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Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon

Покупай ты игру у меня, покупай: Обзор антологии «Секретный уровень» от AmazonDec 18, 2024 - Gamemag.ruПроспонсированная Netflix антология «Любовь, смерть и роботы» (Love, Death & Robots) оказалась большим подарком как для зрителей, так и для аниматоров. На суд зрителей предлагались разноформатные короткометражки, выполненные в самых разных стилях. Что-то запоминалось, что-то было откровенно неудачным, однако нечто особенное для себя мог найти каждый. FromSoftwarе работает над несколькими новыми проектами — ELDEN RING 2 среди них нетDec 3, 2024 - Gamemag.ruГенеральный директор FromSoftware Хидэтака Миядзаки рассказал, что сейчас его студия работает сразу над несколькими новыми проектами в разных жанрах — она не хочет ограничивать себя только хардкорными ролевыми экшенами. Update release notice 1.07.2Oct 29, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsARMORED CORE™ VI FIRES OF RUBICON™ update 1.07.2 is now available. A new regulation patch (1.07.2) has been released to adjust game balance. Please apply the latest regulation update before playing the game. MAJOR ITEMS INCLUDED IN THE LATEST REGULATION PATCH Balance Adjustments 【Weapon Units】 HANDGUN “HG-004 DUCKETT” ・Decreased Attack Power; increased Recoil / Reload Time CORAL RIFLE “IB-C03W1: WLT 011” ・Increased Impact / Accumulative Impact MISSILE LAUNCHER “BML-G2/P03MLT-06” ・Decreased Weight DETONATING MISSILE LAUNCHER “45-091 JVLN BETA” ・Increased Reload Time PLASMA MISSILE LAUNCHER “Vvc-706PM” ・Decreased Weight 【Inner Parts】 BOOSTER “BST-G2/P04” ・Increased Upward Thrust BOOSTER “BUERZEL/21D” ・Increased Upward Thrust BOOSTER “BC-0600 12345” ・Increased Upward Thrust BOOSTER “IA-C01B: GILLS” ・Increased Upward Thrust GENERATOR “AG-T-005 HOKUSHI” ・Increased Post-Recovery EN Supply GENERATOR “VP-20D” ・Increased Supply Recovery Once the regulation patch has been applied, the version number at the lower right of the title screen will show as follows: App Ver. 71 Regulation Ver. 1.07.2 This update/regulation patch is required for online play. We hope you continue to enjoy ARMORED CORE™ VI FIRES OF RUBICON™. Beloved mech game Armored Core 6 just hit its lowest-ever priceOct 18, 2024 - PCGamesNArmored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon was one of the PC gaming highlights of 2023. Coming a full decade after the last game in the series, it's clear that developer FromSoftware had plenty of time to hone its abilities, as it improves upon its predecessors in almost every conceivable way. If you were waiting for it to go on sale before jumping in, the time has finally come, as it's now 40% off from Humble. Read the rest of the story... RELATED LINKS: Modder adds co-op and invasions to Armored Core 6 Get The Game Awards' best action game for an amazing 30% off Armored Core 6 co-op is coming thanks to legendary Elden Ring modder Regulation Update Note 1.07.1Oct 3, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsARMORED CORE™ VI FIRES OF RUBICON™ update 1.07.1 is now available. A new regulation patch (1.07.1) has been released to apply bug fixes. Please apply the latest regulation update before playing the game. MAJOR ITEMS INCLUDED IN THE LATEST REGULATION PATCH AND UPDATE Bug Fixes 【Player AC related fixes】 Fixed an issue with the following “BACK UNITS” where the time between reloading and engaging missile lock differed from performance displayed under parts specs: SPLIT MISSILE LAUNCHER “BML-G2/P16SPL-08” DUAL MISSILE LAUNCHER “BML-G1/P31DUO-02” DUAL MISSILE LAUNCHER “BML-G1/P32DUO-03” DUAL MISSILE LAUNCHER “BML-G2/P08DUO-03” ACTIVE HOMING MISSILE LAUNCHER “BML-G3/P04ACT-01” Fixed an issue with LASER BLADE “Vvc-770LB” where enemies would not react to hits from non-charged shots immediately after being staggered. 