A full rebalance has been done across all Cosmetics, placing them at a higher value. To balance the Artifact Gain Rate from this, the arts earned per coin invested has been slightly decreased. However, due to the general coin increases, players who have unlocked all (non-gold) Cosmetics will see around a 25% gain in their daily Artifact returns. Pet chatter hotfix The latest patch (hilariously) started making players refer to themselves in the third person when their pets spoke. This has now been fixed up on the latest patch. ---- Thanks to everyone who has provided their feedback on the Matchmaking systems, and the content rolled out across the 1.7 Patch Cycle. More updates coming soon - In the meantime, Join us on our Discord, keep hitting that Vault, and keep yourselves safe! ❤️Split or Steal 1.7.3 is Live!May 3, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsSplit or Steal 1.7.3 is now Live! Priority Queue & Better Matchmaking As spoken about at-length in the Dev Log on combating In-Game Toxicity, new measures have been put in place in order to try and stop the causes of toxic behaviour, rather than just fighting against the symptoms of it. This new matchmaking format was originally rolled out in a very barebones format, and only affected new players since the 1.7.2 patch cycle. Overall, the system worked as intended - and has greatly improved the overall experience of the game for newcomers; making for a healthier in-game environment, and increasing overall retention of new players. The primary focus of the work invested into the 1.7.3 patch was towards improving this system, using the observations gleamed from games played both by new users, and from better examining the general game history from our existing users. As of tonight, this new matchmaking system will be being rolled out across the general playerbase. As with all major changes to existing core features, this rollout will be continually monitored; with updates made, and communicated on our Discord where necessary. ORGs - Officer Roles & Transfers One of the Longest requested features that has hit SoS since back in the WebGL days; ORGs now allow for additional Officer Roles, alongside allowing for full transfers of ownership. ORG Owners can now assign users with the rights to manage applicants (accepting, or rejecting player applications to their ORG), alongside rights allowing a user to kick existing members from their ORG. And no, don't worry - someone you hand kick rights to cannot kick you as the Owner. Alongside this, if life as a CEO is getting stale, you can now fully transfer an ORG's Ownership into newly elected hands. Chat Improvements & Emoji Brace yourselves. The chat input field finally gets put into focus automatically when you start a new round!! Along with this feat of technological advancement, you can now also more clearly see your own chat (via colour-coded names, inclusive of High Stakes/Anonymous rounds) - and, to top it all off, player animations now work as expected in High Stakes/Anonymous rounds. Emoji & Chat Actions One of the more pleasant surprises from an earlier patch came about from the inclusion of simple /roll, and /flip commands. Given that SoS is a game primarily based around social interactions, this shouldn't have come as such a surprise - but one place where we fell down, was in not communicating these well enough to new players. As a result, these features see a lot of use with players who were around for the patch where they launched - and barely any use among new players. So, alongside being added as clickable buttons on the Chat UI, we're welcoming /card to the fray (draw a card from a standard deck of 52), alongside a small selection of in-vault animated emoji which can be triggered once per round. I'll be hoping to expand more on the general chat systems (inclusive of ORG Chat) in some upcoming ...Happy Birthday Split or Steal! :: 1.7.2 Patch NotesApr 8, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsOne year ago today, Split or Steal launched on Kongregate after a short 10 weeks of development, as something that was nothing more than a small side-project distraction with the hopes of maybe finding a couple of dozen people willing to try it out. Since then, amid 7 Major Updates across 3 Platform launches, over 4 million rounds of Split or Steal have been played, and a total of 20 Trillion Coins have been won and lost. Thank you to everyone who's joined us over the past year - and an additional thank you to everyone who has helped SoS become self-sustaining both through Patreon, and by supporting the game through in-app purchases. It's been absolutely humbling to see something go from an expensive side-project, to supporting itself and hosting thousands of daily games. A huge