Relic Raiders
Network Rework BuildMay 15, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsHello Relic Raider players, After a long hiatus of development, we're back with a much needed fix for the state of the game. To explain what happened, Relic Raiders used a matchmaking system that allows players to queue up into a match. However, this system broke a few years ago, and we were too busy with other projects to come back and fix it. We're very sorry for the delay, but the game is now been reworked to allow for people to create custom lobbies instead, and add your friends via Steam! These changes also come with a change to pricing. The game is no longer free to play, instead offering a fixed value of 8.99 USD. Anyone that already has a copy, fear not, you will retain that copy. But moving forward we believe that this pricing model better suits the game features, being less globally focused and more about playing with your friends. We hope that you continue to enjoy our game with friends and we will continue to slowly add new features to the game as we can. Thanks, Relic Raiders Dev TeamVersion Update 0.2.4461Feb 20, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsHello Raiders! This small update has a few new things! - Decreased the amount of health the health item gives - Heath pickup no longer drops from crates, instead being replaced by the new healing hex - Minor efficiency updates Added two new hex items: - Bounce Hex: This item makes people bounce when landing on them! Use it to disrupt your opponents plans or get yourself higher! - Healing Hex: This item replenishes health for everyone on the existing hex! it will regenerate your health to full... But it will also heal enemies so be careful how you use it! We are working at releasing raider mode in the next few weeks so keep an eye out for them!Version Update 0.2.4452Feb 11, 2019 - Community AnnouncementsHello Raiders! It's been a while, we took off some time for the holidays and have been hard at work creating all new content for the game. As such, January had very little new content released. However, we have been ever present playing our dev nights, and now we have some new content to show! Also, starting Wednesday there will be an update removing the holiday items from the store! So if you wanted to get them today's your last day before you have to wait until next year to get them! Bug Fixes: - Fixed an issue where the movement item stacks and creates ridiculous speeds. While fun, it wasn't intended - Fixed an interaction where Aria could shoot while charging her special - Fixed an issue where the wrong animation would play on Chuck New Features: - Added a tutorial for new players to learn the controls prior to playing the game properly! - Pre-loaded some content for the next content push (later this week or early next week), which will feature a major addition to the game! As always, the dev team is hard at work creating new content for the game, hope to see you all in there!Version Update 0.2.4418Dec 18, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsHappy Holidays! We have a short version update, adding new holiday shaders and a very merry chuck skin! Check them out by going to the store, if you have the founders pack, you should see them in your customization screen! Cheers, RR Dev TeamVersion Update 0.2.4402Dec 11, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsHi everyone! A decent update today! We're still hard at work adding new features to the game. Here are the changes for today: - Added rebinding for keyboard and mouse. We have heard that some people have trouble playing with non qwerty keyboards, so hopefully this will help you to be able to play! - The pause menu has been changed to reflect the rebind changes - Fighter info is now available in the lobby. Press Y or E to switch between their stats and their special abilities list. - Bot support has now been expanded to include all available raiders! Fight against a wider array of fighters. - Bots now also use a larger array of abilities! Increase the challenge! - Bots pathing has also been changed to increase their effectiveness Known issues: - The label for switching between stats is reversed for keyboard and mouse and gamepad support. If you are enjoying our game, please remember to leave us a review! Your support really helps us to keep developing new features and make the game better!Version Update 0.2.4380Dec 5, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsHi Raiders! So soon! Another update, this one has new stuff! Check it out: Notes: Added two new relics to use: - Hex Platform: In a pinch and falling? Can't get enough height? Create an instant platform for you to stand on so you can get a foothold on the competition! - Hex Clouds: Don't let your competition see you! Hide the entire hex, to either keep from being found out, or prevent your opponents from seeing your approach! Global Leaderboards: - Our global leaderboards have been added. This one ranks your progress as a result of every game, and who you killed. You'll get more rank for killing players with a higher rating than you, as well as how well you place, and how much damage you do! Make