【PC version fixes】 Fixed an issue with online matches which, after failing to join a session, made joining subsequent sessions more difficult. Once the regulation patch has been applied, the version number at the lower right of the title screen will show as follows: App Ver. 71 Regulation Ver. 1.07.1 This update/regulation patch is required for online play. We hope you continue to enjoy ARMORED CORE™ VI FIRES OF RUBICON™. Официально: Продажи Armored Core VI: Fires of the Rubicon превысили 3 млн копийJul 25, 2024 - Gamemag.ruСтудия FromSoftware объявила о том, что тираж Armored Core VI: Fires of the Rubicon преодолел отметку в три миллиона копий. На это игре понадобилось меньше года (ее релиз состоялся 24 августа 2023 года). При этом в октябре 2023 года публиковалась неофициальная информация о том, что продажи составляют 2,8 миллиона. Слух: FromSoftware приступила к разработке Armored Core 7Jul 11, 2024 - Gamemag.ruВ сети предполагают, что FromSoftware уже могла приступить к разработке Armored Core 7. Игроки заметили, что студия начала искать специалистов по моделированию и текстурированию персонажей, в том числе роботов . Последними славится именно серия Armored Core, последняя на данный момент часть которой, Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon, поступила в продажу 24 августа 2023 года. Modder adds co-op and invasions to Armored Core 6Apr 1, 2024 - PCGamesNA modder who previously enabled seamless co-op play in Elden Ring has now added co-op to Armored Core 6. The mod allows up to six players to team up to play through the campaign, but beware: while the nasty bosses might be easier to handle, you'll also be open to invasions. Read the rest of the story... RELATED LINKS: Get The Game Awards' best action game for an amazing 30% off Armored Core 6 co-op is coming thanks to legendary Elden Ring modder All Armored Core 6 bosses and how to beat them Глава FromSoftware Хидэтака Миядзаки хочет продолжить серию Armored CoreMar 14, 2024 - Gamemag.ruГлава FromSoftware Хидэтака Миядзаки надеется продолжить Armored Core в будущем. Он считает, что прошлогодняя Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon удалась, но серии есть куда расти. Такими мыслями разработчик поделился в интервью изданию IGN Japan. Ranked Match Season Update NoticeFeb 27, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsThank you for playing ARMORED CORE™ VI FIRES OF RUBICON™. Server maintenance will be carried out on the following date due to the Ranked Match Season Update taking place: Thursday 29th February, 2024, 08:00 ~ 09:00 UTC Note: - The next update is scheduled for Friday 17th May, 2024. - There will be no game updates or regulation patches for the Ranked Match Season Update. Ranked Match Season Update The following updates and resets for Ranked Match will be carried out periodically: Rank Reset At the end of the season update, player rank will change according to rank status. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43315388/3a7f92453719c88fda587d05a4edcaa1d98c45c8.png ※Any ongoing Promotion Phases will end at the end of the season. Leaderboard Reset Ranked Match leaderboards for single match and team match will be reset. Name Plate Rewards Players listed on the leaderboards at the end of the season will receive Name Plates according to their placement. Name Plates will be awarded for 1st place, top 2-10, and top 11-100. We hope you continue to enjoy ARMORED CORE™ VI FIRES OF RUBICON™. Get The Game Awards' best action game for an amazing 30% offFeb 9, 2024 - PCGamesNFor the first time ever, Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon, is 30% off on Steam. By From Software, creators of Elden Ring and the Dark Souls' series, this award-winning mech action game is an absolute steal at this price. Read the rest of the story... RELATED LINKS: Armored Core 6 co-op is coming thanks to legendary Elden Ring modder All Armored Core 6 bosses and how to beat them All Armored Core 6 characters ARMORED CORE™ VI FIRES OF RUBICON™ is on sale!Feb 9, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsARMORED CORE™ VI FIRES OF RUBICON™ is 30% off until February 22nd, as part of Steam's Lunar New Year Sale! Dive into the Action Game of the Year and decide the fate of Rubicon today. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43315388/86e844e76922a46c47deadf8cd58e0220c7275fc.png {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43315388/6076efd9ae1e6e5d94227c8727d409a1e1d592e2.png Update Notes 1.06.1Feb 8, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsARMORED CORE™ VI FIRES OF RUBICON™ update 1.06.1 is now available. A new regulation patch (1.06.1) has been distributed to apply bug fixes. Please apply the latest patch before playing the game. MAJOR ITEMS INCLUDED IN THE LATEST UPDATE Bug Fixes STUN BOMB LAUNCHER “WS-1200 THERAPIST” : fixed projectile speed and attack power of regular attack, and attack power of charge attack to account for unintentionally high performance values resulting from adjustments made in the 1.06 update Once the update file has been applied, the version number of this update shown