thanks to you all - and with that, here comes the 1.7.2 Birthday Mini-Patch notes! Coin Boost Events The first event is already live - with every game played between now, and midnight on the 12th offering double coins! (Yes, that's quadruple coins if you've already got the doubler!) Following this, every weekend will offer a +25% coin boost for all games played. The event list will be expanded as time goes on to include more mechanical/gameplay-focused events - more info on those coming soon. Daily Rewards For everyone who's stuck with SoS and logged those daily minutes and hours - you'll now be introduced to your Daily Rewards after playing 10 games. Coins are on offer for the first 10 games you play within a day - with Artifacts then being awarded for your 40th game in a single day. These rewards scale up with consecutive days played - adding +20% to the rewards for your first 5 days, and +2% to all rewards for each day following this (maxing at 300%). The rewards are currently targeted towards providing the value of one Coin Infusion, and one Artifact Grant every month (at a 5-day bonus value). New Cosmetics A small collection of new lights have been added to the cosmetics store. I'll be hoping to expand further on the lighting cosmetics over the next while - if you've any ideas on what you'd like to see on there (or if you've any cool vector art you'd like to see in-game!), then be sure to let us know on our Discord! Art Grant Buffs Art Grants weren't feeling great for players that were far along in progression - these have been buffed to more heavily reward you based on the total amount of Artifacts you've opened to date. These buffs are additionally reflected in the new Daily Artifact Rewards! 1.7.3 And Beyond With the positive response to the smaller/more-frequent updates, I'm hoping we can get a small few more of these out before moving on to the longer development times needed for the next major update. I'm hoping the Public API can be included within the mini-updates cycle before hitting the 1.8 Development period - more news on this coming soon. ---- Remember to keep yourselves safe, and join us on our Discord if you're looking for any new self-isolation banker...Split or Steal 1.7.1 is Live!Mar 28, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsUpdate 1.7.1 is now Live for Split or Steal! HQ - Artifact Discount bonuses All HQ Buildings now have an "Art Discount" bonus available, which will lower the maximum amount of coins you pay for Artifacts. These discounts upgrade along with your HQ Building While every building contains an Art Discount bonus, the largest discounts are reserved for Active Play buildings with lower Idle Coin generation bonuses. The maximum collective discount for artifacts is currently set at C25 Million, effectively lowering the Price Per Artifact to a minimum of C35 Million - or, around 58% of the current costs. Karma - Artifact Discount bonuses As a minor incentive for high-climbers on the Karma ranks, a small additional Artifact Discount bonus is now available based on your current Karma levels. For the first 1 Million Karma you earn, you will be awarded with a discount of up to 5% off the Maximum Artifact Cost, on a linear scale. As an example; with 250,000 Karma, you would be entitled to 25% of the 1 Million reward, which would give you a 1.25% discount. Following the first 1 Million Karma, each additional Million Karma earned will net you an additional (scaled) 1.5% discount on Maximum Artifact Pricing. Note that this value will be kept intentionally small - and is intended as a small bonus for karma-climbers, rather than allowing it to climb to a level which would disincentivize stealing to any major level. Additionally, the Karma Discount cannot lower the price beyond the current minimum of C35 Million per Artifact. Immediate HQ Updates While rewards from your HQ will still be distributed hourly, your ORG Contributions & Personal bonuses will now be updated immediately after constructing, demolishing, or upgrading any buildings. Minor HQ Balance changes The Don Loanshark building has been slightly buffed in Steal %, in order to compensate for its lower Art Discount bonus, owed to its high Idle Coin bonus. Patron Updates As a thanks to all of you who are helping to pay the server costs via Patreon, the Hotdog Tier now awards a Coin Infusion every month, while the Fatcat Tier now awards a Double Artifact Grant every month! QoL - Kongregate Updates In order to prevent against small balance patches taking 3-4hrs to reflect new HQ values correctly on the Kongregate/WebGL version of SoS, the client has been patched to pull down and store HQ Bonus values during play, rather than requiring these to be shipped with updates. This should effectively ensure