sure you are your best self! Do your best Bug fixes: - Some minor changes to the store to prevent players from selecting new characters while in areas that dont need to change characters - fixed an issue where the kill feed would only show 15 instead of 50 players - fixed an issue where aria's standing special attack was oversized for its hitbox compared to its visual size (resized both to be smaller). More coming soon! Be excited!Version Update 0.2.4375Dec 4, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsHello Raiders! We have another update yet again. As usual, we are playing every night at 10pm, and are on discord. If you want to leave feedback about game or get info on what's coming next, remember to come visit us! This week we have a big balance patch for the fighters! Notes: - Lock on ranged damage has been decreased from 35 to 30 damage - Stingray melee damage has been increased. Her combo now does more damage - Chuck's dash attack consumes more stamina now - Chuck's moving and jumping specials have had increases to their hitbox sizing - Stamina items now restore stamina to full and provide several seconds of infinite stamina usage - Bots now fill the empty slots up to 16 players. There are significant changes to how bots interact with players as a result - Added the top 50 in the leaderboards, you can scroll with your mouse. Scrolling with gamepad will be implemented soon. Bug Fixes: - Fixed an issue where hex's occasional would not be rotated correctly - Fixed the wild and wacky cloth simulation on DX's skin - Added significant stability to server connections. If you previously had issues connecting to games, those issues should be resolved Known Issues: - Occasionally DX cannot jump on the last part of reloading to full - The kills leaderboard only shows the top 15 instead of 50 players - There are some UI issues with the store which will be resolved soon - Sometimes when using a hex it will not trigger if an object blocks the line of sight. This update is ahead of another content push tomorrow, where we will be adding some new aspects to the game! get your practice in for tomorrow! -Relic Raider Dev TeamVersion Update 0.2.4359Nov 26, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsHi Everyone, We've been doing a bunch of micro-updates to fix stability issues, but this update has some significant changes: - added new Leaderboards: now top 4 and winning finishes are being recorded and listed. Get to the top of the list! We're also working on a global ranking system which will be slowly implementing over the next week! - Spawning platforms: now when your player spawns into the map, you have 5 seconds to get your bearings before you fall to the map. This is primarily to help new players figure things out before being thrust into the action, and give veterans more tactical choices before they land. - Various UI fixes - Fixed a bug where unlock codes would not work if used in a specific way - Fixed a bug where Serge would be able to melee and move while in his seige mode - Various back-end fixes Remember that every night the dev's are playing at 10pm EST! If you have an issue, be sure to find us there and we will do whatever we can to fix them!Version Update 0.2.4319Nov 13, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsHi everyone, another quick update here. The following have been implemented: - Fixed an issue where hexes would not spawn in the map (sometimes where players would spawn in) - Fixed an issue where players items would not spawn where they die reliably - Added various UI improvementsVersion Update 0.2.4307Nov 9, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsMore Updates! The following changes to the game have been made: - Fixed an issue where clients would randomly disconnect on joining a match - Balance update to Chuck, increased the range of his dashing attack, and added a damage reduction on his battle cry (standing special). - Fixed an issue with Serge where he would not be able to hold down the ranged attack button after reloading to fire bullets. - Fixed an issue where Serge would not use animations when jumping and meleeing after his jumping special - Added minor updates to the store UI - Bots now show damage and being hit - Fixed an issue where bots would break after being thrown - Bots now are calculated in the standings when a player dies - Temp fixed an issue where coins were being assigned incorrectly. A larger re-balance of coin distribution will be done next week.Version Update 0.2.4302Nov 8, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsHi Everyone! We've been hard at work fixing bugs and enhancing the player experience as much as we can. Here are a list of the major changes we've made to the game: - Bots are now implemented! In a game of less than 6 people, bots will now be added to fill empty spots - Fixed an issue where players would queue into another game if their game finished in less than 1 minute. - Fixed an issue where Aria's New Vegas skin would crash the client - Fixed an issue where the lobby countdown would stop under certain conditions - Fixed an issue where players would clip through between hexes - Fixed an issue