at the lower right corner of the Title Screen will be as follows: App Ver. 60 Regulation Ver. 1.06.1 * Online play requires the player to apply this update. We will continue to provide improvement updates in the future to allow players to further enjoy ARMORED CORE™ VI FIRES OF RUBICON™. Thank you all for your support. Patch Notes Version 1.06Feb 6, 2024 - Community AnnouncementsARMORED CORE™ VI FIRES OF RUBICON™ update 1.06 is now available. A new patch (1.06) has been distributed to adjust game balance and and apply bug fixes. Please apply the latest patch before playing the game. MAJOR ITEMS INCLUDED IN THE LATEST UPDATE Balance Adjustments Weapon Units STUN BATON “VP-67EB” : increased Attack Power / Chg. Attack Power LIGHT WAVE BLADE “IA-C01W2: MOONLIGHT” : Energy Firearm Spec. scaling now applies LINEAR RIFLE “LR-037 HARRIS” : increased Attack Power / Projectile Speed HEAVY MACHINE GUN “WR-0555 ATTACHE” : increased Direct Hit Adjustment / Projectile Speed BURST MACHINE GUN “MA-E-210 ETSUJIN” : increased Attack Power / Magazine Rounds / Total Rounds / Projectile Speed BURST HANDGUN “MA-E-211 SAMPU” : increased Magazine Rounds / Total Rounds / Projectile Speed NEEDLE GUN “EL-PW-00 VIENTO” : decreased Impact / Accumulative Impact, increased Reload Time DETONATING BAZOOKA “44-141 JVLN ALPHA” : increased Attack Power, decreased Weight. Adjusted hitbox so that an enemy staggered by the projectile impact will not be released from hit stun by the follow-up explosion GRENADE LAUNCHER “DF-GR-07 GOU-CHEN” : decreased Weight / EN LOAD GRENADE LAUNCHER “DIZZY” : decreased Weight / EN LOAD. Reduced range of projectile before it explodes GRENADE LAUNCHER “IRIDIUM” : increased Projectile Speed STUN BOMB LAUNCHER “WS-1200 THERAPIST” : increased Attack Power, decreased Reload Time. Increased Projectile Speed for regular fire LASER HANDGUN “VP-66LH” : increased Chg. Attack Power, decreased Charge Time. Reduced interval before being able to attack again after a charge attack. Reduced interval before charge gauge begins to empty after cancelling charge. Increased speed at which charge gauge empties MULTI ENERGY RIFLE “44-142 KRSV” : Adjusted knockback distance of staggered enemies, so consecutive attacks are easier to land. Adjusted hitbox so that an enemy staggered by the plasma impact will not be released from hit stun by the follow-up plasma explosion MISSILE LAUNCHER “HML-G2/P19MLT-04” : decreased Accumulative Impact, increased Reload Time PULSE MISSILE LAUNCHER “PFAU/66D” : increased Charge Time / Reload Time STUN NEEDLE LAUNCHER “VE-60SNA” : increased Attack Power LASER CANNON “VE-60LCB” : decreased Rapid Fire. Reduced hitbox size of charge attack DIFFUSE LASER CANNON “VP-60LCD” : increased Chg. Attack Power. Reduced scattering range to make multiple laser hits easier DETONATING MISSILE LAUNCHER “45-091 JVLN BETA” : decreased Blast Radius. Each missile fired now follows the same guidance angle LASER ORBIT “45-091 ORBT” : increased Attack Power / Cooling / Projectile Speed. Reduced interval before cooling begins, except when overheating Frame Parts BIPEDAL “AL-J-121 BASHO” : increased AP / Jump Height, decreased Weight BIPEDAL “LG-011 MELANDER” : increased AP / Jump Height, decreased Weight BIPEDAL “LG-012 MELANDER C3” : increased AP / Jump Height, decreased Weight BIPEDAL “DF-LG-08 TIAN-QIANG” : increased Weight BIPEDAL “VP-422” :...Starfield получила платиновый статус в итогах Steam за 2023 год - игра Bethesda стала одним из лидеров продажDec 29, 2023 - Gamemag.ruКомпания Valve опубликовала топ лучшего в Steam за 2023 год, в котором собраны самые продаваемые игры на платформы, а также тайтлы, в которые пользователи больше всего играли на PC, Steam Deck, в VR и с контроллерами. Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon сделали легче с помощью модаDec 28, 2023 - Gamemag.ruЭнтузиаст под ником DeadLock выпустил модификацию Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon, значительно упрощающую прохождение. Набор файлов с говорящим названием Ultimate Easy Mode снижает сложность хардкорного боевика, делая его доступным большему числу игроков. Patch Notes Version 1.05Dec 19, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsARMORED CORE™ VI FIRES OF RUBICON™ update 1.05 is now available. A new patch (1.05) has been distributed to adjust game balance and and apply bug fixes. Please apply the latest patch before playing the game. MAJOR ITEMS INCLUDED IN THE LATEST UPDATE Additional Features “Ranked Match” and “Name Plate” features added to “NEST” menu Added HUD elements for switching weapons with the Weapon Bay New HEAD, CORE, ARMS and LEGS frame parts, as well as 4 new weapons *Note: new parts unlock at the SHOP according to MISSION progress Ranked Match In Ranked Match, automatic matchmaking is used to allow players of similar ability to compete against one another. Ranking System Ranks are divided into UNRANKED, D, C, B, A and S. Players can aim for promotion to the next rank by earning RP (Rank Points). Once players reach S-Rank, they receive a rating based on their ability. The top 100 rated S-Rank players will have this distinction displayed on their rank icon. Rules Ranked Matches employ Single (1v1) and Team (3v3) rulesets. RP is earned through victories in Single matches, while in Team matches RP is earned through both victories and individual contribution. The time limit is 2 minutes for Single matches and 3 minutes for Team matches. Maps are selected at random for each match. Promotion Once a player has earned the required RP for their current rank, they will enter a “Promotion Phase”. During Promotion Phase, players will have a set number of matches to achieve good results and become eligible for promotion to the next rank. Leaderboards The top 100 rated Rank-S players will be posted to the leaderboards. Information about each player such as their rating, name plate and AC configuration can be confirmed from the leaderboards. Rank and Leaderboard Reset Player ranks and leaderboards will be reset periodically. Upon rank reset, players half-way up B-Rank and above will be relegated one rank according to their current rank and RP. *Note: the next reset is scheduled for 29th February (Wed) 2024. Name Plates and NP (Nest Points) Some Name Plates are acquired by achieving good results in Ranked Matches, while others can be bought rom the Plate Shop. Name Plates at the Plate Shop are purchased using NP (Nest Points) earned from Ranked Matches. Balance Adjustments Weapon Units ASSAULT RIFLE “RF-024 TURNER”: increased Accumulative Impact / Ideal Range / Effective Range, decreased Recoil. Reduced sway caused by accumulated Recoil ASSAULT RIFLE “RF-025 SCUDDER”: increased Accumulative Impact / Ideal Range / Effective Range, decreased Recoil. Reduced sway caused by accumulated Recoil BURST ASSAULT RIFLE “MA-J-201 RANSETSU-AR”: increased Accumulative Impact / Ideal Range / Effective Range. Reduced sway caused by accumulated Recoil MACHINE GUN “MG-014 LUDLOW”: increased Ideal Range / Effective Range. Reduced sway caused by accumulated Recoil MACHINE GUN “DF-MG-02 CHANG-CHEN”: increased Ideal Range / Effective Range. Reduced sway caused by accumulated Recoil BURST MACHIN...Завтра в Armored Core VI: Fires of the Rubicon появится рейтинговый PvP-режимDec 18, 2023 - Gamemag.ruFromSoftware сообщила, что завтра, 19 декабря, Armored Core VI: Fires of the Rubicon (наш обзор) получит крупное обновление, которое, среди прочего, добавит рейтинговый подбор игроков. ARMORED CORE™ VI FIRES OF RUBICON™ - Ranked Matchmaking Update TrailerDec 18, 2023 - Community AnnouncementsDominate in ranked online matchmaking and ascend the leaderboard in ARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICON! Patch 1.05 releases 12/19 — Get ready, Ravens. Battle other players in ranked online matchmaking Carve your name into the ranked leaderboard Enhance your AC loadout with new parts Take the fight to new places with new PVP maps Personalize your nameplate to make your mark on the battlefield Pilot your mech in fast-paced, omni-directional battles, taking advantage of your mech’s mobility both on land and in the air to ensure victory across massive stages. Explore a breadth of playstyles and combat styles by customizing your mech’s buildout between missions. Pick and equip your preferred parts via a robust customization system that can dramatically alter your play strategy, maneuverability, and battle style. Deploy a wide variety of offensive and defensive tactics at close and long range to take down powerful enemy bosses.Ворон против металлолома: Обзор Armored Core VI: Fires of RubiconDec 12, 2023 - Gamemag.ruНевероятный успех Dark Souls и прошлогодней Elden Ring позволили артели имени Хидетаки Миядзаки вернуться к своему главному хобби – разработке нишевых игр про сражения гигантских боевых роботов из серии Armored Core. Однако в этот раз FromSoftware попыталась переосмыслить свое наследие, заодно пойдя навстречу казуальной аудитории.