that we no longer have temporary parity problems between Web and Steam/Kartridge clients for minor update & balance patches. ---- If you haven't yet, check out How Split or Steal 1.7 was Designed and Built, and join us on our Discord to find more players, ORGs, two-button-meta arguments, battle-hardened WebGL Veterans, and more! More updates coming soon - hope you're all staying safe, and keeping yourselves sane while we're all taking some time away from the outside world.Split or Steal v1.7 Balance/Progression fixesMar 21, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsArtifact Pricing Artifacts have now been capped at 60mil/artifact. This value will increase in future as new systems (i.e: Prestige) are added to the game. Additionally, the increasing daily price curve on artifacts has been decreased, allowing for early-game players to pick up their first artifacts much faster. Buy All Artifacts In an effort to save everyone from carpal tunnel syndrome, a button has been added for purchasing the maximum amount of Artifacts at once. Building Rebalances All HQ buildings have had their Split/Steal bonuses greatly increased (50-100%). Building Upgrade Buffs Individual building buffs have been increased to scale from lv1-15, before maintaining an increased linear bonus rate of +25% per upgrade level (as opposed to a flat 10% per level). Additionally, Buildings beyond level 7 have been set to scale with +5% ORG bonuses per level, rather than +2%.Split or Steal 1.7 is Live!Mar 20, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsUpdate 1.7 is now Live for Split or Steal! Please note: this is a Major Update which requires you to update your Game Client. You will experience buggy/unexpected behaviour if connecting with an outdated client. Before we get into the Patch Notes - I hope you're all keeping safe out there. With many of us currently experiencing the realities of self-isolation and quarantine (myself included), I'm hoping tonight's update gives you all something new to enjoy through these times. ---- Infinite HQ Upgrades Previously, owed to older systems designed around less players, HQ buildings could only be upgraded once - at a one-time steep cost. Building upgrades have now been fully revamped, allowing for infinite scaling and upgrades - and restructured in cost to allow for players to start upgrading their buildings far faster. Note that all current Level 2 buildings are now equivalent to Level 7 buildings under the new upgrade structure. Your buildings will automatically upgrade to Level 7 once you log in. HQ Building Rebalance The original HQ system was heavily designed with low player counts in mind - massively favouring coin generation for long-term build strategies, at the behest of Split/Steal bonuses. As our player base grew with the Steam launch, and subsequent update patches, HQ's were in essence working against the game - with low split/steal bonuses and high idle coin bonuses, the incentive to play became less and less as you progressed through the ranks. As such, all HQ buildings have been redesigned to offer higher split/steal bonuses, alongside all buildings now offering at least 0.1% ORG split/steal stats. HQ Building Refunds Long-requested, finally here - you will now receive a 70% refund on your base building cost, alongside 70% of its total upgrade worth when demolishing a building. HQ Unique Bonuses Unique HQ Buildings now award an additional +25% bonus - finally giving us reason to have more than one building type stacked out across an entire HQ! Artifacts Rebalance Artifacts were originally designed with the idea of 25 Million Coins being an unspeakably high amount of cash - which was a flaw which again stemmed from a far smaller playerbase. After the Steam playerbase explosion, queue times remaining consistently under 5-10 seconds, and active ORGs working together to increase their bonuses, this 25 Million Coins suddenly became a very small sum for many mid and late-game players. Artifacts have now been rebalanced to scale with the individual player - and will increase in price for every one purchased per day. The price will then reset at midnight, every night. This new system allows for cheaper artifact purchases for early-game players, while greatly increasing towards the mid and late games; allowing for players at the later game stages to instead begin investing towards their HQ upgrades, rather than their late-game content being click-cycling on the buy/open artifact buttons. Lighting Prices Rebalance In a similar vein to our player ...Bugfix Patch (1.6.06) ReleasedMar 2, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsA bugfix build has been released which addresses a problem a small portion of players encountered, where they were unable to re-join a