where players would not drop their items on death - Several improvements to server stability - Updates to the store page (this is a work in progress)! - Fixed an issue where using a hex effect relic over a relic container would result in no effect - Players now are only able to select the raiders they have unlocked - Decreased sensitivity between dropping and item and using it - Minor balance changes to Chuck and DX-2088 Here are some known issues (or things we intend to add soon): - There is the chance to have both lobby and customization screens when toggling the character selection screen and cancelling too quickly - When purchasing the Founders Pack, any unlocked content from codes appear to be unavailable. restarting the game will fix this in the interm - Rarely, when using the controller, the game loses focus and you cannot select menu items using the controller. Going into raider customization and back to the menu fixes this issue. - Rarely, players cannot appear to select raiders they have unlocked. This will be resolved soon.Version Update 0.2.4264Oct 31, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsHi everyone, we've released version 0.2.4264 as an emergency update to address the matchmaking issues. Expect a bigger more expansive update this weekend. The following issues have been resolved: - Matchmaking works in a more clear way and provides more information. Players will auto load into a game if more than 1 raider is available to play. If 2 or more players are available to play after 60 seconds (or before) a match will begin. Players can still join in while the match is in the lobby as well. If no players are available, the client will re-queue automatically until other players are found. - Fixed an issue where a hole would show a hex in the place, creating a deathtrap for players if they did not react fast enough - Fixed an issue where the store would not show correct information - Minor fixes to UI The following are known issues: - Players occasionally will drop from match after updating for the first time. Restarting the client seems to help fix this issue. - Using a controller sometimes allows players to choose Raiders they do not have access to. This will be fixed in an upcoming patch. EGLX and Post Launch AnnouncementOct 29, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsHi everyone, Thanks to all of you we met at EGLX showing off our game! it was an intense weekend with many people showing up and also going onto the Main Stage at EGLX on Sunday to show the game off on their stream. We're humbled by the positive response we got from you all, and we are fired up to continue to give you the quality of content that got you all excited in our game in the first place. However, we also wanted to apologize to the many steam users here who downloaded the game and had trouble connecting to games all weekend while we were at the launch. While we put in a patch on Friday night to try to alleviate some of the issues, we are aware of the continued problems people have connecting to and playing games and are very focused right now on fixing those issues. In the meantime, we have lowered the amount of people needed to start a game to 2 so you can at least play if there is one other person looking. Expect an emergency update tonight or tomorrow to help fix some of the issues regarding matchmaking, and another update soon for bot support! And thank you all for your patience as we work to deliver a game worthy of your attention. Regards, Relic Raiders Dev TeamEarly Access Release!Oct 26, 2018 - Community AnnouncementsWe are very happy and excited to announce that our game has finally been released for early access! Our game, the product of 2 years of hard work and love. We have done as much as we can to provide as polished and seamless process as we can for the game so that you can enjoy it to its fullest extent. That being said, this is an early access game, and what would an early access game be without bugs! We're not finished yet and we will be updating frequently to improve the game further to give you the best experience possible. As we ramp up, please be aware that matchmaking will be a bit patchy as we start to get players and that may result in longer than expected queue times. Games will start when 6 players or more join into 1 queue for the time being so you can experience the game! Partying with friends will also ensure that you are all in the same game together, although you will not be teammates. For now its every person for them-self! Please enjoy the game and let us know what you think! Known Issues: - If you are updating from the stress test, you may find that your build disconnects upon joining the map. If this happens you should reinstall your game! This is a known issue with the Steam updating service, at this time reinstalling will solve it, we are working hard to find a better solution! - Rarely, dashing moves slowly when it should be moving quickly - Rarely, a hex will appear to be missing, but when going over it, it reveals itself but you can pass through it like a ghost. This is not a Halloween trick, Its a bug.
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