queue, or cash out for several hours across Feb 2nd. Additionally, a client-side fix has been deployed which addresses that annoying long decimal bug which had been showing up on the Defense stat on ORG searches. Thanks to everyone who's been reporting these bugs on our Discord! With the content & bugfix cycle on 1.6 now completed, development will now be shifting towards 1.7, with a focus turning back towards new content development. - RootUpdate 1.6 is Live!Feb 23, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsUpdate 1.6 is now Live for Split or Steal! Better automated play/cheat detection Split or Steal isn't fun if you feel like you're playing against, or attempting to talk to a robot. A new suite of mod tools have been developed for detecting, and actioning automated play since launch - and as noted by a sudden increase in "but my brother was playing"/"the mods are mean" negative reviews on our store page, we're confident that these tools are having their intended effects. As expected, fighting against automated play and protecting both our community, and in-game economy is a constant battle of whack-a-mole; and we're reliant on community reports to help us identify, and action these accounts. If ever you feel the need to report a suspected bot/automated account, you can both submit an in-game report, or contact our mod team directly on our Discord. Rankings! All players, and Organizations can now compete against eachother across four categories (Coins, Tier 10 Wins, Karma, and Artifacts Opened) in daily, and weekly rankings. Prizes! No competitive leaderboard would be complete, and ready for in-fighting without prizes; as such, there's now both Artifacts, and coin lump-sums available to win on both the Daily and Weekly rankings - for individual players, and for entire ORGs to grab! Active ORG Incentives Similar to playing against a robot, it's not much fun to play with nobody at all - or to see an inactive ORG propping up one sole person. ORG members will now only contribute their full HQ bonuses to their given ORG for 5 days without any in-game activity. This will decrease to a minimum of 10% of their overall bonuses after 14 days without in-game activity. ORG Panel Updates To assist in better managing ORGs, ORG Panels will now show if any member is offline for an extended period of time, alongside showing the current ORG member count. Prize Buffs Tier 4-7 have had their prizes buffed by an average of 15%. High Stakes now has a minimum prize value of C75k, up from the old C50k. High Stakes now has double the chance of landing on a C250k+ pot. Artifact Buffs Artifacts can now roll a maximum of +12% on all stats, up from the old maximum of +10%. New Karma Titles New Karma titles have been added for users at 1.5mil, 3mil, 4mil, 5mil, 6mil, and 10mil Karma rankings! Quality Settings A new Low Quality setting has been added to the graphics/presentation launcher window, in order to better assist with users who were having issues maintaining a consistent framerate within the game. Flip & Roll Arguably the most important addition to this update - you can now type /flip, or /roll in the chat pane to flip a coin, or roll a dice respectively. ---- This patch is the first part of a major revamp aimed towards giving players at deeper progression levels more to do; while also helping new players to better catch up to these levels in order to enjoy the new content that's planned moving forward. As a quick aside from this - as noted on our Discord, the price of a...Update 1.5.1 is Live!Feb 10, 2020 - Community AnnouncementsUpdate 1.5.1 is now Live for Split or Steal! These update notes include the 12 mini-patches which were deployed during the launch week. Sweeping Server Optimizations (Sorry to everyone who experienced issues during the launch week!) You now receive feedback on if your Opponent (or your new friend) is typing a message in-game (and vice-versa!) ORG Chat now sucks a whole lot less! Karma buffed - You can now only lose a maximum of 14% of your Karma for a Steal, with this dropping to a maximum of 3.5% for stealing against a known thief! Various global chat improvements (Anti-spam improvements, faster loading, and chat no longer bombards you with messages on initial login!) Scrollbars fixed. They scroll in the right direction now. ~MAGIC~ Fixed bug where accounts were sometimes created without a valid username. Fixed bug where a network disconnect could end a game for both parties. If you're enjoying Split or Steal, please consider joining us on our Discord to discuss the game and upcoming features with other new players, ORG Leaders, battle-hardened Veterans from the WebGL launch days, and the Dev! Stay tuned, and keep hitting the Vault - Leaderboards and Achievements are coming soon!